Howard dun got all tha boys tagather an was fit ta be tied that's fer shor. He was like a worm in hot ashes till thay all got thar. Howard said lookee hear boys what I got! Well, Walter an Jessie an Buster was jes a gawkin an a starin at a danged old piece of paper that Howard was a wavin round. Crumpled up an dirty as all git out, Howard begin ta readin it. It said that thar was tigers a roamin in tha woods in tha mountains in Mexico. Thar was a festival an folks took ta tha hills fer a ceremony of sum kind an whilst thay was thar several of em seen a tiger; El Tigre thay called it. Well, them mountain folks believed that thar was a lost treasure up thar sumwhars that was a guarded by them tigers. Durned ifn Howard didn't want ta go a traipsein up thar ta see ifn he could find hisself one! That's right, he wanted ta catch hisself a tiger! Well now tha boys all had sumthin ta say bout that, I tell ya! Thay tole Howard that he dun plum lost hisn mind; them thangs bite! What this here piece of paper said was that thar was an expedition planned an Howard knowed tha feller headin it up from over at tha Little Rock Zoo. Feller was a vet name of Randy Ashley. Howard went over thar once an helped Mr. Ashley treat sum animals he had ta have help with seein how Howard had a way with em an could calm down real good. Howard had met up with Mr. Ashley at tha State Fair when elephant an a camel got right fractious when given younguns rides last year. Ole Howard an Walter was moseyin round thar when all tha commotion started up. Walter grabbed up a feed bag that was nearby on tha ground an give it ta Howard an he walked in thar easy like an give sum feed an quited em down with that soothin an smooth talkin of hisn. Tha younguns got off tha elephant an tha camel an thar was sum frightful younguns a squallin a bit but all worked out allright. Mr Ashley was called ta shoot em with a tranquilizer gun but seed what ole Howard was a doin an let him go. Said to folk tharbouts that it was tha dangest thang he ever saw a body do with critters like that. Anyhow, that's how he got ta know Mr. Ashley. Howard went over ta see Mr. Ashley an asked him if thay could go along on tha trip. He promised Buster an Jessie wouldn't git in tha way an Walter could help too a wranglin stock. Thay was ta have horses, mules an donkeys fer ridin an packin. Walter wanted ta take his gray but Mr. Ashley said he'd be shor an have Walter one down thar ifn he helped so's thar was no need ta take hisn.
Bout then Jessie piped up an wanted ta know more bout tha treasure with Buster hot on his tail askin tha same thang. Howard tole Jessie an Buster what he said in that paper an what Mr. Ashley tole him bout it. Said it was a legend an didn't know how true it was but the local Mexicans an Indians shor nuf believed it. Thar was evidence of tha Spanish Conquistadores bein thar so thar might be sum treasure tharbouts; he jes didn't know. Well, all em said ta count em in fer another adventure but thay all wanted ta know ifn thay could take thar rifles an shotguns an Howard said Mr. Ashley would have sum thar fer em when thay got thar. Tha expedition had permission from tha Mexican governmint fer sum ta be provided on tha trip.
The boys all got ta gittin ready packin an with gittin permission from thar folks an school an all, it was a right busy time. Thay was ta take on off in 2 weeks.
Course tha boys folks all talked bout tha trip with each other an with Mr. Ashley. All them boys had rambled round nuf that thay knowed ta be careful an all an thay was orderd by their mas not ta tangle with no tigers! Well, tha day finally cum an the boys left on out early of a Saturday mornin in Buster's Ford. Thay had er all shined up as best thay could an greased, oil changed an new tires ta boot. Thay was ready an rarin ta go; headin South.
Not nary one tha boys could speak Spanish but all of em knowed a smatterin of it; reckon jes nuf ta git themelfs inta trouble. Howard dun brung a book along on it though that he got from Mrs. Neal, tha school Librarian. Buster an Jessie took ta practicein on a few words an phrases but Walter was gittin tha hang of it betterin than any of em. Well, thay was glad thay knowed what thay did of Spanish cause gittin cross tha border was a chore in itself. Jes gittin tha right papers an goin in tha right direction took em several hours but thay finally made it. Thay come ta checkpoints run by tha military an that was a mite difficult with all tha jabberin an them lil fellers with big, silver guns thay was a wavin round. Finally, with sum water an sodie pops an a few snacks, thay got on through. Once thay cum ta a gas station an tha Federales an local Po-Leece was thar. Thay all rode in tha back of pickup trucks with grab bars an patroled thar area thataway. Buster was a pumpin his gas when a couple of them Federales nodded at him whilst thay was a gassin up too. Buster pulled out hisn billfold an that's whar he kept his Junior Deputy Sheriff badge he got from Sheriff Gravette fer helpin at parades an ballgames an sich. Well, that feller took ta a jabberin ta tha other un an thay cum over an started ta tryin ta talk ta Buster. One feller took hisn badge outa his pocket an showed it ta Buster an pointed ta Buster's badge in his billfold. Buster took his badge out an showed it ta tha feller an then it almost cum ta ole home week. Thar was grinnin an talkin an back slappin an thay even got a camera an had thar picture took with Buster an tha boys. One of tha fellers cum out that was drivin tha truck an he spoke a lil passable English. He pointed Buster an tha boys in the right direction an showed em on a map of whar ta go. Tha roads was a sight better than would expected an that ole Ford of Buster's hummed right along. After thay got on down tha road a piece, thay cum ta a highway what was a 4 lane toll road. Now tha boys all changed sum greenbacks ta pesos an so thay had sum bills an change on em. Buster pulled up ta a toll booth an paid tha man by jes stickin hisn hand out with a bunch of them peso coins. Tha feller took what he wanted an then Buster drove on off. Buster probably didn't git no more tha 50 feet or so till sum feller directed him off ta tha side of tha road. Then sum fellers dragged sum boards cross tha front an back tires with 20 penny nails stickin up from em so's Buster couldn't go nowhar unlessen he got a flat tire on every wheel. A wild lookin feller cum up ta Buster an started a jabberin ta him an thay finally understood he wanted sum of them pesos. Well, Jessie took sum coins outa his pocket an stuck his hand out tha winder an tha feller took him bout 40 cents worth of them coins an then tha other fellers pulled tha boards outa tha way. Cum ta find out later that tha toll booth was a governmint man an tha other fellers was bandits. Reckon thay was so poor thay got money anyway thay could. Heck, that kinda stuff happened 4 or 5 times whilst thay was a drivin on tha West side of Mexico beside tha ocean. Awful purty on tha Pacific coast an thay seen sum sights that's fer shor.
Thay was headed fer tha Mexican State of Michoacan an a town called Lázaro Cárdenas. That was thar jumpin off point fer tha expedition. Buster was a drivin along an all of a sudden Howard took ta hollerin ta stop tha truck. He dun seed a youngun with a danged lizard a danglin from a strang on tha side of tha road a tryin ta sell it. Howard gits on outa tha truck an tha boy starts in on them pesos agin a offerin tha lizard fer sum of them coins. Tha lizard seemed like he was bout half daid an part of hisn tail was gone too. Howard up an pays tha boy sum coins an takes tha lizard an turns him a loose up tha road a piece. Said he jes couldn't see bein mean ta tha critter. After a bit thay cum ta a place ta gas up an that had a lil cafe of sorts. Place seemed clean nuf an lots a grinnin was goin on an Walter took ta orderin sum vittles fer tha boys. Whilst he was a lookin at tha menu, he tole tha rest of tha boys to look what he seed. Walter tole Howard thay was bout ta eat sum of his lizard cause that was what was on tha menu. It was called a iguana. Reckon folks liked em since thay was a lappin up them lizards thar in that cafe. Howard only said thay didn't git tha one he bought; that un was tha one that got away! Thay all had a chuckle over that but unedrstood Howard an his way with critters. Howard wouldn't have nun of that lizard ta eat an got him sum beans an rice an sum kinda vegetable dish thay was a servin. Said it was plum pitiful eatin lizards. As thay was a drivin down tha coast, thay's seed lil stands with cold drinks an sumthin ta eat. Buster pulled in ta one place that had a right nice view an all of em went on in ta see what thay was makin an sellin. Whew! Sum of them fish thar was already ripe an smelled ta high heaven an tha drinks was recapped bottles of water an sodies. Course tha boys had coolers with thar own water an cokes so thay didn't buy nun as thay was cautioned by Mr. Ashley ta carry thar own plus snacks. Tha boys was well provisioned by thar mas, I tell ya an each of em had a pocket knife an Buster had a tool kit in tha back of tha Ford. Howard's brother sent sum stuff from tha church ta give folks up in them mountains fer goodwill an all. Them two suitcases had all manner of doodads an T shirts that was donated from tha members. That ole Ford rolled inta Lázaro Cárdenas an thay found em a hotel called tha Hotel Marguarite. Had ta share a bathroom but it was clean nuf. But tha beds was sumthin else. Now Buster was tha biggest of tha boys an whilst he layed on down on tha bed, Walter took is picture. Had one of them cameras that popped tha picture right outa tha bottom without sendin it off ta git developed. A new fangled kind Walter got off hisn sister Pamela Kay fore he left out. Walter dearly loved ta take pictures an he jes had ta borry that un from her or she'd never hear tha end of it. Tha camera really was ole Jerry Ashford's; tha feller that was sparkin Pamela Kay. He was dun bit by tha love bug so it weren't no problem ta git ta use that camera. Ole Walter was tickled plum pink a takin pictures; ain't no tellin how much film he brung with him. Anyhow, Walter showed Jessie an Howard tha picture an asked ifn thay seed anythin unusal bout it. Walter said ta look real close now. Ya see, Howard an Jessie was haulin in thar belongins so thay ain't had time ta try out tha beds but thay shor was lookin forward ta good nights sleep. Both of em said it looked fine ta them an then Walter said what bout tha bedspread? Thar weren't a wrinkle one in that bedspread an Buster bein tha biggest of tha bunch, thar ort ta be at least a wrinkle. Well, both of em agreed ta that.
Walter tole Jessie an Howard ta not go ta floppin down on thar beds nun too hard cause under that bedspread was solid rock! When thay say a bed is as hard as a rock, thay mean it down thar! Tha whole dang bed was a solid block of concrete an one of em was a chunk of plain ole rock from a quarry it looked like.
Jessie asked tha gal at tha desk bout eatin sum place good an close by an she turned out ta be Marguarite. Her daddy named the hotel after her. she spoke English too. She had kin in Texas an learned it when she visited thar she said. Tha boys figured thay'd have a look round town an buy a few thangs ta take with em an fer thar folks back home. It was a fair sized lil town. After a lil shoppin tha boys found tha place ta eat thay was sent to. After thay sit a spell an was a figurin what ta eat, Buster tells em ta look out tha winder. Thar was a couple of fellers in tha back of a pickup truck with a dead cow in tha bed. Thay was a choppin off hunks of beef an sellin it ta another place next door. It was hot an flies was everwhar on that beef an blowin it an it shor weren't clean in tha bed of that truck! Buster said he didn't reckon he wanted no beefsteak from that place! When tha waiter cum by Jessie said he didn't want no steak neither but jes whar did thay git thar meat? Feller jes pointed put tha winder ta them two fellers in that truck. Reckon that's all it took an tha boys up an left that place, pronto. Thay found em a grocery store an went in an bought em sum canned goods an other packaged food thay could eat easy like. Next mornin, tha hotel owner was thar an Jessie stared ta talkin ta him an he said ta wait thar an then took all tha boys in tha back an had em ta sit on down at his table. Then his gal left out after he said sumthin ta her an after a bit he brung out a pot of coffee an she cum back with fresh groceries. Thay had a real fine meal prepared by him an his daughter an he says through her that he was glad thay stayed with him at his hotel. Cum ta find out Jessie had a few words with her when thay cum in last nite an she tole her pa bout it. That gal took a shine ta ole Jessie, I reckon, cause she dun tole him that she would be back ta Texas real soon an shor wouldn't mind him visitin her. Buster tole Jessie; thar go them pheromones agin, ya jes gotta stop that or ya gonna be deviled by tha gals nite an day. Buster was a laughin up a storm an so was Howard an Walter. See, Buster dun tole em bout thar trip ta Kentucky an nun of em tole Jessie a thang different from what Buster tole him. The three of em went along with tha joke an it had ole Jessie in a dither that's fer shor. Thay all knowed that one of these days one of them gals would git her hooks inta Jessie an thar wadn't a thang he could do about it neither. That love bug would git him too.
Tha next day thay met up with Mr. Ashley an his party an headed on out ta tha trailhead ta leave ta tha mountains. Thay left thar vehicles an Buster's Ford at a lil town called Artega, whar thay picked up tha horses, mules an donkeys. Thar was plenty of help packin but Walter jumped right on in an begin ta git know tha stock. Howard was a visitin with Mr. Ashley so Buster an Jessie went on over ta a lil storefront an sit down an jes watched what was a goin on. All of a sudden, Buster tells Jessie ta look what was a cummin. Thar had ta be one of tha purtiest gals ya ever did see walkin down tha street a pushin a baby buggy.
She was blonde headed an blue eyed an downright movie star quality. She wadn't dark as Mexican usually are but jes as white as thay was. Ole Jessie's eyes bugged out an he said it was tha purtiest gal he ever did see. She musta been one of them Castillian Spanish decendents cause she didn't look nuthin like tha rest of tha folks thay seed but she was Mexican an from thar is what thay found out. Buster said ta Jessie that one of these days he'd meet his match an then he was gonna be Best Man. Jessie said it weren't gonna happen but course later on in life, it did, an Buster was Best Man.
Thay was a burnin daylite so thay headed on up inta tha mountains lookin fer that tiger. Buster an Jessie was gittin tha lowdown on the treasure from tha fellers helpin an was gonna look fer it whilst tha rest of em was tiger huntin. Tha party worked its way up in them mountains by way of game trails an hackin thar way up dry streambeds. Tha fellers seemed ta know whar thay was a goin an thay made good time ta a base camp that was a small ranch near a settlement with 8 or 10 huts. Those folks jes made do. Thay were right ingenuous. Thay could make anythin work.
When all of em got ta tha ranch an tended tha stock an set up camp; thay run cross a hole bout 40 feet deep. Bein inquistive like, tha boys asked one of the fellers that could translate, what in tha dickens that hole was fer. Well here's tha story. Thay tell that thar was 4 fellers that was a diggin fer treasure an begin ta diggin this here hole. Thay got down ta bout 25 feet an then she plateaued. Benched it out sum an went on down bout another 15 feet or so an cum ta a rock arrow pointin due West. Now thay didn't have no modern equipment. Jes handmade diggin tools an baskets to tote tha dirt out. All dun by hand. Ya jes knowed it was sum kinda hard work in that ground an took quite while to dig that fer. Well, one evenin them 4 fellers went ta a lil make do cantina an was a havin em sum tequila. Thar cum in 2 of tha most beautiful wimmen thay ever saw. A fight dun broke out with them 4 fellers drunk an them vyin fer them wimmin. It cum ta pass that 2 of tha fellers got kilt an one of em went plum loco over tha old affair. Tha ranch thay was on belonged ta tha one survivin feller. All 4 of the fellers was frens an them gals jes disappeared. It was thought that tha fellers was diggin in a gravesite an tha wimmin cum ta git em fightin each other ta leave well nuf alone. Tha's how tha hole cum be be left jes like it is now. Thar was a ladder goin down in tha hole an Howard jes had ta see that arrow pointin West. Now tha ladder was homemade with limbs an tied tagether with vines an was a mite rickety ta say tha least. Howard took on off down that ladder an was talkin ta tha rest of tha boys whilst he was climbin down. Howard said it was shor dark in thar. All of a sudden, Howard dun cum outa that hole like he was shot out of a cannon. He was a beatin an slappin hisself an a squealin like a stuck hog. When he hit solid ground, he took off like a scalded dog! Cum ta find out that tha walls in that hole was completely covered with these huge spiders. Whilst Howard was a hollerin, he dun swallered one of them spiders! One thang bout Howard, him an critters git long rite well but him an spiders jes don't mix. He is puredee skeered of em. Directly he cum on back an he had Jessie an Buster an Walter check him all out ta see ifn all tha spiders was offen his body. He weren't bit nun an was nun tha worse fer wear but was plenty shook up from them spiders. Everbody settled in fer tha nite an was ready fer a early start tha next mornin.
Tha party got way up in tha mountains an cum ta a place overlookin a valley down by a river. Purty place. When thay looked out over tha valley ya could see sum fellers bathin an swimmin bout a quarter mile down river an sum wimmin bathin an swimmin bout tha same distance up river. Heck of a note. Mr. Ashley sent sum of his men down thar ta parlay with them folks an thay all took a rest break an ate thar dinner thar an waited till Mr. Ashley's men got back. When thay cum back ta whar thay nooned, thay tole Mr. Ashley thay was on tha right track an thay had seed that tiger not two days ago whilst out huntin. The expedition saddled up an headed on out North by Northwest higher in tha mountains. Thay made camp fer tha nite an continued on fer 3 more days without any kinda incident. Whilst ridin by this funny kind tree, one of tha guides said fer Buser ta try eatin this thang that looked like a giant green bean. It was quite tasty. Then thar was this ugly lookin green fruit that looked like a slick avocado. Fact is it looked like it was over ripe when ya cut inta it. Those local fellers dun found out Buster liked his sweets an thay got him his sweet fer tha day. Well, Howard took tha first bite. He tells Buster that he jes had ta try it. Buster did an he ate durn near a half dozen fore he stopped an cum up fer air. Boy howdy was them thangs good. Them fellers also would make tha best tortillas an sum kinda hot sauce with black beans. All fresh an it tasted great.
Thay'd ben on tha trail fer bout 5 days now when thar destination cum inta sight. Thar was a mountain stream with 3 or 4 scattered huts round bout it. After camp was made, tha folks livin thar huddled up fer talkin with Mr. Ashley an his guides. Thay was makin plans ta find an catch that tiger. First off thay had ta determine if it really was a tiger or leopard or jaguar. These folks said El Tigre an didn't back down from what thay said. Thay also said thay wanted sum el negro gato. What in tha heck was all that bout? Cun ta find out it was a black cat. Now it's not what ya think; thay wanted firecrackers! Reason was the tiger an bears would git on thar donkeys or folks at nite when thay had ta answer tha call of nature. Tha firecrackers would scare em away. If that don't beat all. That nite sumbody stayed up all nite tendin ta tha fire. Kept it a goin with it givin off nuf lite ta lite up tha whole campsite. When tha boys asked why thay did that thay was tole by one of tha guides that it was fer tha lightenin bugs. Well, tha only lightenin bugs tha boys knowed of was tha ones back home. Thay wouldn't hurt nobody. But these shor would. Thay cum out at nite an ifn thay bit ya, a big hunk of flesh would fall out whar ya was bit. The fire kept em away. Thay didn't like tha light.
These huts of tha folks livin thar were a engineerin feat. Thay took bamboo an made tha house an furnishins, piped water in from tha stream, made a oven fer cookin outa clay an what was left over thay used fer either untensils or spears. These folks had no personal possessions at all. Thar was an old man thar that had ta be in his nineties. One feller an his fren lived purty close by. Fact is, he give his daughter ta his fren fer his wife. She was in her twenties an him in his fifties, I reckon. You gotta know thay was tha first white men an Americans these folks ever seed. Howard an Buster an Jessie an Walter took a notion ta give them folks a few thangs thay brung with em in them suitcases. Tha boys opened em up an begin ta passin out tha goodies.
Thar was T shirts, battery operated flashlights an other lites, an all manner of doodads.
Now them lights was jes tha ticket, I tell ya. No more tendin fires at nite with them lights fer wardin off tha lightenin bugs. Dang thay was big critters. One of tha guides swatted one fer them ta see. Buster dun give that woman that was took ta wife by that older man, a lil stuffed white bear that was in a suitcase with tha other stuff. That was tha only personal thang tha gal had. Now she was tickled ta death over that thar bear. It was all white an fluffy an she hung on ta it fer dear life. Thay give her husband a paintbrush an that old feller was give a pocketknife by Buster. Thay called him Deer Man cause he could run up an down them mountains so fast.
Them folks shor was appreciative, I tell ya. Jes couldn't thank tha boys enuf.
Tha expedition left out tha next mornin lookin fer that tiger. Tha boys stayed behind with a couple of guides ta translate an look after tha boys. Well, knowin them, thay had explorin ta do an Jessie an Buster was inta lookin fer that treasure. Walter was takin pictures an Howard was lookin at ever critter he could find. It was round bout dinner time when Walter seed this hound dog run up ta this one hut. Thar was a chunk of liver lookin meat thay was a fixin ta cook up an that dang dog ate it thar on tha spot. Reckon thay woulda kilt that dog ifn he hadn't a run off. One of tha guides, Juan, said it was all them folks had ta eat an now thay would have ta do without fer a spell till thay cum up on sum game. Tha boys seed one feller pick up a daid skunk an skin him out. He cooked that skunk an made a taco outa it. Boy was it ever rough ta breath round that part of tha woods. Another feller was a goin ta pick up a daid snake of sum kind but Buster stopped that. Even saw sum of them men folks chasin tha biggest snake thay ever saw tryin ta kill it an eat it. Heck, tha boys didn't know them folks was starvin. All tha boys an tha guides went ta gatherin supplies an feedin them folks round thar camp. That stream was ice cold an tha boys kept thar sodies an other foodstuffs that needed ta be kept cool in tha stream. Now ifn ya don't think a cold coca cola won't break tha ice an git ya grin yore wrong. Them folks jes savored drinkin them cokes; jes sipped em an took tha bottles with em too. Buster had his sweets with him an after a bit sum younguns cum outa nowhar from tha jungle. Buster give em sum cookies an candy an thay was happy as thay could be. Jessie an Walter was helpin out sum of tha men folks that was a bangin an rubbin rocks tagather. Cum ta find out these fellers would rub rocks till thay was powder an then put it in half of a bull's horn. Inside of that horn was a black as pitch an when those fellers put water ta it, lo an behold, ya could see tha gold. Heck, thay was gold minin! After a bit 3 men cum inta tha camp an confabbed with Juan an Jose, tha other guide. Thay said ifn thay wanted ta see sumthin thay would take em on a half day's hike tamorrow an thay jes mite see sum of what thay was searchin fer. Tha boys jes couldn't wait till tha next day; thay had ants in thar pants fer shor. Buster dun ben thar if ya remember. Tha next mornin thay lit out. Mr. Ashley give tha OK ta go but ta stay close ta Juan an Jose. Thay would be packin too an thay was give a pistol apiece. Lil Makrov 9mm; light but deadly, fer protection. Tha boys was took ta see a feller called Benjamin. It was pronounced, Ben-a-mean. That feller talked an talked an then finally asked Buster thru Juan why he should trust him.
Buster tole tha feller he dun bizness on tha principles of Jesus Christ an so did Walter, Jessie an Howard. He tole Juan he knowed of Jesus from tha missionaries from years past in tha stories past down from thar ancestors. What tha feller showed tha boys was a sight fer shor. Thar was what thay called a mummy holdin a round ball that was took from a grave thay dug up. Tha ball was Chinese with a solid gold nugget inside ta make it jingle. Tha mummy was a statue that was ancient. Benjamin mapped out caves in tha cliffs whar thar was treasure an graves of men he did not know of. Benjamin give that ball ta Buster an it being a priceless possession of thar people. Buster had ta take it or be disrespectful. Then Deer Man cum ta Buster as solemn as a Judge. He brung Buster a rock. Well, Buster didn't want no rock! Had no place ta tote it. Juan an Jose said he had ta take it cause of that pocketknife Buster give him. Juan an Jose jabbered a while with Deer Man an then he left. When he was gone, Juan explained about tha rock. Seein as how Buster an Jessie was lookin fer gold, he was givin em sum. That rock was quartz an when Juan turned it over, tha whole bottom was encased in gold. The old man was given Buster tha location of tha mother lode. Tha boys was sum kinda excited, I tell ya! Well after a bit tha boys an Juan an Jose struck on out back ta camp cause dark was comin on. Tha boys had a whale of a story ta tell Mr. Ashley that nite fer shor. Mr. Ashley said he found tracks an thay shor was big enuf ta be a tiger. Said thay was gonna bait a trap fer him in tha mornin an try ta catch him. If it was really a tiger, jes how in tha world did he git in this neck of tha woods was tha question. It was hard ta believe.
When tha boys went back ta see Benjamin, he had a tale of a lost mine over in tha State of San Luis Potosi near a lil town called Guadalcazar. It was passed down ta him from his people from tha time when thay were slaves ta tha Conquistadores. If tha boys found tha gold would thay send back help ta save thar mango crop. That is how thay lived by barterin thar mangos. Of course tha boys said thay would.
Tha next day tha boys went thru a pass an doubled back inta tha mountains before turnin West ta tha sea. Bout thar at that point, was water in a pool that was stream fed an a natural cave in tha side of tha mountain. Tha boys decided thay'd take a looksee an explore tha cave. Juan an Jose went long too an thay turned on thar flashlights when thay entered tha cave. First off ya could tell it had been occupied in tha distant past with the paintins on tha walls. Evidence of old fires an scattered artifacts was all bout. Then bones was cummin inta sight. Tha deeper thay went inta tha cave tha spookier it got. Then thay heared a growl. When thay shined thar light in that direction thay saw green eyes a starin back at em. Tha boys run ta a small tunnel ta one side of tha cave an Juan an Jose said thay was gonna shoot tha first chance thay got. Well, that didn't happen! That tiger headed straight toward tha boys an not back out of tha cave whar Juan an Jose could git a shot. All 4 of tha boys pulled thar pistols an was ready ta fire when that tiger stopped dead in his tracks an roared at em. Danged ifn Howard didn't take ta actin like a lion tamer in tha circus. That tiger sit right down an roared an pawed tha air. Bout that time Mr. Ashley cum inta tha cave an tha tiger sprang towards him. Mr. Ashley shot him.
Thay loaded tha tiger in a cage thay built outa that danged tuf bamboo an was cartin him off back ta base camp. Tha tranquilizer Mr. Ashley used woulda took down a elephant but wadn't nuf ta hurt tha tiger. Mr. Ashley an Howard checked over tha tiger an found markings of a tattoo of a Turkish Potentate. Thar was records that thar was a shipwreck down by tha ocean sum years back Mr. Ashley said. Reckon since tigers could swim; he made it ta shore an made his way up here whar it was more like his habitat.
When tha expedition got back ta Lázaro Cárdenas, tha boys tole Mr. Ashley that thay was gonna drive tha long way back ta home. Thay was headed home by way of San Luis Potosi. After Jessie was swooned over by Marguerite at tha hotel that evenin, tha boys left out early tha next mornin so's Jessie an his pheromones didn't have ta break another heart.
Tha drive ta San Luis Potosi was both beautiful an enjoyable an sad. Tha poverty was simply overwhelmin. Tha boys knew poor but never seed tha like of these folks before. This here trip shorly impacted Buster, Jessie Walter an Howard fer tha rest of thar lives. All them boys had a big heart but what thay seed here turned thar natural goodness ta action an movin mountains fer helping foks tha rest of thar lives. Thay dun that tagather an alone, but thay dun it. Lots of folks have ben helped cause of them boys.
Anyhow, tha boys dun a lil sightseein long tha way an figured ta look at them famous cliff divers thar in Acapulco. When thay drove in thay found em a place ta stay tha nite an generally found thay wadn't havin too much trouble gittin round. Tha boys cleaned up a mite an went ta watch them divers an eat sum supper thar too at a restaurant whar ya could watch them fellers climb tha rocks an dive off. Most folks thar could speak sum English as this here was a major tourist attraction. Tha boys was enjoyin themselfs an eatin a good meal while seein tha divers when all of a sudden thar was a rumblin an a shakin that was plum skerry. Heck fire! Thay was right smack dab in tha middle of a earthquake! Onlyest one tha boys ever ben in an shor nuf tha last un thay ever wanted ta be in an that's fer shor. Everbody thar in tha restaurant was a hollerin an screamin an them fellers doin tha divin was hangin on fer dear life. All tha boys jumped up an was headed fer tha truck but Buster an he got tackled an latched onto by this big ole gal that was a waitin on tables thar in tha restaurant. Buster jes couldn't git a loose from that woman! She hung onta Buster tighter than Dick's hatband, I tell ya. Well it wadn't long till it was all over an thangs settled down a good bit. That woman was a gushin over Buster sayin in her broken English that Buster dun saved her life. Why he didn't do no sich a thang but ta hear her till it, Buster dun saved tha town. When Jessie, Howard an Walter sit back down at thar table, Buster tole Jessie not ta git too close. Jessie asked Buster why, was sumthin tha matter? Buster said he thought sum of Jessie's pheromomes was a beginin ta rub offa him an he shor didn't want tha bad uns cause it seemed ta Buster that Jessie was always a gittin tha purty uns an him tha leftovers. Well, Walter, Howard an Buster jes went ta howlin bout them pheromones of Jessie's an he jes sulled up like a ole horny toad. Was funny then an a dang sight funnier now that ya think on it.
Buster got em all loaded up an off tha next mornin ta San Luis. Thay stopped at a lil town, or at least it seemed little, an was a gonna gas up an eat a bite. When thay turned a corner ta git ta tha main part of tha town, reckoned what thay dun seen. A WalMart an a McDonalds. Now jes whar in tha world did thay cum from? Thay all went in WalMart an dun a lil shoppin an got sum dinner at McDonalds. Always a surprise an a opportunity said Walter. Ya jes never knowed what ya was gonna run inta next. Kinda like findin lil Lynette at tha rodeo or them Watusi bulls of hisn. Thay took on off after thay ate a bite an only got held up a time or too on tha way. But after thay got inta middle of tha country folks seemed ta be purty nice. Tha boys stayed one more nite out before thay got ta Guadalcazar an it was a right nice hotel an cheap too. The gals thar was shor nuf purty an dressed up real fine too. This one gal working at tha desk was a lil shy but ya know Buster; t'ween him an Walter, thay'd talk tha brass horns offa billy goat. Well, Buster an Walter jes was a chattin up a storm an Buster up an asks her if she was married up or had a boyfriend. She said no cause she had ta work hard an help feed her ma her brothers an sisters. Walter then says ta her,"ya see that lil feller over yonder?" She answered she did indeed an thought he was cute. Well, he is tha marryin up kind an he is real shy bout talkin ta gals an wondered if ya might say a word or two ta him. She said she would an she'd be off in a hour. Ole Walter jes winked at Buster an thay pulled Howard over an said ta go long with this funnin thay was gonna have with Jessie. Tha gal was named Maria an she brung her girlfren with her when she met up with tha boys. Buster tole em that tha gals was gonna show em round tha town ta see tha sights. Thar was posed ta be sum Lover'sLeap an Wedding Bell falls close by ta see that was real purty. Thay all jumped inta tha Ford an took off. Thay had a nice time visitin an all an Maria latched onta Jessie like white on rice. When thay got on back ta tha hotel Jessie dun exclaimed that Maria sit awful close ta him an got him a mite fidgety. Walter said it was jes cause thay was so crowded in tha truck was all. Don't think nuthin of it. Well, tha next mornin when thay was checkin out, Maria up an tells Jessie she could go with him but would have ta cum back ta git her folks. Jessie looks at tha boys an rolled hisn eyes with his a tongue jes a wallerin in hisn haid. He hit that door with sparks cummin offn his boots, I tell ya. He was a hollerin ta hurry on up an les go. Thar ain't no corn tharbouts an hisn pheromones was poppin out over him. Course tha three of em tole Maria thay'd like ta take her an her fren an folks on a picnic if she would take em ta grocery store fer tha makins. It jes depended on how Jessie was a feelin. Maria was tellin em she could git off ifn thay could take tha time fer tha picnic an Jessie wadn't ailin too bad. Tha three of em said thar goodbyes an tole her thay shor woulda liked ta go on that picnic but seein as Jessie was all diterated thay's had better git on down tha road. Thay left Maria with a bunch of them pesos in paper an coin an tole her ta take em all out on tha boys an was much obliged fer her hospitality.
Jessie was a chompin at tha bit ta git goin, I tell ya. he was a lookin ever which a way ta see if tha gal was a pursuein him. Thay eased on inta Guadalcazar round bout 2in tha afternoon an went directly ta tha church in tha center of town.
Thay seed a priest thar an was a gittin on ta talking ta him when a ole gentleman cum in ta give his confession. Walter said thay'd wait till he was dun ta finish talkin ta him if that was all right. Walter knowed all bout that kinda stuff since he was Catholic too. Tha boys looked all round tha church house an found out it was 600 hundurt years old. It had all manner of paintins on tha walls an stain glass winders an a bell tower ta boot. When tha priest finished up with tha old feller he took em back ta his quarters an offered em up a glass of wine an sum fruit. He tole em ta stay at tha hotel down tha street an eat thar too. It was safe an he would speak ta tha owner fer em before thay got thar. Also, that old feller that jes left would speak ta em ifn thay would spring fer tha coffee at tha cafe an tell all he knowed bout tha treasure legend. That priest shor fixed tha boys right up an blessed em all an said he jes knowed thay was good boys. Thay all said thay preciated that an hoped ta see him agin soon. Tha ole feller was named Manuel Ortega an he was up in his late 80's but still seemed like he was tuffer than a nickle steak. Tha boys met up with him at tha cafe an he had another feller thar with him named Macario Gallegos that spoke English a good bit ta translate. Macario answered ta tha name of Max an it was short an easy ta say so that's what thay called him. Manuel tole tha boys thru Max all bout tha legend of La Luz mine an treasure. Fact of tha matter is that thar is plenty of evidence of tha general location of whar its at but nobody has found it all these many years. Tha claim is when tha Spanish left out thay buried a hundurt or so men in tha mine an sealed er up tight so nobody could find it. An thay ain't ta this day! Max said he knowed them parts of tha mountains an tha boys said thay'd be glad ta pay him fer his time ta guide em. Thay decided ta leave tha next mornin an see what thay could find. Max said he would meet em at tha hotel an thay made up ta eat breakfast thar then head on out. It was lucky thay had sum camping supplies cause thay might be out a day or two accordin ta Max. On tha way ta tha place whar ya had ta walk, Max had Buster stopped an he talked ta several fellers long tha way gatherin information. Whenever tha boys stopped fer Max ta talk ta sum feller thay would break out tha doodads thay had left an T shirts. Thay give every durn thang thay had away includin tha suitcases. At one place sum fellers was a whackin trees with them machetes. Thay'd take one swang an take down a tree tha size of Buster's arm. Thay weren't very big fellers either but thay was shor nuf stout. Max tole us he knowed of one of them that got in a ruckus an took offa fellers haid with jes one lick of that machete. Said tha fellers head jes rolled down tha road.
Max took em ta a feller's place way up in tha mountains. It took all that ole Ford of Buster's had ta make it but thay did an from thar on it was ta be on foot. Thay made it thar bout mid mornin an met that feller an thay got ta talkin bout "blue fire". He tole em wharever thay saw tha "blue fire" an dug, that thar would be sum kinda treasure thar whether it be pots or artifacts or gold. It was generally a gravesite. All of em took a lil stroll on tha other side of tha feller's garden. He tole tha boys ta git ta diggin with him cause he dun seed "blue fire" here tha other day. Thay commenced ta diggin an shor nuf found sum grindin stones an pots. He said ta keep on diggin an danged if Howard's knife didn't strike sumthin. Turned out ta be bone. It was tha ribcage of a woman but Walter wouldn't dig no farther he said.
Tole em ta cover tha dead woman up an leave her be. The feller said ta them that tha treasure was always underneath tha body an ifn thay kept a diggin thay would find sumthin real good. Well, Walter would have nun of it so thay let it be an covered up tha hole. Tha feller said he seed "blue fire" in tha floor of hisn house an was gonna dig it up ta see what was thar. That feller put a lot of stock in that thar "blue fire" an Max said so did all tha folks round thar.
Buster decided ta wait at tha truck fer em whilst thay went up tha mountain ta whar tha treasure was posed ta be. Ya see, this was posed ta be a treasure site an tha lost mine was in tha north of town an thay was posed ta go thar ifn thay didn't find anythin here. Tha first thang tha feller dun was ta tie a rope round tha waist each of em an had em hunker down an duckwalk with turn thar haids away from tha mountain. Buster was a wonderin what in tha heck thay was a doin when Max cum over an tole Buster these folks was right superstitious. Thay dun all them shenangans cause of a spook called La Chusa. Sum kinda owl bird with big ole red eyes an when he spied ya an looked at ya full in tha face a body would keel over deader than a doorknob. Jessie an Howard an Walter went long with all that doins an got on outa thar finally. Max also said thay believed in Santa Ria magic that was sum kinda a voodoo mixed up with Christian beliefs tha Catholic missionaries taught em way back when.
Buster took him a nap an had a good book ta read an plenty of water, sodie pop an snacks so he was good fer tha day. It was bout two hours tha boys had ben gone when a feller with a rifle cum up on a donkey. Turned out this feller was tha son of the guide that lived whar thay was visitin. Feller couldn't speak no English an Buster was havin a heck of a time communicatin. Well, Buster pulled out sum sodies an snacks an cookies an candy an offered up sum ta tha feller. Tha feller musta ben in hisn late twenties but didn't even know what a television was. Buster called on all tha words in Spanish that he knowed plus dug out Howard's book he got from Mrs. Neal. Finally them two got acquainted an was gettin long mighty fine. Thay went on in tha house an sit fer a spell till Buster got it cross ta tha feller that his frens was with his pa. Seemed like he knowed whar thay was an wanted Buster ta cum on outside with him. He brung up his donkey an motioned fer Buster ta git on. It looked like he was a gonna take Buster ta whar thay all was. Buster jes shook his haid no an said ta him, "mucho gordo"; that means too fat. That lil donkey wadn't hardly bigger a good sized hound an weren't near big enuf ta haul Buster up a mountain. Buster had this feller ta lead his donkey up by a log an then he stood on tha log an leaned on over tha back of that donkey. Buster was a tryin ta show tha feller he was jes too big fer tha donkey ta tote. When Buster leaned on tha donkey an put all his weight on him; that donkey's laigs splayed out, he begin ta brayin an passed sum gas. Buster got up offen tha donkey's back an he was shor nuf proud of that. Well, that feller begin ta laughin an then put his donkey in tha corral an cum back ta Buster still bout ta bust a gut laughin. Buster got ta laughin at him an thay jes sit down in tha cool shade an had a Pepsi an jes enjoyed tha rest of tha afternoon. After another hour or so thay heared tha boys an that fellers pa comin back down tha mountain. Shor nuf, Walter was a ridin a donkey an a grinnin like tha cat that ate tha canary.
Tha boys said thay dug up sum pots an other housekeepin items whar thar was "blue fire" but didn't find no treasure. Thay all went inta tha house an Max translated what all was said an tole Buster he shor made an impression on that feller's son who took em up tha mountain. Said he was a gonna shoot ya till ya give him that Pepsi. Tha boys an Max made up ta go up North ta whar tha lost mine was said ta be tha next day. Thay thanked tha feller an his son fer thar hospitality an left em of them pesos fer good measure.
Tha next mornin thay all took off ta tha mountains ta tha North. Thay came ta a spot that was tha end of tha line as fer as drivin was concerned. Walkin was tha order of tha day agin. Buster said he'd stay with tha truck agin but first thay would poke round a bit with Max cause he got sum infomation fer sum thangs ta look at. First off, thay found a flagstone road that was said ta be built by Indian an Mexican slaves of tha Conquistadores. It was a heck of a piece of work. Up on further up tha mountain thay found a huge stone wheel that was used to crush tha gold ore. Either donkeys, mules oxen or horses pulled that wheel round an round day after day ta crush that ore ta powder. Then thar was 3 vats what was terraced one neath tha other. Ya could see whar tha water cum in from a stream an slowly flowed from one of them vats ta tha other. The gold was heavier than tha dirt an would settle out as the water drained from vat ta vat. So, all tha evidence was thar that a mine had ben thar but whar in tha dickens was it hid? Good question, an Jessie an Buster was aimin ta find out! All tha boys searched round fer a spell an headed on back ta town as it was gittin on ta dark. Max was let out ta visit sum local town folk an land owners up tha mountain an tha boys went on back ta tha hotel.
Max cum back over ta tha hotel an had a meetin with all tha boys ta report what he found out from tha local folks that had title ta tha land up on tha mountain. It seems thar was a feller that had found sum gold up thar but didn't have no resources ta git it out an Max was asked ifn tha boys wanted ta buy him out or go inta partners with him. Max got all tha information an said he would see ta it that all tha paperwork was dun up proper with a lawyer thar in town. He said he thought it was a deal ifn thay could stick round fer a bit an prove it up. Well, tha boys talked it all over an said thay had ta tha end of tha month but then had ta git on back home. All of em agreed ta give it a shot. Thay had enuf of them pesos an dollars ta git back home an put in tha venture so why not. When Jessie put his money up ya jes knowed it was gonna be worth tha doin. The next mornin tha boys met up with Ernesto an Max, made tha deal an all of em went ta tha lawyers office an signed sum papers as partners. Then thay all headed up tha mountain. Ernesto showed whar he dun found sum gold an how he stumbled up on this here hole in tha rock. It was a plum pitiful lookin minin operation. Nuthin but a hole only bout big as a number 2 washtub. Thay all sit on down an begin ta ponder on what ta do. Well, Walter, Buster an Howard all had sum experience with thar pas blowing stumps an beaver dams an decided dynamite was tha ticket ta git on inta tha hole an make it bigger so's thay could step up tha operation. Ernesto an Max went on back ta town with Buster an got sum dynamite an sum supplies fer a few days up on tha mountain.
Walter an Howard figured a way ta use tha old Spanish minin operation an Jessie found a old rod mill without a motor but otherwise was intact. When Buster an the fellers got back thay got ta gittin everything in shape an makin a list of thangs thay needed to operate on a shoestrang. Ifn thay could do that till thay brought in a few chips, thay'd be on tha road. Bout 4 days later everthang was in sum kinda operatin order; leastwise good nuf ta make a nickle. It cum time ta widen that ole hole an everbody was a anticipatin settin off tha dynamite. Buster dun volunteered ta set it off an asked Jessie ifn he wanted ta go long. Jessie was a mite smaller an could git inta tha place whar Buster wanted ta place tha charge. Buster an Jessie got everthang ready ta fire tha hole an Buster tole Jessie he forgot sum extra sticks ifn thay didn't have enuf an asked Jessie ifn he could place tha dynamite on tha left side of tha hole in a natural crack thay saw so thay wouldn't have ta drill nun while he went back down ta git tha extry dynamite in case thay needed it. Jessie tole Buster he would git it ready an run tha fuse back up tha hill whar thay could lite it an git hid fer protection from tha blast. When Buster returned, everythin was set up an ready ta blow. Thay hollered down ta tha others below ta git hid as thay was ready to lite er up. Buster asked Jessie ifn he's like ta do tha honors an blow tha lid offa tha hole. Jessie said shor nuf an here she goes. Jessie set a match ta tha fuse an thay run behind sum rocks an waited fer tha fireworks. She was hot an blowed sky high. Only trouble was it took down a piece of tha mountain thay wadn't figurin on. Buster asked Jessie whar he set tha charge; Jessie said on tha left side like ya tole me an showed Buster bout whar it was. Buster allowed that thay dun got thar wires crossed cause dependin on how ya was lookin at tha hole which side was left. Bout that time tha boys an Ernesto was a hollerin ta git on down thar. Well, Jessie an Buster lit out down thar quick as possible an Ernesto an Max was shor nuf in a celebratin mood a dancin arm in arm an a hoopin an hollerin. Tha boys got em all calmed down an asked what was thar carryin on all bout. Ernesto begin ta tell of tha legend of La Luz mine. Of how thar was 3 holes of entrance an how rich it was. Well, that blast took a piece of tha mountain an slid it down tha east side of thar hole an not tha west side as planned cause of whar Jessie placed tha charge. When tha rock was moved it uncovered three holes not 10 yards from tha hole Ernesto was diggin in. Thay had ta see what all was in thar an Max an Ernesto grabbed sum flashlites an crawled in tha holes that was uncovered. Thar weren't no daid men in thar but sum artifacts an Spanish armor an sum gold an silver sand cast bars was thar too. When ya looked up in any of them three holes with a flashlite ya could see tha gold in tha vein in tha rock. Purtiest rainbow ya ever saw runnin thru tha mountain.
Samples was took an sent ta tha assayer ta see how rich tha mine was an tha results were jes astoundin. Turned out tha main vein assayed out ta 8 plus ounces of gold per ton an a kilo of silver per ton. Thay dun hit tha mother lode!
Tha boys an Ernesto give Max a piece of tha mine ta oversee thar holdins an made a deal with Mexico Mining ta mine it on tha halves an tha lawyer in town to handle thar business.
Buster had tha lawyer send sum money an a expert in mango trees back ta Benjamin like he promised. Ernesto moved on close ta tha big city of Morelia whar his daughter lived an Max
got himself a nice lil hacienda ta oversee tha mine. La Luz was found an it was all in tha news thar in Mexico. Tha landowner made hisself a nice livin from now on fer his family an taxes was nuf fer a new sewer system fer tha town. Jobs was ta be had fer tha town folks with wages 3 times what tha average worker would make, plus bonuses. Tha priest at tha church thar in Guadalcazar blessed tha mine an a party was throwed fer tha town folk.
Tha boys bought tha hotel an had it upgraded an donated nuf money ta remodel tha church.
Tha feller that did own tha hotel was give a good salary ta run tha place an new an soft beds was put in rooms fer each one of tha boys. When Buster, Walter, Howard an Jessie left fer home, thar pockets was a jinglin. Thay was set fer life an thar folks too. But how much does a feller need? Tha boys all decided ta make a foundation that Jessie had read up on ta help folks. While thay was thar thay had tha lawyer fix one up legal like ta help folks thay seen that really needed it an had part of thar earnings cum back ta tha States ta tha bank whar Walter's sister Pamela Kay worked.
Tha boys got on back home an had sum kinda story ta tell everbody. Thay all went ta see Mr. Ashley an checked on tha tiger. Thay give him nuf money ta send him back ta tha wild sumwhars in India fer a free life instead of bein cooped up in a cage.
Buster sent tha ball back ta Max with sum money ta make sure tha folks had nuf ta eat an sum improvements fer a better life. Max had ta go all tha way cross Mexico an git runners ta go inta tha mountains ta find Benjamin an them other folks thay seed by tha stream with tha lightenin bugs. Max reported that Benjamin sent sum pesos ta Buster fer helpin save tha mangos. Buster jes donated that too ta tha cause. Jessie sent sum money ta help out Maria at tha hotel since thar was not man ta help her an her ma since her pa was kilt in a accident. Jessie felt plum bad bout his pheromones upsettin her like it did. Walter sent sum good stock down ta tha town ta upgrade thar beef an dairy cows plus sum good gray stallions ta sire sum good horseflesh fer em too. Howard found sum good heavy equipment fer tha town fer building an maintainin roads. A wind generator an water plant was got fer em too.
All in all, it was quite a trip. Reckon sum of them Guardian Angels worked tha other side fer blessings as well as protectin seein how right an tha Lord's will was dun by tha boys. Tha hand of God had ben placed on Jessie, Howard, Walter an Buster. Thay was proud ta be a steward of tha riches he has provided an in His service fer thar neighbor in need.
Feller once said that a body was borned with all tha treasures of life; it was jes how he squandered em.
Tha boys vowed ta not never do that; thay won't.
Bout then Jessie piped up an wanted ta know more bout tha treasure with Buster hot on his tail askin tha same thang. Howard tole Jessie an Buster what he said in that paper an what Mr. Ashley tole him bout it. Said it was a legend an didn't know how true it was but the local Mexicans an Indians shor nuf believed it. Thar was evidence of tha Spanish Conquistadores bein thar so thar might be sum treasure tharbouts; he jes didn't know. Well, all em said ta count em in fer another adventure but thay all wanted ta know ifn thay could take thar rifles an shotguns an Howard said Mr. Ashley would have sum thar fer em when thay got thar. Tha expedition had permission from tha Mexican governmint fer sum ta be provided on tha trip.
The boys all got ta gittin ready packin an with gittin permission from thar folks an school an all, it was a right busy time. Thay was ta take on off in 2 weeks.
Course tha boys folks all talked bout tha trip with each other an with Mr. Ashley. All them boys had rambled round nuf that thay knowed ta be careful an all an thay was orderd by their mas not ta tangle with no tigers! Well, tha day finally cum an the boys left on out early of a Saturday mornin in Buster's Ford. Thay had er all shined up as best thay could an greased, oil changed an new tires ta boot. Thay was ready an rarin ta go; headin South.
Not nary one tha boys could speak Spanish but all of em knowed a smatterin of it; reckon jes nuf ta git themelfs inta trouble. Howard dun brung a book along on it though that he got from Mrs. Neal, tha school Librarian. Buster an Jessie took ta practicein on a few words an phrases but Walter was gittin tha hang of it betterin than any of em. Well, thay was glad thay knowed what thay did of Spanish cause gittin cross tha border was a chore in itself. Jes gittin tha right papers an goin in tha right direction took em several hours but thay finally made it. Thay come ta checkpoints run by tha military an that was a mite difficult with all tha jabberin an them lil fellers with big, silver guns thay was a wavin round. Finally, with sum water an sodie pops an a few snacks, thay got on through. Once thay cum ta a gas station an tha Federales an local Po-Leece was thar. Thay all rode in tha back of pickup trucks with grab bars an patroled thar area thataway. Buster was a pumpin his gas when a couple of them Federales nodded at him whilst thay was a gassin up too. Buster pulled out hisn billfold an that's whar he kept his Junior Deputy Sheriff badge he got from Sheriff Gravette fer helpin at parades an ballgames an sich. Well, that feller took ta a jabberin ta tha other un an thay cum over an started ta tryin ta talk ta Buster. One feller took hisn badge outa his pocket an showed it ta Buster an pointed ta Buster's badge in his billfold. Buster took his badge out an showed it ta tha feller an then it almost cum ta ole home week. Thar was grinnin an talkin an back slappin an thay even got a camera an had thar picture took with Buster an tha boys. One of tha fellers cum out that was drivin tha truck an he spoke a lil passable English. He pointed Buster an tha boys in the right direction an showed em on a map of whar ta go. Tha roads was a sight better than would expected an that ole Ford of Buster's hummed right along. After thay got on down tha road a piece, thay cum ta a highway what was a 4 lane toll road. Now tha boys all changed sum greenbacks ta pesos an so thay had sum bills an change on em. Buster pulled up ta a toll booth an paid tha man by jes stickin hisn hand out with a bunch of them peso coins. Tha feller took what he wanted an then Buster drove on off. Buster probably didn't git no more tha 50 feet or so till sum feller directed him off ta tha side of tha road. Then sum fellers dragged sum boards cross tha front an back tires with 20 penny nails stickin up from em so's Buster couldn't go nowhar unlessen he got a flat tire on every wheel. A wild lookin feller cum up ta Buster an started a jabberin ta him an thay finally understood he wanted sum of them pesos. Well, Jessie took sum coins outa his pocket an stuck his hand out tha winder an tha feller took him bout 40 cents worth of them coins an then tha other fellers pulled tha boards outa tha way. Cum ta find out later that tha toll booth was a governmint man an tha other fellers was bandits. Reckon thay was so poor thay got money anyway thay could. Heck, that kinda stuff happened 4 or 5 times whilst thay was a drivin on tha West side of Mexico beside tha ocean. Awful purty on tha Pacific coast an thay seen sum sights that's fer shor.
Thay was headed fer tha Mexican State of Michoacan an a town called Lázaro Cárdenas. That was thar jumpin off point fer tha expedition. Buster was a drivin along an all of a sudden Howard took ta hollerin ta stop tha truck. He dun seed a youngun with a danged lizard a danglin from a strang on tha side of tha road a tryin ta sell it. Howard gits on outa tha truck an tha boy starts in on them pesos agin a offerin tha lizard fer sum of them coins. Tha lizard seemed like he was bout half daid an part of hisn tail was gone too. Howard up an pays tha boy sum coins an takes tha lizard an turns him a loose up tha road a piece. Said he jes couldn't see bein mean ta tha critter. After a bit thay cum ta a place ta gas up an that had a lil cafe of sorts. Place seemed clean nuf an lots a grinnin was goin on an Walter took ta orderin sum vittles fer tha boys. Whilst he was a lookin at tha menu, he tole tha rest of tha boys to look what he seed. Walter tole Howard thay was bout ta eat sum of his lizard cause that was what was on tha menu. It was called a iguana. Reckon folks liked em since thay was a lappin up them lizards thar in that cafe. Howard only said thay didn't git tha one he bought; that un was tha one that got away! Thay all had a chuckle over that but unedrstood Howard an his way with critters. Howard wouldn't have nun of that lizard ta eat an got him sum beans an rice an sum kinda vegetable dish thay was a servin. Said it was plum pitiful eatin lizards. As thay was a drivin down tha coast, thay's seed lil stands with cold drinks an sumthin ta eat. Buster pulled in ta one place that had a right nice view an all of em went on in ta see what thay was makin an sellin. Whew! Sum of them fish thar was already ripe an smelled ta high heaven an tha drinks was recapped bottles of water an sodies. Course tha boys had coolers with thar own water an cokes so thay didn't buy nun as thay was cautioned by Mr. Ashley ta carry thar own plus snacks. Tha boys was well provisioned by thar mas, I tell ya an each of em had a pocket knife an Buster had a tool kit in tha back of tha Ford. Howard's brother sent sum stuff from tha church ta give folks up in them mountains fer goodwill an all. Them two suitcases had all manner of doodads an T shirts that was donated from tha members. That ole Ford rolled inta Lázaro Cárdenas an thay found em a hotel called tha Hotel Marguarite. Had ta share a bathroom but it was clean nuf. But tha beds was sumthin else. Now Buster was tha biggest of tha boys an whilst he layed on down on tha bed, Walter took is picture. Had one of them cameras that popped tha picture right outa tha bottom without sendin it off ta git developed. A new fangled kind Walter got off hisn sister Pamela Kay fore he left out. Walter dearly loved ta take pictures an he jes had ta borry that un from her or she'd never hear tha end of it. Tha camera really was ole Jerry Ashford's; tha feller that was sparkin Pamela Kay. He was dun bit by tha love bug so it weren't no problem ta git ta use that camera. Ole Walter was tickled plum pink a takin pictures; ain't no tellin how much film he brung with him. Anyhow, Walter showed Jessie an Howard tha picture an asked ifn thay seed anythin unusal bout it. Walter said ta look real close now. Ya see, Howard an Jessie was haulin in thar belongins so thay ain't had time ta try out tha beds but thay shor was lookin forward ta good nights sleep. Both of em said it looked fine ta them an then Walter said what bout tha bedspread? Thar weren't a wrinkle one in that bedspread an Buster bein tha biggest of tha bunch, thar ort ta be at least a wrinkle. Well, both of em agreed ta that.
Walter tole Jessie an Howard ta not go ta floppin down on thar beds nun too hard cause under that bedspread was solid rock! When thay say a bed is as hard as a rock, thay mean it down thar! Tha whole dang bed was a solid block of concrete an one of em was a chunk of plain ole rock from a quarry it looked like.
Jessie asked tha gal at tha desk bout eatin sum place good an close by an she turned out ta be Marguarite. Her daddy named the hotel after her. she spoke English too. She had kin in Texas an learned it when she visited thar she said. Tha boys figured thay'd have a look round town an buy a few thangs ta take with em an fer thar folks back home. It was a fair sized lil town. After a lil shoppin tha boys found tha place ta eat thay was sent to. After thay sit a spell an was a figurin what ta eat, Buster tells em ta look out tha winder. Thar was a couple of fellers in tha back of a pickup truck with a dead cow in tha bed. Thay was a choppin off hunks of beef an sellin it ta another place next door. It was hot an flies was everwhar on that beef an blowin it an it shor weren't clean in tha bed of that truck! Buster said he didn't reckon he wanted no beefsteak from that place! When tha waiter cum by Jessie said he didn't want no steak neither but jes whar did thay git thar meat? Feller jes pointed put tha winder ta them two fellers in that truck. Reckon that's all it took an tha boys up an left that place, pronto. Thay found em a grocery store an went in an bought em sum canned goods an other packaged food thay could eat easy like. Next mornin, tha hotel owner was thar an Jessie stared ta talkin ta him an he said ta wait thar an then took all tha boys in tha back an had em ta sit on down at his table. Then his gal left out after he said sumthin ta her an after a bit he brung out a pot of coffee an she cum back with fresh groceries. Thay had a real fine meal prepared by him an his daughter an he says through her that he was glad thay stayed with him at his hotel. Cum ta find out Jessie had a few words with her when thay cum in last nite an she tole her pa bout it. That gal took a shine ta ole Jessie, I reckon, cause she dun tole him that she would be back ta Texas real soon an shor wouldn't mind him visitin her. Buster tole Jessie; thar go them pheromones agin, ya jes gotta stop that or ya gonna be deviled by tha gals nite an day. Buster was a laughin up a storm an so was Howard an Walter. See, Buster dun tole em bout thar trip ta Kentucky an nun of em tole Jessie a thang different from what Buster tole him. The three of em went along with tha joke an it had ole Jessie in a dither that's fer shor. Thay all knowed that one of these days one of them gals would git her hooks inta Jessie an thar wadn't a thang he could do about it neither. That love bug would git him too.
Tha next day thay met up with Mr. Ashley an his party an headed on out ta tha trailhead ta leave ta tha mountains. Thay left thar vehicles an Buster's Ford at a lil town called Artega, whar thay picked up tha horses, mules an donkeys. Thar was plenty of help packin but Walter jumped right on in an begin ta git know tha stock. Howard was a visitin with Mr. Ashley so Buster an Jessie went on over ta a lil storefront an sit down an jes watched what was a goin on. All of a sudden, Buster tells Jessie ta look what was a cummin. Thar had ta be one of tha purtiest gals ya ever did see walkin down tha street a pushin a baby buggy.
She was blonde headed an blue eyed an downright movie star quality. She wadn't dark as Mexican usually are but jes as white as thay was. Ole Jessie's eyes bugged out an he said it was tha purtiest gal he ever did see. She musta been one of them Castillian Spanish decendents cause she didn't look nuthin like tha rest of tha folks thay seed but she was Mexican an from thar is what thay found out. Buster said ta Jessie that one of these days he'd meet his match an then he was gonna be Best Man. Jessie said it weren't gonna happen but course later on in life, it did, an Buster was Best Man.
Thay was a burnin daylite so thay headed on up inta tha mountains lookin fer that tiger. Buster an Jessie was gittin tha lowdown on the treasure from tha fellers helpin an was gonna look fer it whilst tha rest of em was tiger huntin. Tha party worked its way up in them mountains by way of game trails an hackin thar way up dry streambeds. Tha fellers seemed ta know whar thay was a goin an thay made good time ta a base camp that was a small ranch near a settlement with 8 or 10 huts. Those folks jes made do. Thay were right ingenuous. Thay could make anythin work.
When all of em got ta tha ranch an tended tha stock an set up camp; thay run cross a hole bout 40 feet deep. Bein inquistive like, tha boys asked one of the fellers that could translate, what in tha dickens that hole was fer. Well here's tha story. Thay tell that thar was 4 fellers that was a diggin fer treasure an begin ta diggin this here hole. Thay got down ta bout 25 feet an then she plateaued. Benched it out sum an went on down bout another 15 feet or so an cum ta a rock arrow pointin due West. Now thay didn't have no modern equipment. Jes handmade diggin tools an baskets to tote tha dirt out. All dun by hand. Ya jes knowed it was sum kinda hard work in that ground an took quite while to dig that fer. Well, one evenin them 4 fellers went ta a lil make do cantina an was a havin em sum tequila. Thar cum in 2 of tha most beautiful wimmen thay ever saw. A fight dun broke out with them 4 fellers drunk an them vyin fer them wimmin. It cum ta pass that 2 of tha fellers got kilt an one of em went plum loco over tha old affair. Tha ranch thay was on belonged ta tha one survivin feller. All 4 of the fellers was frens an them gals jes disappeared. It was thought that tha fellers was diggin in a gravesite an tha wimmin cum ta git em fightin each other ta leave well nuf alone. Tha's how tha hole cum be be left jes like it is now. Thar was a ladder goin down in tha hole an Howard jes had ta see that arrow pointin West. Now tha ladder was homemade with limbs an tied tagether with vines an was a mite rickety ta say tha least. Howard took on off down that ladder an was talkin ta tha rest of tha boys whilst he was climbin down. Howard said it was shor dark in thar. All of a sudden, Howard dun cum outa that hole like he was shot out of a cannon. He was a beatin an slappin hisself an a squealin like a stuck hog. When he hit solid ground, he took off like a scalded dog! Cum ta find out that tha walls in that hole was completely covered with these huge spiders. Whilst Howard was a hollerin, he dun swallered one of them spiders! One thang bout Howard, him an critters git long rite well but him an spiders jes don't mix. He is puredee skeered of em. Directly he cum on back an he had Jessie an Buster an Walter check him all out ta see ifn all tha spiders was offen his body. He weren't bit nun an was nun tha worse fer wear but was plenty shook up from them spiders. Everbody settled in fer tha nite an was ready fer a early start tha next mornin.
Tha party got way up in tha mountains an cum ta a place overlookin a valley down by a river. Purty place. When thay looked out over tha valley ya could see sum fellers bathin an swimmin bout a quarter mile down river an sum wimmin bathin an swimmin bout tha same distance up river. Heck of a note. Mr. Ashley sent sum of his men down thar ta parlay with them folks an thay all took a rest break an ate thar dinner thar an waited till Mr. Ashley's men got back. When thay cum back ta whar thay nooned, thay tole Mr. Ashley thay was on tha right track an thay had seed that tiger not two days ago whilst out huntin. The expedition saddled up an headed on out North by Northwest higher in tha mountains. Thay made camp fer tha nite an continued on fer 3 more days without any kinda incident. Whilst ridin by this funny kind tree, one of tha guides said fer Buser ta try eatin this thang that looked like a giant green bean. It was quite tasty. Then thar was this ugly lookin green fruit that looked like a slick avocado. Fact is it looked like it was over ripe when ya cut inta it. Those local fellers dun found out Buster liked his sweets an thay got him his sweet fer tha day. Well, Howard took tha first bite. He tells Buster that he jes had ta try it. Buster did an he ate durn near a half dozen fore he stopped an cum up fer air. Boy howdy was them thangs good. Them fellers also would make tha best tortillas an sum kinda hot sauce with black beans. All fresh an it tasted great.
Thay'd ben on tha trail fer bout 5 days now when thar destination cum inta sight. Thar was a mountain stream with 3 or 4 scattered huts round bout it. After camp was made, tha folks livin thar huddled up fer talkin with Mr. Ashley an his guides. Thay was makin plans ta find an catch that tiger. First off thay had ta determine if it really was a tiger or leopard or jaguar. These folks said El Tigre an didn't back down from what thay said. Thay also said thay wanted sum el negro gato. What in tha heck was all that bout? Cun ta find out it was a black cat. Now it's not what ya think; thay wanted firecrackers! Reason was the tiger an bears would git on thar donkeys or folks at nite when thay had ta answer tha call of nature. Tha firecrackers would scare em away. If that don't beat all. That nite sumbody stayed up all nite tendin ta tha fire. Kept it a goin with it givin off nuf lite ta lite up tha whole campsite. When tha boys asked why thay did that thay was tole by one of tha guides that it was fer tha lightenin bugs. Well, tha only lightenin bugs tha boys knowed of was tha ones back home. Thay wouldn't hurt nobody. But these shor would. Thay cum out at nite an ifn thay bit ya, a big hunk of flesh would fall out whar ya was bit. The fire kept em away. Thay didn't like tha light.
These huts of tha folks livin thar were a engineerin feat. Thay took bamboo an made tha house an furnishins, piped water in from tha stream, made a oven fer cookin outa clay an what was left over thay used fer either untensils or spears. These folks had no personal possessions at all. Thar was an old man thar that had ta be in his nineties. One feller an his fren lived purty close by. Fact is, he give his daughter ta his fren fer his wife. She was in her twenties an him in his fifties, I reckon. You gotta know thay was tha first white men an Americans these folks ever seed. Howard an Buster an Jessie an Walter took a notion ta give them folks a few thangs thay brung with em in them suitcases. Tha boys opened em up an begin ta passin out tha goodies.
Thar was T shirts, battery operated flashlights an other lites, an all manner of doodads.
Now them lights was jes tha ticket, I tell ya. No more tendin fires at nite with them lights fer wardin off tha lightenin bugs. Dang thay was big critters. One of tha guides swatted one fer them ta see. Buster dun give that woman that was took ta wife by that older man, a lil stuffed white bear that was in a suitcase with tha other stuff. That was tha only personal thang tha gal had. Now she was tickled ta death over that thar bear. It was all white an fluffy an she hung on ta it fer dear life. Thay give her husband a paintbrush an that old feller was give a pocketknife by Buster. Thay called him Deer Man cause he could run up an down them mountains so fast.
Them folks shor was appreciative, I tell ya. Jes couldn't thank tha boys enuf.
Tha expedition left out tha next mornin lookin fer that tiger. Tha boys stayed behind with a couple of guides ta translate an look after tha boys. Well, knowin them, thay had explorin ta do an Jessie an Buster was inta lookin fer that treasure. Walter was takin pictures an Howard was lookin at ever critter he could find. It was round bout dinner time when Walter seed this hound dog run up ta this one hut. Thar was a chunk of liver lookin meat thay was a fixin ta cook up an that dang dog ate it thar on tha spot. Reckon thay woulda kilt that dog ifn he hadn't a run off. One of tha guides, Juan, said it was all them folks had ta eat an now thay would have ta do without fer a spell till thay cum up on sum game. Tha boys seed one feller pick up a daid skunk an skin him out. He cooked that skunk an made a taco outa it. Boy was it ever rough ta breath round that part of tha woods. Another feller was a goin ta pick up a daid snake of sum kind but Buster stopped that. Even saw sum of them men folks chasin tha biggest snake thay ever saw tryin ta kill it an eat it. Heck, tha boys didn't know them folks was starvin. All tha boys an tha guides went ta gatherin supplies an feedin them folks round thar camp. That stream was ice cold an tha boys kept thar sodies an other foodstuffs that needed ta be kept cool in tha stream. Now ifn ya don't think a cold coca cola won't break tha ice an git ya grin yore wrong. Them folks jes savored drinkin them cokes; jes sipped em an took tha bottles with em too. Buster had his sweets with him an after a bit sum younguns cum outa nowhar from tha jungle. Buster give em sum cookies an candy an thay was happy as thay could be. Jessie an Walter was helpin out sum of tha men folks that was a bangin an rubbin rocks tagather. Cum ta find out these fellers would rub rocks till thay was powder an then put it in half of a bull's horn. Inside of that horn was a black as pitch an when those fellers put water ta it, lo an behold, ya could see tha gold. Heck, thay was gold minin! After a bit 3 men cum inta tha camp an confabbed with Juan an Jose, tha other guide. Thay said ifn thay wanted ta see sumthin thay would take em on a half day's hike tamorrow an thay jes mite see sum of what thay was searchin fer. Tha boys jes couldn't wait till tha next day; thay had ants in thar pants fer shor. Buster dun ben thar if ya remember. Tha next mornin thay lit out. Mr. Ashley give tha OK ta go but ta stay close ta Juan an Jose. Thay would be packin too an thay was give a pistol apiece. Lil Makrov 9mm; light but deadly, fer protection. Tha boys was took ta see a feller called Benjamin. It was pronounced, Ben-a-mean. That feller talked an talked an then finally asked Buster thru Juan why he should trust him.
Buster tole tha feller he dun bizness on tha principles of Jesus Christ an so did Walter, Jessie an Howard. He tole Juan he knowed of Jesus from tha missionaries from years past in tha stories past down from thar ancestors. What tha feller showed tha boys was a sight fer shor. Thar was what thay called a mummy holdin a round ball that was took from a grave thay dug up. Tha ball was Chinese with a solid gold nugget inside ta make it jingle. Tha mummy was a statue that was ancient. Benjamin mapped out caves in tha cliffs whar thar was treasure an graves of men he did not know of. Benjamin give that ball ta Buster an it being a priceless possession of thar people. Buster had ta take it or be disrespectful. Then Deer Man cum ta Buster as solemn as a Judge. He brung Buster a rock. Well, Buster didn't want no rock! Had no place ta tote it. Juan an Jose said he had ta take it cause of that pocketknife Buster give him. Juan an Jose jabbered a while with Deer Man an then he left. When he was gone, Juan explained about tha rock. Seein as how Buster an Jessie was lookin fer gold, he was givin em sum. That rock was quartz an when Juan turned it over, tha whole bottom was encased in gold. The old man was given Buster tha location of tha mother lode. Tha boys was sum kinda excited, I tell ya! Well after a bit tha boys an Juan an Jose struck on out back ta camp cause dark was comin on. Tha boys had a whale of a story ta tell Mr. Ashley that nite fer shor. Mr. Ashley said he found tracks an thay shor was big enuf ta be a tiger. Said thay was gonna bait a trap fer him in tha mornin an try ta catch him. If it was really a tiger, jes how in tha world did he git in this neck of tha woods was tha question. It was hard ta believe.
When tha boys went back ta see Benjamin, he had a tale of a lost mine over in tha State of San Luis Potosi near a lil town called Guadalcazar. It was passed down ta him from his people from tha time when thay were slaves ta tha Conquistadores. If tha boys found tha gold would thay send back help ta save thar mango crop. That is how thay lived by barterin thar mangos. Of course tha boys said thay would.
Tha next day tha boys went thru a pass an doubled back inta tha mountains before turnin West ta tha sea. Bout thar at that point, was water in a pool that was stream fed an a natural cave in tha side of tha mountain. Tha boys decided thay'd take a looksee an explore tha cave. Juan an Jose went long too an thay turned on thar flashlights when thay entered tha cave. First off ya could tell it had been occupied in tha distant past with the paintins on tha walls. Evidence of old fires an scattered artifacts was all bout. Then bones was cummin inta sight. Tha deeper thay went inta tha cave tha spookier it got. Then thay heared a growl. When thay shined thar light in that direction thay saw green eyes a starin back at em. Tha boys run ta a small tunnel ta one side of tha cave an Juan an Jose said thay was gonna shoot tha first chance thay got. Well, that didn't happen! That tiger headed straight toward tha boys an not back out of tha cave whar Juan an Jose could git a shot. All 4 of tha boys pulled thar pistols an was ready ta fire when that tiger stopped dead in his tracks an roared at em. Danged ifn Howard didn't take ta actin like a lion tamer in tha circus. That tiger sit right down an roared an pawed tha air. Bout that time Mr. Ashley cum inta tha cave an tha tiger sprang towards him. Mr. Ashley shot him.
Thay loaded tha tiger in a cage thay built outa that danged tuf bamboo an was cartin him off back ta base camp. Tha tranquilizer Mr. Ashley used woulda took down a elephant but wadn't nuf ta hurt tha tiger. Mr. Ashley an Howard checked over tha tiger an found markings of a tattoo of a Turkish Potentate. Thar was records that thar was a shipwreck down by tha ocean sum years back Mr. Ashley said. Reckon since tigers could swim; he made it ta shore an made his way up here whar it was more like his habitat.
When tha expedition got back ta Lázaro Cárdenas, tha boys tole Mr. Ashley that thay was gonna drive tha long way back ta home. Thay was headed home by way of San Luis Potosi. After Jessie was swooned over by Marguerite at tha hotel that evenin, tha boys left out early tha next mornin so's Jessie an his pheromones didn't have ta break another heart.
Tha drive ta San Luis Potosi was both beautiful an enjoyable an sad. Tha poverty was simply overwhelmin. Tha boys knew poor but never seed tha like of these folks before. This here trip shorly impacted Buster, Jessie Walter an Howard fer tha rest of thar lives. All them boys had a big heart but what thay seed here turned thar natural goodness ta action an movin mountains fer helping foks tha rest of thar lives. Thay dun that tagather an alone, but thay dun it. Lots of folks have ben helped cause of them boys.
Anyhow, tha boys dun a lil sightseein long tha way an figured ta look at them famous cliff divers thar in Acapulco. When thay drove in thay found em a place ta stay tha nite an generally found thay wadn't havin too much trouble gittin round. Tha boys cleaned up a mite an went ta watch them divers an eat sum supper thar too at a restaurant whar ya could watch them fellers climb tha rocks an dive off. Most folks thar could speak sum English as this here was a major tourist attraction. Tha boys was enjoyin themselfs an eatin a good meal while seein tha divers when all of a sudden thar was a rumblin an a shakin that was plum skerry. Heck fire! Thay was right smack dab in tha middle of a earthquake! Onlyest one tha boys ever ben in an shor nuf tha last un thay ever wanted ta be in an that's fer shor. Everbody thar in tha restaurant was a hollerin an screamin an them fellers doin tha divin was hangin on fer dear life. All tha boys jumped up an was headed fer tha truck but Buster an he got tackled an latched onto by this big ole gal that was a waitin on tables thar in tha restaurant. Buster jes couldn't git a loose from that woman! She hung onta Buster tighter than Dick's hatband, I tell ya. Well it wadn't long till it was all over an thangs settled down a good bit. That woman was a gushin over Buster sayin in her broken English that Buster dun saved her life. Why he didn't do no sich a thang but ta hear her till it, Buster dun saved tha town. When Jessie, Howard an Walter sit back down at thar table, Buster tole Jessie not ta git too close. Jessie asked Buster why, was sumthin tha matter? Buster said he thought sum of Jessie's pheromomes was a beginin ta rub offa him an he shor didn't want tha bad uns cause it seemed ta Buster that Jessie was always a gittin tha purty uns an him tha leftovers. Well, Walter, Howard an Buster jes went ta howlin bout them pheromones of Jessie's an he jes sulled up like a ole horny toad. Was funny then an a dang sight funnier now that ya think on it.
Buster got em all loaded up an off tha next mornin ta San Luis. Thay stopped at a lil town, or at least it seemed little, an was a gonna gas up an eat a bite. When thay turned a corner ta git ta tha main part of tha town, reckoned what thay dun seen. A WalMart an a McDonalds. Now jes whar in tha world did thay cum from? Thay all went in WalMart an dun a lil shoppin an got sum dinner at McDonalds. Always a surprise an a opportunity said Walter. Ya jes never knowed what ya was gonna run inta next. Kinda like findin lil Lynette at tha rodeo or them Watusi bulls of hisn. Thay took on off after thay ate a bite an only got held up a time or too on tha way. But after thay got inta middle of tha country folks seemed ta be purty nice. Tha boys stayed one more nite out before thay got ta Guadalcazar an it was a right nice hotel an cheap too. The gals thar was shor nuf purty an dressed up real fine too. This one gal working at tha desk was a lil shy but ya know Buster; t'ween him an Walter, thay'd talk tha brass horns offa billy goat. Well, Buster an Walter jes was a chattin up a storm an Buster up an asks her if she was married up or had a boyfriend. She said no cause she had ta work hard an help feed her ma her brothers an sisters. Walter then says ta her,"ya see that lil feller over yonder?" She answered she did indeed an thought he was cute. Well, he is tha marryin up kind an he is real shy bout talkin ta gals an wondered if ya might say a word or two ta him. She said she would an she'd be off in a hour. Ole Walter jes winked at Buster an thay pulled Howard over an said ta go long with this funnin thay was gonna have with Jessie. Tha gal was named Maria an she brung her girlfren with her when she met up with tha boys. Buster tole em that tha gals was gonna show em round tha town ta see tha sights. Thar was posed ta be sum Lover'sLeap an Wedding Bell falls close by ta see that was real purty. Thay all jumped inta tha Ford an took off. Thay had a nice time visitin an all an Maria latched onta Jessie like white on rice. When thay got on back ta tha hotel Jessie dun exclaimed that Maria sit awful close ta him an got him a mite fidgety. Walter said it was jes cause thay was so crowded in tha truck was all. Don't think nuthin of it. Well, tha next mornin when thay was checkin out, Maria up an tells Jessie she could go with him but would have ta cum back ta git her folks. Jessie looks at tha boys an rolled hisn eyes with his a tongue jes a wallerin in hisn haid. He hit that door with sparks cummin offn his boots, I tell ya. He was a hollerin ta hurry on up an les go. Thar ain't no corn tharbouts an hisn pheromones was poppin out over him. Course tha three of em tole Maria thay'd like ta take her an her fren an folks on a picnic if she would take em ta grocery store fer tha makins. It jes depended on how Jessie was a feelin. Maria was tellin em she could git off ifn thay could take tha time fer tha picnic an Jessie wadn't ailin too bad. Tha three of em said thar goodbyes an tole her thay shor woulda liked ta go on that picnic but seein as Jessie was all diterated thay's had better git on down tha road. Thay left Maria with a bunch of them pesos in paper an coin an tole her ta take em all out on tha boys an was much obliged fer her hospitality.
Jessie was a chompin at tha bit ta git goin, I tell ya. he was a lookin ever which a way ta see if tha gal was a pursuein him. Thay eased on inta Guadalcazar round bout 2in tha afternoon an went directly ta tha church in tha center of town.
Thay seed a priest thar an was a gittin on ta talking ta him when a ole gentleman cum in ta give his confession. Walter said thay'd wait till he was dun ta finish talkin ta him if that was all right. Walter knowed all bout that kinda stuff since he was Catholic too. Tha boys looked all round tha church house an found out it was 600 hundurt years old. It had all manner of paintins on tha walls an stain glass winders an a bell tower ta boot. When tha priest finished up with tha old feller he took em back ta his quarters an offered em up a glass of wine an sum fruit. He tole em ta stay at tha hotel down tha street an eat thar too. It was safe an he would speak ta tha owner fer em before thay got thar. Also, that old feller that jes left would speak ta em ifn thay would spring fer tha coffee at tha cafe an tell all he knowed bout tha treasure legend. That priest shor fixed tha boys right up an blessed em all an said he jes knowed thay was good boys. Thay all said thay preciated that an hoped ta see him agin soon. Tha ole feller was named Manuel Ortega an he was up in his late 80's but still seemed like he was tuffer than a nickle steak. Tha boys met up with him at tha cafe an he had another feller thar with him named Macario Gallegos that spoke English a good bit ta translate. Macario answered ta tha name of Max an it was short an easy ta say so that's what thay called him. Manuel tole tha boys thru Max all bout tha legend of La Luz mine an treasure. Fact of tha matter is that thar is plenty of evidence of tha general location of whar its at but nobody has found it all these many years. Tha claim is when tha Spanish left out thay buried a hundurt or so men in tha mine an sealed er up tight so nobody could find it. An thay ain't ta this day! Max said he knowed them parts of tha mountains an tha boys said thay'd be glad ta pay him fer his time ta guide em. Thay decided ta leave tha next mornin an see what thay could find. Max said he would meet em at tha hotel an thay made up ta eat breakfast thar then head on out. It was lucky thay had sum camping supplies cause thay might be out a day or two accordin ta Max. On tha way ta tha place whar ya had ta walk, Max had Buster stopped an he talked ta several fellers long tha way gatherin information. Whenever tha boys stopped fer Max ta talk ta sum feller thay would break out tha doodads thay had left an T shirts. Thay give every durn thang thay had away includin tha suitcases. At one place sum fellers was a whackin trees with them machetes. Thay'd take one swang an take down a tree tha size of Buster's arm. Thay weren't very big fellers either but thay was shor nuf stout. Max tole us he knowed of one of them that got in a ruckus an took offa fellers haid with jes one lick of that machete. Said tha fellers head jes rolled down tha road.
Max took em ta a feller's place way up in tha mountains. It took all that ole Ford of Buster's had ta make it but thay did an from thar on it was ta be on foot. Thay made it thar bout mid mornin an met that feller an thay got ta talkin bout "blue fire". He tole em wharever thay saw tha "blue fire" an dug, that thar would be sum kinda treasure thar whether it be pots or artifacts or gold. It was generally a gravesite. All of em took a lil stroll on tha other side of tha feller's garden. He tole tha boys ta git ta diggin with him cause he dun seed "blue fire" here tha other day. Thay commenced ta diggin an shor nuf found sum grindin stones an pots. He said ta keep on diggin an danged if Howard's knife didn't strike sumthin. Turned out ta be bone. It was tha ribcage of a woman but Walter wouldn't dig no farther he said.
Tole em ta cover tha dead woman up an leave her be. The feller said ta them that tha treasure was always underneath tha body an ifn thay kept a diggin thay would find sumthin real good. Well, Walter would have nun of it so thay let it be an covered up tha hole. Tha feller said he seed "blue fire" in tha floor of hisn house an was gonna dig it up ta see what was thar. That feller put a lot of stock in that thar "blue fire" an Max said so did all tha folks round thar.
Buster decided ta wait at tha truck fer em whilst thay went up tha mountain ta whar tha treasure was posed ta be. Ya see, this was posed ta be a treasure site an tha lost mine was in tha north of town an thay was posed ta go thar ifn thay didn't find anythin here. Tha first thang tha feller dun was ta tie a rope round tha waist each of em an had em hunker down an duckwalk with turn thar haids away from tha mountain. Buster was a wonderin what in tha heck thay was a doin when Max cum over an tole Buster these folks was right superstitious. Thay dun all them shenangans cause of a spook called La Chusa. Sum kinda owl bird with big ole red eyes an when he spied ya an looked at ya full in tha face a body would keel over deader than a doorknob. Jessie an Howard an Walter went long with all that doins an got on outa thar finally. Max also said thay believed in Santa Ria magic that was sum kinda a voodoo mixed up with Christian beliefs tha Catholic missionaries taught em way back when.
Buster took him a nap an had a good book ta read an plenty of water, sodie pop an snacks so he was good fer tha day. It was bout two hours tha boys had ben gone when a feller with a rifle cum up on a donkey. Turned out this feller was tha son of the guide that lived whar thay was visitin. Feller couldn't speak no English an Buster was havin a heck of a time communicatin. Well, Buster pulled out sum sodies an snacks an cookies an candy an offered up sum ta tha feller. Tha feller musta ben in hisn late twenties but didn't even know what a television was. Buster called on all tha words in Spanish that he knowed plus dug out Howard's book he got from Mrs. Neal. Finally them two got acquainted an was gettin long mighty fine. Thay went on in tha house an sit fer a spell till Buster got it cross ta tha feller that his frens was with his pa. Seemed like he knowed whar thay was an wanted Buster ta cum on outside with him. He brung up his donkey an motioned fer Buster ta git on. It looked like he was a gonna take Buster ta whar thay all was. Buster jes shook his haid no an said ta him, "mucho gordo"; that means too fat. That lil donkey wadn't hardly bigger a good sized hound an weren't near big enuf ta haul Buster up a mountain. Buster had this feller ta lead his donkey up by a log an then he stood on tha log an leaned on over tha back of that donkey. Buster was a tryin ta show tha feller he was jes too big fer tha donkey ta tote. When Buster leaned on tha donkey an put all his weight on him; that donkey's laigs splayed out, he begin ta brayin an passed sum gas. Buster got up offen tha donkey's back an he was shor nuf proud of that. Well, that feller begin ta laughin an then put his donkey in tha corral an cum back ta Buster still bout ta bust a gut laughin. Buster got ta laughin at him an thay jes sit down in tha cool shade an had a Pepsi an jes enjoyed tha rest of tha afternoon. After another hour or so thay heared tha boys an that fellers pa comin back down tha mountain. Shor nuf, Walter was a ridin a donkey an a grinnin like tha cat that ate tha canary.
Tha boys said thay dug up sum pots an other housekeepin items whar thar was "blue fire" but didn't find no treasure. Thay all went inta tha house an Max translated what all was said an tole Buster he shor made an impression on that feller's son who took em up tha mountain. Said he was a gonna shoot ya till ya give him that Pepsi. Tha boys an Max made up ta go up North ta whar tha lost mine was said ta be tha next day. Thay thanked tha feller an his son fer thar hospitality an left em of them pesos fer good measure.
Tha next mornin thay all took off ta tha mountains ta tha North. Thay came ta a spot that was tha end of tha line as fer as drivin was concerned. Walkin was tha order of tha day agin. Buster said he'd stay with tha truck agin but first thay would poke round a bit with Max cause he got sum infomation fer sum thangs ta look at. First off, thay found a flagstone road that was said ta be built by Indian an Mexican slaves of tha Conquistadores. It was a heck of a piece of work. Up on further up tha mountain thay found a huge stone wheel that was used to crush tha gold ore. Either donkeys, mules oxen or horses pulled that wheel round an round day after day ta crush that ore ta powder. Then thar was 3 vats what was terraced one neath tha other. Ya could see whar tha water cum in from a stream an slowly flowed from one of them vats ta tha other. The gold was heavier than tha dirt an would settle out as the water drained from vat ta vat. So, all tha evidence was thar that a mine had ben thar but whar in tha dickens was it hid? Good question, an Jessie an Buster was aimin ta find out! All tha boys searched round fer a spell an headed on back ta town as it was gittin on ta dark. Max was let out ta visit sum local town folk an land owners up tha mountain an tha boys went on back ta tha hotel.
Max cum back over ta tha hotel an had a meetin with all tha boys ta report what he found out from tha local folks that had title ta tha land up on tha mountain. It seems thar was a feller that had found sum gold up thar but didn't have no resources ta git it out an Max was asked ifn tha boys wanted ta buy him out or go inta partners with him. Max got all tha information an said he would see ta it that all tha paperwork was dun up proper with a lawyer thar in town. He said he thought it was a deal ifn thay could stick round fer a bit an prove it up. Well, tha boys talked it all over an said thay had ta tha end of tha month but then had ta git on back home. All of em agreed ta give it a shot. Thay had enuf of them pesos an dollars ta git back home an put in tha venture so why not. When Jessie put his money up ya jes knowed it was gonna be worth tha doin. The next mornin tha boys met up with Ernesto an Max, made tha deal an all of em went ta tha lawyers office an signed sum papers as partners. Then thay all headed up tha mountain. Ernesto showed whar he dun found sum gold an how he stumbled up on this here hole in tha rock. It was a plum pitiful lookin minin operation. Nuthin but a hole only bout big as a number 2 washtub. Thay all sit on down an begin ta ponder on what ta do. Well, Walter, Buster an Howard all had sum experience with thar pas blowing stumps an beaver dams an decided dynamite was tha ticket ta git on inta tha hole an make it bigger so's thay could step up tha operation. Ernesto an Max went on back ta town with Buster an got sum dynamite an sum supplies fer a few days up on tha mountain.
Walter an Howard figured a way ta use tha old Spanish minin operation an Jessie found a old rod mill without a motor but otherwise was intact. When Buster an the fellers got back thay got ta gittin everything in shape an makin a list of thangs thay needed to operate on a shoestrang. Ifn thay could do that till thay brought in a few chips, thay'd be on tha road. Bout 4 days later everthang was in sum kinda operatin order; leastwise good nuf ta make a nickle. It cum time ta widen that ole hole an everbody was a anticipatin settin off tha dynamite. Buster dun volunteered ta set it off an asked Jessie ifn he wanted ta go long. Jessie was a mite smaller an could git inta tha place whar Buster wanted ta place tha charge. Buster an Jessie got everthang ready ta fire tha hole an Buster tole Jessie he forgot sum extra sticks ifn thay didn't have enuf an asked Jessie ifn he could place tha dynamite on tha left side of tha hole in a natural crack thay saw so thay wouldn't have ta drill nun while he went back down ta git tha extry dynamite in case thay needed it. Jessie tole Buster he would git it ready an run tha fuse back up tha hill whar thay could lite it an git hid fer protection from tha blast. When Buster returned, everythin was set up an ready ta blow. Thay hollered down ta tha others below ta git hid as thay was ready to lite er up. Buster asked Jessie ifn he's like ta do tha honors an blow tha lid offa tha hole. Jessie said shor nuf an here she goes. Jessie set a match ta tha fuse an thay run behind sum rocks an waited fer tha fireworks. She was hot an blowed sky high. Only trouble was it took down a piece of tha mountain thay wadn't figurin on. Buster asked Jessie whar he set tha charge; Jessie said on tha left side like ya tole me an showed Buster bout whar it was. Buster allowed that thay dun got thar wires crossed cause dependin on how ya was lookin at tha hole which side was left. Bout that time tha boys an Ernesto was a hollerin ta git on down thar. Well, Jessie an Buster lit out down thar quick as possible an Ernesto an Max was shor nuf in a celebratin mood a dancin arm in arm an a hoopin an hollerin. Tha boys got em all calmed down an asked what was thar carryin on all bout. Ernesto begin ta tell of tha legend of La Luz mine. Of how thar was 3 holes of entrance an how rich it was. Well, that blast took a piece of tha mountain an slid it down tha east side of thar hole an not tha west side as planned cause of whar Jessie placed tha charge. When tha rock was moved it uncovered three holes not 10 yards from tha hole Ernesto was diggin in. Thay had ta see what all was in thar an Max an Ernesto grabbed sum flashlites an crawled in tha holes that was uncovered. Thar weren't no daid men in thar but sum artifacts an Spanish armor an sum gold an silver sand cast bars was thar too. When ya looked up in any of them three holes with a flashlite ya could see tha gold in tha vein in tha rock. Purtiest rainbow ya ever saw runnin thru tha mountain.
Samples was took an sent ta tha assayer ta see how rich tha mine was an tha results were jes astoundin. Turned out tha main vein assayed out ta 8 plus ounces of gold per ton an a kilo of silver per ton. Thay dun hit tha mother lode!
Tha boys an Ernesto give Max a piece of tha mine ta oversee thar holdins an made a deal with Mexico Mining ta mine it on tha halves an tha lawyer in town to handle thar business.
Buster had tha lawyer send sum money an a expert in mango trees back ta Benjamin like he promised. Ernesto moved on close ta tha big city of Morelia whar his daughter lived an Max
got himself a nice lil hacienda ta oversee tha mine. La Luz was found an it was all in tha news thar in Mexico. Tha landowner made hisself a nice livin from now on fer his family an taxes was nuf fer a new sewer system fer tha town. Jobs was ta be had fer tha town folks with wages 3 times what tha average worker would make, plus bonuses. Tha priest at tha church thar in Guadalcazar blessed tha mine an a party was throwed fer tha town folk.
Tha boys bought tha hotel an had it upgraded an donated nuf money ta remodel tha church.
Tha feller that did own tha hotel was give a good salary ta run tha place an new an soft beds was put in rooms fer each one of tha boys. When Buster, Walter, Howard an Jessie left fer home, thar pockets was a jinglin. Thay was set fer life an thar folks too. But how much does a feller need? Tha boys all decided ta make a foundation that Jessie had read up on ta help folks. While thay was thar thay had tha lawyer fix one up legal like ta help folks thay seen that really needed it an had part of thar earnings cum back ta tha States ta tha bank whar Walter's sister Pamela Kay worked.
Tha boys got on back home an had sum kinda story ta tell everbody. Thay all went ta see Mr. Ashley an checked on tha tiger. Thay give him nuf money ta send him back ta tha wild sumwhars in India fer a free life instead of bein cooped up in a cage.
Buster sent tha ball back ta Max with sum money ta make sure tha folks had nuf ta eat an sum improvements fer a better life. Max had ta go all tha way cross Mexico an git runners ta go inta tha mountains ta find Benjamin an them other folks thay seed by tha stream with tha lightenin bugs. Max reported that Benjamin sent sum pesos ta Buster fer helpin save tha mangos. Buster jes donated that too ta tha cause. Jessie sent sum money ta help out Maria at tha hotel since thar was not man ta help her an her ma since her pa was kilt in a accident. Jessie felt plum bad bout his pheromones upsettin her like it did. Walter sent sum good stock down ta tha town ta upgrade thar beef an dairy cows plus sum good gray stallions ta sire sum good horseflesh fer em too. Howard found sum good heavy equipment fer tha town fer building an maintainin roads. A wind generator an water plant was got fer em too.
All in all, it was quite a trip. Reckon sum of them Guardian Angels worked tha other side fer blessings as well as protectin seein how right an tha Lord's will was dun by tha boys. Tha hand of God had ben placed on Jessie, Howard, Walter an Buster. Thay was proud ta be a steward of tha riches he has provided an in His service fer thar neighbor in need.
Feller once said that a body was borned with all tha treasures of life; it was jes how he squandered em.
Tha boys vowed ta not never do that; thay won't.
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