Jessie an tha boys dun made up a plan to make sum real hard cash when thay met up after tha ice cream social. Since Jessie dun so good with Lil Dubs Wonder Crème an folks went so hog wild over it, he figured he could do even better with sumthin fer tha wimmen folks.
But speakin of hogs, Walter dun lost hisself a passel of money on them thar pork bellies. Fact is, tha bank note he took out ta buy em was due an he had a heck of a time jes payin it off. Them pork bellies fell flat on thar pork butts I’d say, when tha market fell. Ole Walter couldn’t even afford ta do no sparkin with lil Lynette cause a hobo sundae cost too much fer him. Jes gittin ta whar he could git a glass of water an a toothpick was too durn expensive.
Buster piped up an said them dang hogs was plum dangerous! His mama tole him bout her great uncle fallin in tha pen with a herd of hogs. Every fall tha menfolks would gather up all tha hogs left ta forage during spring an summer. After thay rounded em up an penned em, thay would select tha ones fer butcherin fer winter. Thay’d feed em out real good an git ready fer tha butcherin an renderin lard an what not. Soap makin an pork rinds an chitlins an smoked ham an bacon was ta be made ready fer tha eatin cum first snow. Well, Buster’s mama was cummin back from milkin when she seed her great uncle atop tha first rail of tha fence feedin them hogs. Bout that time he dun got off balance an fell right smack dab in tha middle of them hogs. Buster’s mama, her name was Lorene, run ta tha house a hollerin fer help. Thay kept her back whilst tha menfolks got in tha pen an beat them hogs offa her uncle. Cum ta find out them hogs kilt him and even cracked his bones an ate tha marrow outa of em. Tole Buster she’d never fergit that day fer shor. Wanted him ta be real careful round hogs, especially when he was a hog huntin cause thay got real mean. Razorbacks was really bad she said; has tuskers that’d tear a man apart in no time an no quit in em.
Jessie then tole tha boys what he seed down on his grandpa’s farm in Mississippi. His grandpa was a lookin fer that big ole boar of hisn an couldn’t find him nowhar. Grandpa called fer Jessie an tole him what he was a doin an needed his help fer a bit ta find that boar. First off thay looked in tha barn an danged ifn Jessie didn’t see a ole sow with piglets. She was a munchin on sumthin an Jessie wadn’t quite shor what it was till he eased up on her. What he dun seed would a gagged a gopher fer shor; she was a eatin her own youngun. Before she could git ta another un of em, Jessie reached inta tha pen an was gittin piglets fast as he could. That dang sow turned on him an liked ta took his hand off an would have ifn he hadn’t ben fast pullin it outa thar. Skunt it sum but weren’t nutin but a bit of a scare fer Jessie. Jessie’s grandpa tole him ta be careful round them hogs cause thay was real fractious like.
After that lil fracas; thay cum up on tha back lot an thar sat that ole boar. Jessie an his grandpa both went ta hollein an tryin ta git him ta move. That orney cuss wouldn’t even bat an eye. He jes sat thar stock still like one of them thar statues ya seed at tha park in Jackson. Anyhow, grandpa tole Jessie ta stay back whilst he went in and shooed that ole boar back up towards tha barn. He dun got him a gum pole an went in hollerin and shooin that ole boar. He jes sat thar. Well, grandpa eased up on that ole boar that would dress out at bout 450 ta 500 pounds an poked him with that gum pole. That boar never moved a muscle.
Finally, Jessie’s grandpa hauled off an kicked tha tar plum outa that hog. He jes fell over. Well, ya never seed tha like. Thar was a hole in tha ground under that boar an it appeared that he dun sit down on that hole an couldn’t git up!. He was so durn fat that he got stuck thar an plum expired jes a sittin in that hole. Boy, that was tha dangest thang ya ever did see; it oughta be in tha movie reel.
Back ta tha boys tryin ta make sum money. Well, Jessie cyphered that if he made wimmin folks a special treatment fer thar skin, thay’d make a fortune. If all tha boys pitched in an split tha profits 4 ways thay’d save on labor an each one of em make right smart a pocketful of change. He offered up how’s he dun so good on Lil Dubs Wonder Crème an ifn he could do that, well thay could do even better with this idée of hisn. Jessie went off ta town ta have doctor look at his ingrowed toenail an his mama an two of her friends then thay took him with them ta a big department store thar in Jackson when she cum ta pick him up ta go home. He dun seed a sight fer shor thar in tha wimmens cosmetics department. Thar was wimmin ever which a place. Thay was buyin all manner of lotions an crèmes ta put on thar face, but one place, a counter, had wimmin stacked up seven deep ta git that thar facial mask thay called it. Sum woman was givin free treatments an another one was sellin em jars so fast ya couldn’t keep count. Jessie listened up ta what that one woman was sayin an why tha others was a buyin. Jessie dun got tha idée that he could start with that facial mask stuff and build up a company with all manner of products. Seems as though tha wimmin wanted fresh, natural products like seaweed and cucumber an sich. Jessie hightailed back ta tha boys as soon as he hit tha ground a runnin. He tole Buster ta go down ta his grandpa Gus’s farm out on tha bayou an gather as many persimmons as he could; both green uns and ripe uns. Walter was ta git his pa’s kettle ta dip hogs in after butcherin and Howard was ta git them six cases of lil blue jars he seed Mr. Leake throw out in tha trash behind tha drugstore last nite on tha way home. Whatever it was in them blue jars stunk worser than a skunk an ta high Heaven but Jessie figured thay could clean em up real good, which thay did. When everthin was gathered up, he tole Buster ta write down exactly what thay dun ta mix up a batch of “Mother Nature’s Gift of Youth”. Jessie figured thay’d start off with a lil batch first an jes add to it as thay’d go till it was jes right.
Buster squoze up 6 green persimmons. Now green persimmons would make a body pucker up worser than alum. Then he squoze up 3 very ripe persimmons an added that juice ta tha other. Howard got sum clean gumbo and buckshot mud, bout a pint each an mixed that in. Jessie had brung sum clay from a clay bank out by tha Gunther place; added a pint of that an mixed er up real good. Now that stuff smelled good nuff ta eat but Jessie knowed tha trick was ta see how good it’d dry up an pucker up a body’s face. Jessie remembered when tha boys was on thar trip an went thru Idaho Springs, Colorado. Tha boys stopped at this Injun place with a cave that had a mud pit in it. What a feller did was ta jump off inta that mud which was a mite warm an git it all over em. Then ya sit down an let er dry. After that ya jumped inta a pool of water an washed off. Made a body feel real refreshin, so, that is how tha idée cum ta Jessie. Well since Walter an Buster was kinda roughed up a mite cause of tussling an all; Jessie figured thay needed ta be tha ones ta test this here new concoction. That took a good bit of doin ta git them two ta do that but finally them greenbacks got in thar eyes. Shor nuf it worked! Both Walter an Buster looked like a new penny an freshly scrubbed. Now thay was off ta tha races. Thay jes kept on doubling tha recipe till thay got nuf to fill them six cases of lil blue jars.
Now Jessie knowed whar Mr. an Mrs. Beetles moved off ta in Memphis an wrote em a letter an asked Mrs. Beetles ta try a jar an see what she thought bout it.
Bout 2 weeks later, Jessie got a phone call from Mrs. Beetles an said she was a cumin ta see Jessie an his folks. Well, Jessie asked tha boys over too an said thar folks ort ta cum as well. Mrs. Beetles cum with a lady an a gentleman on tha visit. Thay sat a visited fer a spell an then got ta tha point of thar visit. Thay wanted “Mother Nature’s Gift of Youth”. Seems as though tha lady was tha wife a a man that owned sum big department stores an tha gentleman was a designer feller from France. Thay tole tha boys thar product was tha best thay ever used an wanted more of it. Thay offered em a deal of cash money and a percentage on each sale, but thay had ta know tha recipe. Well, that was a bone ta pick with Jessie. Jessie said he jes didn’t want ta tell how thay dun it. He knowed he could lose out sum how ifn he did. Tha boys all had a idée of what should be dun but since it was Jessie’s idée he ort ta call tha shots. Those folks said thay couldn’t accept that an wished em well on thar venture. After those folks left on out, all tha boys’s parents had plenty of advice fer em. Thay knowed how hard it was ta make a nickel and survive in this world an all of em would have a real good start in life with that deal. Jessie stood right up an tole all tha parents that he knowed that, but had ta be true to his feelin that it jes didn’t feel right. All four of tha boys mamas tole tha boys not ta stop makin it cause thay shor liked it themselves. All tha boy’s folks’ jes let it be since it was thar deal an thay let tha boys make thar own way with it.
Bout a month later Joey Lauren Adams cum by at church on Sunday. She an Mary Steenburgen was both in town fer tha holidays an Buster knowed em both. Thay was in tha movies out in Hollywood but good gals and from good folks too. Buster tole them two gals he had sumthin all tha boys made up an it might be sumthin fer them as fer as keeping em young lookin. Thay had another friend, Nancy Shepard, who did makeup fer tha stars that was from England , Arkansas . Thay all knowed each other so thay took her a jar too. Well now, must been nigh on 10 days after those gals left that Buster gets a call from Nancy. She tells Buster that Joey, Mary and her dun tried that “Mother Nature’s Gift of Youth” an it did wonders fer em all. Nancy said she even started usin it fer other movie stars; men an wimmin; an thay wanted ta buy all she could git. Buster run ta tell tha boys what dun happened an what Nancy said an thay got all thay had sold an more was wanted. Buster an tha boys called Nancy back an said thay could ship bout 5 cases to her if she had folks that wanted em. Nancy took em all an sent tha boys a check. It was a heck of a event fer them four boys ta cash that thar check an open up a checkin account at First State Bank.
All tha boys started ta make up a fresh batch tha following week when this big black limousine cum drivin up. Feller got out with Nancy an says he is Max Factor an he was in tha cosmetic business. He wanted ta git as much of thar persimmon mud as he could git. He got wind that sum Revlon feller tried ta buy us out but we wouldn’t sell. He said he would make any kinda deal we wanted so long as he got that thar persimmon mud; “Mother Nature’s Gift of Youth” cause it shorly was. All tha boys was quite taken by this feller as bein right smart an all an not pushin by no means. Jessie up an says he would make a deal fer Nancy ta git a commission fer bringin him here, a million dollar trust fund fer each of tha boys, a million dollars split up between each of tha boys’ parents an tha distributor rights ta a new store called WalMart. Mr. Factor took tha deal right then an thar. He wanted ta see how we made up a batch after all tha papers was signed an thay showed him. He was downright impressed an says he had to really keep this a secret.
Tha boys all swore thay’d never tell an signed a paper swearin ta that. Nancy gave em all a hug an tole em she never expected anything from em. All tha boys said it was only right and thay appreciated her confidence in them. She said it was tha best product on tha market an no other one could compare to thars. She knowed them boys an thar folks an that thay was straight as a arrow like her people. Her daddy was a cabinet maker an a good un.
Well, Jessie dun dun it agin an now Howard up an says it was time fer a vacation an all of em an thar folks ort ta go. Thay all knowed each other an was like family, so, thay would have a high ole time. Tha boys got all tha folks together an thay said how’d thay wanted ta go on a vacation. All of em said it was a dandy of an idée and thay would make plans an schedule it fer everbody’s convenience. All tha boys’ parents tole em all how proud of em thay was but it was Walter that said that Jessie's idée was what made it all happen. Jessie says that if it wadn’t fer all of em putting in thar 2 cents worth he couldn’t have no idée like that. After a favorite supper, all of went home ceptin tha boys who stayed over ta Howard’s ta talk over plans. Was it Greece, or Italy, or Paris France? Don’t reckon that rung any bells but tha time is soon cumin ta buy tickets. Guess we’ll have ta wait an see what thay cum up with, huh!
Buster hollered out ta Jessie, Jessie, what’s this WalMart you dun got us in to? How’d you cum up with that?
But speakin of hogs, Walter dun lost hisself a passel of money on them thar pork bellies. Fact is, tha bank note he took out ta buy em was due an he had a heck of a time jes payin it off. Them pork bellies fell flat on thar pork butts I’d say, when tha market fell. Ole Walter couldn’t even afford ta do no sparkin with lil Lynette cause a hobo sundae cost too much fer him. Jes gittin ta whar he could git a glass of water an a toothpick was too durn expensive.
Buster piped up an said them dang hogs was plum dangerous! His mama tole him bout her great uncle fallin in tha pen with a herd of hogs. Every fall tha menfolks would gather up all tha hogs left ta forage during spring an summer. After thay rounded em up an penned em, thay would select tha ones fer butcherin fer winter. Thay’d feed em out real good an git ready fer tha butcherin an renderin lard an what not. Soap makin an pork rinds an chitlins an smoked ham an bacon was ta be made ready fer tha eatin cum first snow. Well, Buster’s mama was cummin back from milkin when she seed her great uncle atop tha first rail of tha fence feedin them hogs. Bout that time he dun got off balance an fell right smack dab in tha middle of them hogs. Buster’s mama, her name was Lorene, run ta tha house a hollerin fer help. Thay kept her back whilst tha menfolks got in tha pen an beat them hogs offa her uncle. Cum ta find out them hogs kilt him and even cracked his bones an ate tha marrow outa of em. Tole Buster she’d never fergit that day fer shor. Wanted him ta be real careful round hogs, especially when he was a hog huntin cause thay got real mean. Razorbacks was really bad she said; has tuskers that’d tear a man apart in no time an no quit in em.
Jessie then tole tha boys what he seed down on his grandpa’s farm in Mississippi. His grandpa was a lookin fer that big ole boar of hisn an couldn’t find him nowhar. Grandpa called fer Jessie an tole him what he was a doin an needed his help fer a bit ta find that boar. First off thay looked in tha barn an danged ifn Jessie didn’t see a ole sow with piglets. She was a munchin on sumthin an Jessie wadn’t quite shor what it was till he eased up on her. What he dun seed would a gagged a gopher fer shor; she was a eatin her own youngun. Before she could git ta another un of em, Jessie reached inta tha pen an was gittin piglets fast as he could. That dang sow turned on him an liked ta took his hand off an would have ifn he hadn’t ben fast pullin it outa thar. Skunt it sum but weren’t nutin but a bit of a scare fer Jessie. Jessie’s grandpa tole him ta be careful round them hogs cause thay was real fractious like.
After that lil fracas; thay cum up on tha back lot an thar sat that ole boar. Jessie an his grandpa both went ta hollein an tryin ta git him ta move. That orney cuss wouldn’t even bat an eye. He jes sat thar stock still like one of them thar statues ya seed at tha park in Jackson. Anyhow, grandpa tole Jessie ta stay back whilst he went in and shooed that ole boar back up towards tha barn. He dun got him a gum pole an went in hollerin and shooin that ole boar. He jes sat thar. Well, grandpa eased up on that ole boar that would dress out at bout 450 ta 500 pounds an poked him with that gum pole. That boar never moved a muscle.
Finally, Jessie’s grandpa hauled off an kicked tha tar plum outa that hog. He jes fell over. Well, ya never seed tha like. Thar was a hole in tha ground under that boar an it appeared that he dun sit down on that hole an couldn’t git up!. He was so durn fat that he got stuck thar an plum expired jes a sittin in that hole. Boy, that was tha dangest thang ya ever did see; it oughta be in tha movie reel.
Back ta tha boys tryin ta make sum money. Well, Jessie cyphered that if he made wimmin folks a special treatment fer thar skin, thay’d make a fortune. If all tha boys pitched in an split tha profits 4 ways thay’d save on labor an each one of em make right smart a pocketful of change. He offered up how’s he dun so good on Lil Dubs Wonder Crème an ifn he could do that, well thay could do even better with this idée of hisn. Jessie went off ta town ta have doctor look at his ingrowed toenail an his mama an two of her friends then thay took him with them ta a big department store thar in Jackson when she cum ta pick him up ta go home. He dun seed a sight fer shor thar in tha wimmens cosmetics department. Thar was wimmin ever which a place. Thay was buyin all manner of lotions an crèmes ta put on thar face, but one place, a counter, had wimmin stacked up seven deep ta git that thar facial mask thay called it. Sum woman was givin free treatments an another one was sellin em jars so fast ya couldn’t keep count. Jessie listened up ta what that one woman was sayin an why tha others was a buyin. Jessie dun got tha idée that he could start with that facial mask stuff and build up a company with all manner of products. Seems as though tha wimmin wanted fresh, natural products like seaweed and cucumber an sich. Jessie hightailed back ta tha boys as soon as he hit tha ground a runnin. He tole Buster ta go down ta his grandpa Gus’s farm out on tha bayou an gather as many persimmons as he could; both green uns and ripe uns. Walter was ta git his pa’s kettle ta dip hogs in after butcherin and Howard was ta git them six cases of lil blue jars he seed Mr. Leake throw out in tha trash behind tha drugstore last nite on tha way home. Whatever it was in them blue jars stunk worser than a skunk an ta high Heaven but Jessie figured thay could clean em up real good, which thay did. When everthin was gathered up, he tole Buster ta write down exactly what thay dun ta mix up a batch of “Mother Nature’s Gift of Youth”. Jessie figured thay’d start off with a lil batch first an jes add to it as thay’d go till it was jes right.
Buster squoze up 6 green persimmons. Now green persimmons would make a body pucker up worser than alum. Then he squoze up 3 very ripe persimmons an added that juice ta tha other. Howard got sum clean gumbo and buckshot mud, bout a pint each an mixed that in. Jessie had brung sum clay from a clay bank out by tha Gunther place; added a pint of that an mixed er up real good. Now that stuff smelled good nuff ta eat but Jessie knowed tha trick was ta see how good it’d dry up an pucker up a body’s face. Jessie remembered when tha boys was on thar trip an went thru Idaho Springs, Colorado. Tha boys stopped at this Injun place with a cave that had a mud pit in it. What a feller did was ta jump off inta that mud which was a mite warm an git it all over em. Then ya sit down an let er dry. After that ya jumped inta a pool of water an washed off. Made a body feel real refreshin, so, that is how tha idée cum ta Jessie. Well since Walter an Buster was kinda roughed up a mite cause of tussling an all; Jessie figured thay needed ta be tha ones ta test this here new concoction. That took a good bit of doin ta git them two ta do that but finally them greenbacks got in thar eyes. Shor nuf it worked! Both Walter an Buster looked like a new penny an freshly scrubbed. Now thay was off ta tha races. Thay jes kept on doubling tha recipe till thay got nuf to fill them six cases of lil blue jars.
Now Jessie knowed whar Mr. an Mrs. Beetles moved off ta in Memphis an wrote em a letter an asked Mrs. Beetles ta try a jar an see what she thought bout it.
Bout 2 weeks later, Jessie got a phone call from Mrs. Beetles an said she was a cumin ta see Jessie an his folks. Well, Jessie asked tha boys over too an said thar folks ort ta cum as well. Mrs. Beetles cum with a lady an a gentleman on tha visit. Thay sat a visited fer a spell an then got ta tha point of thar visit. Thay wanted “Mother Nature’s Gift of Youth”. Seems as though tha lady was tha wife a a man that owned sum big department stores an tha gentleman was a designer feller from France. Thay tole tha boys thar product was tha best thay ever used an wanted more of it. Thay offered em a deal of cash money and a percentage on each sale, but thay had ta know tha recipe. Well, that was a bone ta pick with Jessie. Jessie said he jes didn’t want ta tell how thay dun it. He knowed he could lose out sum how ifn he did. Tha boys all had a idée of what should be dun but since it was Jessie’s idée he ort ta call tha shots. Those folks said thay couldn’t accept that an wished em well on thar venture. After those folks left on out, all tha boys’s parents had plenty of advice fer em. Thay knowed how hard it was ta make a nickel and survive in this world an all of em would have a real good start in life with that deal. Jessie stood right up an tole all tha parents that he knowed that, but had ta be true to his feelin that it jes didn’t feel right. All four of tha boys mamas tole tha boys not ta stop makin it cause thay shor liked it themselves. All tha boy’s folks’ jes let it be since it was thar deal an thay let tha boys make thar own way with it.
Bout a month later Joey Lauren Adams cum by at church on Sunday. She an Mary Steenburgen was both in town fer tha holidays an Buster knowed em both. Thay was in tha movies out in Hollywood but good gals and from good folks too. Buster tole them two gals he had sumthin all tha boys made up an it might be sumthin fer them as fer as keeping em young lookin. Thay had another friend, Nancy Shepard, who did makeup fer tha stars that was from England , Arkansas . Thay all knowed each other so thay took her a jar too. Well now, must been nigh on 10 days after those gals left that Buster gets a call from Nancy. She tells Buster that Joey, Mary and her dun tried that “Mother Nature’s Gift of Youth” an it did wonders fer em all. Nancy said she even started usin it fer other movie stars; men an wimmin; an thay wanted ta buy all she could git. Buster run ta tell tha boys what dun happened an what Nancy said an thay got all thay had sold an more was wanted. Buster an tha boys called Nancy back an said thay could ship bout 5 cases to her if she had folks that wanted em. Nancy took em all an sent tha boys a check. It was a heck of a event fer them four boys ta cash that thar check an open up a checkin account at First State Bank.
All tha boys started ta make up a fresh batch tha following week when this big black limousine cum drivin up. Feller got out with Nancy an says he is Max Factor an he was in tha cosmetic business. He wanted ta git as much of thar persimmon mud as he could git. He got wind that sum Revlon feller tried ta buy us out but we wouldn’t sell. He said he would make any kinda deal we wanted so long as he got that thar persimmon mud; “Mother Nature’s Gift of Youth” cause it shorly was. All tha boys was quite taken by this feller as bein right smart an all an not pushin by no means. Jessie up an says he would make a deal fer Nancy ta git a commission fer bringin him here, a million dollar trust fund fer each of tha boys, a million dollars split up between each of tha boys’ parents an tha distributor rights ta a new store called WalMart. Mr. Factor took tha deal right then an thar. He wanted ta see how we made up a batch after all tha papers was signed an thay showed him. He was downright impressed an says he had to really keep this a secret.
Tha boys all swore thay’d never tell an signed a paper swearin ta that. Nancy gave em all a hug an tole em she never expected anything from em. All tha boys said it was only right and thay appreciated her confidence in them. She said it was tha best product on tha market an no other one could compare to thars. She knowed them boys an thar folks an that thay was straight as a arrow like her people. Her daddy was a cabinet maker an a good un.
Well, Jessie dun dun it agin an now Howard up an says it was time fer a vacation an all of em an thar folks ort ta go. Thay all knowed each other an was like family, so, thay would have a high ole time. Tha boys got all tha folks together an thay said how’d thay wanted ta go on a vacation. All of em said it was a dandy of an idée and thay would make plans an schedule it fer everbody’s convenience. All tha boys’ parents tole em all how proud of em thay was but it was Walter that said that Jessie's idée was what made it all happen. Jessie says that if it wadn’t fer all of em putting in thar 2 cents worth he couldn’t have no idée like that. After a favorite supper, all of went home ceptin tha boys who stayed over ta Howard’s ta talk over plans. Was it Greece, or Italy, or Paris France? Don’t reckon that rung any bells but tha time is soon cumin ta buy tickets. Guess we’ll have ta wait an see what thay cum up with, huh!
Buster hollered out ta Jessie, Jessie, what’s this WalMart you dun got us in to? How’d you cum up with that?
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