Leonard "Tha Crusher" Banks fell down rite smack dab in front of Howard as he was a chasin a rattler a slitherin away inta tha scrub out back of tha airport in Denver. Leonard was 3 sheets ta tha wind an a snorin real peaceful like when Howard up an ambles over ta whar he fell down in a hollered out place in tha sand. Howard dun caught up two 4 footers by this time an was tyin up tha toesack when ole Leonard begin ta fightin air. When Howard took off hisn jacket an put it under Leonard's haid, tha boy calmed down considerable. Howard looked Leonard over real good ta see ifn he was hurt bad or jes had a snoot full. Shor nuf seemed ta be in good shape an not nary a scratch on tha boy ceptin a goose aig on hisn noggin. Bout that time Jessie an Buster walked up an begin ta askin what was a goin on. What dun happened ta that feller thay asked Howard? Howard tole em he shor didn't know but tha feller jes walked up an fell down rite whar he lay. Howard asked tha boys whar Walter was an thay said he was off with sum fellers he met in tha parade thay had downtown in Denver a ridin a gray. Said thay'd bring him on back bout sundown. Buster went on back ta tha Ford an got sum water fer tha feller an figured thay'd had ort ta try ta git him up. Jessie stood over tha feller ta shade hisn haid an Buster begin ta wipin hisn face with tha water. Leonard cum ta an was a battin hisn eyeballs an a rubbin tha knot on hisn haid. He looked up an with sich a quizzical look ya ever saw, an asked Howard who was Mutt an Jeff, speakin bout Jessie an Buster. Than Leonard seed Howard with tha toesack an muttered sumthin bout ifn he knowed who thunked him on hisn haid an left him in tha desert. Well, tha boys got Leonard up an inta Buster's Ford an turned sum air on Leonard ta refresh him whar he could talk. Buster drove over ta a drive up coffee shop an got sum coffee fer Leonard after Howard throwed hisn toesack in tha back of tha Ford.
After a bit, Leonard begin ta talk sensible like an Howard asked Leonard how he cum ta be in tha desert an why he was snockered like he was. Leonard said he was conked on hisn haid an left in tha desert an all he had ta drink fer two days was a bottle of Old McBrayer he had with him. It was a wonder tha quart bottle didn't break when he was rolled outa tha car he was in. He shor didn't remember much after he left outa tha casino an two fellers cum up ta him an acted like thay wanted hisn autagraph. Leonard was a top contender fightin fer tha world championship in tha middleweight division an hisn last fight was tha one that set him up fer tha championship. Tha last thing he remembered was that one of tha fellers tole him he shoulda throwed tha fight. Leonard woke up out in tha high plains desert with nuthin but hisn bottle of Old McBrayer an hisn boots. Tha Old McBrayer was tha onlyest thang he had ta drink an that's tha reason he was drunk. He was raised in them parts an knowed he could make it back ta town ifn he took his time an an played it smart. He was shor glad it was summer but tha nites was still rite chilly. Buster an tha boys drove Leonard back ta his place an give him tha name of tha hotel thay was stayin at thar in town fer a couple of days. Tha hotel was tha Brown Palace an was a treat by way of Nancy an Mr. Factor fer doin so well with "Mother Nature's Gift of Youth" that Jessie cum up with. That cream was doin rite well fer all of em, I tell ya.
Tha boys headed up that way from Amarillo fer a lil trip jes ta git away from it all an spend sum time tagathar since thay didn't git much time fer that nowadays. Tha next mornin Leonard called up tha boys an asked em ifn thay would like ta eat a bite at tha Rattlesnake Club an visit fer a spell. Tha boys all agreed ta that without thinkin twice.
Leonard said he would meet em thar at tha old Tivoli Brewery building. Tha place was built in 1859 an had 4 floors an was knowed far an wide ta serve up sum real fine vittles that was a sight different from what tha boys ever ate. After tha boys an Leonard was seated, thay got thar iced, sweet tea an looked over tha menu fer sumthin good ta order. Walter had parked Buster's Ford whilst tha rest of em went on in ta find Leonard so he was a bit late but Buster had dun ordered hisn tea too. Walter set down Howard's bag he brung with him that Howard left in tha Ford in case he needed hisn pills he took every day. Howard always toted hisn bag with him ever place he went an had all manner of whatnots an widgets in it. Buster was at tha opposite end of tha table when Walter cum in an Howard an Jessie was in tha Gents when he sat down at tha table an put Howard's bag beside hisn chair. When everbody got settled, Leonard thanked em all fer helpin him an tole em what all happened with hisn fightin fer tha title of Middleweight Champion of tha World. Leonard had cum from outa nowhar in tha boxin world when he was a fill in fer a fight kinda like tha Rocky movie. Leonard was a direct descendent, an tha great, great grandson of George Bent, a Cheyenne Dog soldier. Leonard showed em a photagraph of a Dog Soldier sash laid on top of a muslin painting that depicted a Cheyenne Dog Soldier wearing such a sash in battle. Tha Dog Soldiers were tha most elite Cheyenne military society. Similar ta societies of other tribes, Dog Soldiers swore never ta retreat in battle. Tha long sash served as tha society's insignia an pinned tha warrior ta tha earth during battle. Thar were Dog Soldiers among tha Arapahos an also amongst Kiowas. Head men of all these tribes wore sashes made of Buffalo skin worked with porcupine quills an bead work. Only head men an brave men could wear this sash. It is called a Dog Rope. On one end thar is a sharp pin eight inches long. In a fight, these headmen were supposed ta stick this pin in tha ground an not run off. Anyone could pull this pin out an hand it ta tha owner. At tha same time, tha person pulling this pin must hit him with a whip ta make him leave said George Bent in one of his letters. George Bent was a Cheyenne Dog Soldier an tha son of William Bent, a white trader, an Owl Woman, a Southern Cheyenne. Born in 1843, Bent was raised in both tha Cheyenne an white worlds. He received a white man's education an served in tha Confederate Army at tha beginning of tha Civil War. He returned home ta Fort Bent an tha Southern Cheyenne village in 1862. Bent was living in Black Kettle's village at Sand Creek when it was attacked on November 29, 1864. Although wounded, Bent made it ta a Dog Soldier encampment fifty miles away. From then on, Bent lived with tha Cheyenne an rode with tha Dog Soldiers on tha retaliatory raids on white settlements. So, Leonard cum by it honest not ta cut an run. In this here fight sum feller an hisn henchmen cum inta hisn dressin room an tole him ta throw tha fight an thay'd give him $5000 dollars. Leonard tole em what thay could do with tha $5000 dollars in no uncertain terms. Leonard larnated boxin from a feller he knowed in tha service an boxed an trained with sum purty tuff fellers as Jessie knowed sum of em from hisn boxin days. Anyhow, Leonard whupped tha feller he was a boxin in Las Vegas an than cum back ta Denver whar he was from. He dun hisn own managin an set tha fight fer tha title match thar in Denver a few days from now. This all happened purty durn fast in Leonard's opinion ta be a coincidence an he reckoned sumbody didn't want him ta fight fer tha crown. Bout that time Leonard reached down fer tha bag he brung with him but got Howard's instead of hisn.
He was a gonna show tha boys hisn grandpa's Dog Soldier sash that was handed down ta him but when he reached inta tha bag thar was tha dangest carryin on a body ever did see. Well, Leonard dropped that bag like a hot potato fer shor. It was Howard's bag that Howard had put tha toesack in with them two 4 foot rattlers. Howard jumped up an caught up them two rattlers like thar was nuthin ta it.
Howard dun seed a glass tank whar tha restaurant had a display of rattlers fer tha customers an after he caught up them two rattlers that was slitherin out of tha toesack, headed straight fer it. Now ifn that wadn't a sight ta see! Here ole Howard was with them two rattlers a hangin down whilst he was holdin em up behind tha haid. A walkin crost that restaurant, ever one of tha folks thar a eatin shor nuf had a bead on him. Howard seed folks a gittin up an movin away as he went fer tha tank. Bout that time tha manager cum out an Howard tole him ta open up tha lid on tha tank. Tha lid was locked an when tha manager opened it, Howard put both them rattlers in tha tank an tole tha manger he had two more fer tha folks ta gawk at, an fer free. Well, all them folks went ta clappin an a few of em even said a few words ta Howard on tha way back ta tha table. Tha manager cum over an tole em that whatever thay ordered was on tha house. All of boys an Leonard thanked him an everbody went back ta eatin an visitin. Whilst Leonard an tha boys was a talkin, Leonard invited tha boys ta be hisn guests at his boxin match on Saturday, jes two days away. Tha boys decided ta stay on an go see tha fight an help Leonard any way thay could. Walter spoke fer all tha boys an tole Leonard thay shor did appreciate hisn invite an would certainly take him up on it. Thay all agreed tha main thang was ta see who flung tha chunk on keepin Leonard from fightin an who thunked him on tha noggin cause thay probably would cum back ta finish tha job. After thay finished a fine meal, with a lil fried rattler fer a appetizer, tha boys follered Leonard back ta hisn trainin site which was a old warehouse converted ta a gym by tha local Boy's Club. Thar was younguns a larnin ta box, sum purty good wannabes an a few journeyman professional boxers thar. When Leonard cum in, everbody greeted him with a howdy or a wave an a feller name of Ike cum over an tole Leonard that sum fellers cum by an was askin questions bout Leonard. Now thay was gittin down ta it! Them thugs was shor nuf on Leonard's trail an seemed like thay was dead set on gittin ta Leonard ta put him outa commission. Whilst tha boys was thar with Leonard, hisn trainer an a doctar cum over an checked him out ta see ifn he was fit fer tha fight. That Old McBrayer saved tha day fer Leonard an he dun recovered from hisn lil jaunt in tha high plains desert. His goose aig was bout gone an that wouldn't interfere with tha fight neithar. Tha feller Leonard was ta fight was a feller from England name of Alan Minter. He was a good fighter an a Olympic Champion Bronze medal winner in tha '72 Munich games. Problem with him though was he was prone ta cuts. Minter had quite a few fights stopped cause he was cut up too bad an not cause he got whupped. Leonard was really lookin fomards ta tha match an said ifn he won he wouldn't fight any longer but would retire. He jes wanted ta show folks a Indian could do it jes like Jim Thorpe did in his athletic career. Tha boys visited with Leonard ever day at tha gym an went ta supper over ta hisn house too. Leonard wadn't married but had a girlfriend named Tomasina, a Kiowa Indian princess, an she was a rite fine cook. She was 3/4 Kiowa an 1/4 Cheyenne an thay planned ta be married up with tha money he would make from tha fight an start a bizness too from hisn winnings. He had sum kinda idee ta use them IBM computers that Jessie invested in fer tha boys. Tha fellers that cum up with sumthin called DOS was Bill Gates an Paul Allen. Leonard was a gonna go in with em ta make a new operatin system called Windows. Jessie tole Leonard that thay would put sum money inta that too ifn thay could an Leonard said he would see ta it with Bill an Paul.
Well, it cum up ta fight day an everthang was a runnin purty smooth like. Leonard was in tip top shape an a rarin ta go. Alan Minter was in town an tha boys went by ta see him spar a few rounds an Jessie tole tha boys that tha feller was rite good but so was Leonard. It shor would be too close a fight ta call an a tussle it would be, tha's fer certain. That afternoon Jessie seed two fellers a pokin round by tha dressin rooms whar tha fight was ta be held at tha Ameristar casino.
Jessie jes happened ta be walkin by on hisn way ta give Leonard sum concoction he cum up with ta help hisn hands in tha boxin gloves. Jessie hollered at tha two thugs an thay split up an went in two different directions. Jessie follered tha one that headed outside an wanted ta see whar he was goin or what he was drivin. Tha other feller went back inta tha casino an got lost in tha crowd. Jessie lost tha feller when he jumped inta a van an took off. Tha plate was from Vermont but Jessie couldn't git tha number off it cause it was covered up with mud. Jessie tole tha rest of tha boys an Leonard what all happened an thay said thay would be on tha lookout fer any shenanigans that mite be goin on an tole Leonard ta be rite careful too. Tha fight started at 7 pm at tha Ameristar Casino an was broadcast on all tha sports channels. Tha bell rang rite on time after tha announcer introduced tha two fighters. Now ole Leonard was takin it ta Minter an thay both was tradin licks that would fell a mule. Both them boys could take a lick an each one of em was staggered a bit after one big flurry in tha first round. Ya could tell this was gonna be one big slugfest an not nary one of em was a gonna back down from tha other un. Boy o boy, it was toe ta toe in tha second. Leonard had cut Alan Minter with a rite hook an follered with a uppercut that shor loosened up a few teeth when he had Minter on tha ropes. Than outa nowhar Leonard begin ta stumble without bein hit an fell ta tha canvas, out cold. Tha referee stopped tha fight an declared Alan Minter tha winner. After Leonard cum too with tha doctor workin on him, he was shor upset bout not bein able ta finish tha fight. Leonard said he only had a swig or two of water outa tha bottle at ringside an spit that out too. Leonard was thinkin he mighta had sum problem with tha conk on tha haid an that's why he fell out. Whilst all this was a goin on, Buster got tha bottle from ringside an asked tha doc ifn he could have it tested ta see if sumthin in tha water coulda affected Leonard. Tha doc said he would an it would be a day or two before he had tha results but he would rush it. Howard an Walter was back out ta ringside too an spied a piece of paper, a laundry tag really, that was at tha edge of tha skirt on tha ring an had been partially pushed underneath it. Walter got it an read tha name of tha laundry an tole tha boys thay was on tha case now. Tha boys all agreed ta help find out what happened ta Leonard an would git rite on it tha next day. Tha doc had Leonard ta go home a rest an he would observe him tha next day before he released him as fit.
Shor nuf, tha laundry had a clue that had ta be follered up on as ta who this here feller was. Seemed he was from Las Vegas an it shor nuf looked like this was gonna be sumthin ta do with gamblin figured tha boys. Tha boys tole Leonard thay was headin fer Las Vegas but would be in touch or be back in a day or two. Tha boys got in an went ta whar tha feller lived after trackin him down jes usin simple common sense. Guess tha feller figured he didn't have nuthin ta worry bout on that score. Tha boys seed tha feller goin inta hisn apartment an decided ta have a talk with him bout hisn actions dealin with Leonard. Thay were expectin trouble an Buster was shor nuf up fer it with Walter breathin fire too. Jessie knocked on tha door an tole tha feller he was from tha city code enforcement department an had ta ask him sum questions. When tha feller opened tha door, Buster an Walter grabbed him an swatted him good an tied him up.
Tha feller was fightin mad but couldn't git a loose an then is when tha boys begin ta questionin him. At first he wouldn't talk nun but Buster convinced him ta spill tha beans from a lil trick Devane had showed him on tha lil tussles thay had a time or two. Tha feller said he was workin fer a gamblin outfit outa Las Vegas an a lotta money was bet on Minter an thay knowed Leonard might not whup Minter but could cut him up an stop tha fight. That jes wadn't gonna happen so thay went ta work on Leonard. Thay wanted ta put Leonard outa commission. Thay had another feller lined up ta fight an thay had rigged it so thay would make a pile of money on tha outcome. Buster tole tha feller that thay was gonna have tha fight rulin overturned an reschedule tha fight with no interference an he was goin ta jail. Howard called tha po-leece an also called Mr. Holmes in Washington ta let him know what was goin on. Mr. Holmes said he would look inta it an he would handle tha po-leece an ta go on back ta Denver. After tha po-leece took Homer Sambino off ta jail, tha boys left on out. When thay got back ta Denver, tha boys tole Leonard what all happened an that his drinkin water had been spiked with knockout drops an that is why he jes keeled over. That afternoon tha doc called an confirmed that a drug was in tha water an a Mickey Finn had stopped hisn clock. Jessie took it on hisn own ta see whar Alan Minter was an called him up an tole him what had happened. Jessie asked him ifn he wanted ta win like that an that tha best man had not been determined yet an would he consider a rematch even if tha fight was overturned. Minter's manager said that wadn't gonna happen whether tha win was overturned by tha boxin commission or not. Reckon that says it all, Jessie tole tha boys an Leonard when he reported what was said in his phone call ta Alan Minter. That evenin tha boys an Leonard went out fer a pizza an as thay was gittin inta Buster's Ford, four SUV's cum outa nowhar. Buster hit tha gas an tha chase was on. It was them fellers from Las Vegas an thay wanted ta make shor tha fight wadn't gonna be overturned so thay figured thay had ta take out Leonard an tha boys as well. Buster run outa gas bout 32 miles outa town near Castle Rock. Tha boys an Leonard had jus enuf time ta git up on Castle Rock a ways before them thugs cum in behind em. Buster had hisn Remingtan 12 ga. shotgun an .308 rifle, Jessie's Makarov 9mm, Howards Glock 9mm an Walter's .410 snake pistol in tha Ford. Thar firepower didn't match up with them fellers from Vegas but would keep em off of em fer a spell til help cum. It shor nuf was hell's a poppin fer awhile till thay run outa ammo. Tha boys an Leonard dun thought thay was dun fer cause thar wadn't a po-leece in sight. Leonard an tha boys was all huddled up a fixin ta make thar last stand when lo an behold Julian appeared thar amongst em. He said howdy boys, seems like ya got your selfs in a fine fix here now don't it. Buster said you kin bet yore boots on that an thay got blood in thar eye too. Julian said not ta worry nun cause if ya take a gander out over tha ridge ya will see ole Black Kettle an hisn Dog Soldiers painted fer war a sneakin up behind them thugs. Shor nuf them thugs was took out one by one till tha odds was whiddled down sum then Black Kettle's war whoop could be heared far an wide. Tha attack cum hard an fast an not nary one of them thugs was left a standin or breathin fer that matter. Julian looked over ta Leonard an tole him hisn people an hisn grandaddy would always be thar when he needed em an then him an all tha Indians jes disappeared. Now Leonard jes bout dropped hisn teeth an swallered hisn tongue both when all this happened, I tell ya, an Walter tole him ta jes "hold tha line" an thay would tell him a tale bout all this when thangs got settled down. Reckon ya could say tha calvary cum in bout that time cause tha po-leece cum up like gangbusters. Thar jes wadn't no explainin bout tommyhawks an arrers stickin in them thugs but that's jes tha way it was. After sum questions an a phone call ta Mr. Holmes, tha boys an Leonard was let go an tha Ford got gassed up an thay all went back ta Leonard's place.
Tha boys recounted what all happened ta em at Crow Creek an tole Leonard that thar was was no explainin sum thangs in this world but thay was shor nuf real allrite. Leonard was shor nuf bumfuzzled an he had him one of them epiphanies thay call it. He was a changed man that's fer shor. After a nite's rest tha boys met Leonard at tha gym tha next day an was bout ready ta say thar goodbyes when Alan Minter walked in. He looked at Leonard an tole him thar jes couldn't be no rematch fer tha title but thay had a score ta settle, ifn it was allrite by him, thay'd settle this once an fer all an see who would win. Both of them men jes had ta see who was tha better man an knowed thay'd each be tested fer thar best. Thangs got set up jes bout like tha nite of tha fight. Wadn't no TV cameras or reporters neithar, jes tha boys an tha local fellers thar at tha gym. Alan Minter did bring hisn people as well but nobody else was invited.
Tha bell rang an tha fight was on. Jes like a regular fight, it was ta be 15 rounds. It was bout like thay left off tha nite of tha title fight, a slugfest. Them two fellers could throw a punch an take a punch too. Bout tha time ya figured one of em was dun fer, he'd cum back strong an tha other un would back off an get his wind. That went on fer 15 rounds. At tha sound of tha bell of tha last round, both Leonard an Alan had knots on thar haids an drippin blood but both was still standin. Thar wadn't no stoppin tha fight fer cuts, onlyest a knockout or throwin in tha towel. Standin thar in tha middle of tha ring, them two men knowed thay'd give it thar all an was satisfied thay'd each fought tha best fight of thar lives. Thar jes wadn't no more ta give. Alan an Leonard shook hands an Alan tole Leonard he shor had all he wanted of him an Leonard tole Alan tha same. Thay both jes grinned an headed fer tha showers an ta be doctored sum. After dressin, Alan cum over ta Leonard an handed him a envelope. He tole Leonard he deserved half of his winnins an he jes couldn't live with himself ifn he didn 't split it with him. Them two men looked each other dead in tha eye as thay shook hands with a respect so deep it couldn't be measured, friends fer life. Thay both knowed that thay traveled in different circles an thar lives were considerable different but would always have a bond. Jessie had eased over an called Tomasina at tha beginnin of tha fight an she watched it from tha back of tha gym in tha office with a bird's eye view an a ringside seat ya mite say. When Alan left out, Tomasina cum up ta Leonard an with her eyes jes a mistin. Leonard handed tha envelope ta Howard an asked him ta open it since he was tha one that saved hisn bacon fer this day. Howard borryed Walter's Buck knife an slit open tha envelope real careful like. He took out tha check an read tha amount ta Leonard, $15,000,000.00! Well now, Leonard an Tomasina was plum overwhelmed an overjoyed ta boot. Thar life was shor gonna take a different turn now. As tha boys begin ta leave, Leonard tole em all that thay always had a friend an a place with him ta stay an don't be strangers neithar. He was rite proud ta have met em all an would ferever be grateful fer what thay dun fer him.
After tha trip an tha boys was settled in back home, tha boys each received a package from Leonard. It was 3 months from when thay was out ta Denver an a letter was with each of tha packages. Leonard asked that all tha boys git tagathar an open thar packages all at once. Well, Sunday after church, tha boys an thar folks all got tagathar at Buster's grandma's house fer Sunday dinner an ta open thar packages so everbody could see. By this time nuthin much surprised any of tha folks let alone tha boys, so, thay shared these experiences tagathar. In each package was a handmade Dog Soldier's sash made of Buffalo skin worked with porcupine quills an bead work, jes like it was dun in tha old days.
Taped ta tha pin on tha end of each sash was a card, an it read, "HOLD THA LINE"!
After a bit, Leonard begin ta talk sensible like an Howard asked Leonard how he cum ta be in tha desert an why he was snockered like he was. Leonard said he was conked on hisn haid an left in tha desert an all he had ta drink fer two days was a bottle of Old McBrayer he had with him. It was a wonder tha quart bottle didn't break when he was rolled outa tha car he was in. He shor didn't remember much after he left outa tha casino an two fellers cum up ta him an acted like thay wanted hisn autagraph. Leonard was a top contender fightin fer tha world championship in tha middleweight division an hisn last fight was tha one that set him up fer tha championship. Tha last thing he remembered was that one of tha fellers tole him he shoulda throwed tha fight. Leonard woke up out in tha high plains desert with nuthin but hisn bottle of Old McBrayer an hisn boots. Tha Old McBrayer was tha onlyest thang he had ta drink an that's tha reason he was drunk. He was raised in them parts an knowed he could make it back ta town ifn he took his time an an played it smart. He was shor glad it was summer but tha nites was still rite chilly. Buster an tha boys drove Leonard back ta his place an give him tha name of tha hotel thay was stayin at thar in town fer a couple of days. Tha hotel was tha Brown Palace an was a treat by way of Nancy an Mr. Factor fer doin so well with "Mother Nature's Gift of Youth" that Jessie cum up with. That cream was doin rite well fer all of em, I tell ya.
Tha boys headed up that way from Amarillo fer a lil trip jes ta git away from it all an spend sum time tagathar since thay didn't git much time fer that nowadays. Tha next mornin Leonard called up tha boys an asked em ifn thay would like ta eat a bite at tha Rattlesnake Club an visit fer a spell. Tha boys all agreed ta that without thinkin twice.
Leonard said he would meet em thar at tha old Tivoli Brewery building. Tha place was built in 1859 an had 4 floors an was knowed far an wide ta serve up sum real fine vittles that was a sight different from what tha boys ever ate. After tha boys an Leonard was seated, thay got thar iced, sweet tea an looked over tha menu fer sumthin good ta order. Walter had parked Buster's Ford whilst tha rest of em went on in ta find Leonard so he was a bit late but Buster had dun ordered hisn tea too. Walter set down Howard's bag he brung with him that Howard left in tha Ford in case he needed hisn pills he took every day. Howard always toted hisn bag with him ever place he went an had all manner of whatnots an widgets in it. Buster was at tha opposite end of tha table when Walter cum in an Howard an Jessie was in tha Gents when he sat down at tha table an put Howard's bag beside hisn chair. When everbody got settled, Leonard thanked em all fer helpin him an tole em what all happened with hisn fightin fer tha title of Middleweight Champion of tha World. Leonard had cum from outa nowhar in tha boxin world when he was a fill in fer a fight kinda like tha Rocky movie. Leonard was a direct descendent, an tha great, great grandson of George Bent, a Cheyenne Dog soldier. Leonard showed em a photagraph of a Dog Soldier sash laid on top of a muslin painting that depicted a Cheyenne Dog Soldier wearing such a sash in battle. Tha Dog Soldiers were tha most elite Cheyenne military society. Similar ta societies of other tribes, Dog Soldiers swore never ta retreat in battle. Tha long sash served as tha society's insignia an pinned tha warrior ta tha earth during battle. Thar were Dog Soldiers among tha Arapahos an also amongst Kiowas. Head men of all these tribes wore sashes made of Buffalo skin worked with porcupine quills an bead work. Only head men an brave men could wear this sash. It is called a Dog Rope. On one end thar is a sharp pin eight inches long. In a fight, these headmen were supposed ta stick this pin in tha ground an not run off. Anyone could pull this pin out an hand it ta tha owner. At tha same time, tha person pulling this pin must hit him with a whip ta make him leave said George Bent in one of his letters. George Bent was a Cheyenne Dog Soldier an tha son of William Bent, a white trader, an Owl Woman, a Southern Cheyenne. Born in 1843, Bent was raised in both tha Cheyenne an white worlds. He received a white man's education an served in tha Confederate Army at tha beginning of tha Civil War. He returned home ta Fort Bent an tha Southern Cheyenne village in 1862. Bent was living in Black Kettle's village at Sand Creek when it was attacked on November 29, 1864. Although wounded, Bent made it ta a Dog Soldier encampment fifty miles away. From then on, Bent lived with tha Cheyenne an rode with tha Dog Soldiers on tha retaliatory raids on white settlements. So, Leonard cum by it honest not ta cut an run. In this here fight sum feller an hisn henchmen cum inta hisn dressin room an tole him ta throw tha fight an thay'd give him $5000 dollars. Leonard tole em what thay could do with tha $5000 dollars in no uncertain terms. Leonard larnated boxin from a feller he knowed in tha service an boxed an trained with sum purty tuff fellers as Jessie knowed sum of em from hisn boxin days. Anyhow, Leonard whupped tha feller he was a boxin in Las Vegas an than cum back ta Denver whar he was from. He dun hisn own managin an set tha fight fer tha title match thar in Denver a few days from now. This all happened purty durn fast in Leonard's opinion ta be a coincidence an he reckoned sumbody didn't want him ta fight fer tha crown. Bout that time Leonard reached down fer tha bag he brung with him but got Howard's instead of hisn.
He was a gonna show tha boys hisn grandpa's Dog Soldier sash that was handed down ta him but when he reached inta tha bag thar was tha dangest carryin on a body ever did see. Well, Leonard dropped that bag like a hot potato fer shor. It was Howard's bag that Howard had put tha toesack in with them two 4 foot rattlers. Howard jumped up an caught up them two rattlers like thar was nuthin ta it.
Howard dun seed a glass tank whar tha restaurant had a display of rattlers fer tha customers an after he caught up them two rattlers that was slitherin out of tha toesack, headed straight fer it. Now ifn that wadn't a sight ta see! Here ole Howard was with them two rattlers a hangin down whilst he was holdin em up behind tha haid. A walkin crost that restaurant, ever one of tha folks thar a eatin shor nuf had a bead on him. Howard seed folks a gittin up an movin away as he went fer tha tank. Bout that time tha manager cum out an Howard tole him ta open up tha lid on tha tank. Tha lid was locked an when tha manager opened it, Howard put both them rattlers in tha tank an tole tha manger he had two more fer tha folks ta gawk at, an fer free. Well, all them folks went ta clappin an a few of em even said a few words ta Howard on tha way back ta tha table. Tha manager cum over an tole em that whatever thay ordered was on tha house. All of boys an Leonard thanked him an everbody went back ta eatin an visitin. Whilst Leonard an tha boys was a talkin, Leonard invited tha boys ta be hisn guests at his boxin match on Saturday, jes two days away. Tha boys decided ta stay on an go see tha fight an help Leonard any way thay could. Walter spoke fer all tha boys an tole Leonard thay shor did appreciate hisn invite an would certainly take him up on it. Thay all agreed tha main thang was ta see who flung tha chunk on keepin Leonard from fightin an who thunked him on tha noggin cause thay probably would cum back ta finish tha job. After thay finished a fine meal, with a lil fried rattler fer a appetizer, tha boys follered Leonard back ta hisn trainin site which was a old warehouse converted ta a gym by tha local Boy's Club. Thar was younguns a larnin ta box, sum purty good wannabes an a few journeyman professional boxers thar. When Leonard cum in, everbody greeted him with a howdy or a wave an a feller name of Ike cum over an tole Leonard that sum fellers cum by an was askin questions bout Leonard. Now thay was gittin down ta it! Them thugs was shor nuf on Leonard's trail an seemed like thay was dead set on gittin ta Leonard ta put him outa commission. Whilst tha boys was thar with Leonard, hisn trainer an a doctar cum over an checked him out ta see ifn he was fit fer tha fight. That Old McBrayer saved tha day fer Leonard an he dun recovered from hisn lil jaunt in tha high plains desert. His goose aig was bout gone an that wouldn't interfere with tha fight neithar. Tha feller Leonard was ta fight was a feller from England name of Alan Minter. He was a good fighter an a Olympic Champion Bronze medal winner in tha '72 Munich games. Problem with him though was he was prone ta cuts. Minter had quite a few fights stopped cause he was cut up too bad an not cause he got whupped. Leonard was really lookin fomards ta tha match an said ifn he won he wouldn't fight any longer but would retire. He jes wanted ta show folks a Indian could do it jes like Jim Thorpe did in his athletic career. Tha boys visited with Leonard ever day at tha gym an went ta supper over ta hisn house too. Leonard wadn't married but had a girlfriend named Tomasina, a Kiowa Indian princess, an she was a rite fine cook. She was 3/4 Kiowa an 1/4 Cheyenne an thay planned ta be married up with tha money he would make from tha fight an start a bizness too from hisn winnings. He had sum kinda idee ta use them IBM computers that Jessie invested in fer tha boys. Tha fellers that cum up with sumthin called DOS was Bill Gates an Paul Allen. Leonard was a gonna go in with em ta make a new operatin system called Windows. Jessie tole Leonard that thay would put sum money inta that too ifn thay could an Leonard said he would see ta it with Bill an Paul.
Well, it cum up ta fight day an everthang was a runnin purty smooth like. Leonard was in tip top shape an a rarin ta go. Alan Minter was in town an tha boys went by ta see him spar a few rounds an Jessie tole tha boys that tha feller was rite good but so was Leonard. It shor would be too close a fight ta call an a tussle it would be, tha's fer certain. That afternoon Jessie seed two fellers a pokin round by tha dressin rooms whar tha fight was ta be held at tha Ameristar casino.
Jessie jes happened ta be walkin by on hisn way ta give Leonard sum concoction he cum up with ta help hisn hands in tha boxin gloves. Jessie hollered at tha two thugs an thay split up an went in two different directions. Jessie follered tha one that headed outside an wanted ta see whar he was goin or what he was drivin. Tha other feller went back inta tha casino an got lost in tha crowd. Jessie lost tha feller when he jumped inta a van an took off. Tha plate was from Vermont but Jessie couldn't git tha number off it cause it was covered up with mud. Jessie tole tha rest of tha boys an Leonard what all happened an thay said thay would be on tha lookout fer any shenanigans that mite be goin on an tole Leonard ta be rite careful too. Tha fight started at 7 pm at tha Ameristar Casino an was broadcast on all tha sports channels. Tha bell rang rite on time after tha announcer introduced tha two fighters. Now ole Leonard was takin it ta Minter an thay both was tradin licks that would fell a mule. Both them boys could take a lick an each one of em was staggered a bit after one big flurry in tha first round. Ya could tell this was gonna be one big slugfest an not nary one of em was a gonna back down from tha other un. Boy o boy, it was toe ta toe in tha second. Leonard had cut Alan Minter with a rite hook an follered with a uppercut that shor loosened up a few teeth when he had Minter on tha ropes. Than outa nowhar Leonard begin ta stumble without bein hit an fell ta tha canvas, out cold. Tha referee stopped tha fight an declared Alan Minter tha winner. After Leonard cum too with tha doctor workin on him, he was shor upset bout not bein able ta finish tha fight. Leonard said he only had a swig or two of water outa tha bottle at ringside an spit that out too. Leonard was thinkin he mighta had sum problem with tha conk on tha haid an that's why he fell out. Whilst all this was a goin on, Buster got tha bottle from ringside an asked tha doc ifn he could have it tested ta see if sumthin in tha water coulda affected Leonard. Tha doc said he would an it would be a day or two before he had tha results but he would rush it. Howard an Walter was back out ta ringside too an spied a piece of paper, a laundry tag really, that was at tha edge of tha skirt on tha ring an had been partially pushed underneath it. Walter got it an read tha name of tha laundry an tole tha boys thay was on tha case now. Tha boys all agreed ta help find out what happened ta Leonard an would git rite on it tha next day. Tha doc had Leonard ta go home a rest an he would observe him tha next day before he released him as fit.
Shor nuf, tha laundry had a clue that had ta be follered up on as ta who this here feller was. Seemed he was from Las Vegas an it shor nuf looked like this was gonna be sumthin ta do with gamblin figured tha boys. Tha boys tole Leonard thay was headin fer Las Vegas but would be in touch or be back in a day or two. Tha boys got in an went ta whar tha feller lived after trackin him down jes usin simple common sense. Guess tha feller figured he didn't have nuthin ta worry bout on that score. Tha boys seed tha feller goin inta hisn apartment an decided ta have a talk with him bout hisn actions dealin with Leonard. Thay were expectin trouble an Buster was shor nuf up fer it with Walter breathin fire too. Jessie knocked on tha door an tole tha feller he was from tha city code enforcement department an had ta ask him sum questions. When tha feller opened tha door, Buster an Walter grabbed him an swatted him good an tied him up.
Tha feller was fightin mad but couldn't git a loose an then is when tha boys begin ta questionin him. At first he wouldn't talk nun but Buster convinced him ta spill tha beans from a lil trick Devane had showed him on tha lil tussles thay had a time or two. Tha feller said he was workin fer a gamblin outfit outa Las Vegas an a lotta money was bet on Minter an thay knowed Leonard might not whup Minter but could cut him up an stop tha fight. That jes wadn't gonna happen so thay went ta work on Leonard. Thay wanted ta put Leonard outa commission. Thay had another feller lined up ta fight an thay had rigged it so thay would make a pile of money on tha outcome. Buster tole tha feller that thay was gonna have tha fight rulin overturned an reschedule tha fight with no interference an he was goin ta jail. Howard called tha po-leece an also called Mr. Holmes in Washington ta let him know what was goin on. Mr. Holmes said he would look inta it an he would handle tha po-leece an ta go on back ta Denver. After tha po-leece took Homer Sambino off ta jail, tha boys left on out. When thay got back ta Denver, tha boys tole Leonard what all happened an that his drinkin water had been spiked with knockout drops an that is why he jes keeled over. That afternoon tha doc called an confirmed that a drug was in tha water an a Mickey Finn had stopped hisn clock. Jessie took it on hisn own ta see whar Alan Minter was an called him up an tole him what had happened. Jessie asked him ifn he wanted ta win like that an that tha best man had not been determined yet an would he consider a rematch even if tha fight was overturned. Minter's manager said that wadn't gonna happen whether tha win was overturned by tha boxin commission or not. Reckon that says it all, Jessie tole tha boys an Leonard when he reported what was said in his phone call ta Alan Minter. That evenin tha boys an Leonard went out fer a pizza an as thay was gittin inta Buster's Ford, four SUV's cum outa nowhar. Buster hit tha gas an tha chase was on. It was them fellers from Las Vegas an thay wanted ta make shor tha fight wadn't gonna be overturned so thay figured thay had ta take out Leonard an tha boys as well. Buster run outa gas bout 32 miles outa town near Castle Rock. Tha boys an Leonard had jus enuf time ta git up on Castle Rock a ways before them thugs cum in behind em. Buster had hisn Remingtan 12 ga. shotgun an .308 rifle, Jessie's Makarov 9mm, Howards Glock 9mm an Walter's .410 snake pistol in tha Ford. Thar firepower didn't match up with them fellers from Vegas but would keep em off of em fer a spell til help cum. It shor nuf was hell's a poppin fer awhile till thay run outa ammo. Tha boys an Leonard dun thought thay was dun fer cause thar wadn't a po-leece in sight. Leonard an tha boys was all huddled up a fixin ta make thar last stand when lo an behold Julian appeared thar amongst em. He said howdy boys, seems like ya got your selfs in a fine fix here now don't it. Buster said you kin bet yore boots on that an thay got blood in thar eye too. Julian said not ta worry nun cause if ya take a gander out over tha ridge ya will see ole Black Kettle an hisn Dog Soldiers painted fer war a sneakin up behind them thugs. Shor nuf them thugs was took out one by one till tha odds was whiddled down sum then Black Kettle's war whoop could be heared far an wide. Tha attack cum hard an fast an not nary one of them thugs was left a standin or breathin fer that matter. Julian looked over ta Leonard an tole him hisn people an hisn grandaddy would always be thar when he needed em an then him an all tha Indians jes disappeared. Now Leonard jes bout dropped hisn teeth an swallered hisn tongue both when all this happened, I tell ya, an Walter tole him ta jes "hold tha line" an thay would tell him a tale bout all this when thangs got settled down. Reckon ya could say tha calvary cum in bout that time cause tha po-leece cum up like gangbusters. Thar jes wadn't no explainin bout tommyhawks an arrers stickin in them thugs but that's jes tha way it was. After sum questions an a phone call ta Mr. Holmes, tha boys an Leonard was let go an tha Ford got gassed up an thay all went back ta Leonard's place.
Tha boys recounted what all happened ta em at Crow Creek an tole Leonard that thar was was no explainin sum thangs in this world but thay was shor nuf real allrite. Leonard was shor nuf bumfuzzled an he had him one of them epiphanies thay call it. He was a changed man that's fer shor. After a nite's rest tha boys met Leonard at tha gym tha next day an was bout ready ta say thar goodbyes when Alan Minter walked in. He looked at Leonard an tole him thar jes couldn't be no rematch fer tha title but thay had a score ta settle, ifn it was allrite by him, thay'd settle this once an fer all an see who would win. Both of them men jes had ta see who was tha better man an knowed thay'd each be tested fer thar best. Thangs got set up jes bout like tha nite of tha fight. Wadn't no TV cameras or reporters neithar, jes tha boys an tha local fellers thar at tha gym. Alan Minter did bring hisn people as well but nobody else was invited.
Tha bell rang an tha fight was on. Jes like a regular fight, it was ta be 15 rounds. It was bout like thay left off tha nite of tha title fight, a slugfest. Them two fellers could throw a punch an take a punch too. Bout tha time ya figured one of em was dun fer, he'd cum back strong an tha other un would back off an get his wind. That went on fer 15 rounds. At tha sound of tha bell of tha last round, both Leonard an Alan had knots on thar haids an drippin blood but both was still standin. Thar wadn't no stoppin tha fight fer cuts, onlyest a knockout or throwin in tha towel. Standin thar in tha middle of tha ring, them two men knowed thay'd give it thar all an was satisfied thay'd each fought tha best fight of thar lives. Thar jes wadn't no more ta give. Alan an Leonard shook hands an Alan tole Leonard he shor had all he wanted of him an Leonard tole Alan tha same. Thay both jes grinned an headed fer tha showers an ta be doctored sum. After dressin, Alan cum over ta Leonard an handed him a envelope. He tole Leonard he deserved half of his winnins an he jes couldn't live with himself ifn he didn 't split it with him. Them two men looked each other dead in tha eye as thay shook hands with a respect so deep it couldn't be measured, friends fer life. Thay both knowed that thay traveled in different circles an thar lives were considerable different but would always have a bond. Jessie had eased over an called Tomasina at tha beginnin of tha fight an she watched it from tha back of tha gym in tha office with a bird's eye view an a ringside seat ya mite say. When Alan left out, Tomasina cum up ta Leonard an with her eyes jes a mistin. Leonard handed tha envelope ta Howard an asked him ta open it since he was tha one that saved hisn bacon fer this day. Howard borryed Walter's Buck knife an slit open tha envelope real careful like. He took out tha check an read tha amount ta Leonard, $15,000,000.00! Well now, Leonard an Tomasina was plum overwhelmed an overjoyed ta boot. Thar life was shor gonna take a different turn now. As tha boys begin ta leave, Leonard tole em all that thay always had a friend an a place with him ta stay an don't be strangers neithar. He was rite proud ta have met em all an would ferever be grateful fer what thay dun fer him.
After tha trip an tha boys was settled in back home, tha boys each received a package from Leonard. It was 3 months from when thay was out ta Denver an a letter was with each of tha packages. Leonard asked that all tha boys git tagathar an open thar packages all at once. Well, Sunday after church, tha boys an thar folks all got tagathar at Buster's grandma's house fer Sunday dinner an ta open thar packages so everbody could see. By this time nuthin much surprised any of tha folks let alone tha boys, so, thay shared these experiences tagathar. In each package was a handmade Dog Soldier's sash made of Buffalo skin worked with porcupine quills an bead work, jes like it was dun in tha old days.
Taped ta tha pin on tha end of each sash was a card, an it read, "HOLD THA LINE"!
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