Broke down like a cheap shotgun he was! T'ween tryin to larn that thar roller skatin an that new fangled skate boardin, Buster was plum tuckered out; wore to a frazzle. Buster's roommate was "Goose", Martin Maurice Greenberg, from Charleston, South Carolina. His mama done sent him them man eatin thangs on wheels an Buster jes could not git tha hang of em. He was banged up right smart an bruised all over hisn carcass an ahurtin was puttin it mighty politely.
Buster tole Goose to have at it an he was a goin to tha chow hall. Buster got ta eat 3 times a day ya know; thay plum starved the boy down. He was caved in so terrible bad that he didn't have no energy to pull tha rope at fog call. That's when ya have a rope to lead tha way when tha fog cum in so thick ya couldn't see yore hand in front of yore face. Thay blowed a horn on tha base to let everybody know to git on inside.
Buster done got called up to tha Air Corps an got shipped out ta England. Not whar he was from but tha one overseas. Spelled tha same though. Anyhow Buster went on in ta eat an he got his regular 4 servings of everythin. Tha Doctor had to sign sum papers to tha Colonel to git him fed. He got his dozen scrambled aigs, pound of bacon, pound of butter on his loaf of bread, half gallon of sweet milk an half gallon of chocolate, generous helpings of SOS, sum ketchup, cup of joe an a smoke an he was fittin to kill. Had that twice a day at 6 am breakfast an 12 midnight. That day he had 4 chickens plus all tha trimmins for supper an bologna sandwiches for dinner.
Buster was always on tha lookout fer them 2 Polock boys; thay's meaner than a snake. Always a wantin to tussle since thay found out Buster was half Czech on his mama's side.
Buster ambled on in to tha Airman's Club an got hisself a lil snort an seen thay had a new nickel slot machine. He didn't have nothing better to do so he took his change an put in a few nickels. Lo an Behold! He dun hit tha jackpot. Nickels was a goin ever which a place. Bought a round for tha boys thar an then went on back to his place right smack dab in tha middle of a Brussels sprout patch. He couldn't stand to eat em or smell em. Jes hated the dang thangs. Not as bad as liver though; that an beets; tasted like dirt to him.
Buster wasn't a workin that evenin so he an an Alabam feller decided go on inta town. Well thay sifoddled inta a couple of pubs an shot sum darts an jawed with folks fer a bit; then went to tha bowling alley whar tha 300 club was at. A jukebox was tha thang then; real bands were dime a dozen. Buster dun seen them Beatles, Nashville Teens, Herman an the Hermits an a bunch more of them fellers that got famous. Thay got purty well oiled up thar an since it was getting late, thay decided to hitch a ride back to base. As luck would have it, thay got loster than a goose. Thay gommed about fer a spell tryin to git thar directions straight an all of a sudden heared sum laughin an goins on. Buster an Wayne headed off in that direction an come up on a big ole wrought iron fence. On tha other side was a passel of gals the like ya never seen! Purty as all git I'm a tellin ya. Well, Buster bein a talker an all, got to spinin a yarn or two with this one gal an decided he had to have a closer looksee. Up over that fence he went; tole ole Wayne to come on over an he clum it too. Those two boys was a hit bein from the South an American to boot.
Thay got right cozy with one thay liked an was makin a date with two of the gals when lights come an sum woman dressed up like a witch come out a hollerin fer them to git on out of thar. The boys kissed tha gals an lit out up an over that fence quicker than an alley cat. Now here's tha part that gits a wee bit excitin. Tha gals was in what thay called a convent. Buster dun took up with this gal Heather an made it up with her to see her agin. Don't know if Wayne ever seen hisn or not.
Day or two went by an that Colonel that didn't cotton much to Buster dun had him brung up by tha AP's. Seems like Buster dun hooked up with tha Ambassador to Spain's daughter, Heather Phipps. She took a shine to Buster an dun got her daddy to go fetch Buster fer a visit. Caused quite a stir I tell ya. That Colonel was bustin a gut he was so mad at Buster, but Buster didn't pay him no mind. That Ambassador was way higher up tha ladder than that rabbit chasin Colonel. Buster got ta ride in that big, black, fancy car an went on inta town an had a right nice time of it a visitin. Heather wouldn't hear nun of it bout Buster not being able to come back so she got her daddy to fix that up with a General or sumbody. Next time thay was a goin to visit her grandma sumwhar another.
Buster got on back to tha base that evenin an that dang Colonel called him back up agin tha next afternoon. Seems as though the General dun had a few words for that Colonel an thay had sumthin shor nuff in stor for Buster. Thay dun got him all gussied up with new clothes that he ain't never seen before an then had a feller come in to train Buster West Point eatin manners an dancin. Not tha kind Buster was used to neither. Had to larn bowin an who to talk to an who not to talk to. Nuttiest thang he ever did see. Well, thay sent fer Buster in that big shiny black car an off he went; jes knowin that Colonel was a cussin a blue streak. Come to find out it plum upset his day. Buster an Heather went to see her grandma but not alone; never was alone with her, always sum folks a goin with them. Think thay called em chaperones. Buster always got on with old folks, babies an critters, so him an grandma hit it right off. It was warm over thar fer them folks; fell out of heat stroke at 70 degrees, but made fer a nice evenin. Buster an Heather run off round sum hedges an she planted a smooch on ole Buster that purely took his breath away. Said she wanted to see Buster sum more ifn he cottoned to tha idee. Sho nuff said Buster an she said she would fix it with her daddy so Buster could come anytime. Seems like her daddy dun checked out Buster an his family come from England, which Buster knew, an was royalty too, jes like hers. Buster said he didn't know nothin bout all that but his great aunt Gertrude had a book on it called "We Tiptons an Our Kin". She said her daddy tole her Buster's family went back further than thars an thay had a castle over thar sumwhar. Might be fun to visit sum of his people, Buster said, but he didn't know nun of em by name; fact is never laid eyes on or even heared of em. Tole her thanks for tha info. Them two dun all manner of thangs an had one heck of a good time for tha most part. The fancy stuff an an a prancin an paradin round wadn't to Buster's likin as well as not havin any real sparkin time alone with her.
Heather an Buster had a real good time with each other an became fast friends, but it jes wadn't to be. She was from another life an so was Buster an tha two jes didn't fit. Fun fer awhile an each of em got to see another side of life but thar raisin didn't allow that kinda minglin for very long. Thay parted friends an was glad thay came into each other's life.
Course that Colonel was havin a fit! He wanted to know everthin goin on. Buster tole him he wadn't a goin back an boy howdy did that Colonel pop a cork!
Didn't do him no good though cause tha Ambassador dun fixed up Buster real good with tha General an sumbody at tha White House thay said. Tha Ambassador dun tole em bout hisn folks an how good a feller he was an Buster was a real good example of a American. Buster even got a letter from him an tha Air Corps. Buster dun got sum letters since he dun saved those other boys lives. Didn't seem like much to Buster though, jes tha thang to do.
Well, one evenin thar was a dance. What they dun was to bring a bus load of gals from round bout the cuntry to dance an visit with tha fellers on tha base. The Negro boys would tell them gals thay was American Injuns. Course thay wadn't an the gals took all thar money till payday. Goes to show ya not to tell no lies. Well as the nite wore on an it was gettin on toward mornin; thay called for tha gals to board back on the bus to go home. Buster an Wayne hooked up agin an was havin a good time talkin with 2 of tha gals an walked em to tha bus. Thay stayed a bit longer than tha rest of tha boys an come to find out the bus driver dun got hisself all liquored up an was passed out colder than a wedge. Well, them gals started to caterwaulin an carryin on bout gettin home. Buster dun up an said he'd drive em on back an tole Wayne to saddle up, thay is gonna take the gals back. He said, "Can you drive this thang" an Buster replied he could drive anything on wheels or that could float or fly. Buster dun got Reggie's 2 seater Champ an larned to fly the thang by the seat of his pants out on tha farm back in Arkansas. That part of tha farm had sum sand an it made a right nice runway an Buster used to hop an skip that dang airplane all over tha place till he got tha hang of it. Grandpa Gus jes said don't kill yoreself or tear up tha road for harvest.
Buster put er in grandma gear an took off. Didn't jerk bad atall. Buster kinda got tha hang of drivin on the wrong side of tha road after a bit an larning tha gears. Then thar roads were a mite narrow but he could handle tha bus jes fine. Tha gals all took off thar dresses an hung em up an jes sat round with thar underwear or slips on. Danged if Buster an Wayne didn't fall in an come out smellin like a rose. Thay was in hog heaven with all them gals a sashayin round em. They was riding along an tha gals was givin directions an all of a sudden tha gear shift cum plum outa tha transmission! Tha bus had a stick shift in tha floor an that was sumthin Buster knew about. Jes slipped a cotter pin is all. Buster hollered at Wayne to come on back up front cause he was a spoonin that gal he liked in tha back of tha bus. Wayne an most of tha gals come up round Buster an was all concerned like. Buster tole em not to worry, he could make it work an fix it an git em all home in fine fetter. Buster tole Wayne to stick the gearshift back in the hole in tha transmission an keep it pushed in while he shifted. Buster took off an tole Wayne to hole er in Knute! I'm a dubble clutchin! What a ride! She got to be smooth sailin fer a spell till thay cum ta a lil town. Tha gals tole Buster to keep on a goin thru the town but them streets got narrower an narrower. Buster got er stuck on a lil side street an had to stop. Thar was a little pub right up tha street so he dun tole all of em ta git on out an stretch fer a spell an Buster an Wayne would buy em all sumthin to eat an drink. Feller that run tha place was closin up but stayed open till thay was all done eatin an drinkin an tha gals goin to ladies room an all. Buster pulled Wayne off to tha side an tole him what he was a figuring to do. Wayne said OK, let's do er. Thay piled back on tha bus an spirits was a bit better since eatin an drinkin an goin to tha outhouse. Buster fired er up an said for Wayne to hold er in! Buster took of like a house afire. He dun took off both side mirrors an knocked over a bunch of trash cans but got that bus unstuck an out on tha main road agin.
Round bout daylight the gals that were still awake said thay was only bout 20 miles away. Gas was good an she was a runnin smooth so thay were good to go. Ort to make it to thar town bout tha time tha townfolk were beginin to stir. Shor nuff, thay pulled in an tha gals' mamas an daddys an tha mayor was all out to meet em. Thay was all a huggin an a kissin an shakin our hands an said we was heroes. Buster an Wayne weren't no heroes, thay jes wanted a lil adventure an be with tha gals an plus thay was good boys an couldn't leave no wimmin in distress. Well, the gals' folks, tha ones thay liked, took em home an fed em an put em up fer 3 days. Buster an Wayne jes knowed thay was in a pickle bein AWOL an all an was tryin to figure out how to get out of this here lil perdictment. Danged ifn all tha townfolks didn't sign a letter to that Colonel an tha Mayor called him up an tole him how proud he was that thay rescued their gals an that thay was heroes. The Colonel got Buster on tha phone an tole him to catch the first train to London an there would be sumbody to fetch them thar at tha station. Buster an Wayne said thar goodbyes an left on out an finally got back to tha base. That Colonel was madder than a wet hen an ta bust a gut, I tell ya! He fussed an cussed an paced his office till Buster thought he would wear a hole in tha floorboards. He threatened Buster with his life an all tha time Buster was a grinnin from ear to ear. Buster dun had him agin. Weren't nuthin he could do bout their lil jaunt inta tha cuntryside cause it dun got back to tha top brass an thay was tha heroes of tha day. His afumin an rantin was shorely goin to drive him to an early grave. Tha Colonel was jes bout to pop his buttons when a phone call cum in an wanted tha Colonel to give Buster an Wayne a Commendation Medal. That tore it, I'd say! Run them outa thar spittin an spewin. Next roll call thay got thar medals an a 3 day pass.
Now that 3 day pass was sumthin for shore. A bunch of tha fellers got drunk an lost an ended up in sum section of London called Soho. Thay got a room for tha nite an all piled in thar cause money was scarce. One feller, lil Ronny Miller, he'd fight a circle saw but never won, dun put a towel over a lamp an caught tha place afire. Buster an Wayne dun cum in from findin sum milk an sumthin to eat an got all tha fellers outa thar. Guess tha fire dept. dun cum out cause bells was a ringin an thay was a runnin.
Buster's grandpa Gus could speak 7 languages an taught Buster jes enough of em to git him in trouble. Buster dun seed this Dutch gal an rattled off sumthin his grandpa Gus dun tole him an that gal was a purty gal but a big un. She tackled Buster in coal bin an went to jabberin sumthin an a huggin an kissin him. It was all Buster could do to git her offa him an when he did he run like a turpentined cat. Seed one of them Bobby Po-leece an asked him how tha devil to git out of that place. Buster met up with tha other fellers at tha train station to go on back to tha base. Thay was all wore down after all them shenanigans an all of em got sum shut eye on tha way back. Buster left a bag at tha train station an for sum reason tole tha feller his name was Wilver Zilch. Jes popped inta his mind I reckon. Feller went to git his bag an all tha rest of tha boys was a hootin an hollerin an bout to fall out laughin so hard with tears in thar eyes. Funny thang is, cum to find out tha attendant feller shouted out "Zilch,Wilver Zilch" an sum feller come a runnin. Ifn that don't beat all. But the attendant feller recognized Buster an give him his bag. Tha boys didn't go back ta town fer a spell after that.
Got a lil serious with tha war an all an Buster dun received his own orders one night; Tipton, AF18710512, report for duty, US ARMY, North parallel of the DMZ, Mobile COM Vans. Buster said dang, I'm in tha Air Corps not tha Army. But so goes life an Buster can now write another chapter in his life.
Nice thing for Christmas that year was tha cookies tha Ollinger gals, Karen Jeanene an Pamela Kay made up an sent him. Kinda broke up but thay was real good. Walter an Jessie an Howard hadn't joined up as yet an tha way it was a goin thay might not have ta go. Purty sorry state of affairs over thar an nuthin like you'd think. Glad thay is all safe an sound an Buster said he'd do his part an thars if it keeps them out of thar. Anyhow that is another story an we still got tha time Buster dun got hisself a lil English Ford Anglia an he an a feller named Smitty roamed tha cuntryside in it. Will do sum more visitin after dinner on tha ground Sunday.
Buster tole Goose to have at it an he was a goin to tha chow hall. Buster got ta eat 3 times a day ya know; thay plum starved the boy down. He was caved in so terrible bad that he didn't have no energy to pull tha rope at fog call. That's when ya have a rope to lead tha way when tha fog cum in so thick ya couldn't see yore hand in front of yore face. Thay blowed a horn on tha base to let everybody know to git on inside.
Buster done got called up to tha Air Corps an got shipped out ta England. Not whar he was from but tha one overseas. Spelled tha same though. Anyhow Buster went on in ta eat an he got his regular 4 servings of everythin. Tha Doctor had to sign sum papers to tha Colonel to git him fed. He got his dozen scrambled aigs, pound of bacon, pound of butter on his loaf of bread, half gallon of sweet milk an half gallon of chocolate, generous helpings of SOS, sum ketchup, cup of joe an a smoke an he was fittin to kill. Had that twice a day at 6 am breakfast an 12 midnight. That day he had 4 chickens plus all tha trimmins for supper an bologna sandwiches for dinner.
Buster was always on tha lookout fer them 2 Polock boys; thay's meaner than a snake. Always a wantin to tussle since thay found out Buster was half Czech on his mama's side.
Buster ambled on in to tha Airman's Club an got hisself a lil snort an seen thay had a new nickel slot machine. He didn't have nothing better to do so he took his change an put in a few nickels. Lo an Behold! He dun hit tha jackpot. Nickels was a goin ever which a place. Bought a round for tha boys thar an then went on back to his place right smack dab in tha middle of a Brussels sprout patch. He couldn't stand to eat em or smell em. Jes hated the dang thangs. Not as bad as liver though; that an beets; tasted like dirt to him.
Buster wasn't a workin that evenin so he an an Alabam feller decided go on inta town. Well thay sifoddled inta a couple of pubs an shot sum darts an jawed with folks fer a bit; then went to tha bowling alley whar tha 300 club was at. A jukebox was tha thang then; real bands were dime a dozen. Buster dun seen them Beatles, Nashville Teens, Herman an the Hermits an a bunch more of them fellers that got famous. Thay got purty well oiled up thar an since it was getting late, thay decided to hitch a ride back to base. As luck would have it, thay got loster than a goose. Thay gommed about fer a spell tryin to git thar directions straight an all of a sudden heared sum laughin an goins on. Buster an Wayne headed off in that direction an come up on a big ole wrought iron fence. On tha other side was a passel of gals the like ya never seen! Purty as all git I'm a tellin ya. Well, Buster bein a talker an all, got to spinin a yarn or two with this one gal an decided he had to have a closer looksee. Up over that fence he went; tole ole Wayne to come on over an he clum it too. Those two boys was a hit bein from the South an American to boot.
Thay got right cozy with one thay liked an was makin a date with two of the gals when lights come an sum woman dressed up like a witch come out a hollerin fer them to git on out of thar. The boys kissed tha gals an lit out up an over that fence quicker than an alley cat. Now here's tha part that gits a wee bit excitin. Tha gals was in what thay called a convent. Buster dun took up with this gal Heather an made it up with her to see her agin. Don't know if Wayne ever seen hisn or not.
Day or two went by an that Colonel that didn't cotton much to Buster dun had him brung up by tha AP's. Seems like Buster dun hooked up with tha Ambassador to Spain's daughter, Heather Phipps. She took a shine to Buster an dun got her daddy to go fetch Buster fer a visit. Caused quite a stir I tell ya. That Colonel was bustin a gut he was so mad at Buster, but Buster didn't pay him no mind. That Ambassador was way higher up tha ladder than that rabbit chasin Colonel. Buster got ta ride in that big, black, fancy car an went on inta town an had a right nice time of it a visitin. Heather wouldn't hear nun of it bout Buster not being able to come back so she got her daddy to fix that up with a General or sumbody. Next time thay was a goin to visit her grandma sumwhar another.
Buster got on back to tha base that evenin an that dang Colonel called him back up agin tha next afternoon. Seems as though the General dun had a few words for that Colonel an thay had sumthin shor nuff in stor for Buster. Thay dun got him all gussied up with new clothes that he ain't never seen before an then had a feller come in to train Buster West Point eatin manners an dancin. Not tha kind Buster was used to neither. Had to larn bowin an who to talk to an who not to talk to. Nuttiest thang he ever did see. Well, thay sent fer Buster in that big shiny black car an off he went; jes knowin that Colonel was a cussin a blue streak. Come to find out it plum upset his day. Buster an Heather went to see her grandma but not alone; never was alone with her, always sum folks a goin with them. Think thay called em chaperones. Buster always got on with old folks, babies an critters, so him an grandma hit it right off. It was warm over thar fer them folks; fell out of heat stroke at 70 degrees, but made fer a nice evenin. Buster an Heather run off round sum hedges an she planted a smooch on ole Buster that purely took his breath away. Said she wanted to see Buster sum more ifn he cottoned to tha idee. Sho nuff said Buster an she said she would fix it with her daddy so Buster could come anytime. Seems like her daddy dun checked out Buster an his family come from England, which Buster knew, an was royalty too, jes like hers. Buster said he didn't know nothin bout all that but his great aunt Gertrude had a book on it called "We Tiptons an Our Kin". She said her daddy tole her Buster's family went back further than thars an thay had a castle over thar sumwhar. Might be fun to visit sum of his people, Buster said, but he didn't know nun of em by name; fact is never laid eyes on or even heared of em. Tole her thanks for tha info. Them two dun all manner of thangs an had one heck of a good time for tha most part. The fancy stuff an an a prancin an paradin round wadn't to Buster's likin as well as not havin any real sparkin time alone with her.
Heather an Buster had a real good time with each other an became fast friends, but it jes wadn't to be. She was from another life an so was Buster an tha two jes didn't fit. Fun fer awhile an each of em got to see another side of life but thar raisin didn't allow that kinda minglin for very long. Thay parted friends an was glad thay came into each other's life.
Course that Colonel was havin a fit! He wanted to know everthin goin on. Buster tole him he wadn't a goin back an boy howdy did that Colonel pop a cork!
Didn't do him no good though cause tha Ambassador dun fixed up Buster real good with tha General an sumbody at tha White House thay said. Tha Ambassador dun tole em bout hisn folks an how good a feller he was an Buster was a real good example of a American. Buster even got a letter from him an tha Air Corps. Buster dun got sum letters since he dun saved those other boys lives. Didn't seem like much to Buster though, jes tha thang to do.
Well, one evenin thar was a dance. What they dun was to bring a bus load of gals from round bout the cuntry to dance an visit with tha fellers on tha base. The Negro boys would tell them gals thay was American Injuns. Course thay wadn't an the gals took all thar money till payday. Goes to show ya not to tell no lies. Well as the nite wore on an it was gettin on toward mornin; thay called for tha gals to board back on the bus to go home. Buster an Wayne hooked up agin an was havin a good time talkin with 2 of tha gals an walked em to tha bus. Thay stayed a bit longer than tha rest of tha boys an come to find out the bus driver dun got hisself all liquored up an was passed out colder than a wedge. Well, them gals started to caterwaulin an carryin on bout gettin home. Buster dun up an said he'd drive em on back an tole Wayne to saddle up, thay is gonna take the gals back. He said, "Can you drive this thang" an Buster replied he could drive anything on wheels or that could float or fly. Buster dun got Reggie's 2 seater Champ an larned to fly the thang by the seat of his pants out on tha farm back in Arkansas. That part of tha farm had sum sand an it made a right nice runway an Buster used to hop an skip that dang airplane all over tha place till he got tha hang of it. Grandpa Gus jes said don't kill yoreself or tear up tha road for harvest.
Buster put er in grandma gear an took off. Didn't jerk bad atall. Buster kinda got tha hang of drivin on the wrong side of tha road after a bit an larning tha gears. Then thar roads were a mite narrow but he could handle tha bus jes fine. Tha gals all took off thar dresses an hung em up an jes sat round with thar underwear or slips on. Danged if Buster an Wayne didn't fall in an come out smellin like a rose. Thay was in hog heaven with all them gals a sashayin round em. They was riding along an tha gals was givin directions an all of a sudden tha gear shift cum plum outa tha transmission! Tha bus had a stick shift in tha floor an that was sumthin Buster knew about. Jes slipped a cotter pin is all. Buster hollered at Wayne to come on back up front cause he was a spoonin that gal he liked in tha back of tha bus. Wayne an most of tha gals come up round Buster an was all concerned like. Buster tole em not to worry, he could make it work an fix it an git em all home in fine fetter. Buster tole Wayne to stick the gearshift back in the hole in tha transmission an keep it pushed in while he shifted. Buster took off an tole Wayne to hole er in Knute! I'm a dubble clutchin! What a ride! She got to be smooth sailin fer a spell till thay cum ta a lil town. Tha gals tole Buster to keep on a goin thru the town but them streets got narrower an narrower. Buster got er stuck on a lil side street an had to stop. Thar was a little pub right up tha street so he dun tole all of em ta git on out an stretch fer a spell an Buster an Wayne would buy em all sumthin to eat an drink. Feller that run tha place was closin up but stayed open till thay was all done eatin an drinkin an tha gals goin to ladies room an all. Buster pulled Wayne off to tha side an tole him what he was a figuring to do. Wayne said OK, let's do er. Thay piled back on tha bus an spirits was a bit better since eatin an drinkin an goin to tha outhouse. Buster fired er up an said for Wayne to hold er in! Buster took of like a house afire. He dun took off both side mirrors an knocked over a bunch of trash cans but got that bus unstuck an out on tha main road agin.
Round bout daylight the gals that were still awake said thay was only bout 20 miles away. Gas was good an she was a runnin smooth so thay were good to go. Ort to make it to thar town bout tha time tha townfolk were beginin to stir. Shor nuff, thay pulled in an tha gals' mamas an daddys an tha mayor was all out to meet em. Thay was all a huggin an a kissin an shakin our hands an said we was heroes. Buster an Wayne weren't no heroes, thay jes wanted a lil adventure an be with tha gals an plus thay was good boys an couldn't leave no wimmin in distress. Well, the gals' folks, tha ones thay liked, took em home an fed em an put em up fer 3 days. Buster an Wayne jes knowed thay was in a pickle bein AWOL an all an was tryin to figure out how to get out of this here lil perdictment. Danged ifn all tha townfolks didn't sign a letter to that Colonel an tha Mayor called him up an tole him how proud he was that thay rescued their gals an that thay was heroes. The Colonel got Buster on tha phone an tole him to catch the first train to London an there would be sumbody to fetch them thar at tha station. Buster an Wayne said thar goodbyes an left on out an finally got back to tha base. That Colonel was madder than a wet hen an ta bust a gut, I tell ya! He fussed an cussed an paced his office till Buster thought he would wear a hole in tha floorboards. He threatened Buster with his life an all tha time Buster was a grinnin from ear to ear. Buster dun had him agin. Weren't nuthin he could do bout their lil jaunt inta tha cuntryside cause it dun got back to tha top brass an thay was tha heroes of tha day. His afumin an rantin was shorely goin to drive him to an early grave. Tha Colonel was jes bout to pop his buttons when a phone call cum in an wanted tha Colonel to give Buster an Wayne a Commendation Medal. That tore it, I'd say! Run them outa thar spittin an spewin. Next roll call thay got thar medals an a 3 day pass.
Now that 3 day pass was sumthin for shore. A bunch of tha fellers got drunk an lost an ended up in sum section of London called Soho. Thay got a room for tha nite an all piled in thar cause money was scarce. One feller, lil Ronny Miller, he'd fight a circle saw but never won, dun put a towel over a lamp an caught tha place afire. Buster an Wayne dun cum in from findin sum milk an sumthin to eat an got all tha fellers outa thar. Guess tha fire dept. dun cum out cause bells was a ringin an thay was a runnin.
Buster's grandpa Gus could speak 7 languages an taught Buster jes enough of em to git him in trouble. Buster dun seed this Dutch gal an rattled off sumthin his grandpa Gus dun tole him an that gal was a purty gal but a big un. She tackled Buster in coal bin an went to jabberin sumthin an a huggin an kissin him. It was all Buster could do to git her offa him an when he did he run like a turpentined cat. Seed one of them Bobby Po-leece an asked him how tha devil to git out of that place. Buster met up with tha other fellers at tha train station to go on back to tha base. Thay was all wore down after all them shenanigans an all of em got sum shut eye on tha way back. Buster left a bag at tha train station an for sum reason tole tha feller his name was Wilver Zilch. Jes popped inta his mind I reckon. Feller went to git his bag an all tha rest of tha boys was a hootin an hollerin an bout to fall out laughin so hard with tears in thar eyes. Funny thang is, cum to find out tha attendant feller shouted out "Zilch,Wilver Zilch" an sum feller come a runnin. Ifn that don't beat all. But the attendant feller recognized Buster an give him his bag. Tha boys didn't go back ta town fer a spell after that.
Got a lil serious with tha war an all an Buster dun received his own orders one night; Tipton, AF18710512, report for duty, US ARMY, North parallel of the DMZ, Mobile COM Vans. Buster said dang, I'm in tha Air Corps not tha Army. But so goes life an Buster can now write another chapter in his life.
Nice thing for Christmas that year was tha cookies tha Ollinger gals, Karen Jeanene an Pamela Kay made up an sent him. Kinda broke up but thay was real good. Walter an Jessie an Howard hadn't joined up as yet an tha way it was a goin thay might not have ta go. Purty sorry state of affairs over thar an nuthin like you'd think. Glad thay is all safe an sound an Buster said he'd do his part an thars if it keeps them out of thar. Anyhow that is another story an we still got tha time Buster dun got hisself a lil English Ford Anglia an he an a feller named Smitty roamed tha cuntryside in it. Will do sum more visitin after dinner on tha ground Sunday.
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