The Early Years
Well now, bless your hearts for reading about the life and times of Buster and his buddies. Some may relate to this kind of raising and growing up but some won’t, (City folks, you know).
Ole Buster had a few friends growing up, namely Sammy Joe when he was 7 and Sammy was 5 and then Charlie in his later school years. But that is all another story told when we have more time.
The 4 musketeers of brotherhood were Buster, Jessie, Walter and Howard. Buster being the oldest 3 years ahead of Jessie, then came Walter 9 years junior to Jessie and last but not least Howard 2 years younger than Walter. Howard was Buster’s oldest of his 3 BEST friends; then came Walter and Jessie. Jessie was closer to Buster’s age than the other two and was raised in the part of the South that was nearer to Buster. Walter and Howard were just ole Texicans but as good as they get.
All 4 of these boys were cut from the same bolt of cloth; just each one had a bit of a shade of color different from the rest. Only thing is that Walter never could tell the difference cause he was a touch color blind. Both he and Buster wore Pink and Buster just loved the color and Walter couldn’t tell the difference, poor feller; took the teasing you know. Buster was the biggest of the bunch, then Walter; he was about the same size but didn’t have Buster’s heft. Howard was say medium sized but Jessie was the smallest of the group and the quietest but could bow up like a banty rooster!
All four of the boys were honest to a fault. Worked hard. Played hard. Had the givinest hearts you ever saw but could ball up like a coon on your head in a heartbeat. All were tough as a nickel steak and whit leather to boot. Tender hearted as all get out. Their mamas loved them all dearly. All the boys had a story of their own but Walter and Buster came the closest of having it kinda rough in some ways growing up. Buster’s was school and town kids and Walter’s was just day to day living. All the boys were danged smart as whips too. In later life that would come to tell on them as they succeeded in the work they did. Career, Community, Church and helping their neighbor.
Walter was the trickster of the bunch and Howard was right behind him!!! It was that cute little boy smile that got him out of a bunch of whuppings. Now Walter on the other hand was the runt of his family till he got out of high school and then grew like a weed. Boy would tussle at the drop of a hat but didn’t start no trouble but shore could finish it and grinning all the way. That boy has a way about him that made all the girls and mamas want to give him huggems. Heck Buster too!
Buster dearly loved his 3 best friends; all the same but all different. They are true brothers to him. Take Jessie for instance. As close as a brother he was (might be kin too) but hard for most folks to read. He was the proverbial book that was judged by the cover. Man oh man was that a mistake. He was probably tougher and meaner than a snake, more than all 3 of the others combined. That boy didn’t have no quit in him.
Buster’s grandpa Gus used to say that if you had one true friend you were a lucky man; well Buster had 3! Lord surely blessed Buster, that’s for sure.
Now Howard was the one that would take the lead and never look back except to see if the others needed help. He just took to the bit and ran with it. Of course, Walter wouldn’t ride a horse or anything thing else unless it was a gray. He read about the Indians and General Custer and that had to surely inspire Walter. But being a bit sensitive to colors like he was; we just didn’t always tell him what color it exactly was.
Never forget the time in the barn when Buster wanted to make a chicken lay an egg. Buster dearly loved to gather eggs. Well those boys brought in a rooster and told Buster this chicken lays the best eggs. Well, that danged ole rooster flapped those wings and pecked the fool out of Buster’s hands and chased him to a 2x8 that he used to get to the loft. Buster took off a running and the yellow jackets got stirred up and stung Buster so bad he swole up like a toad frog and to beat that when Buster slid down that board he got splinters in his butt and ended up in a pile of cactus. Buster couldn’t sit down for a week!
Plum pitiful I’d say but how those boys did howl. Laughed themselves silly till they cried. Well as I said Howard liked to instigate and when he did Walter fell right in. Jessie would sit right down and analyze the whole situation. Real good at advising,
Like the time Buford, boy down the road, come by go to swimming in the canal. Water was ice cold and on a hot summer day was just perfect from that deep well on the place.
Howard told Buford he needed a little help milking before they all could go skinny dipping. Walter was up to mischief for sure then. He picked out a cow for Buford to milk and told Buford he could do it through the fence. Well, ole Buford reached through the fence and started to milk that cow. Trouble was the cow turned out to be a bull and he kicked Buford plum through that fence. Broke boards and all. Well, that certainly was not the end of it! Buford got up and took off a running. He was so ditherated that he was a stumbling and when he tried to jump that wire fence; well, he just didn’t make it and straddled that fence and went to yelpin. That wire fence was electric you see and boy did it light up ole Buford! He tore that fence down and squalled like a pig stuck under a gate. Buford never did come back to go swimming again. Wonder why not?
Boys will be boys but did their mamas did come a looking for them with a willer switch once! They done got in the First Christian, Catholic and Episcopalian church’s wine stock they used for communion. Only one they left out was Howard’s Baptist church cause they don’t believe in drinking. Had to go to his daddy’s hiding place for that and that was just too dangerous for them to take that chance!
As I said, between Walter and Howard they was always into something. Except for one Halloween when they was accused of turning over the outhouse at the old maid Thompson’s house. Someone told that they saw the boys a runnin from the scene of the crime but that just wasn’t the case. They saw em runnin all right but that was because ole man Duncan was chasin Buster with his shotgun for sparking with his daughter. It wouldn’t have been so bad but ole maid Thompson was in the outhouse when it was turned over. They heard her all over town a bellerin and hollerin to beat the band. The High Sheriff come by and got her out and she was fit to be tied. Only thing that saved the day for the boys was the circuit preacher riding by on his horse coming back from a late meeting with that snake handling bunch of Holy Rollers. He told the High Sheriff it weren’t tha boys but the Inman boy what done the dastardly deed. Clyde surely had a mess to clean up the next day. Kinda like the time the boys were down by the pasture fence of the Roper place. Now Walter and Howard thought it was plum funny to catch up that Shetland pony of the Ropers and have a ride. There was a boy they knowed from town named Billy Cain Bailey and thay had him come along for some fun too. Well, they talked Billy Cain into getting on that pony and riding him. Well, that pony didn’t quite take to that idea and was bucking like all get out. Then, Walter run up in front of that little horse and went to hoopin and hollerin. Well, that dang pony reared up and lit a shuck in the other direction. Ran to the fence and pitched Billy Cain about a mile high don’t ya know. Wouldn’t been too bad but he got throwed into the town sewer pond on the other side of the fence and went plum under. Billy’s mama had to throw away his clothes (which he didn’t have many) plus had to keep him out of school for a week cause he smelled to high Heaven. Took a month before any of the kids would come up to Billy Cain; that smell just wouldn’t wear off!
Howard was a pickle himself. I told you he liked to instigate. He done talked us into doin some trappin. Said we could get a quarter a hide for a skunk. To the boys that was right smart a bit of money cause hard cash was something hard to come by. Well now they went off down on the bayou by the Davis place and set an old trap they found and greased up with some of Buster’s grandma’s lard. Sure nuf they had a skunk the next morning. Well sir, they got that skunk in a toe sack and was ready to take him to town for that quarter, but had no way of getting there. So Howard and Walter had Buster to sneak out his folk’s ‘50 model Oldsmobile. Jessie did the scheming and they sneaked the keys and took off. They threw that skunk, trap and all, in the trunk and took off to town. All them boys could drive since they was 9 years old so getting there was no problem. Into town they went to Robinson’s fur house. Got there quarter and split er up. Had a penny left over so they flipped for it and Walter always was lucky and won it. Well, this ain’t the end of this story cause when it rained that car would smell so bad you couldn’t stay in it. Phew! Buster’s folks had to sell the car but on a sunny day with lots grandma’s mint in the car. Got a Pontiac after that. But did those boys, and I mean all of them, get into a peck of trouble. No picture show for a month and had ta shovel the barn and do the hired hands chores too. Punishment for sure, thought the boys’ parents but you know the boys. They just laughed and made a game of it and still sneaked down to the creek for a little swimming when the folks weren’t looking. Mischief, plain and simple for those 4 boys.
Now in school, they were into lots of pranks. The boys only went half a day cause they had work to do at home and in the field. Mrs. Goetz was the English teacher and was allergic to pencil shavings and deathly afeared of snakes. So you just know this was too good to pass up for the boys.
Walter went and caught up a garter snake, and Jessie had Howard and Buster got all the pencils they could find at dinner time and sharpened them to the nub and made a pile of shavings. Jessie done put that snake in her top drawer of her desk and when they all came back from dinner and was setting down for class; she opened that drawer. You never heard such a yellin and squealin. She was plum excited and jumpin up and down and took to swoonin. In come the Principal and was he ever havin a conniption fit of who done it. Nobody told on the boys and class was let out till the next day. As I said, it ain’t over till it’s over and all them boys was in the Planners and Thinkers Union of which ole Charlie Snider was the founder of that little group. Charlie was a friend but lived over in the next county and the boys would only see him ever once in a while on a Saturday. They all liked Charlie and he was a lot like Howard; all the women folks thought he could do no wrong. Well, the day before they let out for deer season, Jessie got Walter and Howard to make an excuse to talk to Mrs. Goetz outside right before class was to begin. This gave Jessie time to put the pencil shavings in her top desk drawer. When she came in all of the class was seated; she opened that drawer and then she commenced to wheezin and sneezing and coughin. Here comes ole man Brasher, the Principal, again. But this time Butch Ritchenback got blamed for it as he was seen near her desk about that time. He was only putting a homework paper on her desk but he deserved the time for the crime. It was earlier on that the boys got blamed for pulling the fire alarm during assembly but it was really Butch. He was seen by Jessie hiding under the stage a laughing up a storm. Thay got even on that day I tell ya. Well school was let out early that day too and off to the woods thay went for a week of hunting and eating and card playing and shooting marbles, pitching washers and horseshoes and listening to tall tales from the men at the camp. What fun!
Walter’s daddy used to take him to help custom cut grain across the country side for outside work for extra money. Walter fell in with the hobos and learned a lot from them on how to survive going cross country with no money. How to hop trains and get a meal and where to go to get that. Walter carries that knowledge with him to this day. Said if we ever needed it that he could get us by for a spell.
Howard was a real good motorsicle rider. Professional class. But he done had a spill and knocked out his front teeth and broke a few bones and quit that after that. Rides for fun now and helps all us boys with our riding skills.
Buster played football and other sports when he wasn’t working and had time off from chores. Did pretty well at that and got all bowed up but was cornbread stout. Stoutest of the bunch. Lift the back end of a Volkswagen car and was carrying 4 toesacks of soybeans for his grandpa at the dryer seeing how they had no conveyor. That was 480 pounds if ya was cypherin on that.
Jessie was always smarter than most and had a mind of his own. Worked at the local radio station for a spell as a disk jockey and part time reporter. Like I said, the gals all loved Jessie. He went on to be a dang good lawyer but almost went to flying for Delta Airlines. When they found gas on his folk’s place, all of the men folks went to work for the gas company as part of the deal. Jessie could have done that too but wanted to do what he wanted to and make his own mark. He did.
Guess y’all don’t recall when Judge Berry was Postmaster do you? Well back then the boys would come visit Buster down at his grandpa Gus’s place at 4 Forks. Grandpa Gus give the place to Buster’s mama to live in when she married up with Buster’s real daddy, Russell. He was a ne’er do well from Kentuck and that is another story too. But Buster’s other grandpa Lawrence looked after him while his mama worked. Anyhow, there weren’t no blue rock road back then, just dirt and it was pretty danged hard to travel when it rained and the boys would have to stay over when it did. They had the best time, especially at harvest in the fall. Ripe persimmons, wild plums, fishin, huntin and campin, sippin grandpa Tipton's white lightning (called it Blue Moon cause it burned such a purty blue flame) and sneaking out a pie from one of their mamas when thay left it on the old wood stove to cool down.
When they put in the blue rock gravel so the mail could be delivered; ole Judge Berry come down one day after a drizzling rain and got stuck in the gumbo, buckshot mud. He was tryin his darndest to get out but didn’t have no luck. Well the boys was just happening to pass by while gathering wild honey and running from some razorback hogs. They needed to get on in before dark but just couldn’t leave the Judge by himself. You gotta understand; all those boys were stout! Baling hay and working in the field plus chores made men of those boys before their time. They grabbed aholt of that old jeep the Judge drove and manhandled it to solid ground. Judge Berry never forgot that about those 4 boys and he also knew the kind of people and their stock they came from.
The Judge lost his ring that evening and never found it. 40 years later an old Negro feller had one of his grandkids show him something he found in a dirt clod he was throwing and busting up. There it was plain as day. The ring! Judge Berry made a real big deal of that in town when they brought it in to him. The ole man remembered the story being told about the Judge losing his ring and the Judge’s name was inscribed in it. The old man couldn’t read but he knew lil Jessie and went to him and told him about it. By then Jessie was a Roll Tide Philadelphia type lawyer and he went with the old man to give it to the Judge. The Judge grinned from ear to ear and bought the old man and his grandson supper, smoking terbacky and some sweets from Swaim’s Store.
He said with tears in his eyes that he was beholding to Jessie and the Negro boys for bringing it to him. It had right smart of meaning to him. He told Jessie that all of us 4 boys were a wonder for our mamas and daddies. He knew that early on. Then he began to tell about the other 3 and what they had done for the folks in the county. Howard and his daddy would pick sweet taters and deliver a wagon load for the folks that didn’t have enough to eat.
Walter would cut and bale hay and deliver it on the side for their stock and tend to their chores when folks in need were stove up and in dire straits; Buster worked out and made a quarter a week and would cut firewood for those folks too. He would take what money he earned and would buy milk for the younguns that were going without. The Judge looked at Jessie over his specs and said now Jessie let me tell you what I know of your deeds. Both of us are in the business of law. You have been exemplary in pursuing justice. You have donated your time, knowledge and skill for the underprivileged and those in need.
After retiring, you entered into a new career utilizing all of your abilities to create a reputation beyond reproach to provide homes and medical care to peoples around the globe. All you boys have exceeded all expectations and make us all proud.
Miss Inez used to let those boys in the picture show for a nickel when it went to a dime. She would let them take up tickets and seat folks till the picture show started and let them sit in the balcony. They loved that.
Now all those boys loved Jesus and were baptized. They all went to different churches; Walter was Catholic, Howard, Baptist, Buster, First Christian and Jessie a little bit of Methodist (his mama’s side), Presbyterian and Episcopalian. Didn’t really make no never mind to him as long as the preachin was good and they had Sunday dinner on the ground.
All them boys could eat! But Buster was the worst. When he hit your front door, hide the key to the refrigerator. When he went to the service he had to get special permission to eat 4 times a day; 4 chickens and all the trimmings at supper; breakfast twice a day (dozen eggs, loaf of bread, pound of bacon, SOS, pound of butter, bottle of ketchup, ½ gallon sweet milk, ½ gallon chocolate milk, cup of coffee) and whatever they had for dinner. Absolutely no liver or beets though!
Then, they all went their separate ways….. the 4 winds blew them to a new path to knowledge; to a man, they wanted to KNOW!
These four men continue to strive for the betterment of mankind in the healing arts, technology and spiritual development.
This is a never-ending story. The end is in the beginning.
The Later Years
Jessie: University of Alabama. Juris Doctor a renowned attorney with a world wide reputation. Benefactor and Philanthropist. Businessman (Mining). Married (about not to be), 3 children. Accolades and accomplishments to numerous to mention. One of four who founded and maintain the Worldwide Non-profit Medical Organization, The Healing Center, Inc.
Howard: Businessman. Mining, Excavation and Construction. Benefactor and Philanthropist. Married, 4 children. One of four who founded and maintain the Worldwide Non-profit Medical Organization, The Healing Center, Inc.
Walter: Businessman. Mining, Construction and Refinery. Benefactor and Philanthropist. Married, 2 children, 1 granddaughter. One of four who founded and maintain the Worldwide Non-profit Medical Organization, The Healing Center, Inc.
Buster: Businessman (Mining, Safety), Politician, Doctor, Writer. Benefactor and Philanthropist. Married, 1 child, 1 grandson. One of four who founded and maintain the Worldwide Non-profit Medical Organization, The Healing Center, Inc.
Those 4 boys could not forget where they came from. You can take the boy out of the country but can’t take the country out of the boy, as they say, and that is exactly how it is with them.
Take Howard. He married up with that pretty little Snow gal from Alabama and had 4 younguns. That gal made the best BLT’s this side of heaven and worked like a Turk to make ends meet. Let me tell you she could ride like the wind. Made no never mind if it was a 4 wheeler, snowmobile or jet ski. She could drive anything too and so could her youngest girl Sarah. Always made you welcome and always had a smile on her face. Their oldest had a lot of dog in her like what was hid in her daddy; came by it honest. The middle girl was pretty as a picture but mean as one of them snakes Howard messed with when you got her all riled. The boy had his own way about him and left home for the big city. Liked pets too. They had dogs and cats but Howard would court danger by messin with them Texas rattlers. Just had no sense as far as thay were concerned. Scared the tar out of em, I tell ya! Howard even put the ugly things in the refrigerator. Buster never did open that door without asking! Caved in hungry or not, he wasn’t taking no chances. Howard found Alma Mae whilst he was a racing motorsicles. Those big ole brown eyes and that tiny little waist did ole Howard in.
Now Walter. He was partial to all kinds of ranch animals. Those Watusi bulls took the cake though. Don’t you dare try to get in that pen! I know that danged goose was a pain a chasin everybody all the time, but that goose dearly loved Walter. He would even fly in his winder and roost for the night. His better half, lil Lynette, would have a hissy fit cause that goose wouldn’t let her in the bed. Course you had to be a goose and able to fly since that bedstead was so high you had to have a ladder to get in it. Her other bedsteads were something else too; they all leaned to one side and ifn you weren’t careful you’d roll out on the floor.
But she does keep a clean house and makes the best cornbread and gravy ya ever ate. It is every bit as good as Buster’s grandma’s. She is also sunrise and sunset pretty. Walter met her at the rodeo and she was wearin all white. Had a little shower and he picked her up and carried her across a mudhole. Love at first sight but took the boy 2 years to take her to a dance. They cut a rug now though, Texas Two step and Waltz. They make quite a pair. Walter and lil Lynette had a boy and a girl. That boy Chadro was the spittin image of his daddy and ever bit as good a man as him too. Buster and his wife took a likin to that boy the first time they met him. Buster says he is his half daddy and that no offense meant to Walter and lil Lynette but that is how much Buster thinks of that youngun,; like he was his own. Of course you know the first born and especially a girl is gonna look like her daddy, and she does. Fine young woman and is to marry up real soon to a real good feller. If you go to lil Lynette’s house, bring your own aigs! She is just not used to cooking up a big mess of vittles as she has ole Big Boy on a diet and keeping him fit as a fiddle.
Now you wouldn’t think Jessie would have a pet but he cottoned to a dang goat. He also inherited a Mexican Chihuahua dog. That durn dog bedeviled him night and day. Always wanted in his lap. But the goat would come in of a morning while Jessie was havin his coffee and expected breakfast. Jumped right up on the stool and sat at the counter waitin to be fed. Jessie had to shuck a few cobs of corn and set it out for that goat or he would butt him till he did. Jessie took a hankerin to a gal while he was learnatin lawyerin at the University of Alabama . The gals pestered Jessie night and day but he would have none of it. He was a one woman man you know. They had 2 boys and 1 girl. That youngest boy Reid was as fine a young man as you could find. Buster and his wife dearly like that boy. The oldest is smart as whip and on his own and makin his own mark in the world. But it is the girl that put the gray in Jessie’s hair. Buster says we got to get her a tank or a chauffeur one. Never seen one person so snake bit with an automobile. Ever know anybody to tear off their front bumper and bring it home in the back seat or drive to a friend’s house and park in the yard and have a tree run up and hit your fender? Boy howdy, she was always callin Jessie for some kind of wreck or car trouble. Anyway, she is off to Nashville doin God only knows what and just doesn’t want to be a teacher any more. Jessie has had a bit of a pickle of a time on his hands. His wife of 30 years decided to call it quits while Buster and Lulu were in Birmingham and it just hasn’t set quite right ever since. But as Jessie says, life goes on and tha 3 other boys aim to get Jessie a new lease on life. Adventures unlimited as we say. We are treatin him too for some ailments and expect a full recovery to normal health in due time.
Time to tell you about Buster and his crazy bird. Perry the parakeet. Buster didn’t want the dang bird but Perry just took to Buster when he was brought home one day. Buster always said that he never had any trouble with critters, old folks or babies; just the women. That bird would sleep on Buster with one eye open. Wouldn’t let a soul come near him! Folks would see two little feet sticking out of Buster’s mouth and wonder what in the world! Well, Buster taught Perry to give him a kiss, a peck on the lips with his beak. One day Buster was eating some atomic fireballs from WalMart and Perry came over and gave Buster a kiss.
Those birds don’t have saliva glands and Perry flew over to his cage cause he got that hot fireball on his tongue and he just had to get to water. You would think that crazy bird would leave well enough alone but NO! He came back for more. Guess it was because it was sweet. Anyway that was how the trick came to be. Also that bird could talk. Learned to say Whoo Pig Sooie and Go Hogs Go! Perry was a big Razorback fan since they were from Arkansas . Perry even had Buster call the TV station one day when he was watchin the news and had them come out.
There was a parrot that was supposed to talk but Perry knew he didn’t hold a candle to what he could say. Heck he could talk for 2 hours on the phone.
Buster married Lulu after courting for only 4 months. Best thing that ever happened to Buster and he dearly loves that woman. Bought her a sewing machine, car, 4 wheeler and a motorsicle. She always said she would marry the first man that bought her a sewing machine and she did. They met up in Little Rock . She went South; met the best, forgot the rest! Now that gal can ride too. Between Lulu, Alma Mae and lil Lynette, I don’t know who is worse for speed. You can’t keep up with those women on any kind of machine. Now Lulu is a genuwine movie star that was in Hollywood and she was a trapeze artist too. She got herself a degree in dress design and dearly loves to sew for a passion. She takes real good care of Buster since he has been laid up too. Buster was married once but not even till the water got hot. He had his son Daryn and raised him and now that boy has a son and runs the company Buster founded. Good lookin boy too, black hair and blue eyes and tall. All the girls like him but he just has not found the right one yet. Went to college for the most part of 13 years and got hisself a 2 year degree too. Had a good time and passed all the courses he took. Just played hard but worked on the side too.
All the boys and their families get along just fine if I do say so myself, Sometimes Buster puts his foot in his mouth but the rest of em look over him. Know he means no harm and just speaks his mind. Course the others have a few quirks too but all are pretty normal. Men of their word, honest as the day is long, believe in Jesus and love their country.
You can count on any of the boys at any time day or night. Well, Jessie goes to bed with the chickens at 8 o’clock in the evening but gets up early.
You must have noticed that the tragedies in each of the boys’ lives were not mentioned up to now. They all had them. Heartache and heartbreak. Loss of their kin, mamas and daddies and grandpas and grandmas and brothers and sisters. There wasn’t a time that they weren’t there for each other; births and funerals; marriages and divorces; health and sickness and good times and bad. Those boys have a bond made only stronger with the passage of time. Gets a little more difficult and challenging now that the 4 winds have blown each of them in a different directions. But I can tell you this, every time they come home they can expect to see one or all of them sitting at the supper table. They ain’t a gonna change! There are lots of family that the boys have and especially Walter. There absolutely is not a better lot of folks on this green earth, plus his brothers are hairy legged and his sisters purty as the flowers abloom after an April rain. But this one older brother of Walter’s is a mess if you ever saw one. He used to tussle with Walter every born day of his life. Thing about it is when lil Walter growed up he was to be reckoned with for sure. A little thumpin was good for ole Kelvin’s constitution! Mike is his oldest brother and a bit naturally devilish in his own right. Nobody would ever expect he would be up to mischief but he does. He married up with a gal that lives the Bible and holds the record of most points scored in a girl’s basketball game, 100. Ole Mike gets up every morning astraddle a horse. He knows good horseflesh and cattle and has a passel of good looking daughters too.
Both of Walter’s sisters set many a heart aflame before they married up. Tall and could dance too. Only thing about both their husbands is they don’t say much!
You know Buster can’t hardly handle that so he just up and sifoddles over and hugs em and kisses their ole heads. Kinds warms em up a bit but he just hangs on. Walter tries to run hisself but lil Lynette says to get him anyway and good; he does.
Howard has learned to put up with it and Jessie just grins and bears it. Howard has one brother that is a dang good shot and a sister that is married to the sacker from the local A & P grocery store.
Jessie has 2 sisters that are sweet as hard candy and a mama that is truly a real Southern lady. Knows the Bible better than any preacher too.
The boys are Buster’s brothers and he is proud as punch of each one of them. Solid gold, each and every one them. (Buster does have a half brother he doesn’t see and a half sister he has never seen). Every set of the boys as husbands and thar wives are Princes and Princesses and Kings and Queens in their example to their family, friends and neighbors.
Life is coming full circle for all the boys now; memories; new horizons, new adventures, living dreams. The important things in life are clearer than ever before and real friends are for life, just like Walter, Jessie, Howard and Buster. This is our life; Buster and his Buddies.
The Early Years
Well now, bless your hearts for reading about the life and times of Buster and his buddies. Some may relate to this kind of raising and growing up but some won’t, (City folks, you know).
Ole Buster had a few friends growing up, namely Sammy Joe when he was 7 and Sammy was 5 and then Charlie in his later school years. But that is all another story told when we have more time.
The 4 musketeers of brotherhood were Buster, Jessie, Walter and Howard. Buster being the oldest 3 years ahead of Jessie, then came Walter 9 years junior to Jessie and last but not least Howard 2 years younger than Walter. Howard was Buster’s oldest of his 3 BEST friends; then came Walter and Jessie. Jessie was closer to Buster’s age than the other two and was raised in the part of the South that was nearer to Buster. Walter and Howard were just ole Texicans but as good as they get.
All 4 of these boys were cut from the same bolt of cloth; just each one had a bit of a shade of color different from the rest. Only thing is that Walter never could tell the difference cause he was a touch color blind. Both he and Buster wore Pink and Buster just loved the color and Walter couldn’t tell the difference, poor feller; took the teasing you know. Buster was the biggest of the bunch, then Walter; he was about the same size but didn’t have Buster’s heft. Howard was say medium sized but Jessie was the smallest of the group and the quietest but could bow up like a banty rooster!
All four of the boys were honest to a fault. Worked hard. Played hard. Had the givinest hearts you ever saw but could ball up like a coon on your head in a heartbeat. All were tough as a nickel steak and whit leather to boot. Tender hearted as all get out. Their mamas loved them all dearly. All the boys had a story of their own but Walter and Buster came the closest of having it kinda rough in some ways growing up. Buster’s was school and town kids and Walter’s was just day to day living. All the boys were danged smart as whips too. In later life that would come to tell on them as they succeeded in the work they did. Career, Community, Church and helping their neighbor.
Walter was the trickster of the bunch and Howard was right behind him!!! It was that cute little boy smile that got him out of a bunch of whuppings. Now Walter on the other hand was the runt of his family till he got out of high school and then grew like a weed. Boy would tussle at the drop of a hat but didn’t start no trouble but shore could finish it and grinning all the way. That boy has a way about him that made all the girls and mamas want to give him huggems. Heck Buster too!
Buster dearly loved his 3 best friends; all the same but all different. They are true brothers to him. Take Jessie for instance. As close as a brother he was (might be kin too) but hard for most folks to read. He was the proverbial book that was judged by the cover. Man oh man was that a mistake. He was probably tougher and meaner than a snake, more than all 3 of the others combined. That boy didn’t have no quit in him.
Buster’s grandpa Gus used to say that if you had one true friend you were a lucky man; well Buster had 3! Lord surely blessed Buster, that’s for sure.
Now Howard was the one that would take the lead and never look back except to see if the others needed help. He just took to the bit and ran with it. Of course, Walter wouldn’t ride a horse or anything thing else unless it was a gray. He read about the Indians and General Custer and that had to surely inspire Walter. But being a bit sensitive to colors like he was; we just didn’t always tell him what color it exactly was.
Never forget the time in the barn when Buster wanted to make a chicken lay an egg. Buster dearly loved to gather eggs. Well those boys brought in a rooster and told Buster this chicken lays the best eggs. Well, that danged ole rooster flapped those wings and pecked the fool out of Buster’s hands and chased him to a 2x8 that he used to get to the loft. Buster took off a running and the yellow jackets got stirred up and stung Buster so bad he swole up like a toad frog and to beat that when Buster slid down that board he got splinters in his butt and ended up in a pile of cactus. Buster couldn’t sit down for a week!
Plum pitiful I’d say but how those boys did howl. Laughed themselves silly till they cried. Well as I said Howard liked to instigate and when he did Walter fell right in. Jessie would sit right down and analyze the whole situation. Real good at advising,
Like the time Buford, boy down the road, come by go to swimming in the canal. Water was ice cold and on a hot summer day was just perfect from that deep well on the place.
Howard told Buford he needed a little help milking before they all could go skinny dipping. Walter was up to mischief for sure then. He picked out a cow for Buford to milk and told Buford he could do it through the fence. Well, ole Buford reached through the fence and started to milk that cow. Trouble was the cow turned out to be a bull and he kicked Buford plum through that fence. Broke boards and all. Well, that certainly was not the end of it! Buford got up and took off a running. He was so ditherated that he was a stumbling and when he tried to jump that wire fence; well, he just didn’t make it and straddled that fence and went to yelpin. That wire fence was electric you see and boy did it light up ole Buford! He tore that fence down and squalled like a pig stuck under a gate. Buford never did come back to go swimming again. Wonder why not?
Boys will be boys but did their mamas did come a looking for them with a willer switch once! They done got in the First Christian, Catholic and Episcopalian church’s wine stock they used for communion. Only one they left out was Howard’s Baptist church cause they don’t believe in drinking. Had to go to his daddy’s hiding place for that and that was just too dangerous for them to take that chance!
As I said, between Walter and Howard they was always into something. Except for one Halloween when they was accused of turning over the outhouse at the old maid Thompson’s house. Someone told that they saw the boys a runnin from the scene of the crime but that just wasn’t the case. They saw em runnin all right but that was because ole man Duncan was chasin Buster with his shotgun for sparking with his daughter. It wouldn’t have been so bad but ole maid Thompson was in the outhouse when it was turned over. They heard her all over town a bellerin and hollerin to beat the band. The High Sheriff come by and got her out and she was fit to be tied. Only thing that saved the day for the boys was the circuit preacher riding by on his horse coming back from a late meeting with that snake handling bunch of Holy Rollers. He told the High Sheriff it weren’t tha boys but the Inman boy what done the dastardly deed. Clyde surely had a mess to clean up the next day. Kinda like the time the boys were down by the pasture fence of the Roper place. Now Walter and Howard thought it was plum funny to catch up that Shetland pony of the Ropers and have a ride. There was a boy they knowed from town named Billy Cain Bailey and thay had him come along for some fun too. Well, they talked Billy Cain into getting on that pony and riding him. Well, that pony didn’t quite take to that idea and was bucking like all get out. Then, Walter run up in front of that little horse and went to hoopin and hollerin. Well, that dang pony reared up and lit a shuck in the other direction. Ran to the fence and pitched Billy Cain about a mile high don’t ya know. Wouldn’t been too bad but he got throwed into the town sewer pond on the other side of the fence and went plum under. Billy’s mama had to throw away his clothes (which he didn’t have many) plus had to keep him out of school for a week cause he smelled to high Heaven. Took a month before any of the kids would come up to Billy Cain; that smell just wouldn’t wear off!
Howard was a pickle himself. I told you he liked to instigate. He done talked us into doin some trappin. Said we could get a quarter a hide for a skunk. To the boys that was right smart a bit of money cause hard cash was something hard to come by. Well now they went off down on the bayou by the Davis place and set an old trap they found and greased up with some of Buster’s grandma’s lard. Sure nuf they had a skunk the next morning. Well sir, they got that skunk in a toe sack and was ready to take him to town for that quarter, but had no way of getting there. So Howard and Walter had Buster to sneak out his folk’s ‘50 model Oldsmobile. Jessie did the scheming and they sneaked the keys and took off. They threw that skunk, trap and all, in the trunk and took off to town. All them boys could drive since they was 9 years old so getting there was no problem. Into town they went to Robinson’s fur house. Got there quarter and split er up. Had a penny left over so they flipped for it and Walter always was lucky and won it. Well, this ain’t the end of this story cause when it rained that car would smell so bad you couldn’t stay in it. Phew! Buster’s folks had to sell the car but on a sunny day with lots grandma’s mint in the car. Got a Pontiac after that. But did those boys, and I mean all of them, get into a peck of trouble. No picture show for a month and had ta shovel the barn and do the hired hands chores too. Punishment for sure, thought the boys’ parents but you know the boys. They just laughed and made a game of it and still sneaked down to the creek for a little swimming when the folks weren’t looking. Mischief, plain and simple for those 4 boys.
Now in school, they were into lots of pranks. The boys only went half a day cause they had work to do at home and in the field. Mrs. Goetz was the English teacher and was allergic to pencil shavings and deathly afeared of snakes. So you just know this was too good to pass up for the boys.
Walter went and caught up a garter snake, and Jessie had Howard and Buster got all the pencils they could find at dinner time and sharpened them to the nub and made a pile of shavings. Jessie done put that snake in her top drawer of her desk and when they all came back from dinner and was setting down for class; she opened that drawer. You never heard such a yellin and squealin. She was plum excited and jumpin up and down and took to swoonin. In come the Principal and was he ever havin a conniption fit of who done it. Nobody told on the boys and class was let out till the next day. As I said, it ain’t over till it’s over and all them boys was in the Planners and Thinkers Union of which ole Charlie Snider was the founder of that little group. Charlie was a friend but lived over in the next county and the boys would only see him ever once in a while on a Saturday. They all liked Charlie and he was a lot like Howard; all the women folks thought he could do no wrong. Well, the day before they let out for deer season, Jessie got Walter and Howard to make an excuse to talk to Mrs. Goetz outside right before class was to begin. This gave Jessie time to put the pencil shavings in her top desk drawer. When she came in all of the class was seated; she opened that drawer and then she commenced to wheezin and sneezing and coughin. Here comes ole man Brasher, the Principal, again. But this time Butch Ritchenback got blamed for it as he was seen near her desk about that time. He was only putting a homework paper on her desk but he deserved the time for the crime. It was earlier on that the boys got blamed for pulling the fire alarm during assembly but it was really Butch. He was seen by Jessie hiding under the stage a laughing up a storm. Thay got even on that day I tell ya. Well school was let out early that day too and off to the woods thay went for a week of hunting and eating and card playing and shooting marbles, pitching washers and horseshoes and listening to tall tales from the men at the camp. What fun!
Walter’s daddy used to take him to help custom cut grain across the country side for outside work for extra money. Walter fell in with the hobos and learned a lot from them on how to survive going cross country with no money. How to hop trains and get a meal and where to go to get that. Walter carries that knowledge with him to this day. Said if we ever needed it that he could get us by for a spell.
Howard was a real good motorsicle rider. Professional class. But he done had a spill and knocked out his front teeth and broke a few bones and quit that after that. Rides for fun now and helps all us boys with our riding skills.
Buster played football and other sports when he wasn’t working and had time off from chores. Did pretty well at that and got all bowed up but was cornbread stout. Stoutest of the bunch. Lift the back end of a Volkswagen car and was carrying 4 toesacks of soybeans for his grandpa at the dryer seeing how they had no conveyor. That was 480 pounds if ya was cypherin on that.
Jessie was always smarter than most and had a mind of his own. Worked at the local radio station for a spell as a disk jockey and part time reporter. Like I said, the gals all loved Jessie. He went on to be a dang good lawyer but almost went to flying for Delta Airlines. When they found gas on his folk’s place, all of the men folks went to work for the gas company as part of the deal. Jessie could have done that too but wanted to do what he wanted to and make his own mark. He did.
Guess y’all don’t recall when Judge Berry was Postmaster do you? Well back then the boys would come visit Buster down at his grandpa Gus’s place at 4 Forks. Grandpa Gus give the place to Buster’s mama to live in when she married up with Buster’s real daddy, Russell. He was a ne’er do well from Kentuck and that is another story too. But Buster’s other grandpa Lawrence looked after him while his mama worked. Anyhow, there weren’t no blue rock road back then, just dirt and it was pretty danged hard to travel when it rained and the boys would have to stay over when it did. They had the best time, especially at harvest in the fall. Ripe persimmons, wild plums, fishin, huntin and campin, sippin grandpa Tipton's white lightning (called it Blue Moon cause it burned such a purty blue flame) and sneaking out a pie from one of their mamas when thay left it on the old wood stove to cool down.
When they put in the blue rock gravel so the mail could be delivered; ole Judge Berry come down one day after a drizzling rain and got stuck in the gumbo, buckshot mud. He was tryin his darndest to get out but didn’t have no luck. Well the boys was just happening to pass by while gathering wild honey and running from some razorback hogs. They needed to get on in before dark but just couldn’t leave the Judge by himself. You gotta understand; all those boys were stout! Baling hay and working in the field plus chores made men of those boys before their time. They grabbed aholt of that old jeep the Judge drove and manhandled it to solid ground. Judge Berry never forgot that about those 4 boys and he also knew the kind of people and their stock they came from.
The Judge lost his ring that evening and never found it. 40 years later an old Negro feller had one of his grandkids show him something he found in a dirt clod he was throwing and busting up. There it was plain as day. The ring! Judge Berry made a real big deal of that in town when they brought it in to him. The ole man remembered the story being told about the Judge losing his ring and the Judge’s name was inscribed in it. The old man couldn’t read but he knew lil Jessie and went to him and told him about it. By then Jessie was a Roll Tide Philadelphia type lawyer and he went with the old man to give it to the Judge. The Judge grinned from ear to ear and bought the old man and his grandson supper, smoking terbacky and some sweets from Swaim’s Store.
He said with tears in his eyes that he was beholding to Jessie and the Negro boys for bringing it to him. It had right smart of meaning to him. He told Jessie that all of us 4 boys were a wonder for our mamas and daddies. He knew that early on. Then he began to tell about the other 3 and what they had done for the folks in the county. Howard and his daddy would pick sweet taters and deliver a wagon load for the folks that didn’t have enough to eat.
Walter would cut and bale hay and deliver it on the side for their stock and tend to their chores when folks in need were stove up and in dire straits; Buster worked out and made a quarter a week and would cut firewood for those folks too. He would take what money he earned and would buy milk for the younguns that were going without. The Judge looked at Jessie over his specs and said now Jessie let me tell you what I know of your deeds. Both of us are in the business of law. You have been exemplary in pursuing justice. You have donated your time, knowledge and skill for the underprivileged and those in need.
After retiring, you entered into a new career utilizing all of your abilities to create a reputation beyond reproach to provide homes and medical care to peoples around the globe. All you boys have exceeded all expectations and make us all proud.
Miss Inez used to let those boys in the picture show for a nickel when it went to a dime. She would let them take up tickets and seat folks till the picture show started and let them sit in the balcony. They loved that.
Now all those boys loved Jesus and were baptized. They all went to different churches; Walter was Catholic, Howard, Baptist, Buster, First Christian and Jessie a little bit of Methodist (his mama’s side), Presbyterian and Episcopalian. Didn’t really make no never mind to him as long as the preachin was good and they had Sunday dinner on the ground.
All them boys could eat! But Buster was the worst. When he hit your front door, hide the key to the refrigerator. When he went to the service he had to get special permission to eat 4 times a day; 4 chickens and all the trimmings at supper; breakfast twice a day (dozen eggs, loaf of bread, pound of bacon, SOS, pound of butter, bottle of ketchup, ½ gallon sweet milk, ½ gallon chocolate milk, cup of coffee) and whatever they had for dinner. Absolutely no liver or beets though!
Then, they all went their separate ways….. the 4 winds blew them to a new path to knowledge; to a man, they wanted to KNOW!
These four men continue to strive for the betterment of mankind in the healing arts, technology and spiritual development.
This is a never-ending story. The end is in the beginning.
The Later Years
Jessie: University of Alabama. Juris Doctor a renowned attorney with a world wide reputation. Benefactor and Philanthropist. Businessman (Mining). Married (about not to be), 3 children. Accolades and accomplishments to numerous to mention. One of four who founded and maintain the Worldwide Non-profit Medical Organization, The Healing Center, Inc.
Howard: Businessman. Mining, Excavation and Construction. Benefactor and Philanthropist. Married, 4 children. One of four who founded and maintain the Worldwide Non-profit Medical Organization, The Healing Center, Inc.
Walter: Businessman. Mining, Construction and Refinery. Benefactor and Philanthropist. Married, 2 children, 1 granddaughter. One of four who founded and maintain the Worldwide Non-profit Medical Organization, The Healing Center, Inc.
Buster: Businessman (Mining, Safety), Politician, Doctor, Writer. Benefactor and Philanthropist. Married, 1 child, 1 grandson. One of four who founded and maintain the Worldwide Non-profit Medical Organization, The Healing Center, Inc.
Those 4 boys could not forget where they came from. You can take the boy out of the country but can’t take the country out of the boy, as they say, and that is exactly how it is with them.
Take Howard. He married up with that pretty little Snow gal from Alabama and had 4 younguns. That gal made the best BLT’s this side of heaven and worked like a Turk to make ends meet. Let me tell you she could ride like the wind. Made no never mind if it was a 4 wheeler, snowmobile or jet ski. She could drive anything too and so could her youngest girl Sarah. Always made you welcome and always had a smile on her face. Their oldest had a lot of dog in her like what was hid in her daddy; came by it honest. The middle girl was pretty as a picture but mean as one of them snakes Howard messed with when you got her all riled. The boy had his own way about him and left home for the big city. Liked pets too. They had dogs and cats but Howard would court danger by messin with them Texas rattlers. Just had no sense as far as thay were concerned. Scared the tar out of em, I tell ya! Howard even put the ugly things in the refrigerator. Buster never did open that door without asking! Caved in hungry or not, he wasn’t taking no chances. Howard found Alma Mae whilst he was a racing motorsicles. Those big ole brown eyes and that tiny little waist did ole Howard in.
Now Walter. He was partial to all kinds of ranch animals. Those Watusi bulls took the cake though. Don’t you dare try to get in that pen! I know that danged goose was a pain a chasin everybody all the time, but that goose dearly loved Walter. He would even fly in his winder and roost for the night. His better half, lil Lynette, would have a hissy fit cause that goose wouldn’t let her in the bed. Course you had to be a goose and able to fly since that bedstead was so high you had to have a ladder to get in it. Her other bedsteads were something else too; they all leaned to one side and ifn you weren’t careful you’d roll out on the floor.
But she does keep a clean house and makes the best cornbread and gravy ya ever ate. It is every bit as good as Buster’s grandma’s. She is also sunrise and sunset pretty. Walter met her at the rodeo and she was wearin all white. Had a little shower and he picked her up and carried her across a mudhole. Love at first sight but took the boy 2 years to take her to a dance. They cut a rug now though, Texas Two step and Waltz. They make quite a pair. Walter and lil Lynette had a boy and a girl. That boy Chadro was the spittin image of his daddy and ever bit as good a man as him too. Buster and his wife took a likin to that boy the first time they met him. Buster says he is his half daddy and that no offense meant to Walter and lil Lynette but that is how much Buster thinks of that youngun,; like he was his own. Of course you know the first born and especially a girl is gonna look like her daddy, and she does. Fine young woman and is to marry up real soon to a real good feller. If you go to lil Lynette’s house, bring your own aigs! She is just not used to cooking up a big mess of vittles as she has ole Big Boy on a diet and keeping him fit as a fiddle.
Now you wouldn’t think Jessie would have a pet but he cottoned to a dang goat. He also inherited a Mexican Chihuahua dog. That durn dog bedeviled him night and day. Always wanted in his lap. But the goat would come in of a morning while Jessie was havin his coffee and expected breakfast. Jumped right up on the stool and sat at the counter waitin to be fed. Jessie had to shuck a few cobs of corn and set it out for that goat or he would butt him till he did. Jessie took a hankerin to a gal while he was learnatin lawyerin at the University of Alabama . The gals pestered Jessie night and day but he would have none of it. He was a one woman man you know. They had 2 boys and 1 girl. That youngest boy Reid was as fine a young man as you could find. Buster and his wife dearly like that boy. The oldest is smart as whip and on his own and makin his own mark in the world. But it is the girl that put the gray in Jessie’s hair. Buster says we got to get her a tank or a chauffeur one. Never seen one person so snake bit with an automobile. Ever know anybody to tear off their front bumper and bring it home in the back seat or drive to a friend’s house and park in the yard and have a tree run up and hit your fender? Boy howdy, she was always callin Jessie for some kind of wreck or car trouble. Anyway, she is off to Nashville doin God only knows what and just doesn’t want to be a teacher any more. Jessie has had a bit of a pickle of a time on his hands. His wife of 30 years decided to call it quits while Buster and Lulu were in Birmingham and it just hasn’t set quite right ever since. But as Jessie says, life goes on and tha 3 other boys aim to get Jessie a new lease on life. Adventures unlimited as we say. We are treatin him too for some ailments and expect a full recovery to normal health in due time.
Time to tell you about Buster and his crazy bird. Perry the parakeet. Buster didn’t want the dang bird but Perry just took to Buster when he was brought home one day. Buster always said that he never had any trouble with critters, old folks or babies; just the women. That bird would sleep on Buster with one eye open. Wouldn’t let a soul come near him! Folks would see two little feet sticking out of Buster’s mouth and wonder what in the world! Well, Buster taught Perry to give him a kiss, a peck on the lips with his beak. One day Buster was eating some atomic fireballs from WalMart and Perry came over and gave Buster a kiss.
Those birds don’t have saliva glands and Perry flew over to his cage cause he got that hot fireball on his tongue and he just had to get to water. You would think that crazy bird would leave well enough alone but NO! He came back for more. Guess it was because it was sweet. Anyway that was how the trick came to be. Also that bird could talk. Learned to say Whoo Pig Sooie and Go Hogs Go! Perry was a big Razorback fan since they were from Arkansas . Perry even had Buster call the TV station one day when he was watchin the news and had them come out.
There was a parrot that was supposed to talk but Perry knew he didn’t hold a candle to what he could say. Heck he could talk for 2 hours on the phone.
Buster married Lulu after courting for only 4 months. Best thing that ever happened to Buster and he dearly loves that woman. Bought her a sewing machine, car, 4 wheeler and a motorsicle. She always said she would marry the first man that bought her a sewing machine and she did. They met up in Little Rock . She went South; met the best, forgot the rest! Now that gal can ride too. Between Lulu, Alma Mae and lil Lynette, I don’t know who is worse for speed. You can’t keep up with those women on any kind of machine. Now Lulu is a genuwine movie star that was in Hollywood and she was a trapeze artist too. She got herself a degree in dress design and dearly loves to sew for a passion. She takes real good care of Buster since he has been laid up too. Buster was married once but not even till the water got hot. He had his son Daryn and raised him and now that boy has a son and runs the company Buster founded. Good lookin boy too, black hair and blue eyes and tall. All the girls like him but he just has not found the right one yet. Went to college for the most part of 13 years and got hisself a 2 year degree too. Had a good time and passed all the courses he took. Just played hard but worked on the side too.
All the boys and their families get along just fine if I do say so myself, Sometimes Buster puts his foot in his mouth but the rest of em look over him. Know he means no harm and just speaks his mind. Course the others have a few quirks too but all are pretty normal. Men of their word, honest as the day is long, believe in Jesus and love their country.
You can count on any of the boys at any time day or night. Well, Jessie goes to bed with the chickens at 8 o’clock in the evening but gets up early.
You must have noticed that the tragedies in each of the boys’ lives were not mentioned up to now. They all had them. Heartache and heartbreak. Loss of their kin, mamas and daddies and grandpas and grandmas and brothers and sisters. There wasn’t a time that they weren’t there for each other; births and funerals; marriages and divorces; health and sickness and good times and bad. Those boys have a bond made only stronger with the passage of time. Gets a little more difficult and challenging now that the 4 winds have blown each of them in a different directions. But I can tell you this, every time they come home they can expect to see one or all of them sitting at the supper table. They ain’t a gonna change! There are lots of family that the boys have and especially Walter. There absolutely is not a better lot of folks on this green earth, plus his brothers are hairy legged and his sisters purty as the flowers abloom after an April rain. But this one older brother of Walter’s is a mess if you ever saw one. He used to tussle with Walter every born day of his life. Thing about it is when lil Walter growed up he was to be reckoned with for sure. A little thumpin was good for ole Kelvin’s constitution! Mike is his oldest brother and a bit naturally devilish in his own right. Nobody would ever expect he would be up to mischief but he does. He married up with a gal that lives the Bible and holds the record of most points scored in a girl’s basketball game, 100. Ole Mike gets up every morning astraddle a horse. He knows good horseflesh and cattle and has a passel of good looking daughters too.
Both of Walter’s sisters set many a heart aflame before they married up. Tall and could dance too. Only thing about both their husbands is they don’t say much!
You know Buster can’t hardly handle that so he just up and sifoddles over and hugs em and kisses their ole heads. Kinds warms em up a bit but he just hangs on. Walter tries to run hisself but lil Lynette says to get him anyway and good; he does.
Howard has learned to put up with it and Jessie just grins and bears it. Howard has one brother that is a dang good shot and a sister that is married to the sacker from the local A & P grocery store.
Jessie has 2 sisters that are sweet as hard candy and a mama that is truly a real Southern lady. Knows the Bible better than any preacher too.
The boys are Buster’s brothers and he is proud as punch of each one of them. Solid gold, each and every one them. (Buster does have a half brother he doesn’t see and a half sister he has never seen). Every set of the boys as husbands and thar wives are Princes and Princesses and Kings and Queens in their example to their family, friends and neighbors.
Life is coming full circle for all the boys now; memories; new horizons, new adventures, living dreams. The important things in life are clearer than ever before and real friends are for life, just like Walter, Jessie, Howard and Buster. This is our life; Buster and his Buddies.
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