Lil Dubs Wonder Creme
Buster said ta Jessie, “Wake up Lil Dubs”, whilst I git ta shakin that thar tree. Howard will make it back purty soon when he is dun fixin that trap he set last nite. He’s gonna skin that beaver tail so’s we ken cook er up with them quail aigs we gathared up. Buster was gittin tha ripe persimmons before tha coons an birds got em.
Lil Dubs is plum tuckered out from runnin thru that saw grass an pickin up quail on tha knoll yesterday. That bayou flooded nigh on 6 foot over her banks an left er high an dry but cut offen from tha rest of tha farm. Walter ain’t got his dander up yet but he will when ya gittin ta callin him Lil Dubs. His brothars think it’s plum hysterical; like to fun him like that. Thar pa don’t know thay call him that since it’s a take off from his nickname Dubs. It was jes a wonderment to him when Mike, Walter’s brothar, tole him that.
Now Walter has got hisself some stories too, I tell ya, fer gittin inta mischief an even tells on hisself sumtimes. Anyhow, them boys hung out on that ole Indian Bayou that run thru Buster’s grandpa’s farm since thay was knee high ta grasshopper. All tha boys camped out fer tha weekend ceptin thay went on inta town fer tha picture show on Saturday afternoon. Seen a Johnny Mack Brown show an sum real good cartoons too.
Thay was a ridin in this here homemade contraption thay dun built. It was a sight but did run. Got that frame an sum old parts fer nuthin from ole man Hiram Neal an a ole motor out of a wrecked truck that was purty weak but would still go fer a spell. Studebaker it was. All of Walter’s brothars pitched in with tha weldin an mechanic work too. That horsehair seat wasn’t nun too comfortable but a quilt that hung up in tha back bedroom of Jessie’s house fixed that.
Howard’s pa had a transmission outa that 29 Dodge flatbed he let tha boys have an tires was all 15 inch but different kinds. That ole Model A frame was a mite warped an she tracked a lil east ta west but it worked. Ugly as all git out but tha horn was tha cat’s meow! Whar Walter cum cross it nobody will ever know; traded it outa one of them boys out at Tucker I reckon. It would play Dixie one minit an then give a good ole wolf whistle tha next. Ya could see Walter an Howard jes a grinning from ear ta ear when thay would push that horn button.
Now Jessie dun got ta bein plum famous like, so thar was gals a plenty. Had ta beat em offa Jessie with a stick; gosh a Friday jes weren’t no peace at all. Them pheromones of hisn was a reekin havoc on all tha wimmin folk. That’s why thay was campin out ta Sunday evening late. Tha boys all got outa thar chores sumhow but would shor nuff have to make up tha milkin though. It was good ta have brothars an sisters ceptin Buster didn’t have nun. His grandma an grandpa said ta go on though since he butted them 90 acres of levees last weekend. Now back ta Jessie bein famous. Well, Jessie always was inta sum kinda bizness. Had hisn mind on it all tha time. So’s he got it in hisn haid he could make a few greenbacks ifn he could sell udder balm fer bald haided folks. Not that it would make tha hair grow but make that noggin nice an soft like, protected it from tha sun an was a skeeter repellant at tha same time with a bit of a Old Spice an tonic smell to it fer tha ladies.
Jessie’s ma knowed a lady from church an her quiltin bee that had a sister that married up ta a feller that had a radio station. Now that’s how this all cum bout ya know. Anyhow she got Jessie interduced to em one evening whilst thay was on tha way ta tha Wednesday nite prayer meetin. Thay stopped at Cobb’s General Store fer sum thread an what not that Jessie’s ma had to git an thay met up with em thar.
Jessie got ta listenin ta em talk an found out whar that feller would be tha next day. After school he dropped on by an figured on seein if thar was sum way he could git a lil advertisin on tha radio fer that udder balm. Now Jessie dun called it “Lil Dubs Wonder Crème”. That’s right, “Lil Dubs”. Reckon Walter would be fit ta be tied over that one. Well, on with tha story. Jessie met up with tha feller, Mr Beetles. He dun talked his way inta givin him a percentage of tha profits fer tha radio spot. Ya see, Mr. Beetles was bald as a cue ball an hisn haid needed sum kinda help. Jessie dun had him slather that udder balm all over hisn haid an his wife cum in an took ta it right off. Give ole Mr Beetles a wink an says ta cum home early fer supper. Well, that dun it! Mr. Beetles an Jessie dun struck up a deal. Thay sold that Lil Dubs Wonder Crème like who’d a thought it. One day Mr. Beetles cum in sick an with a sore throat an couldn’t talk nun too good. So he asked Jessie to talk fer him, bout that Lil Dubs Wonder Crème. Jessie did that all rite an then Mr. Beetles asked him ifn he would help him out later that evening with a music hour of record playin. Well, Jessie took ta that like a duck ta water. He got on that thar radio an Mr. Beetles dun fell asleep an Jessie had to pick out his own records ta play. If ya knowed Jessie, ya knowed he don’t say much, but on that thar radio; he was smooth as silk. He played Elvis, which his ma woulda had a fit if she knowed that. All them rock an roll records he found thar in tha booth. Now Mr. Beetles didn’t play nuthin but country music an only had tha rock an roll cause sumbody brought it by tha station. It weren’t meant ta be played. Well, tha calls cum in so fast from tha kids from them parts, thay plum jammed up tha phone lines an nobody could get thru. When Jessie went ta school, tha gals jes swooned an chased him sumthin fierce. Tween his record playin an pheromones thar wern't no quit in em. Mr. Beetles was shor nuf in a pickle now. Sum folks was a fumin over tha rock an roll an sum was a havin a fit ta hear more. Thay all wanted more of that udder balm an it got so’s a feller couldn’t buy nun nowhar. Tha preacher was a spoutin Devil music from tha pulpit an tha younguns an business men were wantin more rock an roll. It was makin sum folks a heap of money an poor Mr. Beetles had his wife madder than a wet hen. No mount of udder balm would soothe her feathers, I tell ya. Mr. Beetles weren’t mad at Jessie nun but he jes had ta figure a way out this fix. Thay jes had ta put on thar thinking caps.
Buster, Walter an Howard met up with Jessie at tha back of Leake’s Drug Store an Soda Fountain an took ta discussin this hear predicament of Jessie’s. Walter says ta Jessie, “Jessie, that Lil Dubs cum from my brothars didn’t it?” Jessie tole Walter it shor nuf did an it was a right catchy handle fer his crème. Walter said he didn’t care much fer tha name but ifn it put sum hard cash in hisn pockets it was OK. Walter said all tha bald haided folks in them parts shor liked it an was jes ravin bout how good it was. Walter said he knowed sumthin or nother bout all that cause he tried sumthin like that one time too. He tole tha boys ifn thay didn’t remember when he was a playin football.
All tha boys on tha team was a gittin burr haircuts so’s thay all got on ta Billy Dan Hughes cause he had them long, curly locks an wouldn’t git no haircut.
Thay got ole Billy Dan an took sum sheep shears an put a racin stripe right down tha middle of hisn haid. He had fire in hisn eyes over that ya know, but Walter tole him how ta make it grow out real quick like. He tole Billy Dan ta put sum mustard on hisn haid an rub it in real good. Guess it musta worked cause it growed out purty good; jes took a while.
Well that nite, Walter cum up with an idée ta jes take a lil trip an let thangs settle down a mite. Seein as how thar was a rodeo up in Wyoming he wanted ta go ta; he figured now was as good a time as any. A whole passel of tha boys wanted ta go too; so thay made up ta go tha next evening after chores. Well it bein Friday nite an all thar hair was gittin a lil kinky. So, tha hair of tha dog it was; white lightnin, blue moon, likker, or grandma’s medicine; whatever ya wanted ta call it. All them boys was shor nuf lit up like a Christmas tree. Thay was gathared out by a apartment house whar a bunch of gals thay knowed was livin thar. Tha gals was a workin fer a company outa Dallas that did sum kinda a govmint work an thay was put up thar fer 6 weeks when tha job ended. All tha boys was a hootin an hollerin an a few of tha rowdy gals as well. Sumbody dun called tha Po-Leece an all tha gals run off to thar apartments an tha boys all jes hung round thar fer a spell. Thay was jes havin sum fun till tha local constabulary drove up. Few of tha boys teased a bit, jes funnin till tha Po-Leece lined em all up an was bout ta arrest em all. Well, bout that time Walter an Jessie cum along an seed what was happenin. He tole Jessie ifn tha boys got took ta jail thay couldn’t go on tha trip. Thay jes had ta do sumthin. Walter’s friend, Stanley Brittain dun eased up long side Walter an asked him what all tha doins was all bout. Walter tole Stanley what was a goin on an then made up a plan ta git all of em a loose. Walter tole Jessie ta hightail it back ta Buster an Howard an git Buster’s Ford ready ta go right now; thay wasn’t a waitin till morning ta leave. Jessie took off like a scalded dog an Stanley jumped up on a Po-Leece car an started ta trying ta kick out tha red an blue lights that was jes a whirlin. Stanley jes couldn’t make no headway so Walter jumped up on tha hood an then on tha roof an kicked em plum offen tha car. Well, them Officers seen that an took ta runnin ta catch Walter an Stanley. With all tha chasin an all thru backyards an alleys, them officers plum fergot about tha rest of tha boys an thay scattered to tha hills. Nary one was caught. Thay got word an met on up with Buster an Howard an Jessie ta light on outa thar. Now, Walter an Stanley went thru downtown in a alley an jumped in a dumpster. Tha Po-Leece went runnin by an lookin everywhar but jes couldn’t find them two boys what was destructin thar car. After tha Po-Leece was long gone, Walter an Stanley peeped over tha top of that dumpster jes a grinnin. Walter says ta Stanley , “ wonder who thay’re lookin fer”, an went ta caterwaulin till thay both teared up laughin so hard thay couldn't walk nor talk. Tha Po-Leece never did git a good look at who dun it so Walter an Stanley got away clean. Thay jes hooked up with Buster an tha boys an took on off ta Wyoming ta that rodeo.
Tha boys cum on back late Sunday evening an had only bout 3 hours of sleep. Didn’t make no never mind to em since thay took turns drivin an slept a mite in tha truck.
Boy Howdy, it was rougher than a cob at tha house fer Jessie when he got on in thar. Hisn mama dun tole him that he was tha talk of tha town a playin that thar rock n roll music an he had ta jes quit that. She knowed tha devil dun made him do it an thar jes wadn’t no way ta git her ta undertand how thay liked that new kind of music. Jessie’s pa never said too much but he tole Jessie ta cum take a ride with him. He tole Jessie he kinda liked that new music too but jes couldn’t afford ta say nuthin bout it round his ma.
He tole Jessie jes ta quit fer now at tha radio station an he would help him with gittin his Lil Dubs Wonder Crème made an sold. Thay’d go on Saturdays ta all tha lil towns within 50 miles ta ever barber shop an tonsorial parlor an 5 an Dime till thay got orders an then he would help Jessie git all tha makins ta fill em orders. Jessie’s pa tole him he was right proud of him an thangs would smooth on out in a while an he could do as he pleased when he got a lil older an growed up a mite. Jessie an his pa went on home ta bed but fore he jumped in thar he tole his ma he was a quittin tha radio station. She jes smiled an hugged lil Jessie an tole him she loved him an kissed his forehead.
Round bout midnight, thay all heared tha fire bell a clangin. Seems tha radio station dun caught a fire an everbody cum a runnin. When tha Groom Volunteer Fire Department got thar with tha High Sheriff in tow; tha crowd was already a growin but helpin too.
Cum ta find out that Erasmus Hatfield was at his blacksmith shop next door ta tha radio station workin late on a order fer a farmer on Plum Bayou down by Peckerwood Lake . Mr. Hatfield had his mule in tha north stall by tha wall of tha radio station an had two coal oil lamps burnin fer a lil light in tha back. Well, when he was a hammerin, steel sparks took ta flying cause of sum pockets in tha metal. Them sparks flew high an wide, I tell ya, an lit right on tha nose of that mule. Well, he started a brayin an buckin an kickin an passin gas. That mule kicked tha stall so hard he knocked off a coal oil lamp an it caught dry tinder a fire. Old wood an hay went up so fast ole man Erasmus Hatfield jes couldn’t put it out. Tha fire took holt of tha radio station an it started burnin sumthin fierce. Thay jes couldn’t git it put out in time ta save tha radio station an equipment. Mr. Beetles was shor down in tha mouth bout it all but all was not lost. Tha insurance man cum round an paid him a right handsome price fer tha building an equipment an lost time an wages. Mr. Beetles cum out real good on that deal an he an his wife up an moved ta Memphis ta bigger an better thangs. That’s whar Blues an Elvis was from ya know an he knowed a feller named Sam Phillips over thar that had a recordin studio that he could go in with.
All tha town folks an was real glad that rock an roll was gone forever. Tha site of tha building was cleaned up an a lil park was put in thar fer tha town. Jessie an his pa made an sold Lil Dubs Wonder Crème till one day a feller from New York cum by an said he would buy out Jessie. Well, Jessie took him up on tha offer cause he dun had anothar idée an jes couldn’t wait ta git tha boys in on it with him. Jessie’s folks put sum away money fer him an bought sum kinda stock in a new fangled gadet called a computer. Thay was thinkin of his future cause Jessie dun knowed he wanted ta take up lawyerin.
Tha boys will meet up at tha ice cream social on Thursday nite an hash it all out then.
Lil Dubs is plum tuckered out from runnin thru that saw grass an pickin up quail on tha knoll yesterday. That bayou flooded nigh on 6 foot over her banks an left er high an dry but cut offen from tha rest of tha farm. Walter ain’t got his dander up yet but he will when ya gittin ta callin him Lil Dubs. His brothars think it’s plum hysterical; like to fun him like that. Thar pa don’t know thay call him that since it’s a take off from his nickname Dubs. It was jes a wonderment to him when Mike, Walter’s brothar, tole him that.
Now Walter has got hisself some stories too, I tell ya, fer gittin inta mischief an even tells on hisself sumtimes. Anyhow, them boys hung out on that ole Indian Bayou that run thru Buster’s grandpa’s farm since thay was knee high ta grasshopper. All tha boys camped out fer tha weekend ceptin thay went on inta town fer tha picture show on Saturday afternoon. Seen a Johnny Mack Brown show an sum real good cartoons too.
Thay was a ridin in this here homemade contraption thay dun built. It was a sight but did run. Got that frame an sum old parts fer nuthin from ole man Hiram Neal an a ole motor out of a wrecked truck that was purty weak but would still go fer a spell. Studebaker it was. All of Walter’s brothars pitched in with tha weldin an mechanic work too. That horsehair seat wasn’t nun too comfortable but a quilt that hung up in tha back bedroom of Jessie’s house fixed that.
Howard’s pa had a transmission outa that 29 Dodge flatbed he let tha boys have an tires was all 15 inch but different kinds. That ole Model A frame was a mite warped an she tracked a lil east ta west but it worked. Ugly as all git out but tha horn was tha cat’s meow! Whar Walter cum cross it nobody will ever know; traded it outa one of them boys out at Tucker I reckon. It would play Dixie one minit an then give a good ole wolf whistle tha next. Ya could see Walter an Howard jes a grinning from ear ta ear when thay would push that horn button.
Now Jessie dun got ta bein plum famous like, so thar was gals a plenty. Had ta beat em offa Jessie with a stick; gosh a Friday jes weren’t no peace at all. Them pheromones of hisn was a reekin havoc on all tha wimmin folk. That’s why thay was campin out ta Sunday evening late. Tha boys all got outa thar chores sumhow but would shor nuff have to make up tha milkin though. It was good ta have brothars an sisters ceptin Buster didn’t have nun. His grandma an grandpa said ta go on though since he butted them 90 acres of levees last weekend. Now back ta Jessie bein famous. Well, Jessie always was inta sum kinda bizness. Had hisn mind on it all tha time. So’s he got it in hisn haid he could make a few greenbacks ifn he could sell udder balm fer bald haided folks. Not that it would make tha hair grow but make that noggin nice an soft like, protected it from tha sun an was a skeeter repellant at tha same time with a bit of a Old Spice an tonic smell to it fer tha ladies.
Jessie’s ma knowed a lady from church an her quiltin bee that had a sister that married up ta a feller that had a radio station. Now that’s how this all cum bout ya know. Anyhow she got Jessie interduced to em one evening whilst thay was on tha way ta tha Wednesday nite prayer meetin. Thay stopped at Cobb’s General Store fer sum thread an what not that Jessie’s ma had to git an thay met up with em thar.
Jessie got ta listenin ta em talk an found out whar that feller would be tha next day. After school he dropped on by an figured on seein if thar was sum way he could git a lil advertisin on tha radio fer that udder balm. Now Jessie dun called it “Lil Dubs Wonder Crème”. That’s right, “Lil Dubs”. Reckon Walter would be fit ta be tied over that one. Well, on with tha story. Jessie met up with tha feller, Mr Beetles. He dun talked his way inta givin him a percentage of tha profits fer tha radio spot. Ya see, Mr. Beetles was bald as a cue ball an hisn haid needed sum kinda help. Jessie dun had him slather that udder balm all over hisn haid an his wife cum in an took ta it right off. Give ole Mr Beetles a wink an says ta cum home early fer supper. Well, that dun it! Mr. Beetles an Jessie dun struck up a deal. Thay sold that Lil Dubs Wonder Crème like who’d a thought it. One day Mr. Beetles cum in sick an with a sore throat an couldn’t talk nun too good. So he asked Jessie to talk fer him, bout that Lil Dubs Wonder Crème. Jessie did that all rite an then Mr. Beetles asked him ifn he would help him out later that evening with a music hour of record playin. Well, Jessie took ta that like a duck ta water. He got on that thar radio an Mr. Beetles dun fell asleep an Jessie had to pick out his own records ta play. If ya knowed Jessie, ya knowed he don’t say much, but on that thar radio; he was smooth as silk. He played Elvis, which his ma woulda had a fit if she knowed that. All them rock an roll records he found thar in tha booth. Now Mr. Beetles didn’t play nuthin but country music an only had tha rock an roll cause sumbody brought it by tha station. It weren’t meant ta be played. Well, tha calls cum in so fast from tha kids from them parts, thay plum jammed up tha phone lines an nobody could get thru. When Jessie went ta school, tha gals jes swooned an chased him sumthin fierce. Tween his record playin an pheromones thar wern't no quit in em. Mr. Beetles was shor nuf in a pickle now. Sum folks was a fumin over tha rock an roll an sum was a havin a fit ta hear more. Thay all wanted more of that udder balm an it got so’s a feller couldn’t buy nun nowhar. Tha preacher was a spoutin Devil music from tha pulpit an tha younguns an business men were wantin more rock an roll. It was makin sum folks a heap of money an poor Mr. Beetles had his wife madder than a wet hen. No mount of udder balm would soothe her feathers, I tell ya. Mr. Beetles weren’t mad at Jessie nun but he jes had ta figure a way out this fix. Thay jes had ta put on thar thinking caps.
Buster, Walter an Howard met up with Jessie at tha back of Leake’s Drug Store an Soda Fountain an took ta discussin this hear predicament of Jessie’s. Walter says ta Jessie, “Jessie, that Lil Dubs cum from my brothars didn’t it?” Jessie tole Walter it shor nuf did an it was a right catchy handle fer his crème. Walter said he didn’t care much fer tha name but ifn it put sum hard cash in hisn pockets it was OK. Walter said all tha bald haided folks in them parts shor liked it an was jes ravin bout how good it was. Walter said he knowed sumthin or nother bout all that cause he tried sumthin like that one time too. He tole tha boys ifn thay didn’t remember when he was a playin football.
All tha boys on tha team was a gittin burr haircuts so’s thay all got on ta Billy Dan Hughes cause he had them long, curly locks an wouldn’t git no haircut.
Thay got ole Billy Dan an took sum sheep shears an put a racin stripe right down tha middle of hisn haid. He had fire in hisn eyes over that ya know, but Walter tole him how ta make it grow out real quick like. He tole Billy Dan ta put sum mustard on hisn haid an rub it in real good. Guess it musta worked cause it growed out purty good; jes took a while.
Well that nite, Walter cum up with an idée ta jes take a lil trip an let thangs settle down a mite. Seein as how thar was a rodeo up in Wyoming he wanted ta go ta; he figured now was as good a time as any. A whole passel of tha boys wanted ta go too; so thay made up ta go tha next evening after chores. Well it bein Friday nite an all thar hair was gittin a lil kinky. So, tha hair of tha dog it was; white lightnin, blue moon, likker, or grandma’s medicine; whatever ya wanted ta call it. All them boys was shor nuf lit up like a Christmas tree. Thay was gathared out by a apartment house whar a bunch of gals thay knowed was livin thar. Tha gals was a workin fer a company outa Dallas that did sum kinda a govmint work an thay was put up thar fer 6 weeks when tha job ended. All tha boys was a hootin an hollerin an a few of tha rowdy gals as well. Sumbody dun called tha Po-Leece an all tha gals run off to thar apartments an tha boys all jes hung round thar fer a spell. Thay was jes havin sum fun till tha local constabulary drove up. Few of tha boys teased a bit, jes funnin till tha Po-Leece lined em all up an was bout ta arrest em all. Well, bout that time Walter an Jessie cum along an seed what was happenin. He tole Jessie ifn tha boys got took ta jail thay couldn’t go on tha trip. Thay jes had ta do sumthin. Walter’s friend, Stanley Brittain dun eased up long side Walter an asked him what all tha doins was all bout. Walter tole Stanley what was a goin on an then made up a plan ta git all of em a loose. Walter tole Jessie ta hightail it back ta Buster an Howard an git Buster’s Ford ready ta go right now; thay wasn’t a waitin till morning ta leave. Jessie took off like a scalded dog an Stanley jumped up on a Po-Leece car an started ta trying ta kick out tha red an blue lights that was jes a whirlin. Stanley jes couldn’t make no headway so Walter jumped up on tha hood an then on tha roof an kicked em plum offen tha car. Well, them Officers seen that an took ta runnin ta catch Walter an Stanley. With all tha chasin an all thru backyards an alleys, them officers plum fergot about tha rest of tha boys an thay scattered to tha hills. Nary one was caught. Thay got word an met on up with Buster an Howard an Jessie ta light on outa thar. Now, Walter an Stanley went thru downtown in a alley an jumped in a dumpster. Tha Po-Leece went runnin by an lookin everywhar but jes couldn’t find them two boys what was destructin thar car. After tha Po-Leece was long gone, Walter an Stanley peeped over tha top of that dumpster jes a grinnin. Walter says ta Stanley , “ wonder who thay’re lookin fer”, an went ta caterwaulin till thay both teared up laughin so hard thay couldn't walk nor talk. Tha Po-Leece never did git a good look at who dun it so Walter an Stanley got away clean. Thay jes hooked up with Buster an tha boys an took on off ta Wyoming ta that rodeo.
Tha boys cum on back late Sunday evening an had only bout 3 hours of sleep. Didn’t make no never mind to em since thay took turns drivin an slept a mite in tha truck.
Boy Howdy, it was rougher than a cob at tha house fer Jessie when he got on in thar. Hisn mama dun tole him that he was tha talk of tha town a playin that thar rock n roll music an he had ta jes quit that. She knowed tha devil dun made him do it an thar jes wadn’t no way ta git her ta undertand how thay liked that new kind of music. Jessie’s pa never said too much but he tole Jessie ta cum take a ride with him. He tole Jessie he kinda liked that new music too but jes couldn’t afford ta say nuthin bout it round his ma.
He tole Jessie jes ta quit fer now at tha radio station an he would help him with gittin his Lil Dubs Wonder Crème made an sold. Thay’d go on Saturdays ta all tha lil towns within 50 miles ta ever barber shop an tonsorial parlor an 5 an Dime till thay got orders an then he would help Jessie git all tha makins ta fill em orders. Jessie’s pa tole him he was right proud of him an thangs would smooth on out in a while an he could do as he pleased when he got a lil older an growed up a mite. Jessie an his pa went on home ta bed but fore he jumped in thar he tole his ma he was a quittin tha radio station. She jes smiled an hugged lil Jessie an tole him she loved him an kissed his forehead.
Round bout midnight, thay all heared tha fire bell a clangin. Seems tha radio station dun caught a fire an everbody cum a runnin. When tha Groom Volunteer Fire Department got thar with tha High Sheriff in tow; tha crowd was already a growin but helpin too.
Cum ta find out that Erasmus Hatfield was at his blacksmith shop next door ta tha radio station workin late on a order fer a farmer on Plum Bayou down by Peckerwood Lake . Mr. Hatfield had his mule in tha north stall by tha wall of tha radio station an had two coal oil lamps burnin fer a lil light in tha back. Well, when he was a hammerin, steel sparks took ta flying cause of sum pockets in tha metal. Them sparks flew high an wide, I tell ya, an lit right on tha nose of that mule. Well, he started a brayin an buckin an kickin an passin gas. That mule kicked tha stall so hard he knocked off a coal oil lamp an it caught dry tinder a fire. Old wood an hay went up so fast ole man Erasmus Hatfield jes couldn’t put it out. Tha fire took holt of tha radio station an it started burnin sumthin fierce. Thay jes couldn’t git it put out in time ta save tha radio station an equipment. Mr. Beetles was shor down in tha mouth bout it all but all was not lost. Tha insurance man cum round an paid him a right handsome price fer tha building an equipment an lost time an wages. Mr. Beetles cum out real good on that deal an he an his wife up an moved ta Memphis ta bigger an better thangs. That’s whar Blues an Elvis was from ya know an he knowed a feller named Sam Phillips over thar that had a recordin studio that he could go in with.
All tha town folks an was real glad that rock an roll was gone forever. Tha site of tha building was cleaned up an a lil park was put in thar fer tha town. Jessie an his pa made an sold Lil Dubs Wonder Crème till one day a feller from New York cum by an said he would buy out Jessie. Well, Jessie took him up on tha offer cause he dun had anothar idée an jes couldn’t wait ta git tha boys in on it with him. Jessie’s folks put sum away money fer him an bought sum kinda stock in a new fangled gadet called a computer. Thay was thinkin of his future cause Jessie dun knowed he wanted ta take up lawyerin.
Tha boys will meet up at tha ice cream social on Thursday nite an hash it all out then.
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