Buster! Whatcha doin up thar, yelled up Jessie. Howard an Walter was a gawkin up at Buster when Buster tole em he was jes a thinkin. Buster was high atop a big ole pecan tree out back of hisn grandma's house an he hollered ta tha boys ta climb on up. Well, thay all shinnyed on up thar with Buster an asked him what he was a thinkin bout. Well now, tha stars, an bout bein baptized an all, an whar all of em would be when thay was full growed an jes thinkin on sich thangs that would make a feller wonder. Buster dun tole em all thay was closer than brothers ta him an thay really was since he didn't have no brother; full brother that is. Buster an Jessie dun found out thay was cousins as thar folks was married up in tha family back in Kentuck. Aunt Judith dun sum more lookin an found out in tha old family Bibles that thar folks was right close kin an she called up the boys folks an had a setee with em all. She also asked when tha boys was a gonna cum back ta Mt. Sterling fer a visit an crank up tha distillery. Thar was summer cummin on an tha boys was all gittn outa school an makin plans fer college or workin. Thar wouldn't be much time at all fer tha boys an thar folks decided ta go on up ta Kentuck an ta see Aunt Judith an git the work dun ta start up tha distillery later on. Since thar was money ta be had nowadays, tha folks could take off fer a spell an not be hurtin nun money wise. Tha younguns could care fer tha places long with tha hired hands till thay got back. So tha boys an thar mas an pas made up ta go thar bout tha middle of June. Buster says ta tha boys that ifn thay knowed Berniece's boy Jimmy Cole an thay allowed thay did. That was ole man Eason's daughter an her boy that lived cross tha way from Buster. Buster says ta tha boys that Jimmy Cole cum up ta him an tole him he wanted ta be jes like Buster an that got him ta thinkin. Jimmy was jes a kid an why in tha dickens did he wanna be like Buster, he asked him. Said cause he was cool an did all kinda excitin thangs. Buster said ta tha boys, well now lookit all tha thangs we dun dun an an jes what kinda example have we ben ta them younguns? Jes gits ya ta thinkin is all. Then Buster says ta Walter an tha rest of tha boys, could thay live with that. That got em all ta scratchin thar haids, I'm tellin ya. Buster said ta em did thay remember when he wheelied Howard's motorsicle all tha way thru England (pronounced ang-lin), an when he dun drove tha convertible ta tha dryer an him right outa tha shower with nutin but a towel on, an tha time at Christmas when he took a gallon of Early Times that was on a swivel stand an handed out drinks all thru town in tha back of that convertible car hisn uncle owned.
What bout tha time he tussled with them boys outa Stuttgart an socked tha priest in tha jaw (it was accidental) at tha dance in Slovak, an all them gals he sported thru town, an when he would cum in late an meet ole Chicken Jeans fer a snort of moon early of a morning fore goin out ta tha farm, an all sich thangs as that. Buster tole tha boys ta remember all tha thangs thay dun tagether an alone an it shor nuff added up ta a passel a mischief. Buster reckoned thay needed ta make sum changes or give back sumhow fer tha younguns. Buster asked all tha boys ta put on thar thinkin caps an git tagather tamorry evenin an chew tha rag over it. All tha boys sit up in that ole pecan tree fer quite a spell, jes a thinkin an relivin times past. Buster was left with hisn thoughts when tha boys left on out. He thought bout ridin motorsicles up them Toltec Indian burial mounds down by tha river, frog giggin on tha bayou, hearin tha wolf packs runnin in tha brakes late at nite when coon huntin, an spoonin out in Tar Bottoms. Rememberin when he tole his mama he was gonna git baptized cause he knowed Jesus an walked down that aisle at 10 year old at tha First Christian Church on a Easter Sunday, an he also remembered tha worry an devilin he put on hisn folks too, an tha first time he cum home snockered an couldn't git ta tha outhouse an his folks never said a word ta him bout it. Larned his lesson bout drinkin fer shor. Him tryin ta act like a big man fer that red haided Spradlin gal, plum pitiful. Lotsa thangs was a whirlin in hisn haid an Buster jes knowed him an tha boys had ta do sumthin rite fer them younguns ta look up ta. Buster was right fractious an put out bout it an hoped Jessie, Howard an Walter would cum up with an idee ta help make thangs rite. Buster did have ta admit it was rite pleasureable ridin thur tha tunnel of love out at tha McNeil Plantation though. All them big ole pecan trees growed over tha road an shadein it fer miles. He could jes see it in hisn mind, tha moonlight a streamin thru tha branches an them kisses sweeter than wine. Why that's whar Howard got his first kiss from that Snow gal that moved in from Alabama an whar Walter first brung lil Lynette an asked her ta go steady. Jessie's pheromones did him in each time he rode thru thar with a gal but specially when Bibi an him hooked up an he took her thar. Buster got on down an went inta tha house an tole hisn grandparents he preciated em an loved em dearly an went ta bed. His grandma wiped a tear from her eye an his grandpa Gus jes nodded when Buster went on ta his bedroom. When ya looked outa of tha winder in Buster's room, ya could see that ole tulip tree him an hisn grandma loved so much when it bloomed in tha Spring an early Summer. Buster dun had it in hisn craw an wadn't gonna let it go, no siree. He was gonna make durn shor him an tha boys dun sumthin ta make up fer thar short cummins.
When all tha boys got tagather, Buster was all fired up. Jes how does a feller go bout bein hisself whilst examplin ta a youngun. Well, Buster thought bout tha time he give tha Parker boy down tha road a ride ta ball practice out at tha Burns Park ball field. Buster was in hisn Ford an had ta stop by Walter's sister Pam's bank ta git a check cashed. The lil gal that was tha teller give Buster too much money an when Buster was a drivin off he counted hisn money an seen what she dun. She dun give him too much money; a dollar too much. So, Buster up an turns round an takes the dollar back ta tha gal. She shorly was grateful of that an said ta Buster she woulda been thar till up in tha nite tryin ta balance her till an ifn she didn't balance she woulda had ta take it outa her own pocket. Well now, Buster didn't know that gal too well but knowed she was a Carter over from Humnoke an needed her money real bad. Her pa was kilt by lightnin an she had ta help her ma ta feed tha family an pay bills. Lil Jerrell Parker said ta Buster why'd he take tha time ta do that; it weren't but a dollar an tha bank has losta money. So Buster explained it ta him an ifn it had happened ta him wouldn't he want sumbody ta be honest an return tha money. It woulda ben stealin, Buster tole lil Jerrell. Lil Jerrell reckoned he seed that now.
Buster an tha boys all tole what thay had on thar minds an it peered that all of em wanted ta do sumthin but not be sumthin thay wadn't. All tha boys finally decided ta kinda put tagather a boys club out on Walter's place on tha Teacup. It was a rite nice place with a clear, year round stream an plenty ta do like huntin an fishin. All tha boys knowed thay needed a place fer tha younguns ta lite so thay gathered up tents till thay got a place built. I reckon thar idee was teamwork an teachin them younguns life skills as thay call it. Buster would teach em how ta make a proper fire an how ta drive in hisn old Ford. Walter was gonna teach tha city boys bout weldin, farmin an ranchin an ridin horses. Jessie, tendin ta bizness, cookin an bein a good steward with thar money an boxin, an Howard was was gonna teach em how ta work equipment an ride motorsicles. Thar was lots of other thangs all of em wanted ta share with tha boys too but that jes cum with time with em. Keepin yore word an bein a uprite feller that knowed Jesus was tha most important though. Seein how's thar was a lil time on thar hands, tha boys picked a weekend an rounded up a bunch of younguns from town an out on farms close by that wanted a lil adventure. One boy was a preacher's son over ta Plum Bayou, several boys cum from families what didn't have no ma or pa or both. Thar jes weren't no time ta spend with tha boys as sum of thar pas worked 2 jobs an thar ma worked out as well.
Tha younguns wadn't jes from pore families neither; any young boy that wanted ta cum was welcome. I reckon thar might a ben one or two that was made ta cum cause thar folks didn't know what ta do with em. Thay wadn't bad kids, jes boys that needed sum love an attention. First off, Buster, Walter, Howard an Jessie tole who thay was an that thay was gonna have sum fun tagather but thar was a firm an fast rule. Ifn jes one of tha boys acted up, then thay all paid tha price. Ifn thay didn't mind, home all of em went. Buster an them wadn't gonna trifle nun with em an put up with no foolishness. Tha first day thay all loaded up early in tha mornin in Buster's Ford an took off ta tha Teacup. When thay got thar thay unloaded thar gear an supplies an set up thar tents. Camp was made an firewood gathered. Heck, sum of them boys couldn't even hammer a nail! Didn't even know how ta hold a dang hammer! Choked up on it so's thay couldn't git no power in thar swang. Jes was a peckin at that ole nail an not drivin it in atall; bent it most times too. Finally, Jessie hollered ta all of em he was a gonna fix up sum stew fer supper an needed sum help. Couple of tha boys went ta help Jessie an Walter took a couple with him ta tha crick ta fetch fresh water an check out hisn fishin hole. Buster an Howard got tha rest of em an went ta gather sum berries an wild plums on tha backside of tha place. One boy was kinda a loner an wadn't fittin in real well. He would cut up a mite too ever now an agin; it was tha preacher's boy. But everthin went long purt near as expected an when evenin cum on all of em was tired an ready fer bed. Buster, Jessie, Walter an Howard shared a big tent tagather that thay bought a while back an it had nuf room fer half dozen more fellers in it. Thay got it at Bennett's Army surplus up in Little Rock an sum other gear at Erwin's Pawn shop. David was a fren of thar's from in town an his pa had tha pawn shop fer years. Tha next mornin thar was a ruckus tha like ya never heared. Lil Milo run inta tha tent a yellin ta cum quick! When tha boys looked out tha tent, thay seed all tha younguns huddled up a watchin tha dangest sight ya ever saw cross tha crick. Thar was a razorback hog a chasin a wild turkey an a black bear cub a chasin that hog an thay was jes a goin round an round. Funniest thang ya ever did see an tha boys was all google eyed over it. Sum of them boys ain't never ben round no livestock let alone no wild critters. Walter hollered ta tha boys ta stay put cause that mama bear was close by an didn't take kindly ta anybody messin with her cub. After a bit, all of them critters skeedadled out of thar an breakfast was put on. Boy Howdy, how them younguns could eat. Jessie had ta make two batches of flapjacks an tole Howard thay was gonna need sum more supplies if this kept up.
As Buster an Walter was a gittin ready fer tha day, Jessie an Howard put away breakfast gear when thay heared a nother ruckus. Bout that time a couple of tha boys started showin out an got inta a scuffle. Well, Buster grabbed each one of em an throwed em inta tha crick. That water was from a underground stream an was sum kinda cold, I tell ya. Them two boys cum up a spittin an hollerin an one of em hollered he couldn't swim nun. Buster yelled out ta him ta jes stand on up, it weren't deep! Buster got them two boys outa tha water an asked ifn thay was cooled down now. Thay said, yes sir, an Buster tole em one more time like that an off thay went. Buster tole em ifn thay had a problem thay better settle it like men or cum ta one of tha boys an thay'd figure it all out. After that, tha day went long fine an Walter an his grays were good with lettin tha boys ride em. Walter even dun a few rope tricks fer em an roped a steer that was on tha place. After headin back fer camp, Buster give tha boys a few drivin lessons an that shor was tryin that's fer shor. All agreed that thay was glad thay had 580 acres of mostly open ground ta practice in cause thay shor nuf needed it all tha way sum of them boys was drivin. Couldn't hurt nuthin but a lil pride out thar but a few scrubs was took down an a cow or two sent off a bawlin. Well danged ifn Buster an tha boys ain't heared a ruckus agin an went out ta see what it was all bout. That preacher's boy was dealin out mischief a plenty when thay got thar. Buster up an tells em all ta load up an not ta worry bout packin; thay was leavin rite then an thar. Buster an Howard put all of em in tha back of tha truck an was a takin em home. Sum of em was a caterwaulin an sum a cryin but Buster kept a drivin. Thay got down tha road a piece an one of tha younguns started bangin on tha winder so Buster pulled off ta tha side of tha road. All tha boys cum up ta Howard an Buster an tole em that it was all a big mistake, thay was jes havin sum fun Buster got it all wrong that thar weren't no fightin nor disagreein. Buster says, is that so? All of em said, Yes Sir! Thar was one boy all sulled up like an it was that preacher's boy agin. Buster asked him ifn that was tha case an he mumbled that it was. Buster an Howard confabbed fer a few minutes an said ta tha boys that a good understandin made good friends, so thay would go on back ifn thar weren't no more shenanigans that looked like fightin. All them boys was a cheerin an said ta Buster an Howard that thay had thangs ta do an ta hurry on back. Thay was gonna shoot .22's that afternoon. When thay got back ta camp, Buster an Howard called over Walter an Jessie an tole em what all happened an ta look at tha preacher's boy. He had a knot swole up on hisn haid an a shiner ta boot.
All them other boys took him ta task over makin them all go home early an that jes wadn't gonna happen over one bad apple in tha bunch; so thay fixed that rite quick. Everthin was goin jes fine an the day played out real good.
Cum on early mornin, Buster heared sumbody slip on in ta whar his bedroll was. Well, if that didn't beat all; it was tha preacher's boy. Walter, Jessie an Howard all heared him cum in too but didn't make a sound; thay acted like thay didn't hear a thang. That youngun was a shiverin an sobbin a mite an Buster jes let him snuggle up ta him an winked ta tha rest of tha boys. Tha next day, Buster throwed a greased watermelon in tha crick an tole tha boys that tha one that brung it back ta tha bank would git hisself a prize. Thar was a lil feller thar that had a limp an didn't git round real good but he jumped on in too. He jes wadn't no match fer tha other boys though an didn't have a chance ta git that watermelon; but tha preacher's boy did. He hustled up ta tha bank an thar sit tha youngun with tha limp, barely in tha water. That boy handed off that watermelon ta lil crippled boy an tole him ta take it on back ta Buster. He shor nuf did that an he dun got hisself a prize. He got him a brand new Buck pocket knife! That youngun was proud as punch over that knife an it was tha most important thang he owned. Buster winked an nodded ta that preacher's boy an turned round an tole tha other boys ta gather up.
Jessie had him a cookin class or two durin tha day tha whole time thay was out at tha Teacup. He taught em ta fix up sum good campin grub an even a lil breakfast treat fer thar mas fer a surprise. Jessie got a couple of tha boys that was a mite rowdy at first an had them boxin with him. He taught em a few thangs bout defendin tharselfs an tha spirit of good sportsmanship. Over tha campfire at nite, Jessie would have them younguns do sum figures an tha like on how ta make thar bit of money go farther. He give all of em a dollar when thay took tha younguns back home an tole em he wanted ta know what thay dun with it when thay cum back.
Howard, was havin hisself a whale of a time, I tell ya. Seemed like he was havin more fun than tha younguns. Howard had a old 100cc motorsicle he got when he was jes startin ta larn ta ride. It was a mite bunged up but run good. Well, Howard showed them younguns how ta trail ride an tha safety aspects of ridin on tha road. Them young boys was a strainin at tha bit ta ride that motorsicle but had ta take turns.
Sum of em jes didn't wanna git off but Howard seed ta it that ever one of em had equal time an had ta share. Howard used one of Walter's old tractors fer mowin ta larnate em ta use equipment an tha dangers that cum with that. He'd stick em up thar with him in tha driver's seat an let em operate tha controls an let em see what all thay could do. Heck, Howard musta mowed one pasture 4 times over fore he was dun with teachin them lil fellers tha ins an outs of that machinery. What really got them younguns was how Howard could operate a backhoe. Howard's pa was a doin a job over by tha Teacup an he had tole his pa he wanted ta use it ta show them younguns a thang or two. Now ole Howard was a real humdinger of a operator on that backhoe fer shor an he could do sum mind bogglin thangs with it. Gosh a Friday, it would take a body's breath away tha thangs he could do with that backhoe. Course he'd ben runnin one since he was knee high ta a grasshopper. First thang Howard dun was ta pick up a bottle cap with tha bucket, then a baseball an finally a 2 bit piece he throwed down. But, tha thang that got all of em all bumfuzzled was when he took that backhoe an put er up on tha top of a old rail car Walter's pa was usin fer storin blue rock fer his road. Howard took that bucket an them hydraulics an lifted er plum up on top of that rock an then brought er down tha same way. That was shor a sight ta see. Reckon sum of them lil fellers mighta ben influenced ta become heavy equipment operators one day said Howard ta tha boys that evenin when thay was dun. Coupla of them younguns shor had a keen interest in all that equipment an pestered him all day with questions. Howard was shor a grinnin tellin that, I tell ya.
Next thang thay dun was ta herd sum cows of Walter's ta a corral. Walter had all tha boys ta count em an said ta git tha count rite. Walter said ta em that it seemed thar was too many cows in thar an that count jes couldn't be rite. Well, ever boy thar swore ta Heaven it was a rite count an huddled up an after cypherin on it, tole Walter it was shor nuf a rite count. Well, Walter asked what was ta be dun with that extry cow. Tha boys all said thay didn't know. Walter tole em since thay found that cow (it was really a calf) he reckoned thay could keep it. Them boys lit up like a Christmas tree an was a hoppin an jumpin round an askin Walter was he shor. Walter tole em that thay had ta take care of that calf or it would be took away from em an who knowed, even made inta steaks. Them boys made a oath ta Jesus that thay would care fer thar calf no matter what. Walter tole em that meant thay had ta cum on back out ta tha Teacup ta see after him an tha boys tole Walter thay would cum ever time he would let em.
All of them boys was a pettin that calf an givin him grass an hay ta eat. Walter even had sum nuggets he let em feed tha calf an thay jes loved that calf eatin outa thar hands.
Well, it cum on ta nite an Howard an Jessie seen all tha boys was bedded down fer tha nite.
Jessie eased on outa tha tent later on in tha nite an tole tha others that he thought he heared sumthin out thar. Shor nuf, it was tha preacher's boy with a shovel thay had brung long with em. He was bout ta whack sumthin but Jessie couldn't see what it was. Bout then, tha others cum outa tha tent an seed that youngun swang that shovel. Oh Lordy, what dun happened, Howard yelled an run ta tha tent whar all tha excitement was goin on. All tha boys in tha tent was up in a corner tighter that sardines in a can. Rite bout then tha preacher's boy whacked sumthin or sumone; Buster an them jes didn't ritely know. When thay got up ta whar tha younguns was, it was plain ta see what all tha fuss was bout. A big ole timber rattler was chopped up an hisn haid plum took off with that shovel. Tha preacher's boy heared tha rattle an cum outa thar an got tha shovel an kilt tha snake. That snake shor nuf was mad an woulda bit one or more of tha boys ifn tha preacher's boy hadn't kilt him. Turned out tha preacher's boy was a hero an all was forgiven by tha rest of tha younguns after that. He was cepted in tha group an he was grinnin from ear ta ear but humble like too. The next day all of em took a hay ride an had a weenie roast an then had ta pack up fer em ta go back ta town. Them younguns jes didn't cotton ta tha idee of leavin but Buster, Walter, Jessie an Howard had a few words fer em. Thay spoke ta how proud of em thay was an that thay would bring em back anytime. Thay tole em thay had thar responsibilities at home an ta take care of business like men. Buster tole em all that thay could bring a fren ifn thay wanted ta tha next time but be shor thay knowed tha rules. Thay all said ta a boy thar ain't nobody cummin that wouldn't act rite an thay'd make darn shor of that. Thay all loaded up an headed fer home but before thay got thar, Buster an tha boys took em fer ice cream at Leake's Drugstore. All them younguns went home happy as a lark an said thay would be back ta see all tha boys real soon an how much fun thay had.
Tha next Wednesday evenin after church services, Buster an tha boys met up with tha Preacher out at Plum Bayou after he called up Buster's grandma an left a message fer him ta meet him thar. First off, tha preacher met with tha boys in hisn office an said he didn't ritely know what all went on out at tha Teacup but he shor nuf had a changed son.
He said him an his wife dearly appreciated what all tha boys dun fer all them younguns but would thay tell him what all happened out thar. Buster an tha boys tole tha story of what all took place an how it all turned out. That preacher man had tears in hisn eyes an shook each of thar hands an said thay dun a miracle him an his wife prayed fer. Tha preacher took em all out ta tha meetin hall an lo an behold all them younguns' folks was thar too. Ever ma an pa had nuthin but good thangs ta say ta Buster, Jessie, Howard an Walter. Thay knowed all thar folks fer tha most part an had already spoke ta em bout what all changes that took place with thar younguns. Thay all said ifn thar was anythin thay could do ta help with a cabin or supplies or jes anythin; ta jes ask.
That next Sunday tha preacher man had tha best sermon a preacher could preach an tha message shor went thru tha grapevine. It wadn't long that a cabin was built an folks was a volunteerin ta help an local stores in town was a donatin ta tha cause. All manner of buildin materials an equipment was give ta em. Tha ranch growed mighty quick after that an many a young boy cum thru thar an found life lessons an life changes that served em in good stead later on in life.
Tha ranch evolved inta sumthin big an was took over by tha Sheriff's Department ta help all boys an wayward ones specially. Not only did it help tha community but it got hitched ta a State organization an later on ta a National one.
Buster, Jessie, Walter an Howard knowed thay dun good an give back an that this un was tha best idee thay ever had.
Thay did it with what thay knowed an what thay were; thay did it thar way.
PS: Later on in years, all tha boys was back ta town fer a class reunion. Thay was walkin down Main Street ta git a hamburger at tha Pool Hall when a young man with a lil boy taggin long cum up ta Buster an give him a hug rite thar in broad daylite. Said he wanted his boy ta meet Buster an tha boys. It was tha preacher's boy, full growed, married up an preachin at tha lil Baptist church in Plum Bayou.
Buster! Whatcha doin up thar, yelled up Jessie. Howard an Walter was a gawkin up at Buster when Buster tole em he was jes a thinkin. Buster was high atop a big ole pecan tree out back of hisn grandma's house an he hollered ta tha boys ta climb on up. Well, thay all shinnyed on up thar with Buster an asked him what he was a thinkin bout. Well now, tha stars, an bout bein baptized an all, an whar all of em would be when thay was full growed an jes thinkin on sich thangs that would make a feller wonder. Buster dun tole em all thay was closer than brothers ta him an thay really was since he didn't have no brother; full brother that is. Buster an Jessie dun found out thay was cousins as thar folks was married up in tha family back in Kentuck. Aunt Judith dun sum more lookin an found out in tha old family Bibles that thar folks was right close kin an she called up the boys folks an had a setee with em all. She also asked when tha boys was a gonna cum back ta Mt. Sterling fer a visit an crank up tha distillery. Thar was summer cummin on an tha boys was all gittn outa school an makin plans fer college or workin. Thar wouldn't be much time at all fer tha boys an thar folks decided ta go on up ta Kentuck an ta see Aunt Judith an git the work dun ta start up tha distillery later on. Since thar was money ta be had nowadays, tha folks could take off fer a spell an not be hurtin nun money wise. Tha younguns could care fer tha places long with tha hired hands till thay got back. So tha boys an thar mas an pas made up ta go thar bout tha middle of June. Buster says ta tha boys that ifn thay knowed Berniece's boy Jimmy Cole an thay allowed thay did. That was ole man Eason's daughter an her boy that lived cross tha way from Buster. Buster says ta tha boys that Jimmy Cole cum up ta him an tole him he wanted ta be jes like Buster an that got him ta thinkin. Jimmy was jes a kid an why in tha dickens did he wanna be like Buster, he asked him. Said cause he was cool an did all kinda excitin thangs. Buster said ta tha boys, well now lookit all tha thangs we dun dun an an jes what kinda example have we ben ta them younguns? Jes gits ya ta thinkin is all. Then Buster says ta Walter an tha rest of tha boys, could thay live with that. That got em all ta scratchin thar haids, I'm tellin ya. Buster said ta em did thay remember when he wheelied Howard's motorsicle all tha way thru England (pronounced ang-lin), an when he dun drove tha convertible ta tha dryer an him right outa tha shower with nutin but a towel on, an tha time at Christmas when he took a gallon of Early Times that was on a swivel stand an handed out drinks all thru town in tha back of that convertible car hisn uncle owned.
What bout tha time he tussled with them boys outa Stuttgart an socked tha priest in tha jaw (it was accidental) at tha dance in Slovak, an all them gals he sported thru town, an when he would cum in late an meet ole Chicken Jeans fer a snort of moon early of a morning fore goin out ta tha farm, an all sich thangs as that. Buster tole tha boys ta remember all tha thangs thay dun tagether an alone an it shor nuff added up ta a passel a mischief. Buster reckoned thay needed ta make sum changes or give back sumhow fer tha younguns. Buster asked all tha boys ta put on thar thinkin caps an git tagather tamorry evenin an chew tha rag over it. All tha boys sit up in that ole pecan tree fer quite a spell, jes a thinkin an relivin times past. Buster was left with hisn thoughts when tha boys left on out. He thought bout ridin motorsicles up them Toltec Indian burial mounds down by tha river, frog giggin on tha bayou, hearin tha wolf packs runnin in tha brakes late at nite when coon huntin, an spoonin out in Tar Bottoms. Rememberin when he tole his mama he was gonna git baptized cause he knowed Jesus an walked down that aisle at 10 year old at tha First Christian Church on a Easter Sunday, an he also remembered tha worry an devilin he put on hisn folks too, an tha first time he cum home snockered an couldn't git ta tha outhouse an his folks never said a word ta him bout it. Larned his lesson bout drinkin fer shor. Him tryin ta act like a big man fer that red haided Spradlin gal, plum pitiful. Lotsa thangs was a whirlin in hisn haid an Buster jes knowed him an tha boys had ta do sumthin rite fer them younguns ta look up ta. Buster was right fractious an put out bout it an hoped Jessie, Howard an Walter would cum up with an idee ta help make thangs rite. Buster did have ta admit it was rite pleasureable ridin thur tha tunnel of love out at tha McNeil Plantation though. All them big ole pecan trees growed over tha road an shadein it fer miles. He could jes see it in hisn mind, tha moonlight a streamin thru tha branches an them kisses sweeter than wine. Why that's whar Howard got his first kiss from that Snow gal that moved in from Alabama an whar Walter first brung lil Lynette an asked her ta go steady. Jessie's pheromones did him in each time he rode thru thar with a gal but specially when Bibi an him hooked up an he took her thar. Buster got on down an went inta tha house an tole hisn grandparents he preciated em an loved em dearly an went ta bed. His grandma wiped a tear from her eye an his grandpa Gus jes nodded when Buster went on ta his bedroom. When ya looked outa of tha winder in Buster's room, ya could see that ole tulip tree him an hisn grandma loved so much when it bloomed in tha Spring an early Summer. Buster dun had it in hisn craw an wadn't gonna let it go, no siree. He was gonna make durn shor him an tha boys dun sumthin ta make up fer thar short cummins.
When all tha boys got tagather, Buster was all fired up. Jes how does a feller go bout bein hisself whilst examplin ta a youngun. Well, Buster thought bout tha time he give tha Parker boy down tha road a ride ta ball practice out at tha Burns Park ball field. Buster was in hisn Ford an had ta stop by Walter's sister Pam's bank ta git a check cashed. The lil gal that was tha teller give Buster too much money an when Buster was a drivin off he counted hisn money an seen what she dun. She dun give him too much money; a dollar too much. So, Buster up an turns round an takes the dollar back ta tha gal. She shorly was grateful of that an said ta Buster she woulda been thar till up in tha nite tryin ta balance her till an ifn she didn't balance she woulda had ta take it outa her own pocket. Well now, Buster didn't know that gal too well but knowed she was a Carter over from Humnoke an needed her money real bad. Her pa was kilt by lightnin an she had ta help her ma ta feed tha family an pay bills. Lil Jerrell Parker said ta Buster why'd he take tha time ta do that; it weren't but a dollar an tha bank has losta money. So Buster explained it ta him an ifn it had happened ta him wouldn't he want sumbody ta be honest an return tha money. It woulda ben stealin, Buster tole lil Jerrell. Lil Jerrell reckoned he seed that now.
Buster an tha boys all tole what thay had on thar minds an it peered that all of em wanted ta do sumthin but not be sumthin thay wadn't. All tha boys finally decided ta kinda put tagather a boys club out on Walter's place on tha Teacup. It was a rite nice place with a clear, year round stream an plenty ta do like huntin an fishin. All tha boys knowed thay needed a place fer tha younguns ta lite so thay gathered up tents till thay got a place built. I reckon thar idee was teamwork an teachin them younguns life skills as thay call it. Buster would teach em how ta make a proper fire an how ta drive in hisn old Ford. Walter was gonna teach tha city boys bout weldin, farmin an ranchin an ridin horses. Jessie, tendin ta bizness, cookin an bein a good steward with thar money an boxin, an Howard was was gonna teach em how ta work equipment an ride motorsicles. Thar was lots of other thangs all of em wanted ta share with tha boys too but that jes cum with time with em. Keepin yore word an bein a uprite feller that knowed Jesus was tha most important though. Seein how's thar was a lil time on thar hands, tha boys picked a weekend an rounded up a bunch of younguns from town an out on farms close by that wanted a lil adventure. One boy was a preacher's son over ta Plum Bayou, several boys cum from families what didn't have no ma or pa or both. Thar jes weren't no time ta spend with tha boys as sum of thar pas worked 2 jobs an thar ma worked out as well.
Tha younguns wadn't jes from pore families neither; any young boy that wanted ta cum was welcome. I reckon thar might a ben one or two that was made ta cum cause thar folks didn't know what ta do with em. Thay wadn't bad kids, jes boys that needed sum love an attention. First off, Buster, Walter, Howard an Jessie tole who thay was an that thay was gonna have sum fun tagather but thar was a firm an fast rule. Ifn jes one of tha boys acted up, then thay all paid tha price. Ifn thay didn't mind, home all of em went. Buster an them wadn't gonna trifle nun with em an put up with no foolishness. Tha first day thay all loaded up early in tha mornin in Buster's Ford an took off ta tha Teacup. When thay got thar thay unloaded thar gear an supplies an set up thar tents. Camp was made an firewood gathered. Heck, sum of them boys couldn't even hammer a nail! Didn't even know how ta hold a dang hammer! Choked up on it so's thay couldn't git no power in thar swang. Jes was a peckin at that ole nail an not drivin it in atall; bent it most times too. Finally, Jessie hollered ta all of em he was a gonna fix up sum stew fer supper an needed sum help. Couple of tha boys went ta help Jessie an Walter took a couple with him ta tha crick ta fetch fresh water an check out hisn fishin hole. Buster an Howard got tha rest of em an went ta gather sum berries an wild plums on tha backside of tha place. One boy was kinda a loner an wadn't fittin in real well. He would cut up a mite too ever now an agin; it was tha preacher's boy. But everthin went long purt near as expected an when evenin cum on all of em was tired an ready fer bed. Buster, Jessie, Walter an Howard shared a big tent tagather that thay bought a while back an it had nuf room fer half dozen more fellers in it. Thay got it at Bennett's Army surplus up in Little Rock an sum other gear at Erwin's Pawn shop. David was a fren of thar's from in town an his pa had tha pawn shop fer years. Tha next mornin thar was a ruckus tha like ya never heared. Lil Milo run inta tha tent a yellin ta cum quick! When tha boys looked out tha tent, thay seed all tha younguns huddled up a watchin tha dangest sight ya ever saw cross tha crick. Thar was a razorback hog a chasin a wild turkey an a black bear cub a chasin that hog an thay was jes a goin round an round. Funniest thang ya ever did see an tha boys was all google eyed over it. Sum of them boys ain't never ben round no livestock let alone no wild critters. Walter hollered ta tha boys ta stay put cause that mama bear was close by an didn't take kindly ta anybody messin with her cub. After a bit, all of them critters skeedadled out of thar an breakfast was put on. Boy Howdy, how them younguns could eat. Jessie had ta make two batches of flapjacks an tole Howard thay was gonna need sum more supplies if this kept up.
As Buster an Walter was a gittin ready fer tha day, Jessie an Howard put away breakfast gear when thay heared a nother ruckus. Bout that time a couple of tha boys started showin out an got inta a scuffle. Well, Buster grabbed each one of em an throwed em inta tha crick. That water was from a underground stream an was sum kinda cold, I tell ya. Them two boys cum up a spittin an hollerin an one of em hollered he couldn't swim nun. Buster yelled out ta him ta jes stand on up, it weren't deep! Buster got them two boys outa tha water an asked ifn thay was cooled down now. Thay said, yes sir, an Buster tole em one more time like that an off thay went. Buster tole em ifn thay had a problem thay better settle it like men or cum ta one of tha boys an thay'd figure it all out. After that, tha day went long fine an Walter an his grays were good with lettin tha boys ride em. Walter even dun a few rope tricks fer em an roped a steer that was on tha place. After headin back fer camp, Buster give tha boys a few drivin lessons an that shor was tryin that's fer shor. All agreed that thay was glad thay had 580 acres of mostly open ground ta practice in cause thay shor nuf needed it all tha way sum of them boys was drivin. Couldn't hurt nuthin but a lil pride out thar but a few scrubs was took down an a cow or two sent off a bawlin. Well danged ifn Buster an tha boys ain't heared a ruckus agin an went out ta see what it was all bout. That preacher's boy was dealin out mischief a plenty when thay got thar. Buster up an tells em all ta load up an not ta worry bout packin; thay was leavin rite then an thar. Buster an Howard put all of em in tha back of tha truck an was a takin em home. Sum of em was a caterwaulin an sum a cryin but Buster kept a drivin. Thay got down tha road a piece an one of tha younguns started bangin on tha winder so Buster pulled off ta tha side of tha road. All tha boys cum up ta Howard an Buster an tole em that it was all a big mistake, thay was jes havin sum fun Buster got it all wrong that thar weren't no fightin nor disagreein. Buster says, is that so? All of em said, Yes Sir! Thar was one boy all sulled up like an it was that preacher's boy agin. Buster asked him ifn that was tha case an he mumbled that it was. Buster an Howard confabbed fer a few minutes an said ta tha boys that a good understandin made good friends, so thay would go on back ifn thar weren't no more shenanigans that looked like fightin. All them boys was a cheerin an said ta Buster an Howard that thay had thangs ta do an ta hurry on back. Thay was gonna shoot .22's that afternoon. When thay got back ta camp, Buster an Howard called over Walter an Jessie an tole em what all happened an ta look at tha preacher's boy. He had a knot swole up on hisn haid an a shiner ta boot.
All them other boys took him ta task over makin them all go home early an that jes wadn't gonna happen over one bad apple in tha bunch; so thay fixed that rite quick. Everthin was goin jes fine an the day played out real good.
Cum on early mornin, Buster heared sumbody slip on in ta whar his bedroll was. Well, if that didn't beat all; it was tha preacher's boy. Walter, Jessie an Howard all heared him cum in too but didn't make a sound; thay acted like thay didn't hear a thang. That youngun was a shiverin an sobbin a mite an Buster jes let him snuggle up ta him an winked ta tha rest of tha boys. Tha next day, Buster throwed a greased watermelon in tha crick an tole tha boys that tha one that brung it back ta tha bank would git hisself a prize. Thar was a lil feller thar that had a limp an didn't git round real good but he jumped on in too. He jes wadn't no match fer tha other boys though an didn't have a chance ta git that watermelon; but tha preacher's boy did. He hustled up ta tha bank an thar sit tha youngun with tha limp, barely in tha water. That boy handed off that watermelon ta lil crippled boy an tole him ta take it on back ta Buster. He shor nuf did that an he dun got hisself a prize. He got him a brand new Buck pocket knife! That youngun was proud as punch over that knife an it was tha most important thang he owned. Buster winked an nodded ta that preacher's boy an turned round an tole tha other boys ta gather up.
Jessie had him a cookin class or two durin tha day tha whole time thay was out at tha Teacup. He taught em ta fix up sum good campin grub an even a lil breakfast treat fer thar mas fer a surprise. Jessie got a couple of tha boys that was a mite rowdy at first an had them boxin with him. He taught em a few thangs bout defendin tharselfs an tha spirit of good sportsmanship. Over tha campfire at nite, Jessie would have them younguns do sum figures an tha like on how ta make thar bit of money go farther. He give all of em a dollar when thay took tha younguns back home an tole em he wanted ta know what thay dun with it when thay cum back.
Howard, was havin hisself a whale of a time, I tell ya. Seemed like he was havin more fun than tha younguns. Howard had a old 100cc motorsicle he got when he was jes startin ta larn ta ride. It was a mite bunged up but run good. Well, Howard showed them younguns how ta trail ride an tha safety aspects of ridin on tha road. Them young boys was a strainin at tha bit ta ride that motorsicle but had ta take turns.
Sum of em jes didn't wanna git off but Howard seed ta it that ever one of em had equal time an had ta share. Howard used one of Walter's old tractors fer mowin ta larnate em ta use equipment an tha dangers that cum with that. He'd stick em up thar with him in tha driver's seat an let em operate tha controls an let em see what all thay could do. Heck, Howard musta mowed one pasture 4 times over fore he was dun with teachin them lil fellers tha ins an outs of that machinery. What really got them younguns was how Howard could operate a backhoe. Howard's pa was a doin a job over by tha Teacup an he had tole his pa he wanted ta use it ta show them younguns a thang or two. Now ole Howard was a real humdinger of a operator on that backhoe fer shor an he could do sum mind bogglin thangs with it. Gosh a Friday, it would take a body's breath away tha thangs he could do with that backhoe. Course he'd ben runnin one since he was knee high ta a grasshopper. First thang Howard dun was ta pick up a bottle cap with tha bucket, then a baseball an finally a 2 bit piece he throwed down. But, tha thang that got all of em all bumfuzzled was when he took that backhoe an put er up on tha top of a old rail car Walter's pa was usin fer storin blue rock fer his road. Howard took that bucket an them hydraulics an lifted er plum up on top of that rock an then brought er down tha same way. That was shor a sight ta see. Reckon sum of them lil fellers mighta ben influenced ta become heavy equipment operators one day said Howard ta tha boys that evenin when thay was dun. Coupla of them younguns shor had a keen interest in all that equipment an pestered him all day with questions. Howard was shor a grinnin tellin that, I tell ya.
Next thang thay dun was ta herd sum cows of Walter's ta a corral. Walter had all tha boys ta count em an said ta git tha count rite. Walter said ta em that it seemed thar was too many cows in thar an that count jes couldn't be rite. Well, ever boy thar swore ta Heaven it was a rite count an huddled up an after cypherin on it, tole Walter it was shor nuf a rite count. Well, Walter asked what was ta be dun with that extry cow. Tha boys all said thay didn't know. Walter tole em since thay found that cow (it was really a calf) he reckoned thay could keep it. Them boys lit up like a Christmas tree an was a hoppin an jumpin round an askin Walter was he shor. Walter tole em that thay had ta take care of that calf or it would be took away from em an who knowed, even made inta steaks. Them boys made a oath ta Jesus that thay would care fer thar calf no matter what. Walter tole em that meant thay had ta cum on back out ta tha Teacup ta see after him an tha boys tole Walter thay would cum ever time he would let em.
All of them boys was a pettin that calf an givin him grass an hay ta eat. Walter even had sum nuggets he let em feed tha calf an thay jes loved that calf eatin outa thar hands.
Well, it cum on ta nite an Howard an Jessie seen all tha boys was bedded down fer tha nite.
Jessie eased on outa tha tent later on in tha nite an tole tha others that he thought he heared sumthin out thar. Shor nuf, it was tha preacher's boy with a shovel thay had brung long with em. He was bout ta whack sumthin but Jessie couldn't see what it was. Bout then, tha others cum outa tha tent an seed that youngun swang that shovel. Oh Lordy, what dun happened, Howard yelled an run ta tha tent whar all tha excitement was goin on. All tha boys in tha tent was up in a corner tighter that sardines in a can. Rite bout then tha preacher's boy whacked sumthin or sumone; Buster an them jes didn't ritely know. When thay got up ta whar tha younguns was, it was plain ta see what all tha fuss was bout. A big ole timber rattler was chopped up an hisn haid plum took off with that shovel. Tha preacher's boy heared tha rattle an cum outa thar an got tha shovel an kilt tha snake. That snake shor nuf was mad an woulda bit one or more of tha boys ifn tha preacher's boy hadn't kilt him. Turned out tha preacher's boy was a hero an all was forgiven by tha rest of tha younguns after that. He was cepted in tha group an he was grinnin from ear ta ear but humble like too. The next day all of em took a hay ride an had a weenie roast an then had ta pack up fer em ta go back ta town. Them younguns jes didn't cotton ta tha idee of leavin but Buster, Walter, Jessie an Howard had a few words fer em. Thay spoke ta how proud of em thay was an that thay would bring em back anytime. Thay tole em thay had thar responsibilities at home an ta take care of business like men. Buster tole em all that thay could bring a fren ifn thay wanted ta tha next time but be shor thay knowed tha rules. Thay all said ta a boy thar ain't nobody cummin that wouldn't act rite an thay'd make darn shor of that. Thay all loaded up an headed fer home but before thay got thar, Buster an tha boys took em fer ice cream at Leake's Drugstore. All them younguns went home happy as a lark an said thay would be back ta see all tha boys real soon an how much fun thay had.
Tha next Wednesday evenin after church services, Buster an tha boys met up with tha Preacher out at Plum Bayou after he called up Buster's grandma an left a message fer him ta meet him thar. First off, tha preacher met with tha boys in hisn office an said he didn't ritely know what all went on out at tha Teacup but he shor nuf had a changed son.
He said him an his wife dearly appreciated what all tha boys dun fer all them younguns but would thay tell him what all happened out thar. Buster an tha boys tole tha story of what all took place an how it all turned out. That preacher man had tears in hisn eyes an shook each of thar hands an said thay dun a miracle him an his wife prayed fer. Tha preacher took em all out ta tha meetin hall an lo an behold all them younguns' folks was thar too. Ever ma an pa had nuthin but good thangs ta say ta Buster, Jessie, Howard an Walter. Thay knowed all thar folks fer tha most part an had already spoke ta em bout what all changes that took place with thar younguns. Thay all said ifn thar was anythin thay could do ta help with a cabin or supplies or jes anythin; ta jes ask.
That next Sunday tha preacher man had tha best sermon a preacher could preach an tha message shor went thru tha grapevine. It wadn't long that a cabin was built an folks was a volunteerin ta help an local stores in town was a donatin ta tha cause. All manner of buildin materials an equipment was give ta em. Tha ranch growed mighty quick after that an many a young boy cum thru thar an found life lessons an life changes that served em in good stead later on in life.
Tha ranch evolved inta sumthin big an was took over by tha Sheriff's Department ta help all boys an wayward ones specially. Not only did it help tha community but it got hitched ta a State organization an later on ta a National one.
Buster, Jessie, Walter an Howard knowed thay dun good an give back an that this un was tha best idee thay ever had.
Thay did it with what thay knowed an what thay were; thay did it thar way.
PS: Later on in years, all tha boys was back ta town fer a class reunion. Thay was walkin down Main Street ta git a hamburger at tha Pool Hall when a young man with a lil boy taggin long cum up ta Buster an give him a hug rite thar in broad daylite. Said he wanted his boy ta meet Buster an tha boys. It was tha preacher's boy, full growed, married up an preachin at tha lil Baptist church in Plum Bayou.
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