Cannin an Cookin
Buster dun asked ifn Jessie could go up fer a couple a weeks ta Kentucky with him to his Aunt Gertrude's. Thar was all manner of doins thar an Buster wanted lil Jessie's company in havin sum fun. Plus, you gotta know that Buster wadn't bout ta be thar in that house by hisself with them spooks a carryin on like thay do. He wanted Jessie ta see fer hisself what was a goin on upstairs.
Them two dun rode a bus up ta Paris whar tha house was on tha farm. Had a right nice ride up an seed sum very interestin sights on tha way. Went thru Nashville an stopped fer a spell an seed Music Row. Buster seed Harold Jenkins cummin outa a store an hollered at him. Jessie knowed Harold too but not as good as Buster as he was over by hisn kinfolk in Mississippi a lot with his folks. When Buster, Jessie, Walter an Howard would sneak out ta tha 11-70 club at tha "Y" down by tha river, ole Harold would be playin his music thar with hisn band. Got ta be right good frens with him as his folks knowed thars as well. When he was a playin he called hisself Conway Twitty an The Twitty Birds. Ain't that a hoot! Ole Harold took tha name from Conway, a town jes north of Little Rock. Harold also liked Twitty bird in tha cartoons so he jes got the name from that. Heck fire, Buster an Jessie remembered when thay used ta git ta go over ta his house an watch them cartoons with him an his brother back when thar folks used ta visit. Buster an Jessie went ta see tha Parthenon too. Shor was a purty building.
Tha bus stopped at Crossville an Buster's very own first cousin Cecil lived thar with Buster's Uncle Roscoe an Aunt Mamie. Buster called up Cecil an he cum on over an got em while thay was layed over an visited fer a spell an got a meal fit fer a king from Aunt Mamie. Cecil was a mite wore down since he'd a ben runnin shine tha nite before an hadn't got much rest. Cecil an Uncle Roscoe had a race that nite too, so, it all worked out jes right on tha time an all. But when Cecil left on out in that Camaro of hisn, he give Buster an Jessie each a quart of really good Blue Moon. Said tha batch was from tha Pughs on his mama's side. Boy o boy, when ya took a pull on that thar shine it would shor lite up yore life, I tell ya. Cecil tried ta git tha boys ta stay a while but thay remembered what happened tha last time thay was thar an didn't want ta be in no marryin that's fer shor.
Thay got inta Paris in tha evenin an Buster's Uncle Melvin picked em up. Thay had a right nice supper an sum of tha Crawfords was in from Oklahoma over at Buster's cousins an thay was a doin sum pickin that nite. All of em went on over an enjoyed tha fiddle playin an singin an dancin till late. Jessie tole Buster's cousin he was a gonna larn that fiddle playin soon as he got him one. Feller says ta Jessie that he'd be glad ta teach him ifn he's cum round. Tha next mornin thay helped with a few chores an then went with Uncle Melvin on a lil tour of tha countryside. Thar was ole Buckpasser in tha pasture livin tha Life of Riley. As good lookin a horse ya ever did see an him bein tha 1966 Horse of the Year made him famous. Gentle cuss too. All thay'd have ta do is whistle an hold out an apple or lump of sugar an ole Buckpasser would amble on over fer a treat.
Buster an Jessie would stop by ever mornin thay was thar at aunt Gertrude's place fer a visit with him. One mornin tha trainer an owner dropped by Uncle Melvin's an tole tha boys since thay got ta be such good frens an all with Buckpasser, why don't thay cum on over fer dinner an visit him in tha stables with all tha other horses an jes look round a bit at a race horse operation. The boys was tickled pink over that invite, I tell ya. That weekend Mr. Ogden Phipps an Mr. Bill Winfrey, Buckpasser's owner an trainer stopped by ta take tha boys ta tha racetrack with em. Ole Buckpasser was retired but thay had other horses at Claiborne Farms that were runnin. It was tha first real horse race thay'd ever ben too. Buster an Jessie knowed that Walter an Howard would jes eat thar heart out cause thay couldn't be here with em. A real live horse race an at tha Kentucky Derby at that. Tha boys had a Morgan hid out apiece an asked if thay picked a horse would Mr. Bill bet thar silver dollar fer em. Well, Buster up an picked #7 an tole Mr. Bill ta put it on his nose. Jessie put sum thought inta his bet an asked Mr. Bill what horse of Mr. Phipps was a runnin. Impressive was his name an so Jessie bet his dollar on him. If that don't beat all! Damascus won his race an paid 12 to 1. Then, in tha 7th, Impressive won his race an an paid 8 to 1. Both boys made a few dollars on thar first real horse race an it was all on tha television ta boot. Buster an Jessie kept all thar tickets stubs an racin programs fer keepsakes an ta show everbody back home. Mr Phipps was really hoppin fer joy that his horse won an he bought tha boys all thay could eat an drink an thay got ta sit in tha owner's box whar it was real comfortable.
It shor was a fun day an both boys thanked Mr Phipps an Mr. Winfrey fer thar kindness. Thay tole Buster an Jessie ta cum round any time an ta bring Walter an Howard with em next time.
One mornin bout 6 am Aunt Gertrude tole tha boys she needed a lil help cannin an ta git ready ta go with her. Now Buster an Jessie had a tad bit of cannin experience with thar mas but nuthin like what thay was ta git inta. When thay got ta tha cannin house, thar was wimmin an younguns jes a workin away at cannin. First off, thar was Mason jars ta fetch an boil. Peelin apples an peaches an fetchin bushel baskets of all manner of fruits an vegetables was tha most work tha boys dun. Wadn't hard work an Buster an Jessie was visitin with other folks along tha way whilst doin thar steppin an fetchin. Thar was sum awful purty gals thar that took a shine ta em too. Jessie always had one or two a winkin at him. Finally Aunt Gertrude hollered fer Buster an Jessie ta bring in tha corn! Corn! Jessie says. Ya mean we gotta shuck an hull all that corn! Well, thar was probably bout 20 bushels that had ta git shucked, hulled, washed an prepared fer cannin. Well, Jessie was fit ta be tied! Had a conniption fit an tole Buster that he knowed he dearly hated corn! He jes couldn't stand tha stuff. Jessie never did eat no corn but it was Buster's favorite. Aunt Gertrude was a listenin when Jessie tole Buster tha only way he liked corn was ta drink it! Course Aunt Gertrude knowed what that meant! She tole Jessie ta fetch in tha baskets an Buster an another feller an a gal would do tha shuckin an hullin. She said fer Jessie ta help tha Williams gal doin tha boilin of tha jars. Jessie was plum skeered of her I tell ya! He remembered what dun happened with them Looper gals an this un was a makin eyes at him sumthin fierce. Buster hollered over ta Jessie an says ta him, "Remember what Walter said, Hold tha line, jes hold tha line".
Well, that didn't ease Jessie's mind one bit cause he heared her ma ask Aunt Gertrude ifn Jessie could cum on over one evenin as lil Mary was ta be playin an sangin fer folks an of course, Buster too. Jessie excused hisself an whispered ta Buster ta head out ta tha truck an help him fer a minute. Jessie said he jes wadn't up ta all this here courtin in these here hills. Reckon thay'd ort ta git on back. Buster tole Jessie not ta worry an that he'd protect him from tha clutches of them wimmin. Buster said all that sweet talkin was gittin Jessie inta trouble. Jessie said he was jes bein polite an all an didn't mean nuthin by it. His mama always said ta be nice ta wimmin folk an he jes fer tha life of him could not figure out what he was a doin ta git them gals all riled up like thay was. Buster said it was OK, he wadn't doin nuthin ta cause it but he dun read up on it an it was jes plain in Jessie's nature. It was them pheromones of hisn. That's why Jessie didn't like no corn. Jessie said ta Buster, "ya don't say! You ain't a funnin me nun now are ya Buster?" Buster tole Jessie, nope, he wadn't; he had hisn fingers crossed behind his back. Well then, Jessie tole Buster ta move on over an Jessie lit inta that corn with shucks a flyin! Heck, thay was dun in no time flat with them 20 bushels.
Them two boys had a real good time up in Kentucky. Uncle Melvin let em shoot gophers with his .223. Thay'd eat breakfast an sit on tha porch fer a spell an take pot shots at them gophers. Purt near cleaned out tha whole bunch of em durin thar visit. Jessie heared a caterwaulin an seed them lights a blinkin one nite an he shor nuf believed Buster bout them spooks. Thay helped in tha terbacky field an went ta tha Mamouth Cave too. On tha way back home from tha cave Buster got ta tellin on hisself bout a chemistry set he got fer Christmas. He got ta studin on all of Jessie's bizness dealins an he was wantin to cum up with idees ta make up sumthin new or sum of thar products better. Well, Buster got ta experimentin in his grandma's kitchen an asked Jessie if he heared that grandma was havin sum work dun over at tha house. Jessie said he had heared that. Well, Buster said he got ta mixin up sum stuff in that chemistry set an left fer a bit an when he cum back it was a smokin an shootin sparks an he didn't know what all. Finally it went ta rumblin an he run! Well, that chemistry set dun blowed up an took out most near all tha kitchen cabinets an tha table too. Blacked up tha walls an ceilin an left a smell that was worser than 10 skunks. Grandpa Gus had ta git Mr. King, tha town carpenter, ta git on over an git ta makin repairs. Buster really didn't git in no trouble but thar shor nuf wadn't no more chemistry experimentin goin on in grandma's kitchen, that's fer shor. By tha way, Mr. King wadn't no kin ta Sammy Joe.
Well sir, them 2 weeks went so fast Buster an Jessie jes couldn't believe it. Thay had a high ole time in Kentucky with Aunt Gertrude an Uncle Melvin. Seein as how thay didn't never have no younguns, thay shor did like young folks ta cum round a lot as thay said thay enjoyed thar company. There was a story or two fer Walter an Howard when thay got on back home an fer shor thay would want ta cum back on tha next trip. All of em said thar goodbyes an thay was took ta tha bus depot with sack lunches an an sum of them can goods that thay helped put up.
Letters was wrote ta Buster's grandpa Gus an grandma an Aunt Gertrude was a teared up as thay left out on tha bus. But tha dangest thang dun happened right bout then.
That gal, Mary Williams, run up ta Jessie an throwed her arms round hisn neck an hugged him real good an tight an put a liplock on tha boy that he jes couldn't git out of. After a bit when thay cum up fer air, she tole Jessie ta cum on back an she'd be thar a waitin. Jessie run on that bus jes like a cat with his tail stepped on. When Buster got seated beside Jessie; Jessie said ta Buster that them pheromones hadn't ort ta bother them gals nun since he took ta shuckin corn, should thay? Buster said it was too late fer that gal seein as how she got a dose fore he got em offn hisself shuckin an hullin tha corn. Jessie said he allowed he might not cum back soon cause he couldn't take ta no shotgun weddin. Jes too young fer that!
That dang bus dun blowed a head gasket on tha way back ta Arkansas. Well, Buster an Jessie had ta git off with tha rest of tha passengers an sit a spell till thay got another ride. Seems like it was gonna be a good spell before thay could git a replacement bus fer em an a feller an his wife called sum of thar family ta cum git em. Thay lived over bout Bucksnort, Tennessee by Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch. After talkin fer a bit, tha Robertsons asked ifn thay'd like a ride ta thar place an then leave when a bus cum through ta Arkansas. Buster an Jessie took em up on tha offer right quick like. It was on tha way home an tha folks was real nice. Thay had Buster an Jessie call thar folks an tell em whar thay was at an when thay would be home after what all happened. Thay all got in late an called tha bus company tha next mornin ta find out when thay could leave on tha next bus through. Greyhound said it would run tha day after an ta be at tha bus stop thar at Buscksnort at 10 am. That left a day ta kill so thay had plenty of time ta explore an rest up too. A bunch of fellers said thar was a kinda party over by tha river an ta cum on over. Tha son an daughter of tha Robertsons took em with em when thay went an was welcomed by tha Curtis family havin tha party. Tha Robertsons was a cummin after chores. Thar was horseshoe pitchin an washer pitchin, card playin an all sorts of games fer tha lil uns. But tha fun was jes beginnin. Tha Curtis boys dun rounded up sum young pigs an greased em up good with lard. Thar was a prize to be won fer whoever could ride a greased pig tha longest. Well, Jessie was lots smaller than Buster, so Buster dun volunteered Jessie fer tha contest. Ole Jessie took ta ridin that pig like a duck ta water, I tell ya. He not only rode that pig once; he rode it twice fer tha fun of it. He dun won tha prize! It was a apple pie baked by Jane Ann Robertson! When Jessie seed that purty lil gal cummin towards him with that pie; he went ta hollerin "Whar's tha corn crib". Buster busted out laughin so hard he took ta crying. Buster chased down Jessie an tole him that tha Robertson gal was engaged ta one of tha Curtis boys, so he had not a worry ta tha world bout his pheromones. Thar was also swimmin down at that river whar ya swam after a greased watermelon an Buster got that. Buster was a powerful good swimmer ya know. After all tha festivities, tha Robertsons took all of em back ta thar house fer tha nite an then on ta tha bus stop tha next mornin. Nun of tha folks was a bit hungry after all tha food thay had. Sum of tha best barbeque ya ever would eat an Buster an Jessie got fuller than a tick that's fer shor.
Mr Robertson let tha boys off at tha bus stop tha next mornin on his way ta work whar thay said thar farewell. Thar was sum new frens made an tha offer ta cum agin soon.
It was a quite an peaceful ride back home an thay was glad ta git back.
Them two dun rode a bus up ta Paris whar tha house was on tha farm. Had a right nice ride up an seed sum very interestin sights on tha way. Went thru Nashville an stopped fer a spell an seed Music Row. Buster seed Harold Jenkins cummin outa a store an hollered at him. Jessie knowed Harold too but not as good as Buster as he was over by hisn kinfolk in Mississippi a lot with his folks. When Buster, Jessie, Walter an Howard would sneak out ta tha 11-70 club at tha "Y" down by tha river, ole Harold would be playin his music thar with hisn band. Got ta be right good frens with him as his folks knowed thars as well. When he was a playin he called hisself Conway Twitty an The Twitty Birds. Ain't that a hoot! Ole Harold took tha name from Conway, a town jes north of Little Rock. Harold also liked Twitty bird in tha cartoons so he jes got the name from that. Heck fire, Buster an Jessie remembered when thay used ta git ta go over ta his house an watch them cartoons with him an his brother back when thar folks used ta visit. Buster an Jessie went ta see tha Parthenon too. Shor was a purty building.
Tha bus stopped at Crossville an Buster's very own first cousin Cecil lived thar with Buster's Uncle Roscoe an Aunt Mamie. Buster called up Cecil an he cum on over an got em while thay was layed over an visited fer a spell an got a meal fit fer a king from Aunt Mamie. Cecil was a mite wore down since he'd a ben runnin shine tha nite before an hadn't got much rest. Cecil an Uncle Roscoe had a race that nite too, so, it all worked out jes right on tha time an all. But when Cecil left on out in that Camaro of hisn, he give Buster an Jessie each a quart of really good Blue Moon. Said tha batch was from tha Pughs on his mama's side. Boy o boy, when ya took a pull on that thar shine it would shor lite up yore life, I tell ya. Cecil tried ta git tha boys ta stay a while but thay remembered what happened tha last time thay was thar an didn't want ta be in no marryin that's fer shor.
Thay got inta Paris in tha evenin an Buster's Uncle Melvin picked em up. Thay had a right nice supper an sum of tha Crawfords was in from Oklahoma over at Buster's cousins an thay was a doin sum pickin that nite. All of em went on over an enjoyed tha fiddle playin an singin an dancin till late. Jessie tole Buster's cousin he was a gonna larn that fiddle playin soon as he got him one. Feller says ta Jessie that he'd be glad ta teach him ifn he's cum round. Tha next mornin thay helped with a few chores an then went with Uncle Melvin on a lil tour of tha countryside. Thar was ole Buckpasser in tha pasture livin tha Life of Riley. As good lookin a horse ya ever did see an him bein tha 1966 Horse of the Year made him famous. Gentle cuss too. All thay'd have ta do is whistle an hold out an apple or lump of sugar an ole Buckpasser would amble on over fer a treat.
Buster an Jessie would stop by ever mornin thay was thar at aunt Gertrude's place fer a visit with him. One mornin tha trainer an owner dropped by Uncle Melvin's an tole tha boys since thay got ta be such good frens an all with Buckpasser, why don't thay cum on over fer dinner an visit him in tha stables with all tha other horses an jes look round a bit at a race horse operation. The boys was tickled pink over that invite, I tell ya. That weekend Mr. Ogden Phipps an Mr. Bill Winfrey, Buckpasser's owner an trainer stopped by ta take tha boys ta tha racetrack with em. Ole Buckpasser was retired but thay had other horses at Claiborne Farms that were runnin. It was tha first real horse race thay'd ever ben too. Buster an Jessie knowed that Walter an Howard would jes eat thar heart out cause thay couldn't be here with em. A real live horse race an at tha Kentucky Derby at that. Tha boys had a Morgan hid out apiece an asked if thay picked a horse would Mr. Bill bet thar silver dollar fer em. Well, Buster up an picked #7 an tole Mr. Bill ta put it on his nose. Jessie put sum thought inta his bet an asked Mr. Bill what horse of Mr. Phipps was a runnin. Impressive was his name an so Jessie bet his dollar on him. If that don't beat all! Damascus won his race an paid 12 to 1. Then, in tha 7th, Impressive won his race an an paid 8 to 1. Both boys made a few dollars on thar first real horse race an it was all on tha television ta boot. Buster an Jessie kept all thar tickets stubs an racin programs fer keepsakes an ta show everbody back home. Mr Phipps was really hoppin fer joy that his horse won an he bought tha boys all thay could eat an drink an thay got ta sit in tha owner's box whar it was real comfortable.
It shor was a fun day an both boys thanked Mr Phipps an Mr. Winfrey fer thar kindness. Thay tole Buster an Jessie ta cum round any time an ta bring Walter an Howard with em next time.
One mornin bout 6 am Aunt Gertrude tole tha boys she needed a lil help cannin an ta git ready ta go with her. Now Buster an Jessie had a tad bit of cannin experience with thar mas but nuthin like what thay was ta git inta. When thay got ta tha cannin house, thar was wimmin an younguns jes a workin away at cannin. First off, thar was Mason jars ta fetch an boil. Peelin apples an peaches an fetchin bushel baskets of all manner of fruits an vegetables was tha most work tha boys dun. Wadn't hard work an Buster an Jessie was visitin with other folks along tha way whilst doin thar steppin an fetchin. Thar was sum awful purty gals thar that took a shine ta em too. Jessie always had one or two a winkin at him. Finally Aunt Gertrude hollered fer Buster an Jessie ta bring in tha corn! Corn! Jessie says. Ya mean we gotta shuck an hull all that corn! Well, thar was probably bout 20 bushels that had ta git shucked, hulled, washed an prepared fer cannin. Well, Jessie was fit ta be tied! Had a conniption fit an tole Buster that he knowed he dearly hated corn! He jes couldn't stand tha stuff. Jessie never did eat no corn but it was Buster's favorite. Aunt Gertrude was a listenin when Jessie tole Buster tha only way he liked corn was ta drink it! Course Aunt Gertrude knowed what that meant! She tole Jessie ta fetch in tha baskets an Buster an another feller an a gal would do tha shuckin an hullin. She said fer Jessie ta help tha Williams gal doin tha boilin of tha jars. Jessie was plum skeered of her I tell ya! He remembered what dun happened with them Looper gals an this un was a makin eyes at him sumthin fierce. Buster hollered over ta Jessie an says ta him, "Remember what Walter said, Hold tha line, jes hold tha line".
Well, that didn't ease Jessie's mind one bit cause he heared her ma ask Aunt Gertrude ifn Jessie could cum on over one evenin as lil Mary was ta be playin an sangin fer folks an of course, Buster too. Jessie excused hisself an whispered ta Buster ta head out ta tha truck an help him fer a minute. Jessie said he jes wadn't up ta all this here courtin in these here hills. Reckon thay'd ort ta git on back. Buster tole Jessie not ta worry an that he'd protect him from tha clutches of them wimmin. Buster said all that sweet talkin was gittin Jessie inta trouble. Jessie said he was jes bein polite an all an didn't mean nuthin by it. His mama always said ta be nice ta wimmin folk an he jes fer tha life of him could not figure out what he was a doin ta git them gals all riled up like thay was. Buster said it was OK, he wadn't doin nuthin ta cause it but he dun read up on it an it was jes plain in Jessie's nature. It was them pheromones of hisn. That's why Jessie didn't like no corn. Jessie said ta Buster, "ya don't say! You ain't a funnin me nun now are ya Buster?" Buster tole Jessie, nope, he wadn't; he had hisn fingers crossed behind his back. Well then, Jessie tole Buster ta move on over an Jessie lit inta that corn with shucks a flyin! Heck, thay was dun in no time flat with them 20 bushels.
Them two boys had a real good time up in Kentucky. Uncle Melvin let em shoot gophers with his .223. Thay'd eat breakfast an sit on tha porch fer a spell an take pot shots at them gophers. Purt near cleaned out tha whole bunch of em durin thar visit. Jessie heared a caterwaulin an seed them lights a blinkin one nite an he shor nuf believed Buster bout them spooks. Thay helped in tha terbacky field an went ta tha Mamouth Cave too. On tha way back home from tha cave Buster got ta tellin on hisself bout a chemistry set he got fer Christmas. He got ta studin on all of Jessie's bizness dealins an he was wantin to cum up with idees ta make up sumthin new or sum of thar products better. Well, Buster got ta experimentin in his grandma's kitchen an asked Jessie if he heared that grandma was havin sum work dun over at tha house. Jessie said he had heared that. Well, Buster said he got ta mixin up sum stuff in that chemistry set an left fer a bit an when he cum back it was a smokin an shootin sparks an he didn't know what all. Finally it went ta rumblin an he run! Well, that chemistry set dun blowed up an took out most near all tha kitchen cabinets an tha table too. Blacked up tha walls an ceilin an left a smell that was worser than 10 skunks. Grandpa Gus had ta git Mr. King, tha town carpenter, ta git on over an git ta makin repairs. Buster really didn't git in no trouble but thar shor nuf wadn't no more chemistry experimentin goin on in grandma's kitchen, that's fer shor. By tha way, Mr. King wadn't no kin ta Sammy Joe.
Well sir, them 2 weeks went so fast Buster an Jessie jes couldn't believe it. Thay had a high ole time in Kentucky with Aunt Gertrude an Uncle Melvin. Seein as how thay didn't never have no younguns, thay shor did like young folks ta cum round a lot as thay said thay enjoyed thar company. There was a story or two fer Walter an Howard when thay got on back home an fer shor thay would want ta cum back on tha next trip. All of em said thar goodbyes an thay was took ta tha bus depot with sack lunches an an sum of them can goods that thay helped put up.
Letters was wrote ta Buster's grandpa Gus an grandma an Aunt Gertrude was a teared up as thay left out on tha bus. But tha dangest thang dun happened right bout then.
That gal, Mary Williams, run up ta Jessie an throwed her arms round hisn neck an hugged him real good an tight an put a liplock on tha boy that he jes couldn't git out of. After a bit when thay cum up fer air, she tole Jessie ta cum on back an she'd be thar a waitin. Jessie run on that bus jes like a cat with his tail stepped on. When Buster got seated beside Jessie; Jessie said ta Buster that them pheromones hadn't ort ta bother them gals nun since he took ta shuckin corn, should thay? Buster said it was too late fer that gal seein as how she got a dose fore he got em offn hisself shuckin an hullin tha corn. Jessie said he allowed he might not cum back soon cause he couldn't take ta no shotgun weddin. Jes too young fer that!
That dang bus dun blowed a head gasket on tha way back ta Arkansas. Well, Buster an Jessie had ta git off with tha rest of tha passengers an sit a spell till thay got another ride. Seems like it was gonna be a good spell before thay could git a replacement bus fer em an a feller an his wife called sum of thar family ta cum git em. Thay lived over bout Bucksnort, Tennessee by Loretta Lynn's Dude Ranch. After talkin fer a bit, tha Robertsons asked ifn thay'd like a ride ta thar place an then leave when a bus cum through ta Arkansas. Buster an Jessie took em up on tha offer right quick like. It was on tha way home an tha folks was real nice. Thay had Buster an Jessie call thar folks an tell em whar thay was at an when thay would be home after what all happened. Thay all got in late an called tha bus company tha next mornin ta find out when thay could leave on tha next bus through. Greyhound said it would run tha day after an ta be at tha bus stop thar at Buscksnort at 10 am. That left a day ta kill so thay had plenty of time ta explore an rest up too. A bunch of fellers said thar was a kinda party over by tha river an ta cum on over. Tha son an daughter of tha Robertsons took em with em when thay went an was welcomed by tha Curtis family havin tha party. Tha Robertsons was a cummin after chores. Thar was horseshoe pitchin an washer pitchin, card playin an all sorts of games fer tha lil uns. But tha fun was jes beginnin. Tha Curtis boys dun rounded up sum young pigs an greased em up good with lard. Thar was a prize to be won fer whoever could ride a greased pig tha longest. Well, Jessie was lots smaller than Buster, so Buster dun volunteered Jessie fer tha contest. Ole Jessie took ta ridin that pig like a duck ta water, I tell ya. He not only rode that pig once; he rode it twice fer tha fun of it. He dun won tha prize! It was a apple pie baked by Jane Ann Robertson! When Jessie seed that purty lil gal cummin towards him with that pie; he went ta hollerin "Whar's tha corn crib". Buster busted out laughin so hard he took ta crying. Buster chased down Jessie an tole him that tha Robertson gal was engaged ta one of tha Curtis boys, so he had not a worry ta tha world bout his pheromones. Thar was also swimmin down at that river whar ya swam after a greased watermelon an Buster got that. Buster was a powerful good swimmer ya know. After all tha festivities, tha Robertsons took all of em back ta thar house fer tha nite an then on ta tha bus stop tha next mornin. Nun of tha folks was a bit hungry after all tha food thay had. Sum of tha best barbeque ya ever would eat an Buster an Jessie got fuller than a tick that's fer shor.
Mr Robertson let tha boys off at tha bus stop tha next mornin on his way ta work whar thay said thar farewell. Thar was sum new frens made an tha offer ta cum agin soon.
It was a quite an peaceful ride back home an thay was glad ta git back.
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