Thursday, April 15, 2010

Makin Time

Buster drove up in hisn Ford and said, "git on in, we're takin a trip"! Jessie tole Buster he couldn't jes up an leave cause he had sum thangs that needed doin. Buster said "yep, yore a goin!" Ms. Sarah, Jessie's ma, brung out hisn bag an suitcase an kissed Jessie on tha cheek an said she an hisn pa would see em thay got back. Buster opened tha door fer Jessie an then went round ta hisn side an got in an fired up tha ole Ford. Jessie said now don't this beat all! I had a date tonight with Denise. Buster said thay'd stop on tha way an tell her that sumthin dun cum up an he would see her when he got back. Heck fire Capt'n, y'all ain't a doin nuthin no how so yore a gonna go with me. Now ain't we got enuf a money ta take care of a hired hand fer chores by now? Tha Capt'n tole Buster that thay had moren he knowed but that didn't make no never mind. Buster allowed it did an thay was a goin. Thay both needed a break an a spend sum time tagather jes havin sum fun. Buster drove on over ta Little Rock an stopped fer dinner at Crazy Mike's fer a bit fore thay left on out on thar trip. Mike had tha best danged catfish, burgers an side dishes ta go with em in that part of tha cuntry. He had sum new fangled machine that hisn pa invented that made hisn fish an meat taste so good that when ya put a liplock on a bite yore tongue thought it dun died an went ta Heaven. After dinner, Buster drove over ta tha Central Flying Service an thar sit Howard in a new twin engine Beechcraft. Buster an Howard dun bought em a new plane an Tha Capt'n didn't know a thang bout it. Buster tole tha Capt'n thay had a little less in tha bank now but figured he could make it up real soon. Buster stowed thar bags an Howard cranked up "Belle's" sister "Queen". Howard tole em thay had ta make a lil detour fore thay left on out on tha trip. Howard sashayed Queen round bout Anglan an headed towards Oklahoma. Over at Sallisaw, Howard put Queen down on a grass strip an Walter was a sittin astraddle that gray of hisn. He had ben doin sum custom work fer a feller over thar with hisn pa an brung Smokey with him. Dubs was a gonna take Smokey on back with him ta tha farm when he left out tha next day as Walter was gonna be gone with tha boys. Now Tha Capt'n said now ain't this a surprise. Buster tole Tha Capt'n that hisn mind had ben a hurtin him fer spell now he needed sum relief. Buster said thay was a gonna stop real quick fer a nibble or two on a rib up tha road at Wild Horse Barbeque fore thay left out agin. Ole Herman shor dun ribs rite an hisn beans jes couldn't be beat.
Buster took over tha flyin when thay left an tha boys was all real comfortable in tha Queen. She held six plus baggage an Buster an Howard had her pepped up a bit with sum special accessories too. Courtesy of Mr. Holmes an Dalton an Devane. Uncle Jeff oversaw tha outfittin an the Queen shor was purty an sit real well. Buster set tha Queen down in Weatherford, Oklahoma an tole Tha Capt'n he was a gonna visit hisn Uncle Cecil an Aunt Liz. Nun of em ha seen em since goin ta Cayenne an it was bout time. Thay weren't no spring chickens ya know. Thay all had a rite nice visit fer a coupla hours an then thay was off agin. Next off Buster landed in a pasture next ta Walter's brother Mike's house place at hisn ranch. Now Tha Capt'n ain't rode no horse since he was a tow haided type an he's ben a hankerin ta do that fer quite a spell.
Buster tole tha Capt'n it was no time like tha present. Mike met em in hisn pickup an thay all rode on back ta tha barn whar Mike saddled up a real gentle, sure footed mare for Tha Capt'n.
Mike explained ta Jessie what all he had ta do in ridin tha brakes whar thay was agoin. Mike called Tha Capt'n Jessie cause he didn't know nuthin bout how he cum bout his new moniker. Buster was so danged big he didn't have no horse that would carry him comfortable like so he stayed behind an checked over tha plane, read hisn book he always carried with him an took a nap. Walter had a gray ta ride so he was rite happy like a pig in slop. Thay all took out an cum back in tha late evenin. Tha Capt'n was a grinnin frum ear ta ear even though his laigs and behind was a mite sore. He tole Buster thay had ta git sum horses fer shor cause it was so much fun. Tha boys all said thanks fer tha trail ride an hospitality an would see Mike soon. Mike tole Walter ta have tha folks call ta catch up on family an was a wonderin bout tha gals an all tha courtin goin on with Jerry an Pam an Karen Jeanene an Larry Brown. Mike tole Walter she had hair parlor school ta finish fore she married up an that boy needed settlin sum fore he tok off hisn sister.

Howard flew tha boys ta Bethany, Missouri ta tha Toot Toot Restaurant on tha Iowa Missouri line. Buster had eat thar many a time an said thay had tha best fried chicken outside of hisn grandma's that he ever ate. All kinds of fresh vegetables an desserts galore. Tha boys ate thar fill an got a room fer tha nite. Thay all agreed that tha fried chicken was shor nuf good as Buster's grandma's chicken an thay would shorely cum back. That chicken was worth tha trip. Buster tole em I tole ya so. Tha next mornin Tha Capt'n said he reckoned thay was ready ta head fer home. Buster piped up an tole Jessie, "not on yore life'! Heck, thay was jes gittin started! Howard took em back ta tha Kearney, Missouri airport an tha boys got a car an went to tha farm of Jesse an Frank James. Buster knowed how much Tha Capt'n an Walter loved ta gom round an piddle an hunker down fer a looksee in ever nook an cranny so Buster let em be fer a spell ta wander tha farm. Everbody ritely enjoyed seein tha James place an then thay went on back ta Liberty an ate at tha Hardware Café fer sum down home cookin. Buster flew while Howard took a lil snooze with Walter an tha Capt'n. Buster made up a list of all tha famous people that cum frum Iowa an was lettin tha Capt'n an Walter pick whar thay wanted ta go. Buster knowed thay had 8 weeks ta fool round so thar wadn't no hurry an thay had lots of fish ta fry as thay say; that is folks ta see an places ta go. Buster landed at tha West Des Moines airport an got a car fer em ta ride in an headed ta see the last of the 6 remaining of the original 19 covered Bridges of Madison County. Tha tour was jes 15 minutes frum I-35 so thar was time ta fer other sightseein fore dark. Whilst thay was a drivin, Buster give tha list ta Tha Capt'n ta look over with Walter an Howard. Tha famous people listed were:
Adrian Constantine (Cap) Anson (1851 - 1922) Known as the greatest baseball player of the 19th century; born in Marshalltown.
Amelia Jenks Bloomer (1818 - 1894) She headed the Iowa woman Suffrage Association and made popular loose fitting pants called �bloomers�; lived in Council Bluffs.
Johnny Carson (1925 - 2005) Comedian that hosted The Tonight Show for 30 years; born in Corning.
Carrie Chapman Catt (1859 - 1947) She led the campaign that ended with the 19th Amendment to the Constitution allowing women to vote; lived in Charles City.
William "Buffalo Bill" Cody (1846 - 1917) Pony Express rider, cavalry scout, buffalo hunter, and showman in the late 1800s; born in LeClaire.
Bob Feller (1918- ) Baseball player. A member of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Many consider him to be the premier right-handed pitcher in baseball history.; born in Van Meter.
Dan Gable (1948- ) Wrestler/Coach. Won a gold medal at the 1972 Summer Olympics without surrendering a point. Two-time Olympic head coach (1980 and 1984). As a coach at Iowa, he won 15 NCAA team titles in 22 years and 22 straight Big Ten Conference titles; born in Waterloo.
Frank Gotch (1878-1917) World heavyweight wrestling champion from 1908 to 1915, the best known athlete of his era; born and raised in Humboldt.
Fred Grandy (1948 - ) Actor made famous in the Love Boat and politician; born in Sioux City.
Herbert Hoover (1874 - 1964) The 31st President of the United States; born in West Branch.
Fred Maytag (1857 - 1937) Founder of the Maytag Company; lived in Newton.
Glenn Miller (1904 - 1944) Bandleader and Composer of many famous songs including �In the Mood,� and �Moonlight Serenade;� born in Clarinda.
Henry Wallace (1888 - 1965) Vice President of the United States and secretary of agriculture during the depression; born near Orient.
Meredith Willson (1902 - 1984) Writer of the famous Broadway musical The Music Man; born in Mason City.
John Wayne (1907 - 1979) Actor who became famous for his hero image in western and war movies; born in Winterset.
Grant Wood (1892 - 1942) Artist. Painted his most famous painting "American Gothic" in 1930; born in Anamoso.
Bess Streeter Aldrich author, Cedar Falls
Bix Beiderbecke jazz musician, Davenport
Norman Borlaug plant pathologist, geneticist, Cresco
Donald L. Campbell inventor, Clinton
Wallace Hume Carothers inventor, Burlington
Gardner Cowles Jr. publisher, Algona
Lee DeForest inventor, Council Bluffs
Simon Estes bass-baritone, Centerville
William Frawley actor, Burlington
George H. Gallup poll taker, Jefferson
Susan Glaspell writer, Davenport
Ann Landers columnist, Sioux City
· Cloris Leachman actress
, Des Moines
William D. Leahy fleet admiral, Hampton
John L. Lewis labor leader, Lucas
Glenn L. Martin aviator, manufacturer, Macksburg
Elsa Maxwell writer, Keokuk
Glenn Miller bandleader, Clarinda
Harriet Nelson actress, Des Moines
Nathan M. Pusey educator, Council Bluffs
David Rabe playwright, Dubuque
Harry Reasoner TV commentator, Dakota City
Donna Reed actress, Denison
Lillian Russell soprano, Clinton
Wallace Stegner author, critic, Lake Mills
Billy Sunday evangelist, Ames
James A. Van Allen space physicist, Mount Pleasant
Abigail Van Buren columnist, Sioux City
Andy Williams singer, Wall Lake

Tha boys decided ta go on ta John Wayne's birthplace jes ta take a look round. When thay got thar a lady was in tha house tidyin up a bit an lookin over sum papers. Tha Capt'n walked over an begin ta speakin ta her an she jes smiled so big a smile at Tha Capt'n. She asked him ifn she could help him an he said thay was jes thar fer a visit. Boy howdy, them pheromones of Jessie's was kickin up a storm cause that thar lady shor made eyes at Tha Capt'n. Walter hollered over an said, "Capt'n are we goin ta lite fer a spell cause ifn we are I am gonna look round fer a bit?" Tha lady looked at Tha Capt'n in bewilderment an he had ta explain that tha boys jes called him Capt'n but hisn name was Jessie, Jessie McBrayer. She said her name was Aissa Wayne an that John Wayne was her daddy. After bein interduced to tha boys an visitin fer a spell, she invited em ta stay fer a concert ta remember her daddy an she was goin ta give a talk. Thar would be refreshments after tha show an thay was welcome. Tha boys jes couldn't turn down tha invite an it wadn't that far back ta tha plane but thay figured thay would jes spend tha nite an head on out tha next mornin. It was a fine talk bout her daddy an tha singin was real good too. After the concert thay all sit round an talked over sum punch an cookies an sum lil sandwiches thay had but thay didn't quite fill up Buster though. Walter asked her after most all tha folks left on out ifn she like ta have a lil snort of Jessie's folks Old McBrayer. She said shor nuf an Walter got sum outa Howard's bag he always brung with him. Well, thay all got ta talkin bout sum of tha thangs thay dun an Aissa thought it was all so excitin, specially how Jessie got ta be called tha Capt'n. She also said that "Mother Nature's Gift of Youth was tha finest face crème ever made an was rite impressed that Jessie cum up with tha idee. Tha Capt'n said nun of it could of ben dun without all of em pitchin in ta make it so. It cum up on tha witchin hour an Aissa an her travelin companion was fixin ta git ready fer bed. Aissa asked ifn all tha boys would like ta stay tha nite an have breakfast with her tha next mornin fore thay all left. That was another invite thay had ta take. After breakfast, all of em headed fer tha sirport an when thay got thar, Buster asked ifn Aissa had anythin ta do fer a few days. Aissa said she didn't an thar wadn't nuthin much waitin fer ta do back in Hollywood, she was a actress an a lawyer but didn't have nuthin on her plate rite then. So tha boys took Aissa an Ms. Grace with em. After tha take off, Buster finally tole em whar thay was a goin, ta McBrayer Springs. Thay was gonna visit Aunt Judith an Elizabeth an tha Ladies at tha mansion. It was bout time fer them ta do that an now was as good a time as any. Thay would be thsr in bout 3 hours an would refuel an eat a bite fer dinner at Indianapolis, Indiana. Then be inta Mt. Sterling in time fer supper. Howard called up Aunt Judith an tole her thay was a cummin an bringin guests an ta make up tha rooms. She said thay jes couldn't wait fer em ta git thar an Elizabeth had lots ta tell them bout Europe. After a quick sandwich an fuelin up tha Queen, Howard took over tha flyin an Buster took ta tellin all manner of tales ta tha two ladies. Aissa an Ms. Grace was jes full of questions an cum ta find out she knowed Mr. Factor an Nancy as well. She said she jes loved that Nancy ta death caused she was the best in tha business an tha sweetest. She was in high demand fer shor in tha movie make up bizness.
That brought on tha story of Denver an Leonard an by tha time of all of Buster's tall tale tellin with Walter makin is even worse, thay was ready ta land in Mt. Sterling. Elizabeth was thar in tha van ta take em on back ta McBrayer Springs.

After all tha interducin was over thay all got down ta supper. Now tha Ladies was rite taken with Aissa bein John Wayne's daughter an all since he played in movies with Maureen O'Hara. All bout tha Irish ya know. Everbody in tha household sit down ta supper an visited over a long an leisurely meal ya couldn't buy fer no mount of money. In tha parlor over a snifter of Old McBrayer, Aunt Judith tole Aissa an Ms. Grace of tha story of how thay all met an all tha thangs that dun happened ta em. Course she had ta leave out a lot bout Mr. Holmes an Dalton an Devane but got in tha main parts an bout tha McBrayers an Tiptons bein kin an all. Well, ta say tha least, all them women hit it off rite frum tha start. Thay would be frends till thay passed ta tha other side with Jesus an then sum. In tha future, all them women would be at birthin, baptizin, marryin an dyin. Them women was plum bonded. Goes without sayin tha boys an tha folks was bonded like glue too along with Mr. Holmes an Dalton an Devane. All of tha folks had a history now an would always be thar fer one nother. Tha bunch of em stayed on fer 3 more days an then headed on out. Tha boys was gonna decide which ones of tha bunch was a gonna cum back an help out an stay fer a spell with Aunt Judith an Elizabeth. Thar was sum thangs that Jessie an Buster had ta discuss as well as Howard an Walter. All that would cum up ta be cyphered over a lil later.

It was a Thursday an it was a fine day fer flyin. Tha van was loaded up an ready ta take tha boys an Aissa an Ms. Grace back ta tha airport. Now ever one of them women turned on tha waterworks an was a huggin an a wipin thar eyes. Aunt Judith jes wadn't agonna let go of Jessie an Buster an she made Walter hold still fer hisn huiggin an a kssin with him a squirmin. Howard only got a lil red faced in them cheeks of hisn an jes grinned like a possum eatin green persimmons. Thay all promised ta write an call an be back soon. Aissa invited Aunt Judith an Elizabeth an tha Ladies out ta her place in Hollywood an also ta tha ranch in Arizona an ifn when thay had tha time ta stay a few days on tha Wild Goose. That was Aissa's daddy's boat.

Howard took on off an flew back ta Hollywood an left off Aissa an Ms. Grace. Thay all said thay couldn't stay but would visit agin soon an keep in touch. Aissa said she would give thar regards ta Nancy an Mr. Factor too. Buster flew fer a spell towards tha North. Now jes whar in tha dickens was he a takin em all now, was tha question. Buster said 2 words, Jim Rodgers. Now all tha boys said in unison, HELL YES!

Buster set tha Queen down at tha airport thar in Sandpoint an rented a truck fer em ta go up ta tha mountain. Buster dun tha drivin an thay was thar in bout an hour. At tha base of tha mountain an near tha entrance ta tha cave stood Jim an tha Wolf a waitin fer em. Said he seed em a cummin an was rite proud ta see em. He was a wonderin when thay would be back an was a hopin it was real soon. Thay all went in ta tha cave an got all settled an Tha Capt'n broke out a bottle of Old McBrayer fer Jim an them ta have a lil taste whilst thay was a visitin. Jessie had ta tell Jim why thay was a callin him tha Capt'n all tha time now an that took a bit an Jim said he reckoned it would be jes Jessie ifn that was allrite. Thay all laughed at that an Jessie tole Jim thay brought him a case of Old McBrayer; it was in tha truck.
Buster had put 10 cases in tha plane fore thay left an knowed thar was plenty whar that cum frum. Jim said he shor nuf was glad ta git it cause it took tha chill off in them cold evenins. Tha Wolf dun found hisself a gal an Jim tole em all ta foller him. Down by tha openin in tha roof an back inta tha mountain was a lair an a she wolf with 6 pups. Jim said ta hold back an him an tha Wolf went up ta tha mama an tha pups. She let Jim pick up a coupla of em after she sniffed him rite smart. Thay was cute as can be an Jim said he named 4 of tha pups after tha boys. Tha other two he called Pete an Repete cause thar markins was jes tha same like identical twins. When ya got ta lookin ya could tell why he named each one after tha boys. The biggest one was Buster, tha lil one, Jessie, tha one a wanderin everwhar was Walter an tha one sniffin after ever bug an critter round was Howard. Whar Pete went, Repete went too. Tha boys all took ta that I tell ya an tole Jim thay was kinda choked up bout all that.

Tha boys decided ta stay a few days with Jim an see ta any needs he had an jes spend sum time with him. He said he was studyin on what ta do with sum of tha gold he had an wanted tha boys ta take sum back with em an do sum good with it. Tha boys all said how much thay preciated what he dun fer em an that thay had made a bit of money an took care of thar families an future an took ta donatin ta various charities. Most folks didn't know thay dun that an thay never talked bout it too much ceptin ta each other or thar folks but thay would be rite glad ta do what Jim wanted em ta do. First off Jim wanted em ta find out ifn him or hisn old pardner had any kin that needed help. He knowed hisn pardner shouldn't a dun what he dun but in times like these folks needed a helpin hand sumtime. After that he wanted ta set up a Indian Healin Center that was fer free ta everbody that wanted natural healing like he dun. Tha Indians shor nuf helped him out over tha years an he wanted ta give back sum ta em. Then, he wanted ta do fer tha Lord with what he was blessed with. He chose ta live like he dun an knowed tha good Lord sent him tha boys that he felt like was hisn own. Real frends; tha kind that was always a givin an stood by a feller. Last but not least, Jim had sum real news. He dun met up with a woman. She was a wanderin in tha mountains checkin up on tha critters an what all was a growin in tha forests when a Puma attacked her. It jes so happened that him an tha Wolf was close by an heared her a hollerin. She had managed ta back up agin a good sized tree an was a holdin tha cat off with a staff she had with her fer walkin. She was scratched up a mite an bleedin an when Jim an Wolf got thar she was bout played out. Wolf run off tha cat an she fell out ta tha ground. Jim carried her back ta tha cave an doctored her up an then took her back down tha mountain ta her truck. He drove her inta town ta a doctor an waited till she cum thru allrite an then he left on out back ta tha mountain. Bout 2 weeks later tha woman cum back ta whar she was attacked an was a lookin fer tha man tha had helped her. She hollered fer Jim an looked fer bout a week fer him. She made a camp rite thar an whilst she was thar went bout her studyin on tha plants an animals. She was a writin an takin notes an pictures as well. Jim said he watched all this fer several days an jes didn't ritely know why but went down tha mountain an went up ta tha woman an said it was him she was a lookin fer. Thay begin ta talkin an he jes didn't want ta cum out an tell her bout hisn cave an gold an all an she didn't ask too many questions neither. She jes wanted ta thank him fer savin her an git any information bout tha area cause she was a conservationist an consulted with tha government an taught at Boise State University. She had degrees in Botany an Zoology an was a Phd. That all went rite over Jim's haid but he got tha drift. Mining was real big now fer gold especially an other minerals an coal. This forest was protected an companies wanted ta cum in an mine an put in roads. She felt like it would devastate tha forest an it would never would recover. So, she was thar ta make sure that didn't happen.
She had time off ta do her study of tha area an document tha impact on tha natural resources of tha mountains an forests. She was also vistin tha local Indian tribes in tha area ta git thar views bout it all an see ifn thar representatives were fer lettin tha big companies in or not. Course tha Indians didn't want nobody in thar neither but sum of tha younger ones jes wanted money no matter how thay got it. One thang was that tha government was gonna sell off a portion of tha land an part of that was Jim's mountain. Jim wanted tha boys ta see to it that it got bought by him an see ifn thay knowed sumbody ta help him in politics. Jim said tha woman's name was Marian Anderson an she was a frend an colleague of Mollie Beattie (1947 – 1996) Forester, Conservationist and Government Official Vermont. Mollie Beattie was the first woman to head the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, which enforces wildlife laws and administers the Endangered Species Act. Beattie oversaw the successful reintroduction of the gray wolf into northern Rocky Mountains. To recognize her extraordinary work in the field of conservation, Congress named a wilderness area in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in her honor. Marian had her own credentials but shunned tha limelite, so ta speak. She was rite purty an didn't use a lot of war paint as Jim put it. She had folks she said but never found tha rite man an stayed by herself mostly an cause of her work didn't have a lot of time fer courtin. She was rite at home in tha woods an preferred that as ta city life. She said she was gonna semi retire an find a place whar she could work an be left alone but was able ta do what she needed ta do in tha world as well. She was a tryin she said but tha demands were great an tha work was never dun. Jim said after a time thay finally cum ta find out that thay had become fast frends. Jim tole her sum bout hisself he said but jes didn't want ta git inta everthang. Jim liked her rite smart an cottoned ta her ways an plus tha Wolf liked her OK. He said it wadn't like with tha boys but jes was different. He wondered ifn thay could all sit down an eat sum supper when she cum by one evenin. She was off inta her place in town an would be back in a day or two. All tha boys said thay would hang round a bit cause thay wanted sum fishin an swimmin an jes relaxin like a pig layin in tha sunshine.

In two days time Marian Anderson cum back ta tha mountain an tha boys got ta meet her an was shor nuf took ta tha lady. She was a awful purty lady an she shor had a effect on ole Jim. He cleaned up an shaved an put on hisn good buckskins tha Indians made fer him. He even spit shined hisn boots, bear grease an all! He dun give Wolf a bath too with sum shampoo Buster had with him an Wolf smelled rite good too. Howard let Jim know that tha shampoo was organic so as not ta hurt Wolf's natural oils in hisn coat an ta not never use nuthin else or it mite hurt him in tha long run. Wolf kinda took ta that bathin an liked bein scrubbed on an tha warm water Jim heated up fer his washin. Mama wolf let tha boys cum close but wadn't gonna, leave them pups fer a while so Jim an tha boys kept food close by fer her as she was a still nursin tha pups. It wadn't gonna be long though fore way was all up an about. Marian vistied with tha boys an Jim fer 3 days an then she had to go back ta tha school an write up a report fer tha government. She said she knowed what could be dun bout buyin tha land an what tha government wanted fer it an thar would be sealed bids took on it. She also knowed of mining companies that was gonna pay a purty penny fer tha land in thar bid ta git it. Jessie asked bout what it would take ta buy tha land an she said that one of tha mining companies was offerin up ta 150 million dollars accordin ta one of tha secretaries that worked fer em. When Marian left, tha boys all got tagather an hashed out what had ta be dun ta save tha mountain. It was money, pure an simple. Jim took em back ta whar he stashed hisn gold an boy did he have a pile of it. It was in raw form an in sand cast bars as Jim dun it all hisself.
Thar was a stack of them bars 6 foot tall an 20 foot long in one of tha tunnels. Each one of them bars weighed bout 5 pounds. Jim had them bars hemmed up like cord wood but on a smaller scale since them bars weren't very big. Thar jes wadn't no tellin how many thar was nor how much thay was worth. Plus, he had nuggets an ore too. Man o man it was eye poppin!

Jessie figured each bar at a conservative 90 percent pure gold an each bar weighin in bout 5 pounds, so that meant that thar was bout 72 ounces of gold per bar. With current gold prices of bout a $1000 per ounce it would take bout 2800 bars. Jim asked tha boys ifn thay could git a trailer an haul it off ta sell ta buy tha land an ifn anythang was left over ta donate it ta tha thangs thay talked bout. Them 3000 bars hardly made a dent in tha stack Jim had an he said he most generally added ta it ever week, dependin on tha vein an what all he got out of the stream in tha cave.

That evenin tha boys made up ta leavein an takin care of Jim's bizness an would call Marian an ask her whar ta submit Jim's bid. Jessie tole Jim he would git Mr. Greene ta help him with all tha legal details an would pay him outa what was left over. Jim said he wanted a will ta read that tha boys an Marian owned tha mountain jointly ifn anythang ever happened ta him. Tha gold would be thars as he said it would an ta jes take enuf of it fer tha few thangs he wanted dun. But tha most important thang was bout tellin Marian bout all of his bizness an with hisn haid hung down low bout askin her ta marry up with him. Jim said he wanted everthang ta be out front an he wadn't gonna move inta no town an he shor didn't want anybody else ta know whar he was an what all he had.

All tha boys said thay understood hisn concerns an ifn he didn't mind, thay would have a heart ta heart talk with Marian an would give him thar feel fer thangs. But, thay wanted Jim ta know that thay supported him in whatever he wanted ta do. Up front, said Buster, it looked like a match made in Heaven. Ole Walter didn't say much bout love an romance an sich but he tole Jim that a man ort ta have a woman. That's how God made us an Howard said jes look at Wolf an he didn't like much of nuthin nor nobody! Jessie tole Jim them pheromones of hisn musta ben rubbin off on Jim tha way Marian looked at him all starry eyed an all. But, time would tell, it has only ben bout a year since Jim met Marian.

Tha boys loaded up went ta town got a trailer that was enclosed an Jessie called Mr. Greene an made all tha arrangements fer tha bid an donations ta tha charities. Heck thar was gonna be bout 20 million or so left over after buyin tha property. Jessie an Mr. Greene talked sum an Jessie tole tha boys that thay ort ta buy a bank an make it private. A safekeepin place fer tha gold an have thar own credit cards an back everthang with gold which no other bank was a doin rite now.

Buster tole Marian that thay was gonna stop by an see her fer a lil chat ifn she had time an why didn't thay have supper ifn she was gonna be in Sandpoint tamorry. thay would be glad ta pick her up but she had left her truck at tha sirport an would meet em at tha Lighthouse Restaurant fer supper at 7pm. Jessie specially liked thar salad dressin an Buster an Walter an Howard could see wheels a turnin in hisn haid bout that dressin.

When thay all met up tha next evenin, Marian tole tha boys her feelins fer Jim. She jes had never met no man like him before.
She had a serious hankerin ta be with that man but she had another life other than in jes tha mountains. She felt that she had a duty ta perform but could make it all work out. Well, Howard an Walter expressed thar opinions real plain an said thay didn't want Jim hurt nun but figured thay ort ta have a honest talk bout thar future. Tha boys was a gonna leave but would stay over fer nother day or so ifn she wanted em ta be thar. Thay would be glad ta git thangs started in discussin matters an then leave em alone ta work out what thay needed ta.

Well, thay all headed on back ta tha campsite an Jim an Wolf cum down frum tha mountain. He said he found tha Puma an it was a she cat with cubs an tha's why she was so onery. Tha boys said thay had sum bizness ta talk bout an Jim said ta git on ta it. This here talk was ta be upfront an take it ta tha couch as Buster's grandpa Gus always says. It was all gonna be over an dun with when thay got up frum thar talk. First off, Jessie give a report on tha bid fer tha land an what all Mr. Greene had dun. Marian's jaw dropped plum ta tha ground when she heared Jim put up 200 million dollars fer tha mountain. She asked him whar in tha world he got that kind of money. Fore he could speak up, Walter said thay would discuss that in a minute or two. Jim looked at Walter with a grateful eye. He was kinda tongue tied this evenin. First thang was talked bout was Marian's solemn word never ta tell anybody what was gonna be tole her tanite. She allowed she wadn't never tell nobody nuthin, ever! Howard was a pettin Wolf an he tole Marian that she wanted ta know whar in tha mountains Wolf was a stayin. Course Jim would be thar too. Then Howard asked Jim ifn he wanted ta tell her an he said he reckoned so. So Jim tole her bout tha secret entrance an all bout how it cum bout. He said thay would go thar after a bit. Buster took tha floor an tole Jim an Marian thay needed ta work out a few thangs an tha boys was a gonna head on ta tha cave. Howard called fer Wolf an thay all left. Jim sputtered a bit then tole Marian how he felt an but he wadn't gonna leave tha mountain. She tole Jim she loved him an what all she wanted ta do with her life. After all tha personal stuff was said an dun with, Jim took her hand an helped her up an kissed her real sweet like an then with fire in hisn soul. Buster knowed all that cause he was a peepin. Well, thay all met up in tha cave an Walter poured em all a lil snort of Old McBrayer. Jim said ifn he got tha bid on tha mountain that it would be in thar names equal like ifn sumthin happened ta him an that he could make tha cave a lots nicer ifn she wanted ta stay here with him. Then he took her back ta whar tha gold bars was. She liked ta have plum fell out rite thar. She shor nuf needed a snort bout then I tell ya. Then tha story begin ta be tole. It was gittin on towards midnite an everbody was still a goin strong. A coupla of tha pups was asleep in Howard's lap with mama wolf layin on one side an Wolf on tha other whilst Pete an Repete was a gitin inta everthang. Tha other 2 pups was still in thar bed asleep like thay posed ta be.

After all tha stories was tole an Marian was satisfied with all her questions answered, Jim up an asked ifn Marian would marry up with him. She shor nuf said "YES" an then plans was made rite then an thar. Marian said ta make tha weddin simple an thay would fix up a place in tha meadow below a waterfall she knowed bout an would git a preacher ta cum out an do tha ceremony. It would be short notice an not more than a handful of her friends an folks would come. Tha boys would be thar, of course. Marian fixed it up so tha weddin would be on tha cummin Saturday afternoon an then thay would all head back ta tha Lighthouse fer a early supper. Tha boys would stay over in Sandpoint an Jim an Marian was gonna stay tha nite at a beautiful bed an breakfast on tha lake. Tha next day, bein Sunday an all, tha boys an Jim an Marian met up at tha lil Christain Church thar in town fer services.
After church thay all had a fine dinner an everbody said thar goodbyes an tha boys went on ta tha airport ta fly on out. Jim an Marian visited a lil with her folks an left out ta tha mountain after that. Tha boys was mitey proud that all 4 of em was best men fer Jim an knowed he would be happy. Jim wadn't a gonna have ta leave tha mountain but tha boys jes mite see Jim an Marian on a trip sumtime in tha future an would leave tha lite on fer em. All of em kinda expected a knock on tha door was a cummin. Howard picked a a HAM radio outfit fer em ta have on tha mountain fer a weddin present an left a note signed by all tha boys wishin Jim an Marian all tha happiness in tha world.

After takeoff, Walter decided he wanted ta stop by Crow Creek an see ifn he could find Julian agin. Why not, thay had tha time. Whilst thay was in Vernal, Walter stopped by tha Harley Motorsicle shop. It was on tha way outa town anyway. Fore it was all over an dun with, 4 new motorsicles was bought an Jessie an Buster had em each a trike thay called it an Jessie was jes a beamin like a shiny new penny. Walter got him a big ole touring cruiser an Howard got tha fastest one thay had. Thay made it up with tha owner ta ship tha bikes back home when thay left an then took off ta enjoy tha ride an see tha cuntry. It was a round bout way ta Crow Creek but thay got thar thru tha dinosaur park. Tha boys had packed a lunch an put it all in tha storage compartments on tha 2 trikes of Jessie an Buster an as thay stopped fer lunch at tha BLM gate here cum Julian. Now jes that don't beat all an take tha cake too said Jessie. When Julian cum up ta em, Buster asked him how he knowed thay was alookin fer him. Julian said he would always know when thay wanted him an that was all he had ta say. He tole tha boys ta enjoy this trip cause it would be tha last one fer a purty good spell. He also tole Buster thar was trouble a brewin but ta "Hold Tha Line" an tha rest of tha boys was gonna have ta be thar when evil cum a callin. Julian said he would be thar too with thar frends. Julian suggested ta tha boys ta detour an stop in Savannah too. Thay all knowed what that meant, BIBI. Jessie was tole ta fergit everythang an jes enjoy tha trip an tole Walter an Howard ta go on an marry up with them 2 gals of thars. Them gals was jes rite fer em. Julian said ta cum back fore thay left an tha elders of tha snake lodge wanted em ta purify themselfs fore thay left out. Julian walked on off up tha mountain an said he would know when thay returned. Tha boys all said it all was kinda spooky but liked ole Julian.

Fer tha next few days tha boys rode tha cuntryside on tha motorsicles an had a high ole time. Thay seed all kind of beautiful cuntry an went inta tha surroundin states as well. It was a Friday, bout mid mornin when thay drove up ta tha BLM gate an walked up tha hill ta tha creek. Julian met em thar an took em up tha mountain whar thar was a ice cold pool of water that he said cum frum tha ice cave an tha snake lodge was set up thar too. Tha boys stripped off ta a loin cloth he give each of em an had em foller him in tha lodge. All them same old men was thar but nun of looked at em funny like, like thay dun tha first time thay was thar. Tha drums begin ta beat an tha boys was sit on tha first row agin. Them rattlers appeared out of nowhar an was a slitherin bout all over tha place. But, thay all held tha line an all of a sudden thar Cheyenne Dog Soldier Sashes was in thar laps. Strange doins goin on fer shor said Jessie. Howard was a keepin an eye out fer them snakes an Walter was all google eyed a takin it all in. Then ole George Friebot was sittin thar beside em too. Whar an how he got thar was a pure mystery but tha boys jes sat thar quiet like. Then tha shaman an medicine man cum over an blowed sum smoke on em an tha dancers went inta high gear a dancin. The fire pit roared an steam was made frum pouring water over hot glowing rocks.
Tha boys got so hot an tha air was so close thay all liked ta have passed out. Then George says ta look. A portal opened an a body could see inta an through sumthin like a mirror. Now all tha boys was believers; not only in Jesus but in tha unusual thangs that thay knowed happened ta em but this stuff took tha cake. Sum fellers was a talkin ta George an Julian an thay was respondin but tha boys couldn't hear nun but only could see em. Thay looked like humans but thar was sumthin mitey different bout em too. After all that carryin on tha boys went inta a sort of a dream state. Julian then gathered em up an led em ta tha pool of water an tole em ta dive in. Thay all did. That water was so cold it took a body's breath away. Ya felt like ya was a gonna give up tha ghost when ya hit tha water said Howard. All tha boys agreed ta that fer shor. When thay cum up an waded outa tha pool, tha sun was a shinin brite an it was warm an thay all felt like a million bucks an thar haids seemed like thay was real clear. I reckon each of tha boys had em one of them epiphanies cause thay each seemed ta know thar path in life ta take. Julian said when tha time was rite, thay would be visited by sum frends of hisn an ta go with em. He said not ta ask no questions now or then, jes go. Julian said thay were chosen an he was proud thay cum fer him. He said he couldn't ask em ta cum an that thay had to make tha decision by tharselfs; each one individually. Tha boys was all scratchin thar haids over tha whole thang an tole Walter he dun it an all emof laughed bout that. Fer sum reason Walter knowed thay had to cum back ta Crow Creek; he jes had that feelin he said. Tha boys said that was allrite an ifn it wadn't meant ta be thay wouldn't be here; strange or not. Julian walked on off up tha mountain an before he was out of sight tole em ta tell Leonard his time was cummin real soon an not fight it. Well reckon tha next stop was Denver.

Howard flew inta Denver after tha boys all had thar bikes shipped on home. Thay called up Leonard an Tomasina answered tha phone an was tickled pink that thay was in town. She said ta git on over ta tha house an thay was a gonna eat supper with em an that Leonard would be back soon. Leonard was thar when tha boys got thar an hand shakin an huggin was dun an Tomasina said supper was gonna be in half an hour. Leonard brought out the Old McBrayer an Howard passed on it as he was flyin. Thay couldn't stay cause thay had ta go on ta Savannha. Thay stopped fer jes a bit ta deliver tha message an say howdy whilst thay was in tha neighborhood. All tha boys thanked him fer thar sashes an tole him how much thay meant ta em. Leonard said ta thank Tomasina cause it was her idee. She an sum other Indian women handmade those fer em an was glad ta do it. Thay all sit a spell whilst tha boys tole tha story an give Leonard tha message. Walter tole Leonard ta jes go with tha flow when it all happened. It was shor nuf strange but specially them rattlers was spooky. Tomasina said she knowed exactly what it was all bout an she could not be in tha lodge with tha men as tha women had thar own rites. Thay both said thay preciated thar stoppin by an all tha boys told Tomasina how good tha supper was an tole em ta cum see em sum time. Leonard said by tha way, thar was gonna be a stock split with Microsoft an thay would all make a passle on that. Leonard said thay was doin well an Tomasina had sum more news fer em. She was gonna have a baby. Well, thay all was plum tickled over that an tole em ta let em know what all was happenin an ta keep in touch. Thar was one other thang tha message ta Leonard frum Julian said fore he disappeared. He said "Meturato". Did thay know what that meant? Tomasina an Leonard both looked at each other an smiled. Thay said it meant "Black Kettle" in Cheyenne. Thay was a wonderin ifn ole Black Kettle was tha one ta be on tha lookout fer ta fetch Leonard ta tha lodge or sum other reason; only time would tell.

On that note tha boys left back ta tha airport on tha way ta Savannah.

She was bout back ta her old self but still was a mite fragile an she was almitey proud ta see tha boys, specially Jessie. She tole Jessie she bout had it all put back tagather agin an was feelin fine. She was goin ta Washington ta see Mr. Holmes fer a debriefin of sorts an Dalton an Devane was gonna be thar. Jessie wanted her ta know that he was thar ifn she needed him an not ta relapse or sumthin. Jes don't too much too soon. Them missions was hard on a body an mind an she was always inta sunthin or tha other. Mr. Holmes was a gonna make her take sum time off from tha missions but she jes wadn't gonna listen. Jessie offered ta take off from work an schoolin an jes spend time with her ifn she would too. Thay had money, so thay could travel or do anyhting else thay wanted ta do an jes let time take care of everthang. This was a way ta keep her outa tha line of fire fer a while. But, she said she had ta git on back ta it but would take a month off ifn Jessie wanted ta go sumwhar fer a vacation fer a bit. Jessie said he would like that very much an she jes needed ta tell him when. Bibi said after she cum back frum Washington that she would call an thay could make plans then. That was easy enuf, bout time then pheromones dun sum good Jessie said. After visitin a bit tha boys left on out tha next mornin ta tha sand dunes in Glamis, California. Buster flew em inta Yuma first ta see hisn cousin, an Jessie's, Marvin Tipton. Tha boys went over inta Mexico with Marvin that evenin an bought sum doodads an sum almond flavored tequila fer Buster's cookin an a apertif fer sit down suppers with guests. Ya couldn't buy tha stuff in tha States, so thay stocked up on it fer Buster. Name of it was Orendain's.

Tha next day tha boys went over ta tha Yamaha dealership an bought 4 Yamaha 700 Raptors. Thay got tha paddle wheels too an Buster an Howard changed tha pipes an air boxes an dynoed thar engines. Them scooters would fly, even with Buster on it. Buster took off on hisn an popped a wheelie in all 5 gears. Now Jessie was a mite afeared of tha thang but soon got tha hang of it. He specially liked ridin tha bowls of tha high dunes. Howard took tha lead an Walter tha rear an tha boys rode fer 2 1/2 days an all tha way inta Mexico. Howard got pictures as he always dun an if wadn't fer a stone marker a feller wadn't gonna know he was in tha US or Mexico. Tha boys shor had a heap of fun ridin. Tha boys made a beeline fer tha Bahamas ta visit after thay had tha 4 wheelers shipped home an said thar goodbyes ta Marvin. That boy liked ta eat bettern Buster an that was a wonder in itself. Tha Hungry Chef was tha place ta go fer quantity an quality an Marvin knowed tha owners real well.

When thay got ta Freeport thay found Nigel an tole him thay wanted ta rent jet skis ta ride tha next day. Nigel fixed it up fer em ta do that an parasail too. Nigel was real glad ta see tha boys an said life was treatin him jes fine. Agin all tha boys had a whale of a time but Jessie was plum excited bout ridin that jet ski. Howard even had Jessie doin sum tricks on tha thang a spinnin round an sich. Jessie was so lite he never was throwed when he dun them 360 degree doughnuts. Cum nitefall, it was all thay could do ta git Jessie offa tha darn thang an he said he had ta have one of them thangs ta ride it was so much fun. Jessie tole Buster an tha boys that he was always so tied up with bizness an sich he plum fergot bout havein fun. He was so glad Buster dun fetched him fer tha trip. After tellin Nigel goodbye an thankin him fer his help. Buster flew tha boys on back ta Charlotte, North Carolina. Buster's very own first cousin was livin thar an racin fer NASCAR. He built them cars bettern anybody an was even in a picture show.
Thay all stayed at a hotel seein how Cecil didn't have nuf room fer em all an them pallets was jes too hard on a feller's back. The next day Cecil took em ta a race at tha Charlotte Motor Speedway an got em on inta pits an thay met a bunch of drivers.

Cecil had em cum ta a party that nite an then back ta tha track ta test a car or two tha next day. When thay got thar, Cecil had it all fixed up so's tha boys could take a lap or two in a real 200 mph race car. Now Howard an Buster took ta that drivin fast like a duck ta water but Walter wadn't too keen on it an Jessie never did drive fast. What tha boys didn't know was Jessie wanted too but was too law abidin. When Cecil turned him a loose in tha Chevrolet an Jessie got tha hang of it, he set a new track record fer a lap. All of tha boys jes stared in disbelief at that I tell ya. Buster asked Jessie why he didn't tell em he could drive like that an liked it too. Well, Jessie said ta Buster an tha boys, ya remember tha Lamborginhi don't ya. Walter tole him he shor did!
Walter had a ball too an let it all out hisself an had a ball drivein that race car. Buster tole Cecil that thay shor preciated tha drivin lessons an tha use of a $225,000 race car. Cecil jes laughed an said thar was lots of em at hisn shop. It cost over $20 million dollars a year ta run a team. Wadn't cheap. While crossin Tennessee, Buster dropped down an had dinner with Cecil's mama, Mamie. Boy tha food was great an Jessie an her talked a bit bout tha Tiptons an tha McBrayers bein kin.

Leavin Crossville, Buster headed fer Jackman, Maine an tha Mountainview Resort. Thar thay got outfitted fer snowmobile ridn an ATV trail ridin too. They went north aways fer a coupla of days on tha snowmobiles an then south fer ATV trail ridin. Each an ever one of tha boys had tha greatest time of thar lives doin thangs thay always wanted ta do. Now Jessie was tha one that got all inta these outdoor sports. Not that he never wanted ta do em it was he was always jes to preoccupied. Buster knowed sumthin had ta break tha mold so ta speak. This trip makin time was a make or break time in Jessie's life. This past week give em all a real nice place ta stay an a good tired but fun feelin with best frends an thinkin on tha past an tha future. Sounds kinda corny but corny ain't always bad. One thang is tha spice of life was put back in tha mix of thar everday lives an each of em knowed thay had ta keep on doin thangs like this or thay would be overwhelmed by tha demands of tha world an thar was a lot more important issues at hand here, I tell ya. Ifn ya couldn't take care of yourself, an not jes with money, then ya couldn't help tha other feller nun including yore family. That evenin, Howard an Buster was a lookin over tha balcony and lookin at tha sunset whilst Jessie an Walter was packin up ta leave in tha mornin. Buster tole Howard he wanted ta do sumthin fer Walter that he always wanted ta do an reckoned thay would all enjoy it. He wanted ta fly on up ta Alaska an let Walter see tha Aurora Borealis, tha Northern Lights an catch a fish or two an eat em fresh at a lodge. A guide shorly could handle tha four of em fer a day or two an thay had tha time. Howard said that was a great idee an when thay took off tha next mornin, he headed fer Fairbanks, Alaska. Tha Queen was runnin real smooth like an thay made it thar with no trouble. The boys radioed ahead an got a room fer 3 nites at tha Aurora Borealis Lodge an also planned fer a guide ta take em fer sum day trips. Thay caught sum fish an really enjoyed tha big uns thay caught an ate on tha river bank an enjoyed tha beauty of tha Alaska wildnerness. Tha first nite was not too good cause of tha weather fer tha lights an tha second was much better but not as brite as thay should be tha inn keeper said. But, on tha boys third an last nite, tha Northern Lights lived up ta thar name an were spectacular! Walter was in hog heaven I tell ya. He tole Buster he didn't know how much it meant ta him with Buster a thinkin of him this away. Danged ifn Walter didn't tear up a mite. It was really a moving, beautiful, spiritual experience; jes tha four of em an tha Lord's hand of favor.
God's own palette an brush give em this nite fer shor. Tha boys all agreed that thay didn't know why thay was blessed like thay was but was mitey thankful fer all God dun fer em. Thay had a brite future, money, sum wonderful folks an frends an lived in a free cuntry. Tha American dream is what thay was a livin.

Howard took off fore thay left an when thay looked up he was a hightailin it back ta tha lodge with a huge polar bear chasin him. Oh no, not a nother bear, said Jessie. That boy is gonna git eat ifn he keeps this up. Howard took out a snowmobile an seed a bear cub a strugglin ta git over a snowbank an stopped ta help it. That's when tha mama cum a runnin at Howard, plum put out over Howard a messin with her youngun. Howard got back ta tha lodge ahead of tha bear an tha boys went up ta tha balcony ta see how all this would play out. That ole mama bear sniffed ole Howard out an jes wadn't gonna leave till she taught Howard a thang or two bout foolin with her cubs. Tha innkeeper called tha Ranger an he got tha bear ta leave finally an tha boys loaded up an went ta tha Queen fer tha trip back home. Tha boys overstayed thar 8 weeks by nother 6 weeks but that was OK too.

It did take a few days of takin it easy ta git back home. Lil Lynette an Alma Mae met Walter an Howard at Jessie's house whar all tha folks was gathered fer a supper an ta hear all bout thar travels. Jessie said he really larned what was important ta him, hisn family an hisn true frends. Tha rest of tha boys all tole of thar take on tha trip an what it all meant ta em. One thang fer shor was tha Lord was a solid part of all thar lives.

Supper was so good an it was so good ta be home with family. But part of family was tha folks that was in them places thay jes cum frum. Buster allowed it was time fer prayer an Mrs. McBrayer tole Jessie ta lead it. Both Jessies, father an son did tha prayin that evenin with haids bowed an arms roun tha other. All tha folks joined hands an knowed thay was in tha presence of tha Lord.

Tha next day tha boys showed off thar motorsicles an 4 wheelers thay bought plus tha doodads fer everbody. Howard an Walter got all the pictures developed an had copies made fer each of em. This was ta be tha last trip fer a very long time with all tha boys tagather as life had its journey fer each of em ta take. That is not ta say thay wadn't gonna see one nother but jes wadn't gonna spend tha kinda time doin what thay jes dun with no demands on em. This was really tha swan's song of thar youth an a new horizon of thar adulthood. Bout that time Jessie an Howard jumped on thar Raptors an Howard said do it Jessie! Jessie popped tha clutch an did a wheelie outa tha yard an up tha road jes a snortin his scooter. All of em shor got a chuckle out that fer shor. Howard dun taught Jessie how ta do a wheelie an showed tha rest of em he could stay with tha best of em too. Howard was a grinnin an said he knowed he had it in him all tha time. Rite then Walter an Buster jumped on thar Raptors an lit out after Jessie. Thay didn't ritely know whar Jessie was a goin but thay was follerin anyway. Tha Capt'n was leadin tha way.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


"Tha Capt'n"

Ten Hut! Jessie had them boys standin tall, I tell ya. Jessie was made a Capt'n in tha ROTC at tha University of Alabama whar he went ta take up lawyerin. Tha boys, Buster, Walter an Howard went up ta see Jessie as a surprise on a Saturday an when thay found out whar he was at thay seed him a drillin sum fellers fer tha Army. When Jessie seed tha boys he dismissed tha fellers he was a drillin an cum over ta say howdy an was plum pleased ta see em all. Said he was rite surprised! Walter asked Jessie what in tha world he was a doin, nun of em knowed he was a Capt'n doin Army work. That's when Jessie tole em he jes took it up not long ago an got promoted real quick fer helpin tha Colonel git hisn budget in line an started makin money fer his unit at tha school from tha coke machine fund thay called it. Actually it was a lubricatin crème fer guns that started makin tha money. It was kinda like a combination of Lil Dubs Wonder Crème, Udder Balm, Mother Nature's Gift of Youth an tha crème Jessie made up fer Leonard's hands fer boxin. Jessie said he throwed in a mite of white grease ta boot an when thay slathered it on tha workin parts of any gun thay didn't jam nor rust up. That ole Colonel was purty durn sharp an even fixed it so's that him an Jessie got a part of tha profits from tha concoction. Jessie said thay called it AWL 405. Jessie said he was gonna make up a batch of sumthin he called AEL 409 too an all tha boys was always in all hisn deals. Thay all jes might make a dollar on these here products. Buster tole Jessie he was a thinkin rite smart agin an thay appreciated him puttin them in. Howard chimed in an said that ifn thar was any start up costs ta take it outa the accounts thay all had tagather. All tha boys was a wonderin what that AWL an AEL stood fer an Jessie tole em it was rite simple in hisn mind. AWL was fer Army Weapons Lubricant an 405 was fer tha 4 of em an 5 was them 4 plus the Colonel an AEL was fer Army Electronics Lubricant an 409 was fer tha 4 of em an tha 9 deals thay had a goin; Lil Dubs Wonder Crème, Mother Nature's Gift of Youth, IBM Stock, Wal Mart Stock, Old McBrayer Whiskey, Microsoft Windows, Army Weapons Lubricant, Army Electronics Lubricant an Ultimate Sports Crème that he is jes gittin put out from whar he made it up fer Leonard. Jessie tole em too that he put up $100,000 with Leonard fer that Windows deal Leonard let em in on with Bill Gates an Paul Allen an thay called it Microsoft. He also had tha notion ta git with Valvoline an Ashland Chemical that are divisions of Ashland Oil Company. Jessie figured this was gonna be purty big since he could see it goin inta tha automobile industry as well as the sports field.
Tha boys all went ta Jessie's place an let him change an then thay went ta supper fer Catfish an Barbeque at a all ya can eat buffet called Catfish Heaven thar in Tuscaloosa.. Jessie figured Buster was bout ta cave in so he better fill hisn tank whilst he had tha chance cause he would be eatin agin fore midnite, that's fer shor. Whilst thay was a visitin, Buster tole Jessie he had dun got him a new handle, "Capt'n"! He said he reckoned that he was the Capt'n of thar ship with all hisn wheelin and dealin. Howard wondered why in tha world Jessie wanted ta be a lawyer when he dun so good with bizness. Jessie said it was bizness since ya always needed a lawyer fer it an figured he'd jes be one ta be one up on tha competition an could know what all was a goin on when doin bizness an could take care of thar own legal doins. Walter said that was rite smart of him but didn't hisn folks, especially his Uncle Cecil, want him ta work fer SONAT? Jessie said yep, an Uncle Cecil would be rite put out over it but he jes wadn't a gonna go that route. He had hisn own thoughts of what he wanted ta do an was gonna do jes that! Tha boys all knowed that was fer shor cause when Jessie, sorry,Capt'n, made up hisn mind that was jes how it was gonna be. Anyhow, tha boys asked Jessie all bout his schoolin an Jessie tole em he was doin rite well an met sum nice fellers an gals an thay was good folks. Bout that time this here feller cum inta tha restaurant a lookin fer Jessie. Tha feller spied Jessie an cum on over ta tha table an tole Jessie he had ta talk ta him private like. Jessie tole him these boys was his best friends an wadn't no secrets from them. Jessie interduced tha feller as Daka, a schoolmate of hisn. Daka was a tribal Chief frum Zambia, Africa. Daka tole Jessie he had a serious problem back home an had ta leave as soon as he could an could he help him out bout his class work and belongins when he left. Well, Jessie tole him shor nuf an ifn he wanted too thay could all go back ta his place an talk it over. Buster jes had ta eat sum bread puddin, so he had tha waitress put a double order ta go in a bag ta take with him.
When thay all got ta Daka's apartment, Jessie asked Daka what all he wanted him ta do an tole him that with tha boys thay could git it all dun real quick like. Daka said he was gonna have ta git on back home real fast as thar was sum fellers tryin ta take over his village an overthrow tha President too. Even as young as he was, he was still tha Chief of tha village an had to go tend ta it. This was a rebel gang that cum outa sum other African nation like Somalia backed by tha communists. His cuntry jes couldn't let em git a toehold in his village cause thar next step was ta take over tha cuntry an whack tha President. Them rascals was mean as snakes! Daka said tha President wanted him ta git his village all set ta defend itself which wadn't gonna be no problem but he needed ta be thar. Tha main thang was he was gonna need folks he could trust an could keep thangs runnin smooth like whilst thay run them rebels ta ground. Tha American government was asked ta help out but thay couldn't do it whereas it looked like thay was a tryin ta use an excuse to set up shop in Africa. So it had ta be on tha QT. Well, Buster said ta let em make a call. Shor nuf, it was ta Mr. Holmes. When thay reached Mr. Hiram Holmes he was a buyin a new seegar humidor fer hisn seegars he liked ta smoke when hisn wife wadn't a watchin him. He cum ta dearly love a snort of Old McBrayer too an plum fergot that Scotch he used ta drank. He kept in touch with Aunt Julia an she seed ta it that he got a case of Old McBrayer ever blue moon. Course Elizabeth had cum back ta tha mansion at McBrayer Springs when Walter's sisters went back ta tha ranch an thay stayed in touch. Tha ladies were doin well too an kept everthang runnin smooth like but enjoyed thar trip ta tha old cuntry an seein thar people.
Mr. Holmes tole tha boys it was all under control an ta tell Daka that he would be gittin help when he got thar. Dalton an Devane were on thar way. Daka thanked tha boys an tole Jessie he would be back next semester if everthang went allrite.
Summer vacation was in a week an Daka would be excused fer his last tests an could make em up over tha summer or when he got back. The school make an exception fer him cause of hisn situation.

Tha boys helped pack an git Daka on his way an then went ta Jessie's ta spend tha nite. Tha next day was Sunday an tha boys had ta git on back but as usual, thar was a story ta tell here fer shor. Jessie said he would see em in bout a week when school let out. Tha Capt'n seed tha boys off that afternoon an tha boys lit out fer tha house as thay had chores an a gal or two awaitin.
Tha follerin week tha Capt'n cum in frum school an all tha boys got tagather an snuck on off ta tha bayou fer sum fishin. Tha Capt'n said he ain't heared nuthin frum Daka an nun of tha other boys had heared frum Mr Holmes neither. Thay all reckoned everthang was OK over thar. All tha boys went ta tha Capt'n's place fer Sunday dinner an decided ta go ta Dickenson's Gospel Barn fer sum sangin that evenin an thar was sum gals over thar thay all wanted ta see too. As thay was bout ta leave, Mrs. McBrayer called out ta Jessie that he had ta feed tha chickens fore he left on out. Jessie was in a mite of a hurry an didn't git tha aig baskets when he cum in. Jessie was bout ta git in Buster's Ford when hisn ma hollered fer ta cum on back in. Well, he did an she said she couldn't leave tha dough she was makin fer bread rite then an ta git them aig baskets back ta her. Jessie tole hisn ma ifn he couldn't do it later an she said he mite be a Capt'n at school but he shor nuf a private here. Not nary word was uttered after that but Jessie made a beeline fer tha chicken coop ta git them baskets fer hisn ma. Jessie tole Buster not ta say a word, him with a grin on hisn face. Buster had hisn cum uppance a time or two long with tha rest of boys, I tell ya frum thar mas too. When thay got ta tha dance an sangin at tha barn, Walter was a cuttin a rug an boot scootin in tha middle of tha floor. Folks was a clappin an hoopin an hollerin at Walter strutin hisn stuff. Tha gal he was dancin with was shor nuf lil Lynette an she was a showin out bout as much as Walter was. Howard was gittin punch fer Alma Mae Snow an tha gals was all over Jessie as usual with hisn pheromones poppin out all over him when thay cum in. Tha boys' pas cum in a lookin fer em an rounded em up an tole em ta cum with em. Buster had that long, tall Herrin gal cornered up an hisn grandpa Gus tole him ta let er a loose an foller em on out. All tha boys had a look of wonderment of what all was a goin on an excused themselves an went with thar pas. Mr. Ollinger tole tha boys ta foller em on back Buster's as it was tha closest ta tha dance an everbody was thar. Tha boys was all quizzical like an trying ta figure out what was goin on on tha way over. Thay knowed it had ta be important or thar pas wouldn't a cum after em like thay dun. When thay got ta Buster's grandpa Gus's house all thar folks was thar an lo an behold Mr. Holmes hisself was thar. Everbody said howdy an took a seat an Mr. Holmes went ta explainin tha reason fer hisn visit. Seemed like Dalton an Devane was in tha thick of it with them rebels but figured ta do em in, in good fashion with tha Delta Force boys an a few of tha Presidential Corps fellers. Onlyest thang was Daka got hurt in a scuffle with a rebel. He shor nuf held his own a leadin hisn warriors in tha tussle but a rebel cum in behind him an stuck him with a spear in hisn back. Tha rebel didn't hit nuthin vital but Daka is stove up a bit fer a spell. Tha President is off an away from tha Palace an Daka's younger brother is thar helpin ta run thangs till one of gits back ta take over. Tha president has ta be in tha thick of tha fight as he is thar leader an would lose respect ifn he wadn't leadin tha fight. Cutural thang, Mr. Holmes said. Thang is Mr. Holmes got word frum a source that thar is spy, what ya call a mole in tha government over thar an thar is a pickle of a mess an help is needed in tha capital at Lusaka.
Tha language spoken thar was English an Nyanja so a body could get by communicatin thar.

Mr. Holmes said tha reason he was thar was that he wanted tha boys ta help out Daka an tha President. Now he knowed that was askin a lot but knowed he could depend on tha boys an thar folks ta lend a hand. Tha boys wadn't gonna be in no fightin ta speak of that he knowed of but thar was thangs the President an Daka wanted dun that only trusted people would handle. Tha spy had ta be found out an captured an bizness decisions had ta be made in tha interim of runnin tha cuntry. Daka's brother, Winston, would be tha figurehead an thay would advise an work with him till tha rebels were rounded up. Mr. Holmes said that his people would be there an thay'd never know it but he needed tha boys there too but especially Jessie as he was friends with Daka. Well, all of em said yes ta his askin fer thar help an Jessie said that thar was a lot of nim nuts out thar with a bad case of Ottism an thay would be rite proud ta help punch thar ticket that's fer shor. Mr Holmes also asked ifn tha folks wouldn't mind cummin over thar after all tha ruckus settled down a mite ta help tha folks over thar larn sum bout our ways of doin thangs. Now Mr. Holmes said he would take care of all tha details with thar farm, ranch an bizness ifn thay would cum over fer a bit ta help out. It wadn't that thar wadn't other folks that could do tha job but since he knowed all of em an thay had a history so ta speak he would shor nuf appreciate it. Jes leave tha details ta him.

Tha boys left on out on a military hop set up by Mr. Holmes late tha next day to Lusaka, Zambia. Thay were met at tha airport by Winston and a cousin of tha President, Rupiah Banda, an taken ta tha Palace. Thar was Daka all decked out in hisn Chieftain getup an proud as punch sittin thar in hisn wheelchair. He shook hands with Jessie an tha boys an tole em he shor nuf appreciated em cummin ta help. All of em went ta a sittin room ta chew tha rag an Winston an Daka tole tha boys that thay would like em ta advise sum on sum sensitive matters of which thay would be informed of in tha cummin days. Mainly on thangs of a nature concernin Dalton, Devane an tha efforts of US assistance coordinated by Mr. Holmes. Kinda secret cause tha people in tha Palace an Zambian government didn't know come frum sic em when it cum ta that kinda bizness. Reckon messages was rite important an keepin a feller's mouth shut was purty much it. Jessie stayed behind with Howard when Buster an Walter went inta tha field ta meet up with Dalton. Devane was in tha bush chasin them rebels an had em holed up down round Lake Kanba on the Zambezi River. Dalton tole Buster an Walter that whuppin them rebels wadn't gonna be no problem but a feller they dun captured tole him an Devane that this ruckus was onlyest a diversion ta set up a takeover of the current President. Banda was a good guy a frend of tha US an tha knuckleheads that wanted control was communists. Thar was sum folks in tha Palace that figured in ta this an was up ta no good. These turncoats was a gonna see ifn thay could zap Banda an take over whilst tha thug rebels was kickin up a fuss. So, Dalton tole em ta tell Daka to be on thar toes an Mr. Holmes had sum folks in place ta see to it thar was protection fer tha President, Daka an tha boys. Who knows how many yayhoos was in on this deal. Now all this was probably ta take place in tha next week or so an Dalton wanted all tha boys to keep a sharp eye out on what was happenin in tha Palace. Dalton said ta tha boys that thay were tole to bring them watches an doodads, locators, thay was give in French Guiana; did thay have em. Buster an Walter showed him thars an said Howard an Jessie had thars on em too. Dalton said ta use em if need be.

Dalton would be in an out of Lusaka but most generally thay wouldn't know it, but not ta worry. If thangs worked fer tha rebels, thar was a strike force that was built up an rarin an ready to go out of tha southern tip of Somalia with troops from China, Russia, Venezuela an Cuba. What a duke's mixture that was an tha Muslims throwed in fer good measure. Ya could see tha pressure cooker could shor nuf pop with all kinda international implications if thay cum in. A full fledged war fer shor an tha US rite smack dab in tha middle of it. Course tha copper mines and gem producin mines were important ta tha bad guys as control over tha copper would severely impact lots of industries round tha world. Whilst Buster an Walter was gone fer a coupla days, Jessie and Daka had thar haids tagather an thar conversations were strictly private. Daka give Jessie tha lowdown on how thangs worked in Zambia an tha cultural aspects of family an how it played out in politics as well as daily life. Daka had sum idees bout who could be in tha mix of all this plottin an plannin but was not fer shor bout it all rite yet. Jessie went out with Daka ta hisn village an helped train a few of thar men in US military ways. He was interduced as tha Capt'n an a good frend an was ta be trusted. Jessie had a high ole time out thar an larned as much as he taught tha fellers bout weapons an discipline an what not. Now Jessie larned a lot bout military ways whilst he was at 'Bama; more than jes lawyerin. Now Howard spent hisn time minglin with tha staff an more or less advisin on dealin with paperwork fer tha fellers that was helpin out frum Mr. Holmes' people he sent over. Whilst Howard was sifoddlin round bout tha Palace, he seed a cook an a woman that was conversatin with tha President's cousin off ta tha side in a alcove in tha garden. Howard didn't hear much but what he did hear made hisn ears perk up fer shor. When tha woman noticed Howard thay stopped talkin an greeted him an asked ifn thay would help him an broke up thar lil confab rite quick like but Howard did hear em mention that tha time was bout rite an tha President would be in fer a press conference day after tomorrow. Then, it would be a new day fer Zambia an Africa an tha world. Howard used hisn watch to signal Dalton an tha boys ta tell em what he dun found out an went on back ta his helpin communications. A feller Howard noticed that was purty close by was a sweepin up an cleanin in tha garden an looked away as Howard walked by. That seemed kinda funny ta Howard but he figured he was jes bein respectful an not botherin nobody nun, jes doin hisn job. Mr. Holmes called Howard when he got back ta tha communications room an asked him what all he found out an Howard tole him what bits he overheard an hisn suspicions. Mr. Holmes said ta keep hisn eyes peeled an ears open fer anything else an ta let him know immediately ifn he did. Jessie got back in that evenin but Daka stayed at hisn village ta help thangs settle down after tha tussle thay had. Daka was shor glad that Devane an his fellers had them rebels on tha run an tole Jessie he would be back fer the President's press conference. Howard tole Jessie all tha thangs what was dun an said whilst he was gone an was a waitin fer Buster an Walter ta cum in later on in tha evenin ta go over everthang.

Buster an Walter cum in showered an got cleaned up a mite an then sit down fer supper with Jessie an Howard. Tha boys got rite inta eatin an jes as Howard was bout ta drank hisn fresh squeezed fruit juice ta take hisn pills, a danged monkey cum in thru tha winder an grabbed hisn glass an run off ta tha winder sill an drank down hisn juice. Rite then an thar that monkey keeled over daid as a doornail, I tell ya. Tha boys all looked over at each other an knowed sumthin was afoot fer shor with what all Howard had heared. Thay was tryin ta do in tha boys with a pizenin em. Well that ended that meal that's fer shor. All tha boys took on off ta tha kitchen a lookin fer tha cook but he was nowhar ta be found till thay heared sumbody a hollerin. Thay all run out an seed a feller stealin a motorsicle an ridin off. Howard seed that thar was a po-leece motorsicle parked thar too an run ta it ta go catch tha cook. Howard had er cranked up an was a movin on when a Palace guard cum over an the boys an him with a po-leece officer rite behind em went fer a car. Howard knowed tha feller had a lil head start on him an was seemin ta ride purty good so he took drastic measures to cut him off. First off, he got a good run at a natural ramp an jumped tha wall an took on after tha cook. Thay was ridin like banshees thru tha streets in town but tha cook was a losin ground an fast. Howard was jes bout ta catch up ta tha cook when he went down sum steps an jumped offa a embankment on ta highway outa town. He was headed fer Lake Kanda. The cook opened er up on tha highway an Howard did too. Tha boys an tha guard an officer was in two cars an was a givin chase too but was far behind. After hittin tha highway thay give em tha gas too. Howard hit 180 on a straightaway an gained ground mitey quick cause tha cook jes couldn't ride like Howard. As thay cum up on a switchback an a low water bridge bout 10 miles out town Howard seed hisn chance. Tha cook was at tha water's edge an lower than Howard. Howard jumped offa tha road an hit tha cook with hisn back tire an tha cook went off tha bridge inta tha water. Howard landed offa tha jump an layed tha motorsicle down an rode er out an then dove in after tha cook. He was knocked silly an a sputterin an Howard conked him a good un an then drug him out tha water, bout that time tha boys an other fellers cum up an got em all out the water an inta tha cars. Tha po-leece officer called fer help ta move tha two motorsicles an ta get a interrogation room ready ta question tha cook. Tha boys an tha guard an tha officer said that was sum mitey fine piece of ridin an ain't never seed nuthin like it an that Howard dun a great job of catchin tha cook. Well, thay never got a chance ta question tha cook. Whilst thay was a ridin back he hollered sumthin bout Allah an kicked tha bucket. He bit inta a cyanide capsule he had in hisn tooth thay cum ta find out an kilt hisself rite then an thar.

When thay got back ta tha Palace tha President's cousin an tha woman was gone. Nobody knowed whar thay was off to an had no information on who tha woman was neither. All this was reported ta Mr. Holmes an Dalton an Mr. Holmes tole tha boys ta sit tite an put on extra guards an give tha boys a password code ta let em know ifn fellers was frum him or not. Four men cum up ta tha boys an give em tha code word so that thay knowed thay was sent by Mr. Holmes an then thay all left out ta eat at a local restaurant as Buster was plum caved in he was so hungry. Tha rest of em was too but that daid monkey shor took tha wind outa thar sails fer a while when it cum ta eatin. But, tha excitement died down an thar bellies were a growlin. Wouldn't ya know that thar was a Chinese restaurant open not far from tha Palace an tha boys ate thar fill an then went on back ta bed. Tha guards tole em thay would stay with em till mornin an ta git sum rest.

Tha next day round bout 10 am, Dalton called an tole tha boys that Devane an hisn men had dun kilt or captured tha rebels an that was all over with now. Devane was a interrogatin sum of tha fellers rite now an would share tha information later on that evenin. Devane was gonna git tha skinny on who was investigatin an behind all this attempted takeover in Zambia. He said he shor nuf would git ta tha bottom of it all sooner or later. In tha meantime, tha President an hisn men was a scourin tha cuntryside fer any of tha rebels that got away. He sent word he would be back tha next day for hisn press conference. He tole hisn staff ta git everthang ready an he was gonna tell how tha cow ate tha cabbage ta tha world. Tha rest of tha day went rite smooth like an no mishaps were had by anybody an thangs jes settled down fer a bit an it was a breather fer shor after all tha excitement.

Tha press conference was set fer 3 pm. President Banda had been briefed on the attempted coup an given the information that was gained from interrogations by Devane. Daka was gittin ta feelin better ever day an would soon be up an at em. Thangs appeared ta be gittin back ta somewhat normal an everbody was a hopin an a prayin tha worst was over.

Rite on tha dot tha President's press conference started with Daka, Winston an all of tha government officials present. Special guests were behind tha President too. Danged if it wadn't Jessie, Howard, Walter an Buster a twistin thar collars too. Thay had ben asked ta be up front with all tha important folks ta be available ta answer any questions tha press mite have. First off, tha leader of tha National Assembly gave a bit of tha history of Zambia before tha president spoke.

Zambia was previously known as the territory of Northern Rhodesia an was administered by the South Africa Company from 1891 until it was taken over by the UK in 1923. During the 1920s an 1930s, advances in mining spurred development an immigration. The name was changed to Zambia upon independence in 1964. In the 1980s an 1990s, declining copper prices an a prolonged drought hurt the economy. Elections in 1991 brought an end to one-party rule, but the subsequent vote in 1996 saw blatant harassment of opposition parties. The election in 2001 was marked by administrative problems with three parties filing a legal petition challenging the election of ruling party candidate Levy Mwanawasa. The new President launched a far-reaching anti-corruption campaign in 2002, which resulted in the prosecution of former President Frederick Chiluba an many of his supporters in late 2003. Opposition parties currently hold a majority of seats in the National Assembly. With this recountin of Zambian history, President Banda was introduced to the people of Zambia an the press corps representing the world.

After openin remarks by tha President, he begin ta tell folks all bout what all was happenin an was bout ta tell who all was responsible when he softly shouted: "You have urinated on my jacket," an paused as he looked up to see a Vervet monkey playing in a tree just above his chair.

At that exact moment, a shot rang out an barely missed tha President an put two holes in his suit coat when he turned an looked up at tha monkey. Buster jumped up an grabbed tha President an throwed him on tha ground an covered him up with hisn own body. Tha Palace guard went bonkers ta say tha least an folks scattered everwhar. Tha boys seed Devane grab a holt of a feller an begin ta squoze him sumthin fierce. Thay was bout 25 ta 30 yards away. Then all manner of carryin on took place. This woman cum runnin up ta tha President an pulled a knife an was gonna stab him but Daka jumped outa hisn wheelchair an tackled her. Shootin was heared in tha background an tha Zambian soldiers was shootin at bout 20 fellers firin towards tha President too. One slug hit tha woman daid center of tha back of her haid an splattered Daka with blood an brains. Tha feller that Devane was a squeezin passed out with hisn eyeballs bout poppin outa hisn haid but he was alive. When all was said an dun, nun of tha 20 rebels was left alive an onlyest tha cousin of tha President was still kickin. Cum ta find out that tha woman was the mother of hisn wife an really called tha shots. Tha President was allrite an not nary a scratch. Walter had been ridin that day an it wadn't no gray but still a good horse. There was a feller that took off a runnin that he seed an he hit tha saddle by vaultin inta it from tha rear like in tha movies. He set tha bay ta full gallop an uncoiled hisn lariat. After a coupla twirls he set that rope ta sail an lassoed tha feller that was runnin away.

It turned out ta be tha brother-in-law ta tha cousin of tha President an Walter drug him back a squealin an hollerin like a pig stuck under a gate. He settled down rite smart when tha President swatted him real good. Jessie tole Walter that he dun got the last of the nim nuts with Ottism an with them two in custody, thangs really did settle down an tha President continued on with hisn press conference. It was a dozy, I tell ya. Tha whole world was a watchin.

After tha questionin was over of tha two that tried ta kill tha President, Mr. Holmes got everbody tagather an tole him bout hisn conversation with government officials frum tha US an Zambia. Tha President wanted tha folks of tha boys ta be hisn guests an ta help train hisn people in ways thay knowed ta work; one farmer an rancher ta another. Jessie got ta review all tha Zambian soldiers an that hit world news. Buster, Jessie, Howard an Walter got medals fer what thay dun an was made citizens of Zambia too. Buster also got him a ceremonial outfit complete with spear fer jumpin atop tha President when tha shootin started. Dalton an Devane stayed out of tha spotlite as usual.

Tha Delta force men an Presidential Corps fellers jes vanished when tha fightin was over; like thay never was thar. Tha justice of tha Zambian law was swift an tha cousin an brother-in-law
was hanged at high noon tha day after tha attempt on tha President's life an takeover of the government. Tha folks cum over an was treated like royalty but soon tole tha President thay wanted ta be treated jes like tha normal folks thay was. That endeared them ta tha people even more. Daka's village was tha headquarters for thar stay an everbody larned sum thangs ta benefit em all an made a passel of new frends.

Tha President had tha Munda Wanga Botanical Gardens ta remove all tha monkeys on tha State House grounds. Thar was bout 200 of em. Course tha President shor was appreciative of tha fact tha monkey dun hisn bizness when he did or he would had hisn goose cooked fer shor when he was shot at. Other than havin ta buy a new suit coat, he was fine. Mr. Fred Hengeveld, tha head knocker of Gardens said thay dun caught up 61 of tha critters an thay was ta be treated real good. Tha monkeys was gonna be relocated an released back inta tha wild whar thay cum from.

After everbody had dun got back ta tha house an back ta normal, Mr. Holmes an Dalton an Devane had a lil settee with tha boys an tha folks. Mr. Holmes thanked tha folks fer takin tha time ta help out tha folks in Zambia an especially Daka's village but this was tha rest of tha story as Paul Harvey used ta say. Heinrick Maier an tha Illuminati were behind tha doins in Zambia. Especially tha Rothschild bunch. Heinrick was tha son of Helmut if y'all remember him Mr. Holmes said. Course thay did. Tha IGF took him out in Venezuela with Chavez. Tha double fer Chavez is tha puppet fer tha Illuminati an is runnin tha government in Venezuela fer em. Fact is, information was gathered that tole em that Heinrick was on tha Isle of Man, ya know, whar that 4 horned sheep is frum an tha cat with no tail. Frum thar it was reported that Heinrick was on Inishmurray (Inis Muirígh) island, officially part of Sligo, this uninhabited island has Christian monastic ruins an has a somewhat mystical reputation. A bit tricky, even dangerous, to put a boat into due to rocky coastline. But that turned out ta be a day late an dollar short of whar tha rascal really was. He is on Stroma, an island on the northern coast of the Scottish mainland. It is the more southerly of the two islands situated in the Pentland Firth between the Orkney Islands an Caithness. As such it is part of Caithness (now within the Highland council area), while its neighbor Swona, to the north, is part of the Orkney Islands. The name originated from the Norse straum-øy meaning "island in the stream" or "current". There is a lighthouse at the northern end of the island to warn ships away from the dangers of the nearby Swilkie whirlpool. Once populous, this uninhabited island is owned by a Caithness farmer who uses it for the grazing of sheep.
Stroma is about 3.5 kilometers long by 1.5 kilometers wide with a maximum elevation of 53 meters (174 ft). In the past Stroma had a population of about 550, which by 1901 had reduced to around 375. The population continued to decline through the twentieth century with the majority of the last residents departing in the early 1960s to seek employment on the construction of the Dounreay power station. The last two families left around 1962. Coincidentally, this was shortly after the construction of a new harbor at the south end of the island. The number of ruined houses show how well populated the island was at one time. In the center of the island is a church, distinguished by its bell tower. Situated next to the church is the Manse which is kept habitable for use by those visiting the island to care for the sheep, particularly at lambing time.

At the south east corner, not far from the new harbor, is a walled graveyard with mausoleum, which is the tomb of the Kennedy family that owned the island in the 1600s. Having been uninhabited for so long, Stroma is now a conservation area with an area fenced off from the sheep to protect the rare plants which grow there. The original slipway at the north eastern part of the island is still in use with the boat used to transport the sheep pulled out of the water for the winter. During the summer months this boat an another one are used to take day visitors to the island from Gills Bay as well as those working with the sheep.
Dangerous currents are in The Gloup on Stroma. As it is situated in the tidal stream in the Pentland Firth, a tidal race is present at both the North and South ends of the island, easing briefly at the turn of the tide. The race at the north end, known as 'The Swilkie' off Swilkie Point, can be particularly violent. The whirlpool of the same name was, according to a Viking legend, caused by a sea-king called Mysing. He stole a magical quern from King Frode, but Mysing's land subsequently sank near Stroma under the quern's weight. However, he continued to turn the mill wheels in the depths which grind the salt to keep the seas salty, and the noise of the whirlpool is the sea still roaring through it. Between the races is a calm eddy which extends down tide as the tide strengthens. The races are easily visible with over falls and whirlpools. Large swell waves can also be present, especially in bad weather. When entering or leaving the eddies, even large and powerful vessels can be pushed off course. There are about sixty known shipwrecks around Stroma, the latest of which, the Danish coaster Bettina Danica, occurred in 1994. Fortunately no lives were lost and the vessel remained intact until about 1997. As of 2006, only the stern section could be seen on its side at the foot of the cliffs on the west side of the island near its southern tip. In 2004, a group of thirteen people on the island tour boat 'North Coast Explorer' was rescued by lifeboat.
The dangers of the Swilkie whirlpool in the Pentland Firth led to the building of the Stroma Lighthouse at the northern tip of the island at the end of the nineteenth century. The light was designed by David and Charles Stevenson, and has 80 steps to the top of the tower. The original Trotter-Lindberg petroleum spirit light was found to be insufficient for the location and was replaced with a stronger paraffin lamp. The lighthouse buildings were machine-gunned by an enemy plane during World War II. No-one was injured during the attack, which took place on 22 February 1941, and the damage was easily repaired by the lightkeepers. In 1972, the lighthouse was converted to electric operation, and a helicopter landing pad was built near the station to facilitate maintenance and the changeover of Keepers. In April 1994 conversion to automation began and this was completed in March 1997.

Stroma Lighthouse
Stroma: 2 miles north of Gills Bay, Caithness, Scotland
58°41′8″N 03°07′0″W / 58.68556°N 3.116667°W / 58.68556; -3.116667Coordinates: 58°41′8″N 03°07′0″W / 58.68556°N 3.116667°W / 58.68556; -3.116667
Year first constructed: 1896
Automated: 1997
Construction: White, circular tower
Height: 23 metres (75 ft)
Characteristic: Two White Flashes every 20 secs

Being uninhabited, there is no regular access to the island. However the ferry from Gills Bay near John o' Groats to St Margaret's Hope usually passes close to the island. A boat from John o' Groats also visits the island on wildlife adventure tours during the summer months. There exist outline plans to connect Orkney to the Scottish mainland by tunnel; two of the possible routes are across Stroma. Transport to the island can be arranged by contacting the owner, James Simpson.
Local stamps have been issued for Stroma since 1962, following on the closure of the GPO sub-post office in 1958. The stamps served the many visitors to the island who wished to have their mail posted there, and carried to the nearest GPO Post Box at Huna, near Wick, on the mainland. These stamps are keenly sought after by collectors of British Locals.
According to legend, a dispute arose between the Earls of Caithness and Orkney over which county Stroma belonged to. To resolve the dispute, some venomous animals (possibly adders) were taken from Stroma to both Caithness and Orkney; those taken to Orkney died, and those taken to Caithness flourished. Therefore it was decided that Stroma belonged to Caithness.
Heinrick Maier and the Illuminati have bought off James Simpson ta use this island fer a hideout till thay git tharselfs a plan fer more devilment. We jes gotta stop em fore thay do more harm. Mr Holmes tole tha boys an that thay was tha onlyest ones that knowed what Heinrick looked like. Tha boys asked how in tha world was thay tha ones that knowed what he looked like? Mr. Holmes had ta take em back ta whar thay met a German feller bout 24 with ole Fritz in tha meetin in tha back room of Harry's Bar. Tha boys all said thay remembered that nite fer shor. Well, that young feller was Heinrick. all tha boys had a good eye fer detail but specially Jessie. Thay cum up with a description of tha feller. He was bout 6'1" or 6'2" tall; round 175 ta 180; good shape; blond hair an blue eyes; had a scar on tha side of hisn left cheek, not like a knife dun it but like a piece of barb wire cut him an a tattoo of a Devil's Pitchfork behind hisn rite ear.
Mr Holmes said he needed tha boys ta go with Dalton an Devane an make shor thay got that feller this time fer proper. Nuf said, thay was a goin.
This part was short an sweet an nuthin like in tha movies. Tha boys got on tha island pretendin ta be fellers takin care of James Simpson's sheep he dun left thar. In tha meantime Mr. Holmes had taken tha precautions ta stop any way offa tha island, by air of sea. Wadn't no nother way off neither. Thar was only a handful of guards with Heinrick an all em of huddled up in tha lighthouse fer a headquarters. Presidential Corps men took out all of tha guards in a short order in the firefight but Heinrick an one of tha Rothchild boys was out in a Range Rover when tha team hit. Thay lit a shcuk outa thar tryin ta reach a high powered military type boat ta make a getaway. Tha boys an Devane an Dalton took after em in a SUV an a truck that was at tha lighthouse an run em ta ground. Thay ended up at tha Gloup. Wadn't much fer shootin an it cum down ta hand ta hand. Devane took on Heinrick an Buster jumped out an went after tha Rothschild feller. Tha boy musta ben a bodybuilder or sum kinda weight lifter cause he was shor nuf bowed up an jes a sight bigger than Buster, but not stouter, I tell ya. Now it was a tussle fer shor. Devane plum wore ole Heinrick out a whuppin on him, Heinrick jes wadn't no match fer Devane. Now Buster on tha other hand had a mite of time at first with that Rothschild boy but he was real trained up in sum kinda martial arts. Buster could handle hisself rite proud in a one on one tussle an he could show him a thang or two bout cuntry fightin. Buster was tuf too an could take a lick.
Buster waded inta tha Rothschild boy an took a few good licks ta git ta him an when he did it was all over but tha shoutin. Buster got tha boy by tha throat an purt near tore off hisn haid! When he bear hugged him ya could hear tha ribs crack. That feller wa a swatin at Buster but Buster dun got mad bout all thar shenanigans an had nuf of them hurtin folks. Heinrick started runnin frum Devane an was on tha edge of tha Gloup when Buster raised tha Rothschild boy over hisn haid an throwed him agin Heinrick. Both of em went over tha edge inta tha Gloup an down inta tha Swilkie whirlpool. Wadn't no survivin that. Both bodies was recovered 4 days later as tha currents took em out ta sea an thay floated ta tha top. Jessie muttered ta hisself that thar went a coupla more nim nuts with Ottism that bit tha dust. Thar was two more that tha world didn't have ta deal with an good riddance. End of that part of tha story.
Mr. Holmes an Dalton an Devane met all tha folks an tha boys bout 2 weeks later at Buster's grandma's house. It was a rite serious talk. Mr. Holmes said thay was gonna keep tha boys outa any reports an would never tell thay was in on trackin down Heinrick Maier an Anton Rothschild. That was tha other fellers name. It was shor a worry ta all of em that tha boys could be a target fer tha Illuminati an specially fer Buster since he throwed Anton over tha cliff. Mr. Holmes said he was gonna be extry careful an have sum of hisn people keep an eye out fer tha boys. Bout that time, Walter's Uncle Jeff cum in an said he was sorry he was late. Mr. Holmes said thay would be seein more of him an had him transferred ta his command ta see ta tha boys an tha folks. After all tha rattlin an jabberin, Buster said it was time ta eat.
Thar was sum vittles thar fit fer a king an Bill Kimmell's Aunt Panny finally give up her dumplin recipe an thay was havin them an hisn grandma's plum dumplins too, plus all manner of good eats. Mr. Holmes said he couldn't wait an headed fer tha table. Piled high was pan fried chicken (Buster's grandma rung a few neacks that mornin), smoked ham that grandpa Gus sugar cured an hickory smoked hisself, mashed taters, sweet tater cassrole, fresh sliced tamaters, corn on tha cob, fried okry, sauerkraut, turnip greens with pepper sauce, lime jello salad with pecans an cottage cheese an pineapple, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, salad (an with no stobs neither). Fer dessert thar was pecan, lemon an coconut pie with hand churned, homemade ice cream. Thar was grins on both Dalton an Devane's faces an thay took out after him.
Later when school started again in tha fall, Daka cum back an looked in on Jessie. Daka tole him all hisn people shor missed all of em an wanted em ta cum back real soon. He said thay was usein what all was taught ta em by tha folks an was doin well.

Daka handed over a package ta Jessie an tole him ta open it. Round bout that time, Walter, Howard an Buster all cum in ta see what all Jessie got from Daka. Daka said it was a present from tha President. Jessie opened tha package an hisn mouth opened up so wide he was a gonna swaller flies ifn he didn't watch out.

In tha package was a full dress uniform with tha rank of Capt'n for tha Zambian Army.

Reckon frum now on, Jessie was shor nuf "Tha Capt'n".