Don't cha member when Buster throwed that safety pin with a piece of chewin gum an a green leaf inta tha canal? Why, he only had a piece of strang he got outa hisn grandma's sewin basket ta tie it on with an he dun caught that 5 pound Buffalo. Give it ta one of tha hired hands fer supper. An what bout that time when he went deer huintin fer tha first time? He went with hisn grandpa Gus an wadn't gone more than a hour fore he was back with a seven pointer. Course Buster's grandpa Gus thought he dun kilt a doe an was skeered ta look. Buster went ta tha highline road an was jes a sittn on a stump with hisn head in hisn hands when he up an seed that ole buck jes a starin at him. Buster was a shootin George's British Enfield .303 that he borryed an that bolt action worked purty sweet. Buster got a lil buck fever as they say. Hisn first shot hit him daid 'tween tha eyes and then ole Buster got a lil fractious an shucked ever one of them shells out that thar rifle. Had ta pick back em up an reload, I'm tellin ya. When he finally did get a shell in tha chamber an shot him agin; he was so danged nervous bout that deer not bein daid an all, he shot him in tha laig stead of tha heart. Course tha deer was daid anyhow. Then thar was tha time when he went huntin out at tha Davis place with one .22 short in a single shot whilst hisn folks was visitin. Come back with two bobwhite quail. Hit em on tha fly. Bullet went thru one an then got a nother un. Talk bout luck! Member when tha menfolks was shootin bow an arrow above tha pool hall with Rex Hancock an Ben Pearson? George dun hit tha bull's eye on tha target an Buster had that lil 40 pound fiberglass bow of hisn an up an shoots an splits George's arrow. Had em all scratchin thar haids, I tell ya, an ole Rex said now don't that beat all! Sum call that outhouse luck, an reckon it was at that, but shor does give a feller sumthin ta talk bout don't it. Howard an Walter was jes jawin whilst drinkin sum lemonade Mrs. Ollinger made up whilst she was visitin with Mrs. Holmes.
Jessie was in from takin up lawyerin thar in Tuscaloosa an Buster was down at tha VA gittin checked out after cummin home from tha service. Buster was doin allrite now but was a lil skittish an a mite fractious bout tusslin yet. Jessie dun tole Walter an Howard that Buster had what thay called tha "survivor's syndrome". That's when a feller feels porley bout not bein kilt when hisn buddies an other soldiers got kilt in tha war an he cum thru without a scratch. But knowin Buster, he had it all figured out long fore he ever got back home an went ta a doctor. Why heck fire, thay all knowed bout all that a good while ago. Buster tole all em one time that he dun figured out that a feller had ta know he was a good as he was bad an bad an he was good an jes had ta walk on tha side of lite; jes like it says in tha Good Book. What happened was that Buster was at tha VA seein bout tha fatness that dun got him an whilst a talkin ta sum doctors thar, thay dun tole him that's what he had. Course that was all dun an over with by that time. Thar jes wadn't a name put ta it when Buster was dealin with it by hisself. All tha boys jes knowed sumthin was a upsetin Buster but knowed he would cum out of it sooner or later.
Now Jessie on tha other hand dun got all tied up in bizness an jes ain't a havin no fun Howard said. Fact is, Walter wadn't neither, with him gone all tha time a pipelinin. Weldin always cum natural ta Walter but that travelin all over tha cuntry takes a toll on a feller after a bit. Lil Lynette was fit ta be tied with him bein gone all tha time. Come ta think bout it, Howard kinda fit in thar with tha other boys as well, a workin nite an day like he did, but he did seem ta have more fun than tha other three boys though. So, Howard an Walter made up ta do sumthin bout all that. Thar was gonna be sum changes made round here.
First off, they dun kidnapped Jessie! Walter tole Jessie he was jes gonna have ta cotton ta tha fact that he wadn't gonna do no work fer at least 2 weeks. Walter an Howard tole him that hisn ma dun called up ta hisn work an tole em he was porely an he was gonna take off fer 2 weeks or so. She dun left word fer Jessie that he wadn't gonna git nowhar near a phone nor that thar computer he was always a peckin on neither. Walter tole Jessie that he dun growed a mite and put on sum weight so he'd jes sit on Jessie ifn he had too, but he was a goin, period! Tha next order of bizness was ta hogtie Buster. Now, that was a tall order since he was strong a bull and bigger all of em put tagather. Buster was a travelin rite smart of tha time hisself an when he was in tha office he stayed thar up ta 18 hours a day. All three of em cum up with a plan an Buster's grandma dun called up sum of Buster's men and had em ta fill in fer Buster fer 2 weeks or so. Now that everthin was set, it was time ta put all thar plannin inta action. All three of em went ta Buster's office an got him ta go with em ta dinner. Buster dearly loved buffets and tha boys dun took him ta one out by tha airport by tha name of "The Homeplace". Got all ya wanted ta eat ceptin only one chicken fried steak. Ole Buster got fuller than a tick an was a restin peaceful like when thay got him on a plane that a fren of Walter's owned. Thay got Buster on tha plane an tole him thay jes wanted ta show him sumthin. Buster went ta nappin purt near fore thay got in tha air, I tell ya. Well, after a bit Buster woke up an then tha explainin got serious real quick. Aw, Buster weren't mad but he was jes worried bout bizness but tha boys said it was all took care of. Wadn't gonna be no phones nor computers neither; jes tha boys havin fun an restin. Well, all tha boys got used ta tha idee an laughed bout it all an settled inta slowin down tha pace.
First stop, Flordia. Tha boys still had thar dive certifications up to date and Buster was a Master Diver now and it was his thang, as thay say. All of em went divin with tha Manatees and thay jes took ta Howard. He was even feedin some of thar babies. A cavern dive was on tha list an so was a pop; that is a 250' dive that is down an up with jes enuf time ta git yore picture took on a Harley and in a Corvette. That cavern dive was a mite tricky but was a sight ta see when ya got in thar. When tha boys dove down ta tha point tha dive master took em to, thay had ta grab a holt of a rope an pull tharselfs along an thru a openin in tha rock. Now, it got a mite close in that openin fer shor but Buster squoze on thru thar an he made it without gittin stuck. He said he shor nuf had sum thoughts bout turnin back but thar jes wadn't no room to do that. When all of em got thru that hole, it opened up ta great big ole room. It was huge! A beautiful a sight as ya ever saw. Lights thay carried showed all manner of rock formations and thar was even air in thar so a body could breath.
Thay all agreed that it was worth tha time ta see that cavern with all its stalactites an quartz a dazzalin in the beam of tha light. Tha colors was jes sumthin ta behold. Fish was a plenty too an tha boys fed em by hand an marveled at nature created by tha Good Lord. That settin was God's palette an paintbrush of tha wonders of tha deep.
Tha boys had sum good eatin that nite with a good snort of Old McBrayer an then fer bed. Tha boys got up late an eat a good breakfast an headed on out ta thar next destination. Howard an Walter dun had it all figured out ta whar thay was a goin an Maine was next on tha list with a stopover in Ohio. All tha boys went ta a spa an got mudded up and massaged an steamed an rubbed on purty good. It was real relaxin and late that evenin thay got inta Maine fer lobster fer supper. Five Islands Lobster Company in Georgetown, Maine was tole ta be tha best and tha boys shor nuf had a time thar, I tell ya. Ate thar fill an then sum. Danged if ole Greg and Ernie Fontenot wadn't thar from down Louisiana way. Greg an Ernie was doin sum weldin in them parts an Walter knowed em from his weldin days an Buster knowed both tha boys real well cause he worked with em both on a pipelin hisself from when he was doin safety fer a company. Danged ifn Ernie's dog didn't die with tha asbestos pizenin an then tha hurricane cum an took off Greg's roof on hisn house. That Greg would take ta singin anywhar he was. All tha folks eatin thar was rite impressed but tha manager cum up ta Greg an asked him ta stop hisn singin. Ernie up an heads ta high ground as he knowed hisn brother an it was rite embarrassin ta him but not tha boys. It didn't ritely sit well with that manager but all tha folks in tha restaurant dearly loved ole Greg's a singin hisn songs an tole that manger thay wanted ta hear ole Greg an ta let him be. Course Greg was a singin cuntry songs like thay ain't never heared fore that. After spendin tha nite an saying thar goodbyes ta Ernie an Greg, tha boys went a whale watchin. Buster didn't take ta tha boat ridin too well an was a mite green round tha gills.
Next stop, Nashville, Tennessee. Buster knowed some folks in tha music bizness thar and had tha pilots detour a mite fer a lil visit. Buster an Jessie was gittin in tha swang of thangs by now an enjoyin thar time with all tha boys; jes like old times. Buster called up Brooks an Dunn an met up with em out ta whar thay had thar racin cars. All tha boys each had a car ta drive an all of em had a high ole time racin with Ronnie and Kix. Then thay went over an met up with Reba an Narvel at tha Capitol Records buildin. Reba an Narvel landed thar in thar helicopter an had tha boys sit in on tapin a new album of hers. Jessie got ta play fiddle on her record an shor was a grinnin from ear ta ear, jes as proud as punch. Garth was in town an when he heared Buster was thar thru tha grapevine, he looked em up an had em over ta his place fer supper. After visitn fer a spell, George Strait popped in unexpected like thar at Garth's an visited with em too. He asked Buster ifn he was gonna rite a song with Jerry Max Lane cause Jerry Max tole him he wanted Buster ta co-write with him. Dun had tha title, "Gone As A Girl Can Get". Buster tole George he didn't ritely know jes then as he was a workin on "Edie's Song" an would see what Jerry Max had ta say. Jerry Max was 10% owner of Billy Bob's down in Texas an all tha country singers went thru that place. Jerry Max also had tha house band an he was married up ta Sammy Joe's sister.
That girl could sang herself but was, I hate ta say it, dumber than two rocks cause she ain't never been nowhar or seed nuthin. Jerry Max said it was like openin up a closet door an her seein tha world fer tha first time. Purty gal an sweet too, jes inexperienced he said. Jerry Max tole one good un on Jeannie though fore thay all left. Jeannie dun took tha younguns ta McDonalds fer sumthin ta eat after school and when she drove up ta tha winder, tha girl asked her ifn she wanted sum condiments. Well, Jeannie gits all incensed an rite put out an all an says certainly not! When she got ta tha house, sum music folks was thar workin on songs an playin tha pianner. She tole Jerry Max an tha folks tha story after tha younguns went out ta play. Said she tole that girl she ort ta be ashamed of herself, them younguns was way too young fer them thangs like that!
Tha boys left on out an flew inta Murfreesboro, Tennessee an went ta tha Tennessee Miller Coliseum whar "Road To The Horse" was held. Each of three competitors had 3 hours ta break a green bronc ta ride an train him ta lead an foller too. Tootie Bland headed up tha show an produced it an she was thar when tha boys arrived. Tootie seed Walter an cum a runnin an jumped up an hugged hisn neack an bout turned tha boy blue. She had quite a few years on Walter an it wadn't nuthin like ya would be thinkin but Walter jes had a way bout him with all tha ladies. Course lil Lynette knowed Tootie too. Her husband passed an thay all had ben frens fer quite a spell.
When tha boys all split up an went thar way fer a spell, thay didn't git ta do much with each other. After bein interduced ta all tha boys, Tootie said ta em that Walter was tha best danged horse whisperer ta ride tha range. Especially them grays. Tootie said ta Walter why he didn't compete cause she knowed he's win hands down. Walter jes grinned real big an said he was ridin a different trail now an really didn't have tha time anymore but he did miss it. Buster said he dun seed Walter do that horse whisperin up at Crow Creek whar thay owned sum ranch land tagether up thar. Ole Walter was full of surprises; fact is, all them boys had a story ta be tole. Wadn't no grass growin under thar feet, I tell ya. This trip was tha perfect time fer all of em ta catch up on one another git close agin.
Then thar was New York. Jessie dun showed out with hisn fiddle but that wadn't what he was gonna show tha boys. He sorta kept this ta hisself durin hisn college an lawyerin days. Jessie was in South America an other parts of tha world as he traveled way too much fer a family man. But, that's how he made his livin. When talkin bout makin a livin that ain't quite true. All of em had money, as ya well know. It was like a callin fer each of em. Well, Jessie dun took up boxin fer excerise an got real good at it an even got professional trainin. He also took up all manner of martial arts. Heck fire, he could karate chop tha tar out of a feller ifn he wanted to. Well, thar in New York was sum of hisn boxin frens that tha boys met an them bein professional all meant a heap ta tha boys in what thay was a sayin bout Jessie an hisn boxin abilitiy. He was a sparrin partner fer tha world champeen in tha lightweight division when he had tha time and danged ifn he didn't knock him out one time when thay was trainin. But tha big thang was tha boys meetin this here old Chinese feller that was a Gung Fu Master. He dun tole tha boys that Jessie was tha onlyest white man that he ever taught what he knowed.
Reckon that was why Jessie was so calm an collected all tha time. Feller said thay don't demonstrate but would allow tha boys ta watch him an Jessie work out doin thar routines. Danged ifn Jessie wadn't quicker than greased lightnin. Why that boy could tap dance on tha ceilin, I tell ya; but that old man was nuthin but a blur. Ya couldn't see him cummin or a goin he was so fast. Jessie turned tha lights out an tha last time thay seed tha old man he was upstairs. When Jessie flipped tha switch back on, all tha boys was all twisted up an sittin on tha floor an that old man was standin thar jes a smilin an bowin ta em. Tha boys wadn't hurt nun but was he fast. Jes tha flip of tha switch an it was all over. Tha boys asked Jessie ifn he could do that an Jessie said yep but he took another second or two longer than his Master. What really made them boys bout swaller thar tongue was when that old Chinese feller begin ta risin ta bout rooftop level of tha buildin an then seein him cum down. Weren't no wires or nuthin else attached ta him neither. Thay way ya could tell ifn he was a cummin up or down was by hisn robes. Goin up, thay didn't flare out but cummin down thay billered out like a parachute. Now ifn that wadn't tha durnest thag thay ever saw! Jes wadn't no explainin that. That ole man even broke a 2 X 8 board cross tha room without even touchin it! Push Hands, he called it. Jessie tole tha boys that thar was sum thangs a feller jes couldn't cypher on an it was all in what them Chinese fellers knowed fer centuries.
In California, Howard took em all ta see some of hisn frens that rode motorsicles. Thay was a motocross racin an all of em knowed Howard. Durin tha warm up laps thay got Howard ta ride with em an boy howdy, Howard struted hisn stuff fer shor. He was a jumpin an wheelin an jes skinnin back tha ear on that thar motorsicle. Him an a few of tha boys he knowed got ta racin a bit tharselfs an when all was said an dun an back in tha pits, thay tried ta git Howard back inta racin agin. But, Howard tole em he was jes ridin fer fun now an not competin nomore. Had a bang up time watchin them racin an visitin with Howard's racin frens. Tha boys used ta go ta races with Howard but when he got ta travelin all over tha cuntry an Europe, thay couldn't go.
It was a part of hisn life thay didn't git ta share with him ceptin thru pictures an story tellin. Thay was all glad thay had this time with him thar.
Then Walter had em all ta go to tha National Finals fer pro rodeo. Walter was rite good at ridin an ropin an he knowed sum fellers thar an interduced all tha boys to his frens. Thay enjoyed tha rodeo a heap an then Walter had a real surprise fer em. Las Vegas bound! Walter an Howard took Buster ta see Elvis Presley, which he dearly loved, an ta eat a one of them casinos. Tha boys jes let Buster go ta it. Buster shor showed em thar at that restaurant how a feller could eat. That ole buffet line was a heap lighter when Buster was dun an he even got a free Tee shirt fer tha show he put on. Buster didn't gamble anymore but on tha way out he stopped an put in a doller in one of them slot machines. One of them big uns thay have at tha entrance ta tha place. That big ole wheel went round an round an then bells went to ringin and all manner of lites went ta flashin. Well, a bunch of coins dun fell outa that machine an Buster picks em all up an begins ta leave when this old lady hollers fer him ta stop. Well, he did, an bout that time all tha other boys cum up ta see what all tha fuss was bout. Tha old lady said not ta leave cause he dun hit tha jackpot! Wadn't that much, jes $500 dollers but nuf make Buster dance a jig.
Buster give tha old lady all them coins but kept tha $500. Said this was money fer rememberin tha last time he would ever gamble.
Well, Walter an Howard decided on one last stop. Can ya guess? Washington, D.C. Thay went ta see Mr. Hiram Holmes in his retirement an Dalton an Devane. Tha boys visited fer a day an a evenin an relived old times an adventures. Bibi had a awful time of it from a mission that had gone bad an was livin with her folks in Savannah. Jessie an Bibi never got tha chance ta make a life tagather after she was captured an tortured in Iran. Dalton and Devane got her out but not in time. It weren't her body so much; it healed, but her mind. She jes didn't know cum from sic em an ain't nuthin changed over tha years.
Mr Holmes tole all tha boys ta all go down ta Savannah an see her some time. Bibi's folks would be rite proud ta see em all agin. After leavin Washington, it was time fer home.
Gittin back was as hard as it was leavin. All tha boys kinda teared up an promised ta see each other more often. Life seemed ta have its twists an turns but nuthin changed one whit between them boys, all brothers. Thay all said thay wouldn't let life dictate ta em anymore but would dictate ta life what thay wanted. Ifn any one of em needed help in that area tha rest would cum a runnin ta see it was dun. Ain't nuthin stronger than family an thay are.
P.S.: Them pheromones of Jessie's must still be a workin purty good. Ya see, Jessie would ease on down ta Savannah an see Bibi from time ta time thru tha years ta cum. Tha boys did too. One day Jessie was down thar with her alone on hisn motorsicle he dun bought. He put her on tha back of it an took her fer a ride in tha cuntry. Thay stopped up under a big ole magnolia tree on tha bank of a lil stream an Jessie up an kisses Bibi. He tole her ta remember the time when thay was on her motor scooter thar in Cayenne an tha good times thay had after that. On tha way back ta her folk's house she squeezed Jessie so tite he could hardly breathe. Jessie pulled over an Bibi was a cryin; tears was a jes a flowin. She looks up inta Jessie's eyes an says, she remembers.
After that day Bibi got better an better till she was back ta her old self agin. Now that Jessie was retired an back at tha distillery makin Old McBrayer whiskey, him an Bibi are spendin lots of time tagather an travelin too. Thay visit all tha boys and Dalton an Devane an Mr. Holmes an jes generally take life easy. She stays a while back in Savannah an up in Kentucky with Jessie. Life is good fer tha both of em now an growin old is sumthin ta cherish an not ta fear.
Don't cha member when Buster throwed that safety pin with a piece of chewin gum an a green leaf inta tha canal? Why, he only had a piece of strang he got outa hisn grandma's sewin basket ta tie it on with an he dun caught that 5 pound Buffalo. Give it ta one of tha hired hands fer supper. An what bout that time when he went deer huintin fer tha first time? He went with hisn grandpa Gus an wadn't gone more than a hour fore he was back with a seven pointer. Course Buster's grandpa Gus thought he dun kilt a doe an was skeered ta look. Buster went ta tha highline road an was jes a sittn on a stump with hisn head in hisn hands when he up an seed that ole buck jes a starin at him. Buster was a shootin George's British Enfield .303 that he borryed an that bolt action worked purty sweet. Buster got a lil buck fever as they say. Hisn first shot hit him daid 'tween tha eyes and then ole Buster got a lil fractious an shucked ever one of them shells out that thar rifle. Had ta pick back em up an reload, I'm tellin ya. When he finally did get a shell in tha chamber an shot him agin; he was so danged nervous bout that deer not bein daid an all, he shot him in tha laig stead of tha heart. Course tha deer was daid anyhow. Then thar was tha time when he went huntin out at tha Davis place with one .22 short in a single shot whilst hisn folks was visitin. Come back with two bobwhite quail. Hit em on tha fly. Bullet went thru one an then got a nother un. Talk bout luck! Member when tha menfolks was shootin bow an arrow above tha pool hall with Rex Hancock an Ben Pearson? George dun hit tha bull's eye on tha target an Buster had that lil 40 pound fiberglass bow of hisn an up an shoots an splits George's arrow. Had em all scratchin thar haids, I tell ya, an ole Rex said now don't that beat all! Sum call that outhouse luck, an reckon it was at that, but shor does give a feller sumthin ta talk bout don't it. Howard an Walter was jes jawin whilst drinkin sum lemonade Mrs. Ollinger made up whilst she was visitin with Mrs. Holmes.
Jessie was in from takin up lawyerin thar in Tuscaloosa an Buster was down at tha VA gittin checked out after cummin home from tha service. Buster was doin allrite now but was a lil skittish an a mite fractious bout tusslin yet. Jessie dun tole Walter an Howard that Buster had what thay called tha "survivor's syndrome". That's when a feller feels porley bout not bein kilt when hisn buddies an other soldiers got kilt in tha war an he cum thru without a scratch. But knowin Buster, he had it all figured out long fore he ever got back home an went ta a doctor. Why heck fire, thay all knowed bout all that a good while ago. Buster tole all em one time that he dun figured out that a feller had ta know he was a good as he was bad an bad an he was good an jes had ta walk on tha side of lite; jes like it says in tha Good Book. What happened was that Buster was at tha VA seein bout tha fatness that dun got him an whilst a talkin ta sum doctors thar, thay dun tole him that's what he had. Course that was all dun an over with by that time. Thar jes wadn't a name put ta it when Buster was dealin with it by hisself. All tha boys jes knowed sumthin was a upsetin Buster but knowed he would cum out of it sooner or later.
Now Jessie on tha other hand dun got all tied up in bizness an jes ain't a havin no fun Howard said. Fact is, Walter wadn't neither, with him gone all tha time a pipelinin. Weldin always cum natural ta Walter but that travelin all over tha cuntry takes a toll on a feller after a bit. Lil Lynette was fit ta be tied with him bein gone all tha time. Come ta think bout it, Howard kinda fit in thar with tha other boys as well, a workin nite an day like he did, but he did seem ta have more fun than tha other three boys though. So, Howard an Walter made up ta do sumthin bout all that. Thar was gonna be sum changes made round here.
First off, they dun kidnapped Jessie! Walter tole Jessie he was jes gonna have ta cotton ta tha fact that he wadn't gonna do no work fer at least 2 weeks. Walter an Howard tole him that hisn ma dun called up ta hisn work an tole em he was porely an he was gonna take off fer 2 weeks or so. She dun left word fer Jessie that he wadn't gonna git nowhar near a phone nor that thar computer he was always a peckin on neither. Walter tole Jessie that he dun growed a mite and put on sum weight so he'd jes sit on Jessie ifn he had too, but he was a goin, period! Tha next order of bizness was ta hogtie Buster. Now, that was a tall order since he was strong a bull and bigger all of em put tagather. Buster was a travelin rite smart of tha time hisself an when he was in tha office he stayed thar up ta 18 hours a day. All three of em cum up with a plan an Buster's grandma dun called up sum of Buster's men and had em ta fill in fer Buster fer 2 weeks or so. Now that everthin was set, it was time ta put all thar plannin inta action. All three of em went ta Buster's office an got him ta go with em ta dinner. Buster dearly loved buffets and tha boys dun took him ta one out by tha airport by tha name of "The Homeplace". Got all ya wanted ta eat ceptin only one chicken fried steak. Ole Buster got fuller than a tick an was a restin peaceful like when thay got him on a plane that a fren of Walter's owned. Thay got Buster on tha plane an tole him thay jes wanted ta show him sumthin. Buster went ta nappin purt near fore thay got in tha air, I tell ya. Well, after a bit Buster woke up an then tha explainin got serious real quick. Aw, Buster weren't mad but he was jes worried bout bizness but tha boys said it was all took care of. Wadn't gonna be no phones nor computers neither; jes tha boys havin fun an restin. Well, all tha boys got used ta tha idee an laughed bout it all an settled inta slowin down tha pace.
First stop, Flordia. Tha boys still had thar dive certifications up to date and Buster was a Master Diver now and it was his thang, as thay say. All of em went divin with tha Manatees and thay jes took ta Howard. He was even feedin some of thar babies. A cavern dive was on tha list an so was a pop; that is a 250' dive that is down an up with jes enuf time ta git yore picture took on a Harley and in a Corvette. That cavern dive was a mite tricky but was a sight ta see when ya got in thar. When tha boys dove down ta tha point tha dive master took em to, thay had ta grab a holt of a rope an pull tharselfs along an thru a openin in tha rock. Now, it got a mite close in that openin fer shor but Buster squoze on thru thar an he made it without gittin stuck. He said he shor nuf had sum thoughts bout turnin back but thar jes wadn't no room to do that. When all of em got thru that hole, it opened up ta great big ole room. It was huge! A beautiful a sight as ya ever saw. Lights thay carried showed all manner of rock formations and thar was even air in thar so a body could breath.
Thay all agreed that it was worth tha time ta see that cavern with all its stalactites an quartz a dazzalin in the beam of tha light. Tha colors was jes sumthin ta behold. Fish was a plenty too an tha boys fed em by hand an marveled at nature created by tha Good Lord. That settin was God's palette an paintbrush of tha wonders of tha deep.
Tha boys had sum good eatin that nite with a good snort of Old McBrayer an then fer bed. Tha boys got up late an eat a good breakfast an headed on out ta thar next destination. Howard an Walter dun had it all figured out ta whar thay was a goin an Maine was next on tha list with a stopover in Ohio. All tha boys went ta a spa an got mudded up and massaged an steamed an rubbed on purty good. It was real relaxin and late that evenin thay got inta Maine fer lobster fer supper. Five Islands Lobster Company in Georgetown, Maine was tole ta be tha best and tha boys shor nuf had a time thar, I tell ya. Ate thar fill an then sum. Danged if ole Greg and Ernie Fontenot wadn't thar from down Louisiana way. Greg an Ernie was doin sum weldin in them parts an Walter knowed em from his weldin days an Buster knowed both tha boys real well cause he worked with em both on a pipelin hisself from when he was doin safety fer a company. Danged ifn Ernie's dog didn't die with tha asbestos pizenin an then tha hurricane cum an took off Greg's roof on hisn house. That Greg would take ta singin anywhar he was. All tha folks eatin thar was rite impressed but tha manager cum up ta Greg an asked him ta stop hisn singin. Ernie up an heads ta high ground as he knowed hisn brother an it was rite embarrassin ta him but not tha boys. It didn't ritely sit well with that manager but all tha folks in tha restaurant dearly loved ole Greg's a singin hisn songs an tole that manger thay wanted ta hear ole Greg an ta let him be. Course Greg was a singin cuntry songs like thay ain't never heared fore that. After spendin tha nite an saying thar goodbyes ta Ernie an Greg, tha boys went a whale watchin. Buster didn't take ta tha boat ridin too well an was a mite green round tha gills.
Next stop, Nashville, Tennessee. Buster knowed some folks in tha music bizness thar and had tha pilots detour a mite fer a lil visit. Buster an Jessie was gittin in tha swang of thangs by now an enjoyin thar time with all tha boys; jes like old times. Buster called up Brooks an Dunn an met up with em out ta whar thay had thar racin cars. All tha boys each had a car ta drive an all of em had a high ole time racin with Ronnie and Kix. Then thay went over an met up with Reba an Narvel at tha Capitol Records buildin. Reba an Narvel landed thar in thar helicopter an had tha boys sit in on tapin a new album of hers. Jessie got ta play fiddle on her record an shor was a grinnin from ear ta ear, jes as proud as punch. Garth was in town an when he heared Buster was thar thru tha grapevine, he looked em up an had em over ta his place fer supper. After visitn fer a spell, George Strait popped in unexpected like thar at Garth's an visited with em too. He asked Buster ifn he was gonna rite a song with Jerry Max Lane cause Jerry Max tole him he wanted Buster ta co-write with him. Dun had tha title, "Gone As A Girl Can Get". Buster tole George he didn't ritely know jes then as he was a workin on "Edie's Song" an would see what Jerry Max had ta say. Jerry Max was 10% owner of Billy Bob's down in Texas an all tha country singers went thru that place. Jerry Max also had tha house band an he was married up ta Sammy Joe's sister.
That girl could sang herself but was, I hate ta say it, dumber than two rocks cause she ain't never been nowhar or seed nuthin. Jerry Max said it was like openin up a closet door an her seein tha world fer tha first time. Purty gal an sweet too, jes inexperienced he said. Jerry Max tole one good un on Jeannie though fore thay all left. Jeannie dun took tha younguns ta McDonalds fer sumthin ta eat after school and when she drove up ta tha winder, tha girl asked her ifn she wanted sum condiments. Well, Jeannie gits all incensed an rite put out an all an says certainly not! When she got ta tha house, sum music folks was thar workin on songs an playin tha pianner. She tole Jerry Max an tha folks tha story after tha younguns went out ta play. Said she tole that girl she ort ta be ashamed of herself, them younguns was way too young fer them thangs like that!
Tha boys left on out an flew inta Murfreesboro, Tennessee an went ta tha Tennessee Miller Coliseum whar "Road To The Horse" was held. Each of three competitors had 3 hours ta break a green bronc ta ride an train him ta lead an foller too. Tootie Bland headed up tha show an produced it an she was thar when tha boys arrived. Tootie seed Walter an cum a runnin an jumped up an hugged hisn neack an bout turned tha boy blue. She had quite a few years on Walter an it wadn't nuthin like ya would be thinkin but Walter jes had a way bout him with all tha ladies. Course lil Lynette knowed Tootie too. Her husband passed an thay all had ben frens fer quite a spell.
When tha boys all split up an went thar way fer a spell, thay didn't git ta do much with each other. After bein interduced ta all tha boys, Tootie said ta em that Walter was tha best danged horse whisperer ta ride tha range. Especially them grays. Tootie said ta Walter why he didn't compete cause she knowed he's win hands down. Walter jes grinned real big an said he was ridin a different trail now an really didn't have tha time anymore but he did miss it. Buster said he dun seed Walter do that horse whisperin up at Crow Creek whar thay owned sum ranch land tagether up thar. Ole Walter was full of surprises; fact is, all them boys had a story ta be tole. Wadn't no grass growin under thar feet, I tell ya. This trip was tha perfect time fer all of em ta catch up on one another git close agin.
Then thar was New York. Jessie dun showed out with hisn fiddle but that wadn't what he was gonna show tha boys. He sorta kept this ta hisself durin hisn college an lawyerin days. Jessie was in South America an other parts of tha world as he traveled way too much fer a family man. But, that's how he made his livin. When talkin bout makin a livin that ain't quite true. All of em had money, as ya well know. It was like a callin fer each of em. Well, Jessie dun took up boxin fer excerise an got real good at it an even got professional trainin. He also took up all manner of martial arts. Heck fire, he could karate chop tha tar out of a feller ifn he wanted to. Well, thar in New York was sum of hisn boxin frens that tha boys met an them bein professional all meant a heap ta tha boys in what thay was a sayin bout Jessie an hisn boxin abilitiy. He was a sparrin partner fer tha world champeen in tha lightweight division when he had tha time and danged ifn he didn't knock him out one time when thay was trainin. But tha big thang was tha boys meetin this here old Chinese feller that was a Gung Fu Master. He dun tole tha boys that Jessie was tha onlyest white man that he ever taught what he knowed.
Reckon that was why Jessie was so calm an collected all tha time. Feller said thay don't demonstrate but would allow tha boys ta watch him an Jessie work out doin thar routines. Danged ifn Jessie wadn't quicker than greased lightnin. Why that boy could tap dance on tha ceilin, I tell ya; but that old man was nuthin but a blur. Ya couldn't see him cummin or a goin he was so fast. Jessie turned tha lights out an tha last time thay seed tha old man he was upstairs. When Jessie flipped tha switch back on, all tha boys was all twisted up an sittin on tha floor an that old man was standin thar jes a smilin an bowin ta em. Tha boys wadn't hurt nun but was he fast. Jes tha flip of tha switch an it was all over. Tha boys asked Jessie ifn he could do that an Jessie said yep but he took another second or two longer than his Master. What really made them boys bout swaller thar tongue was when that old Chinese feller begin ta risin ta bout rooftop level of tha buildin an then seein him cum down. Weren't no wires or nuthin else attached ta him neither. Thay way ya could tell ifn he was a cummin up or down was by hisn robes. Goin up, thay didn't flare out but cummin down thay billered out like a parachute. Now ifn that wadn't tha durnest thag thay ever saw! Jes wadn't no explainin that. That ole man even broke a 2 X 8 board cross tha room without even touchin it! Push Hands, he called it. Jessie tole tha boys that thar was sum thangs a feller jes couldn't cypher on an it was all in what them Chinese fellers knowed fer centuries.
In California, Howard took em all ta see some of hisn frens that rode motorsicles. Thay was a motocross racin an all of em knowed Howard. Durin tha warm up laps thay got Howard ta ride with em an boy howdy, Howard struted hisn stuff fer shor. He was a jumpin an wheelin an jes skinnin back tha ear on that thar motorsicle. Him an a few of tha boys he knowed got ta racin a bit tharselfs an when all was said an dun an back in tha pits, thay tried ta git Howard back inta racin agin. But, Howard tole em he was jes ridin fer fun now an not competin nomore. Had a bang up time watchin them racin an visitin with Howard's racin frens. Tha boys used ta go ta races with Howard but when he got ta travelin all over tha cuntry an Europe, thay couldn't go.
It was a part of hisn life thay didn't git ta share with him ceptin thru pictures an story tellin. Thay was all glad thay had this time with him thar.
Then Walter had em all ta go to tha National Finals fer pro rodeo. Walter was rite good at ridin an ropin an he knowed sum fellers thar an interduced all tha boys to his frens. Thay enjoyed tha rodeo a heap an then Walter had a real surprise fer em. Las Vegas bound! Walter an Howard took Buster ta see Elvis Presley, which he dearly loved, an ta eat a one of them casinos. Tha boys jes let Buster go ta it. Buster shor showed em thar at that restaurant how a feller could eat. That ole buffet line was a heap lighter when Buster was dun an he even got a free Tee shirt fer tha show he put on. Buster didn't gamble anymore but on tha way out he stopped an put in a doller in one of them slot machines. One of them big uns thay have at tha entrance ta tha place. That big ole wheel went round an round an then bells went to ringin and all manner of lites went ta flashin. Well, a bunch of coins dun fell outa that machine an Buster picks em all up an begins ta leave when this old lady hollers fer him ta stop. Well, he did, an bout that time all tha other boys cum up ta see what all tha fuss was bout. Tha old lady said not ta leave cause he dun hit tha jackpot! Wadn't that much, jes $500 dollers but nuf make Buster dance a jig.
Buster give tha old lady all them coins but kept tha $500. Said this was money fer rememberin tha last time he would ever gamble.
Well, Walter an Howard decided on one last stop. Can ya guess? Washington, D.C. Thay went ta see Mr. Hiram Holmes in his retirement an Dalton an Devane. Tha boys visited fer a day an a evenin an relived old times an adventures. Bibi had a awful time of it from a mission that had gone bad an was livin with her folks in Savannah. Jessie an Bibi never got tha chance ta make a life tagather after she was captured an tortured in Iran. Dalton and Devane got her out but not in time. It weren't her body so much; it healed, but her mind. She jes didn't know cum from sic em an ain't nuthin changed over tha years.
Mr Holmes tole all tha boys ta all go down ta Savannah an see her some time. Bibi's folks would be rite proud ta see em all agin. After leavin Washington, it was time fer home.
Gittin back was as hard as it was leavin. All tha boys kinda teared up an promised ta see each other more often. Life seemed ta have its twists an turns but nuthin changed one whit between them boys, all brothers. Thay all said thay wouldn't let life dictate ta em anymore but would dictate ta life what thay wanted. Ifn any one of em needed help in that area tha rest would cum a runnin ta see it was dun. Ain't nuthin stronger than family an thay are.
P.S.: Them pheromones of Jessie's must still be a workin purty good. Ya see, Jessie would ease on down ta Savannah an see Bibi from time ta time thru tha years ta cum. Tha boys did too. One day Jessie was down thar with her alone on hisn motorsicle he dun bought. He put her on tha back of it an took her fer a ride in tha cuntry. Thay stopped up under a big ole magnolia tree on tha bank of a lil stream an Jessie up an kisses Bibi. He tole her ta remember the time when thay was on her motor scooter thar in Cayenne an tha good times thay had after that. On tha way back ta her folk's house she squeezed Jessie so tite he could hardly breathe. Jessie pulled over an Bibi was a cryin; tears was a jes a flowin. She looks up inta Jessie's eyes an says, she remembers.
After that day Bibi got better an better till she was back ta her old self agin. Now that Jessie was retired an back at tha distillery makin Old McBrayer whiskey, him an Bibi are spendin lots of time tagather an travelin too. Thay visit all tha boys and Dalton an Devane an Mr. Holmes an jes generally take life easy. She stays a while back in Savannah an up in Kentucky with Jessie. Life is good fer tha both of em now an growin old is sumthin ta cherish an not ta fear.
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