It's all in tha water said Buster ta Jessie; that an pure, organic grain with no chemicals nor additives. Tha best whiskey in tha world is what is gonna be made here cause nobody else makes it tha old way. Jessie tole Buster thay was a gonna stick ta tha original McBrayer recipe an agreed thay'd use only tha best an purest ingredients. Nun of that GMO stuff Monsanto was puttin out.
All tha boys an thar folks an Walter's sisters cum up ta Kentucky ta see ta Aunt Judith an crank up tha distillery. When thay got thar after all tha boys graduated from thar high school, thay had tha dangest party ya ever did see. Aunt Judith an Elizabeth Jane invited sum folks thay knowed over ta meet tha family an enjoy tha festivities. Thay had em a shindig in tha ballroom of tha mansion an with all manner of vittles too. Tha ban was sum fellers over from Nashville that knowed of tha Tipton an McBrayer clans an volunteered ta play fer tha evenin an bring thar families long as well. It was a nite ta remember. Thay all danced an ate an drank till near dawn an tha Old McBrayer was a flowin purty free like. Tha ole feller tha boys met up with when thay first hit town was thar too. He was shor nuf feelin his oats fer a spell but than took ta nappin later on in tha evenin. Tha Ollinger gals an Elizabeth Jane made up a bed fer him an tha boys toted him on up ta tha room an settled him in. He was out till late mornin. Said he ain't had sich fun fer nigh on ta 20 years. Sum of tha folks stayed tha nite an sum went on back home but tha next day thay had a late breakfast fer all of em an visited till time fer chores.
That evenin all tha folks an tha boys gathered in tha parlor an Aunt Judith got out tha family Bible an begin ta tellin how all em was kin in tha McBrayer an Tipton families. Aunt Judith never was married up. She had a sweetheart that was in tha Service with Alvin York. Thay was ta be married when he cum back home but he was kilt with tha mustard gas in tha trenches. Alvin cum by an oale Aunt Judith he was with him when he passed an give her his last words an a letter he was writin at tha time jes fore he died. Alvin said Tom dearly loved her an said he was sorry thay didn't have a life on this here earth but he would be a waitin on tha othar side fer her. Alvin said Tom would do ta ride tha river with an a fine a fren a feller could ever have. Tom was a right brave feller an saved Alvin's life when a German snuck in at nite an was a gonna pig stick him in tha back with a bayonet.
Aunt Judith's sister, Julie, married up ta William Stokes an thay had a daughter, Mary Virginia who married up ta Jackson Barrett who bore Elizabeth Jane. Julie an William Stokes died rite fore thair Mary Virginia from tha grippe an dysentery. Aunt Judith's folks was Lucinda Jane Tipton an Samuel McBrayer. Her granparents was Major Jonathan Tipton an Alice Mae Daniels on her mama's side an John Edward McBrayer an Patricia Stamper on her pa's side. John had a brother, Archie McBrayer that married up ta Claudette Rouseau of New Orleans an thay had 3 younguns, Jessie, James an Sarah Lorene. Jessie married Sara Lukes an thay had Jessie Derrell an Sarah Lorene married up Russell Tipton an had Buster.
What happened was Jessie was 13 years older than Sarah Lorene an was gone from home when she was 3. In tha years Jessie was gone, hisn folks an Sara an her husban died an Buster went ta live with his granparents on Russell's ma's side, tha Orliceks. So everbody lost touch an jes didn't know who belonged ta who nor ifn Buster was even borned. That's why Buster an Jessie didn't know thay was first cousins. Well everthin got straight an everbody was plum excited over everthin. Aunt Judith rehashed ta Jessie, Jessie Derrell an Buster tha arrangements she dun made fer them 2 boys an Elizabeth Jane. Of course all of em would be took care of but she wanted tha younguns ta keep tha Tipton an McBrayer names a goin an let tha younguns take up whar tha McBrayer Distillery left off. Everbody agreed with Aunt Judith an said thay would help keep thangs on tha rite track since thay was parents an kin an had tha experience of livin as long as thay have an in bizness as well.
Tha next mornin everbody headed ta tha barn whar tha distillery was. Inventory an stock was took ta see what all was thar an what was needed ta git thangs a rollin. Howard showed em all tha secret escape tunnel ta tha crick an Aunt Judith opened up tha panel ta tha limestone cave whar she had them Old McBrayer whiskey barrels stored. Thar was 72 barrels of old McBrayer jes a agein in tha racks; it shorly was tha finest whiskey in America an would stan with any other un in tha world.
Aunt Judith got out tha original recipe an her an grandpa Gus begin ta discussin what all was needed an tha measurements. 88.4% of corn, 5.8% of rye an 5.8% of malt what was called fer an granpa Gus said it weren't no new fangled seed neither. Had ta be raised natural, organic thay called it, usin only manure ta make this whiskey. Yeast an pure water was very critical fer tha process. Tha crick was fed by a spring cummin from tha limestaoe in tha mountain an passed rite thru tha distillery. Tha mix made far less than tha new way of makin whiskey but it shor was tha best sippin whiskey a body could drink.
W. H. McBrayer had hisself a distillery over in Anerson County but here in McBrayer Springs tha Old McBrayer distillery made better whiskey than anywhar. Tha distillery was moved ta Montgomery County in 1899 but McBrayers was a makin whiskey long fore that an went ta usin tha original recipe. This here is how thay dun it.
1. First off thay ground tha mixture of corn an rye ta a rough grind about tha texture of course san. A grain seed consists mostly of starch. Small quantities of proteins, fats an trace elements are also found in tha grain seed. Starch is chemically seen as a polysaccharide. Many sugar molecules are connected inta long chains. Only tha barley has tha ability ta convert starch inta sugar with tha help of an enzyme during tha germination process. Then tha special extra soft spring water was added an combined it ta make a slurry. Fresh spring water is needed fer tha whiskey production in order ta cook tha starch in tha grain an extract tha developin sugar. When tha distillery was established particular attention was give ta a source of good water with sufficient an good output.
Kentucky is on a thick layer of limestone, which filters tha water gooder than snuff. In this here valley, where tha limestone layer broke through, tha spring that fed tha crick had tha best pure, clear an well suited water fer tha whiskey production.
2. Then tha grain an water slurry was cooked fer about a half an hour until it become a hot mixture called a mash. Thay found out that when tha grain was warmed up to strong tha taste suffered from it. Tha grain is crushed, in order ta open tha grain skin an tha grindin process makes a very fine flour. It's allowed ta cool down so it won't kill tha yeast cells. Tha yeast was added inta tha mash after it had cooled down ta approximately 25 ta 30°C, in a fermenter in which a beer with bout 9-10% ABV would develop. Tha bubblin, alcoholic fermentation of tha yeast converts tha sugar ta alcohol an CO2 an at tha same time heat is produced. Tha fermentation usually lasts three days an a alcohol strength of approximately 9 ta 10% is reached.
Corn (Maize)
longest cooking time (with over pressure)
medium cooking time
shortest cooking time (sensitive)
Instead of bein cooked, barley is malted. First step in maltin barley is soaking it in water until it is good an wet. Then ya spread it out an sprinkle it with water fer bout three weeks till it begins ta sprout. Durin tha germination tha enzyme amylase is produced. Amylase converts the starch in the barley inta sugars. The sproutin is halted by dryin tha barley an heatin it with hot air from a kiln.
Tha selection of tha yeast is a simple matter. Containers with a nutrient solution are placed under an apple or pear tree. Ya wait till natural yeasts on tha fruits accept tha nutrient solution. Then small samples of tha nutrient solution are put on carriers an tha individually upshowin yeasts are bred in ovens an kept at moderate temperatures (35 ta 40°C). From one single yeast cell ya can breed tha entire yeast fer tha alcoholic fermentation. From a test tube tha yeast amount, as much as a pencil tip, is took out. This yeast is mixed in a glass bulb with a nutrient solution (Malt extract). Important fer tha reproduction of tha yeast is tha correct pH value of tha solution. Depending upon tha yeast it varies between 5.4 an 5.8. All materials in which tha yeasts are bred, must be sterilized in a autoclave, so vinegar bacteria or different yeasts don't replace tha desired yeast tribe. After bout half a litre of pure yeast has been produced in this glass bulb, tha yeast is added inta a larger container called tha 'Dona Tub' (Donna Tub). A large yeast batch is produced in tha Dona Tub so that a large container can be filled later that can serve as a storage tank fer tha entire fermenters. Each distillery usually produces different Bourbons with different yeasts. Tharfore each whiskey has its own yeast tank. Tha reproduction of tha yeasts over tha Dona Tub takes place occasionally, if tha yeast stacks were spoiled by vinegar bacteria or alien yeasts.
Fermenters are made of cypress wood with a wood or copper Beer Well in tha back.
Tha size of tha fermenters depend on tha distillery; from 'large' ta 'enormous'. Since tha continuously workin column stills can process large quantities of beer, a constant supply must be provided so that tha column stills don't run empty. Fer this reason tha American distilleries have a 'Beer Well', inta which those fermented contents (beer) are emptied. Tha size of tha fermenters determine tha size of tha Beer Well. Usually tha Beer Well is a third bigger than tha largest fermenter, so that tha column stills can continue ta produce even when tha pumpin of beer starts late. During tha alcoholic fermentation tha yeast converts tha sugar ta alcohol an CO2. At tha same time heat is produced. Tha fermentation usually lasts three days. An alcohol strength of approximately 9 ta 10% is reached. Few distilleries ferment much longer; however thay also don’t get higher values than 10 ta 11%. Tha developed product is called Beer or Distiller's Beer.
Tha larger a fermenting container is, tha larger tha heat production will be. This is because of tha fact that tha relationship between tha surface an tha volume decreases with rising fermenter size which results in tha fermenting container bein unable ta exhaust tha heat over tha surface any longer. If tha temperature in tha fermenting container exceeds 35 ta 40°C, tha yeast dies gradually until tha fermentation stops. Many fermentin containers can be cooled with cold water.
Tha smell of tha beer tells a bunch bout tha later whiskey. Tha brewer pays a heap of attention ta an aromatic beer, which can smell strongly of apple. If tha flavour of tha beer begins ta decrease, it shows contamination of tha yeast an a new yeast tribe has ta be used fer tha next batch.
After tha fermentation tha beer is distilled inta raw whiskey.
3. Distillin tha brew usein a column distiller is dun next. Tha column distiller gits a alcohol content of bout 120 American Proof (60 Vol. % alcohol). If tha columns was raised higher, tha alcohol content could be raised. Tha distillation works tha same way fer all American whiskey distilleries using a Column Still. Tha pillar like form permits a continuous distillation process which was invented in 1826 by Robert Stein (Haig Co.) in Schottlan (Scotlan). Tha fundamental operation principle is simple: Ya set up a upright pipe, which has a height of 5 ta 20 meters an diameter from 70 ta 150cm. Inta this pipe ya insert floors with holes so that thar is a connection from tha bottom ta tha top. Tha edges of tha holes are somewhat bent upward, so that any liquid cain't flow directly downward. Small tubes are inserted in sich a way that tha liquid collectin on tha floors can flow off ta tha next lower floor. If tha column is filled with beer at tha bottom an tha column is heated from tha lower end, two opposite flows are created. Tha condensin liquids flow thru tha tubes downward, while tha fume components flow upward thru tha holes. Tha temperature of tha column is regulated in sich a way that tha alcohol is completely gaseous at tha top (78-85°C) an tha beer is cookin at tha bottom (95-100°C). This process runs fer an unlimited time; as long as it is supplied with enuf beer. While tha alcohol is removed at tha top, tha water with tha fibres an remnants of tha grain cums out on tha bottom. This product is called 'Stillage' an is converted ta animal food an Sour Mash which ken be added ta tha fermentation process. After tha distillation tha fumes are run through a doubler, which is a simple copper pot. In it a catalytic conversion takes place, which improves tha taste of tha raw whisky. Tha liquefied alcohol fumes in tha condenser are put through an alcohol safe inta vats, whar tha barrels are filled.
Tha White Dog (raw whiskey) is regularly tasted immediately after tha production fer which it is diluted ta approximately 20% ABV. In this condition tha aromatic substances can be judged best.
Tha amount produced per bushel of grain (35.24 litres) is bout 5 US gallons of 100 Proof Spirit (9.5 litres pure alcohol).
Bourbon Barrels:
In Kentucky an Missouri companies specialize in tha production of barrels from American white oak. Fer Straight Bourbon Whiskey tha barrels may only be used once. Thay have volumes of approximately 53 American gallons (200.34 litres). In America tha term barrel is most offen used instead of cask. Fer a barrel thar are different definitions. Tha most famous barrel is tha petroleum barrel with 158.97 litres of volume. Tha normal American barrel however contains 31.5 gallons = 119.23 litres. 1 gallon corresponds ta 3.785 litres.
Tha barrel staves are from from white oak an are first joined but not yet completely closed. Then tha staves are made supple with superheated steam an ken be bent inta thar oval form.
Tha next step however is different from other malts an gives tha Kentucky Straight Bourbon its special taste. Tha barrels are held, on one side still open, over a small fire. This procedure is called ‘toasting’ an leads ta tha wood sugar in tha staves being caramelised. This reddish layer is later also visible when cutting a stave. Tha toasting procedure lasts about 12 min. After tha toasting procedure tha barrel is submitted ta a still stronger fire treatment. It is burned out from tha inside with large flames fer 6 ta 12 minutes. Tha barrel gits a thick charcoal layer on tha inside. Fill tha toasted barrel with tha liquor an close it with a 'Bung'. Store it on its side fer bout 2 years at a controlled temperature. This is tha secret details of tha trade, but generally bourbon is kept fer 2 years or better.
Fer tha storage of tha barrels each distillery has found its own preferences. In tha past warehouses were 4 ta 5 floors high. On each floor between 3 an 6 layers of barrels were kept. Tha warehouses have a skeleton of bars an joints ta be able ta roll tha barrels horizontally. In between this skeleton thar are elevators that permit tha vertical movement of tha barrels. A usual warehouse has a capacity of 20.000 barrels. A special climate develops in tha warehouses. In tha summer ya get very high temperatures under tha roof, while in contrast at tha bottom it remains cool. In order ta adjust tha temperature with tha ambient air, a depot has many windows, which may be opened if necessary. Tha whiskey matures very differently on tha floors. Barrels are rotated. When rotating tha barrels thay are moved ta different positions in tha warehouse, so that each barrel gets tha merit of tha good positions in tha center of tha warehouse. However a certain part of tha warehouse has ta remain empty fer rotation. Usually 1/3 of tha capacity.
Tha Old McBrayer warehouse is only one floor high. That gives Old McBrayer whiskey a special maturation an limits tha amount of barrels we ken store. Old McBrayer brings a right good price; bettern than any other whiskey cause it is so special an so good an supply is limited.
If ya enter tha warehouse, ya are first overwhelmed by tha Bourbon an vanilla smell, which penetrates tha entire area. If ya walk past tha warehouse ya can still feel this smell in tha air.
Old McBrayer has its own bottlin line. First tha selected barrels are brought by han truck ta tha bottlin line an emptied over filters. Tha pieces of charcoal, which fell off tha cask walls during tha transport an maturation time are held back by tha sieve. Tha Bourbon is pumped by han ta a storage vat an fed from thar ta tha bottlin line.
Well, that's bout how it's dun. Old McBrayer whiskey is ready fer drinkin an ta be enjoyed as tha finest whiskey ever made.
Dubs an Walter begin ta fixin up all tha storage racks an dun sum weldin an greasin an oilin of tha bottlin line. Jim an Howard worked out behind tha distillery ta repair sum sluices that brung tha water from tha spring inta tha distillery fer distillin an coolin tha fermenters. Jessie an Jessie Derrell inspected tha limestone cave whar Aunt Judith had them 72 barrels of Old McBrayer hid out an all of tha distillin equipment. Buster an granpa Gus got tha old grist mill in workin order an got tha makins of tha mash tagather too. That old grist mill was a heck of a contraption, I tell ya. It could be operated by tha water from tha spring or by usein a mule ta turn tha wheel.
Sum of the wimmin folk helped out with tha yeast ta brew with an tha rest of em helped out in tha house. Thay had ta paint an sew an cook an clean. Mrs. Ollinger an Mrs. McBrayer went on inta town with Elizabeth Jane ta git sum supplies an materials fer fixin up tha place an ordered up sum lumber an equipment that needed replaced. Sum of tha equipment would take a couple of weeks ta git in an by that time everythin ort ta be ready fer startin up tha distillery.
In tha days that follored thar was lots of activity goin on at tha McBrayer Mansion an Old McBrayer distillery. All tha folks was busy an tha two wimmin folk that had ben with Aunt Judith fer so long was give a lil surprise. Them two ladies was Maureen an Collene MacGregor, sisters-in-law. Thay was direct descendents from tha folks that cum ta this cuntry with ole Hugh Forbes an was purt near kissin cuzins with tha McBrayers. Thay both was married up fer a spell but thar husbans died an thar younguns was back in Scotlan. Tickets were got fer em ta go back ta Scotlan ta visit thar younguns an kin an nuf money ta not need fer nuthin whilst thay was gone. Thay would be gone fer a month but all tha folks would be thar ta help out whilst thay was gone. Tha day thay left, Aunt Judith an Elizabeth Jane teared up sumthin awful an it was plum pitiful how all tha rest of tha wimmin folks did too. All tha men jes had ta lite a shuck ta git a loose from all that weepin. Finally, all tha goodbyes was said an tha MacGregors was on thar way all tha while promisin ta write an ta cum a runnin ifn thay was needed.
Thangs was a goin on rite well an an everbody was happy an the work sure showed as tha place was gittin put ta rite. Tha house was spic an span an tha distillery was jes bout ta git cranked up. But one day, cummin on ta evenin, Jessie, Buster, Walter an Howard was a sittin in tha limestone cave havin a break an a mite of tha hair of tha dog when Dubs an Jim cum in tracin down a leak in tha sluice in back of tha limestone thar in tha cave. Whilst thay was lookin fer tha problem, thay stumbled on ta a rock under tha sluice that seemed ta give sum access ta it. When Dubs an Jim went ta proddin that thar rock it moved a mite. Well, lo an behold, it moved allrite an behind it was a cubbyhole that opened up ta room on tha other side of tha wall. Jessie crawled on in thar an lit hisself a lantern an hollered back ta tha others that this was sumthin ta see. All manner of charts an a big ole chest was thar as well as a table an sum chairs. Jessie said he was gonna scout round an see what all was thar an ifn thar was another way in. Well, Walter an Howard crawled in tha room too but Buster was too big ta git thru tha hole.
Tha boys got ta lookin fer anythin that mite be another entrance an finally Howard found a rite ingenuous way of openin a door ta tha outside. Ya put yer han in this crack in tha rock an pulled a lever an a bolt slid back an an released a metal door that cum in from tha crick side of tha building behind a huge boulder. It was on tha north side of tha escape tunnel an the concealed doorway had ta ben put in when tha tunnel was made. Howard pulled tha lever an Walter went out an found tha other lever ta git in from tha outside. Buster an tha menfolk went out ta tha crick an found Walter an went inta tha room that way. All them charts was tellin all manner of escape routes an battlement positions an plans of buildings an what not. One document was signed by George Washington, John Adams an Thomas Jefferson, all Presidents of tha United States of America. It read:
"The Bearer of this document of either the Tipton or McBrayer families that has engaged in the practice of law shall be seated on the Supreme Court of the United States of America without question due to the supreme service rendered to their country. Be it known that a person of said lineage duly authorized by the patriarchal hierarchy shall be recognized as Commaner in Chief of all military operations on American soil to ensure compliance to the Constitution of the United States of America."
"This document is sworn an attested to by the sitting President of the United States of America Thomas Jefferson, the second President of the United States of America, John Adams an the first President of the United States of America, George Washington. This Executive Order dated March 3, 1809 is irrevocable an inviolable, ad infinitum. God save the United States of America!"
On tha same document was an added post script:
" I, Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of The United States of America, have reviewed this document an hereby concur with its edicts. For God an Country, I attest with all authority of the Presidency on this 14th day of April in the year of our Lord, 1865."
Man o' man! Iffen this wadn't a humdinger, I tell ya! Thar was other documents an sich in with this un an several others baned up that tha boys or men folks ain't even had time ta read. All of em sit down in that thar lil room an shor nuf scratched thar haids. Thay all discussed what in tha world ta do with sumthin like this. Finally, Buster's granpa Gus says this here was shor sumthin ta put thar thinkin caps on about an sumthin this important could most likely put powerful folks in a dither an twitch. Jim an Dubs looked at each other an said bout the same time ta jes call Hiram Holmes. Thay figured he could be trusted an he could sort this all out. Jessie said we ort ta ask fer Dalton an Devane ta cum protect this here passel of history cause iffen it fell inta tha wrong hans thar would be hell ta pay! Tha boys an tha menfolk closed up tha room an all sign of any entrance an went up ta tha house. Supper was bout ta be set on tha table when thay all got in an fore thay all got settled, Jessie asked all the wimmin ta gather in tha parlor. Well, tha news shor stirred up a converstation, that's fer shor. Questions was a cummin rite an left. After a bit, Jessie made tha suggestion ta call Hiram Holmes cause seemed ta be tha best idee an asked iffen everbody would give thar vow not ta breathe a word ta nobody bout this. Course all em said thay knowed how important this news was an it went without sayin thay wadn't gonna say nuthin. Buster said let's eat an headed fer tha supper table. Aunt Judith said she didn't know nuthin bout tha secret room nor what was in it.
She did recollect that her great granpa tole her when she was a chile that iffen she ever wanted ta take up tha law that thar was sumthin special awaitin fer her. She said she paid no never mind ta it an ain't even thought bout it till now an that was purt near 80 years ago. After supper Hiram Holmes was called an tole all bout thangs without goin inta too much detail cause sumbody mite overhear thar conversation. Mr Holmes said he would dispatch agents immediately an thay would be thar fore mornin. Tha folks an tha boys discussions went on inta tha nite burnin tha midnite oil cypherin on everthin. Cum daylite an tha sunrise all a glowin on tha horizon, thar was a knock on tha door. Buster's granma answered it an Dalton said good mornin Mrs. Orlicek. She smiled an tole him ta cum on in fer breakfast an that it was good ta see him agin. He said that Devane an Bibi was rite behind him unloadin tha truck an thay'd be rite on in. Everbody was up an at em an Jessie Derrell dun seed Bibi an she run up an hugged him proper. Tha boys all said howdy an tha folks all shook hans with em an said how glad it was them Mr. Holmes sent. Dalton said when Hiram called that thay wouldn't have it no other way but ta cum.
What a breakfast thay had that mornin. Thay all eat till thay was bout ta pop. Them boys was in hog heaven with aigs, pan fried taters, milk gravy, fresh biscuits, homemade bread an fresh churned butter, smoked ham an red eye gravy, honey, peach an strawberry jam, slab peppered bacon, sweet tater pancakes an hot chocolate with whipped cream an coffee an milk. Thar was even muscadine grape juice fresh squeezed an chilled.
When breakfast was dun, tha menfolks an tha boys showed Dalton an Devane tha entrance ta tha secret room. Jessie Derrell stayed behind with Bibi in tha house sayin he was gonna help clean up. That didn't happen! Him an Bibi sit out in tha porch swang an was a talkin an jes a swangin when thay all cum back up ta tha house with all tha documents an papers an tha chest. Tha table was cleared off an Dalton an Devane begin ta sort thru all tha documents an papers tryin ta figure out what thay was all bout. Dalton called up Mr. Holmes an tole him on his secure phone what he had what all he was seein an bout tha document signed by tha Presidents. Hiram said he was a cummin hisself an would bring a feller or two with him ta authenticate tha documents an papers.
Whilst Dalton an Devane was goin thru tha papers with Bibi an Elizabeth Jane a helpin, tha boys an menfolks went on back ta work startin up tha distillery. Jim an granpa Gus went inta town ta git tha new equipment an sum more supplies an tha rest of em started settin up. Buster an
Walter got tha grist mill grindin tha corn an rye an was a gittin tha mash ready ta cook. Tha yeast was ready too, so operations was ready ta begin that afternoon when Jim an Granpa Gus got back. After dinner, Dalton tole em all that tha papers an documents went ta tha very heart of tha foundation of America an how important ta never let anybody know bout what was found here. He said Mr. Holmes would speak ta em all when he got thar an studied all tha contents of tha chest an tha documents an papers. Smoke was a cummin out tha chimneys that's fer shor cause them cookers was a goin full blast. It'd be next week fore thangs got ta rollin full speed so thar was a lil time on thar hans ceptin fer checkin on tha cookers an sich. Aunt Judith was all perky due ta tha excitement. Mrs. Ollinger, Mrs. McBrayer, Mrs Holmes an Granma Orlicek dun tole her all bout sum of tha dealins an adventures thay dun had with Dalton, Devane an Mr. Holmes. Tha ladies said thay was all safe an sound with them round an then thay tole Aunt Judith how Bibi took a shine ta Jessie Derrell. Hisn pheromones dun bewitched that gal an she was a fine a gal thay could ask fer ta be in tha family.
But, Jessie Derrell was a goin ta take up lawyerin at tha University of Alabama an then when he was dun with school an settled down he'd marry up. Mrs. McBrayer said she hoped everthin stayed tha same an she would wait fer her Jessie Derrell cause she shor cottoned ta that gal.
Mrs. McBrayer also said thay was a gonna have prayer time when all tha boys an menfolk got in that evenin. With what all was goin on, thay shor needed tha Lord in tha mix; even ole Abe Lincoln an than others said that! Course all tha ladies agreed ta that an would all go inta tha parlor after supper.
Round bout 4 o'clock, Hiram Holmes an a couple of his fellers got ta tha house. Thay greeted everbody an he toured tha grounds an buildings an took stock of what all was dun an transpired. He paid special attention ta tha room an tha escape tunnel. After he was dun an visited with Dalton an Devane, thay went in ta supper. Yore tongue would slap yore tonsils with tha supper them wimmin folk laid out. Roast pork, sauerkraut, turnip greens, corn on tha cob, sliced maters, mashed taters, gravy, fried okree, green beans, sweet tater casserole, wilted lettuce leaf salad with hot dressin, peach soup, fresh rolls an butter, an fried chicken. Fer dessert thay had pecan, coconut an apple pies, apple dumplins an fresh turned ice cream. Sweet tea an coffee ta drink rounded off tha meal. Mr. Holmes said he ain't never ate nuthin like what was served that nite an his fellers jes wouldn't quit even though thay had ta loosen thar ties an britches.
After retirin ta tha parlor, Aunt Judith said thay was a goin ta have a prayer meetin. The fellers with Mr. Holmes made ta git up an go outside but Aunt Judith an them ladies put tha evil eye on em an tole em tha prayer meetin was fer everbody. Thay sit down an said thay was sorry that thay thought it was jes fer thar family. Mrs. Ollinger tole Buster an Walter ta start with a Bible readin of thar choice. Buster begin with Ecclesiastes 12:13 an Walter give John 3:16. Aunt Judith said a prayer an invited anyone else ta say a prayer iffen thay liked ta. All tha wimmin folk includin Bibi offered up a prayer too an then Mr. Holmes took ta talkin bout tha Lord like a preacher. When all was said an dun, Aunt Judith asked Devane ta say tha closin prayer. He cleared hisn throat a few times but give a rendition of Elmer Gantry in oratorical skill in prayin. All said amen an amen.
Mr. Holmes asked everbody ta go bout that daily chores as usual an he would give em all a report that afternoon fore supper. He asked Dalton, Devane an Bibi ta stay behind fer a conference with him an tha 2 other fellers; believe thar names was Alfred an Horace.
What he dun tole em was in dire straits he said. Them papers would blow tha lid plum off Washington. Tha President couldn't be trusted with this knowledge. Jes ain't no tellin what would happen with all tha international ramifications of this find. One thang was fer shor, tha safety of these folks cum first an tha safety of these documents as well. Dalton asked Hiram iffen he knowed how it all fit tagether an Hiram said it wadn't all clear yet but iffen thay would look back at sum of thar missions thay would see that thay was jes tha tip of tha iceberg. It was big, really big! Sum major players in tha world would defintely take an interest in these documents even ta tha extent of sacrificin alliances an money an men. Whatever it took was tha order of tha day was thay way he seen it. Mr. Holmes said this was scary even fer thar bunch in tha Presidential Corps, but this was thar real job. Thay would all jes see how it all played out. Mr. Holmes tole em all that even with all thar secrecy an precautions it was gonna leak an when it did ta be prepared fer tha worst. It was gonna be bad; jes a matter of time.
Mr Holmes said he wanted ta explain sum thangs ta em all bout tha papers an documents an all. He said it was rite unbelievable but he knowed all of em trusted him an he was a tellin em all on tha square that what he was a sayin was tha truth. He said tha Supreme Court appointments was due ta both Tiptons an McBrayers bein lawyers an judges back then an what thay dun fer thar cuntry that incurred a debt that couldn't be paid. Thar patriotism was repaid with tha honor of molding truth an justice in America's laws but still demaned continued sacrifice ta duty. Tha Presidents that signed that document knowed that tha Constitution would be in good hans. Mr. Holmes went on ta say that all them charts an plans an papers had ta do with a battle fer control over the United States an tha world. When tha cuntry was first bein formed, Tiptons an McBrayers was in tha Masons. Thay found out that diabolical plans was laid ta destroy tha cuntry fore it was even got off tha ground an tha evil fellers a headin up sumthin called tha Illuminati was gonna rule as a shadow government. Tha Tipton an McBrayer ancestors took exception ta that an got ta tha Presidents that signed tha documents. President Lincoln was given information on what was really goin on with tha war the nite fore he was kilt. Tha last part of tha document said that tha heads of tha two families had ta agree on a military commaner ta uphold tha Constituiton or in tha event of a takeover attempt of tha United States. Mr. Holmes said tha reason tha Presidential Corps was established outside tha boundaries presently prescribled by laws passed by crooked politicans is ta do jes that. In fact, tha Presidential Corps was manated by Tipton an McBrayer influence an was ta be used in conjunction with tha edict of tha document. Heck fire, he didn't even know that! Needless ta say thar was gonna be sum scoundrels upset over all this cause is throwed a monkey wrench inta thar plans of a one world government. Course a lot of these papers an documents could be kept secret but sum of em was bound ta be found out. Thay had ta be used ta fight tha buzzards; not only in tha US but worldwide. He reckoned tha Presidential Corps was gonna take a new direction in sum cases an employ methods ta fix tha situation that wadn't gonna be purty. Had ta be dun though. Now he was gonna give em all sum information that would peel thar ears back but it was from reliable resources an his group as well. Thay dun put 2 an 2 tagather an cum up with 4 in this case. Dalton an Devane confirmed what Mr. Holmes was a sayin by way of thar missions an what thay personally experienced an found out. Thay allowed it jes weren't by no book.
Mr. Holmes had Bibi an Elizabeth Jane ta pass out a written report fer each of em. it read:
"One of the most powerful front groups of the Illuminati, which also works as a secret society in itself, is the Bilderberg Group. This is a group which was created in the beginning of the 50's by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlans (former SS-officer) an the Polish socialist Joseph Retinger, one of the founders of the European movement. These two persons decided meetings on a regular basis for the European foreign-ministers. Their first meeting occurred in Hôtel Bilderberg in the Dutch Oosterbreck between the 29-31 of May 1954, thus the name of the group. The core of the group consists of an Elite of people, counted to 39, called the Steering Committee. They are not elected an was originally led by Prince Bernhard, a close friend to the British Crown.
Since 1954, meetings have been arranged at least once a year on different locations each time, very secret. The members are around 120 persons from the high finance circles of Western Europe, the US an Canada. Although the meetings are very hidden an nothing, or very little leaks to the international media (which is natural, as most of the Media Moguls are Bilderbergers; so much for free press). Invited are also political leaders from different countries. Their flight-tickets are paid by the Committee, an there is free food an drinks etc.
The purpose of the group is a World Government by the year 2012 an a global army through the UN. The take-over is partly planned to involve computers. The Bilderberg Group is also called the "invisible world government". Because of the character of the meetings it is clearly bribery on the behalf of the politicians who are taking part. Here they are suggested to betray their own countries by selling out their sovereign states to the EU an American Union against the Constitutions of the countries they represent, thus deceiving their own people. This is what many of our elected politicians secretly are doing behind our backs; it is Treason at the best.
Here are the names of the 13 families, the Secret Government.
1. Astor
2. Bundy
3. Collins
4. DuPont
5. Freeman
6. Kennedy
7. Li (Chinese)
8. Onassis
9. Rockefeller
10. Rothschild
11. Russell
12. van Duyn
13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)
The following families are also interconnected with those above:
1. Reynolds
2. Disney
3. Krupp
4. McDonald
Also, in addition to those four families, there are hundreds of others that are more remotely connected to the main 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Although significant, they are not mentioned here; they are considered less powerful an less "pure" by the 13 Elite Bloodlines.
So what is the true goal of the Illuminati? The main goal is to create a One World Government, with them on top to rule the world into slavery an dictatorship
Illuminati: The name assumed by the members of a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Baron Adolf Franz Friederich Knigge in 1780 joined in leadership with his influence an clout an an alliance between the Illuminati an Freemasonry was effected.
Author, John Robison, an English savant an Freemason author, an the Abbé Barruel, both independently came to the same conclusion an agreed on their findings. The Abbé Barruel, who had been trained as a Jesuit, enjoying literary talents much superior to those of Robison an relying upon documentary evidence more copious if not more convincing, defined his purpose in the following manner:
We shall show that with which it is incumbent on all nations an their chiefs to be acquainted: we shall demonstrate that, even to the most horrid deeds perpetrated during the French Revolution, everything was foreseen an resolved on, was combined an premeditated: that they were the offspring of deep-thought villainy, since they had been prepared an were produced by men, who alone held the clue of those plots an conspiracies, lurking in the secret meetings where they had been conceived, an only watching the favorable moment of bursting forth. Though the events of each day may not appear to have been combined, there nevertheless existed a secret agent an a secret cause, giving rise to each event, an turning each circumstance to the long-sought-for end. Though circumstances may often have afforded the pretense of the occasion, yet the gran cause of the revolution, its leading features, its atrocious crimes, will still remain one continued chain of deep-laid an premeditated villainy.
1st. Many years before the French Revolution, men who styled themselves Philosophers conspired against the God of the Gospel, against Christianity, without distinction of worship, whether Protestant or Catholic, Anglican or Presbyterian. The gran object of this conspiracy was to overturn every alter where Christ was adored. It was the conspiracy of the Sophisters of Impiety, or the ANTICHRISTIAN CONSPIRACY.
2dly. This school of impiety soon formed the Sophisters of Rebellion: these latter, combining their conspiracy against kings with that of the Sophisters of Impiety, coalesce with that ancient sect whose tenets constituted the whole secret of the Occult-Lodges of Free-Masonry, which long since, imposing on the credulity of its most distinguished adepts, only initiated the chosen of the elect into the secret of their unrelenting hatred for Christ an kings.
3dly. From the Sophisters of Impiety an Rebellion arose Sophisters of Impiety an Anarchy. These latter conspire not only against Christ an his altars, but against every religion natural or revealed: not only against kings, but against every government, against all civil society, even against property whatsoever.
This third sect, known by the name of Illumines, coalesced with the Sophisters conspiring against Christ, coalesced with the Sophisters who, with the Occult Masons, conspired against both Christ an kings. It was the coalition of the adepts of impiety, of the adepts of rebellion, an the adepts of anarchy, which formed the CLUB of the JACOBINS . . . Such was the origin, such the progress of that sect, since become so dreadfully famous under the name JACOBIN. In the present Memoirs each of these three conspiracies shall be treated separately; their authors unmasked, the object, means, coalition an progress of the adepts shall be laid open."
Mr. Holmes said he hoped this report would be helpful ta understan what all was gonin on an how it all got started. Granpa Gus spoke up an said he knowed fer true that this was rite as he an his pa experienced sum of this in Czechoslovakia fore thay cum ta America. Mr. Holmes could shor nuf count on him ta do anythin ta thwart these here crazy people. He said all it was, was that sumbody wanted what sumbody else had an wanted ta control everthin. Everbody agreed ta that.
After tha meetin everbody went bout thar bizness an tha distillery was a cookin away an tha house an place was shor nuf spruced up by this time. She was a gleamin like tha dew on that Kentucky bluegrass.
Mr. Holmes an tha two fellers, Alfred an Horace left out tha next day an them boys took a passel load of vittles with em too. Thay jes couldn't git enuf ta eat. Mr. Holmes said he would contact Dalton with more information an specific instructions at a later time but fer them ta stay close ta tha boys an thar folks. When Mr. Holmes got back ta his office, he begin ta studin on tha document an other papers an testin em with equipment that was far too sophisticated ta bring ta McBrayer Springs. He had ta use tha bathroom an his Executive Secretary's assistant cum in whilst he was gone ta tha loo. Now, ain't nobody allowed in that room ceptin by special order but this here woman was a nosin round tryin ta sniff out sumthin ta buy her fleshly desires. Her name was Mona Dene Tyler, bout 55 years old an frumpy lookin but efficient. She was vetted early on in her career with tha govermint but her worldly ways dun got her inta a pickle. She hornswoggled sum funds from a mission an nobody was tha wiser. In her depraved relations, tha fellers on tha bad side got on ta her an had her over a barrel. She was what thay call a mole. Anyhow, she sneaked a peek at tha document an papers with tha list of names an all an took sum pictures from a lil camera no bigger tha a pack of ready rolls. She got outa tha door rite fore Mr. Holmes got back inta tha room an skedaddled ta a drop off an left tha film. Wadn't long fore she was contacted an she tole tha men that cum fer her all she knowed an then thay kilt her an left her in a swamp in tha quicksan. Now ole Hiram had hisn ways an when thay cum fer him he was way ahead of em. He had tha best team of assassins that could be had an thay protected him ta a man with thar lives. Tha red flags went up when a feller acted like he dun got lost an run inta a tree outside of Mr. Holmes house an wanted ta use tha phone. Thay cum from all sides like a pack of wolves an thar was a shootout liken ta tha OK corral. Fellers was cummin over tha wall, thru tha gate an inta house. Now, Hiram Holmes was a lil long in tha tooth but he was shor nuf pizen when he was riled, I tell ya. Thar was bout 20of tha bad guys an Mr. Holmes's force was outnumbered 2 ta 1. Do I need ta tell ya who cum out on top, no siree! Two of tha invaders was captured an tha rest kilt. Only a couple of Mr. Holmes men was wounded but not hurt bad. Tha two fellers that was captured was took ta a undeground facility fer interrogation an thay spilled tha beans. One of em didn't know much but tha other un had sum story ta tell an it weren't good.
He was spoutin all kinda nonsense but give up enuf ta put Mr. Holmes on tha rite track ta findin out what was what. Neither of them fellers seed tha lite of day. Good riddance ta bad trash said Mr. Holmes. Mr. Holmes pulled in all of his operatives he could possibly spare an a few private an retired contractors an agents as well. Thay hit tha bricks an used ever possible resource thay had fer information. Thay hit a dead end at ever turn ceptin one lead that cum up. It was a head knocker over at tha Mormon Church an a buddy of hisn from China; last name of Li. Hiram made a call ta a real good fren of hisn thar in China an made up ta meet up with him in Dublin Irelan with thar guests. Thar was a old stronghold of tha IRA that Mr. Holmes knowed bout an he tole hisn old fren Zhang ta meet up with him thar. Thay was a gonna git ta tha bottom of this
mess even iffn it hair lipped a ugly ape! Mr. Holmes's men kidnapped tha Mormon feller an Zhang got hisn man too an them private jets was a flyin em all ta Dublin within 2 hours flat.
Well sir, these two ole boys had thar lips buttoned up tighter than dick's hat ban but tween Mr. Holmes an Zhang thay got tha truth ta unravel. Thar house of cards was shorly bout ta tumble but it was gonna take a mite of doin ta separate tha good guys from tha bad an sum very important people was gonna be took out. Not down, but out! Don't wait supper, is what Mr. Holmes said ta them fellers cause you traitors ain't gonna make it. Two quite lil pops an it was lites out fer em.
Seems like word spread like wildfire bout tha document an all them papers. Mr. Holmes was a keepin tabs on what was goin on round tha world an sumthin was up an on tha move. Mr. Holmes put all tha papers, documents an tha chest inta tha safest place he knowed of that nobody knowed of ceptin folks he could trust; tha underwater treasure cave in tha Bahamas that tha boys found on vacation. Mr. Holmes called in Walter's uncle Jeff an had him ta take what all he needed an tha men he trusted ta carry it all thar by submarine an ta wait thar till he or Dalton or Devane contacted him. In tha meantime, forces was a gatherin ta wipe out all livin souls at McBrayer Springs. Mr. Holmes called up Dalton an tole him what was gonna take place an ta gear up an fast. He was sendin help an thay would git thar as soon as possible.
Tha next evenin, all tha folks an tha boys was ready an waitin. It was kinda like tha Alamo. Tha trustin part was tha thang here cause ya jes didn't who was who an which side of tha fence thay was on. When thay cum, thay cum hard. Tha first charge purt near had em but a bunch of fellers from out of South America cum in like gangbusters an drove em off. Tha second one was really fierce but thay managed ta hang on. It was tha third charge that was tha one that was a gonna do em in. It was puredee luck that nun of tha boys or tha families was hurt but tha soldiers was shot up purty bad an tha wimmin fold was tendin ta em along with a medic or two that was thar. Other forces sent in by Mr. Holmes jes couldn't git thru an was a fightin with all thay had but thay wadn't gonna git thar in time ta save everbody. Jes at tha darkest hour, menfolk begin ta cummin outa tha woods. Thay was carryin all manner of weapons an thay shor took a toll on them bad guys. Dalton looked ta tha boys an tha families with a wonderment on hisn face an asked em who in tha tarnation thay was. Aunt Judith recognized sum of tha men from town an round bout tha county an said thay was Tiptons an McBrayers. Well, that turned tha tide an thay reckoned sum of em escaped, but not many. When Mr. Holmes got thar he tole all what dun happened. In them papers was a secret call ta arms. Ever head of household was tole it by word of mouth from generation ta generation. Sum of tha clans even had secret meetins tellin of it an warnin ta always be prepared. Mr. Holmes didn't know ifn it would work but he said he had ta try. TV, radio an newspapers carried tha line "Old McBayer was sellin fer 4 bits a pint at McBrayer Springs". Tha hills cum alive an thay cum a runnin!
Tha clean up an debriefin of all tha Tiptons an McBrayers took nigh onta two days. Camps was made down by tha crick an wimmin folk cooked up vittles an tended ta tha wounded that didn't have ta go ta tha hospital. Guards was kept up an patrollin nite an day by tha professional soldiers but clans had thar way of keepin watch too an even taught tha soldiers a thang or two.
Thar was lots of goins on I'm tellin ya an many of tha young men wanted ta join up ta fight tha invaders. Mr. Holmes said thar weren't no need but granpa Gus wanted ta git on in tha middle of tha fracas no matter what an Buster an granma had ta tone him down. Granma got him by tha ear an said Gus, you hesh now. Granpa Gus mumbled sumthin bout that he was madder an cat with hisn tail under a rocker. Mr. Holmes tole em how tha cow ate tha cabbage as best he knowed it an tole em thay had ta look real close at tha folks on tha list an tha ones that cozied up ta them. Tha President was in on it long with most of his henchmen in tha govermint. All tha folks knowed sumthin wadn't rite in America an it was time them politicans an other ne'er do wells was held accountable fer thar deeds. Tha powerful people in Europe had ta be sent a message not ta fool the tha USA cause ifn thay did thay was gonna git snakebit good an proper.
Mr. Holmes said tha leaders of tha countries that was tryin ta do rite was gonna git support an movements all over tha world was gonna take back thar cuntries.
After all was said an dun an folks left on out back ta thar homes an jobs. Mr. Holmes had a lil powwow with tha families. He said he was rite proud of Aunt Judith fer a conkin a feller over tha haid with her cast iron skillet an savin tha life of one of hisn men. Aunt Judith jes smiled humble like an said she was jes fightin fer family an cuntry is all, plus he was a makin tha cake she was a bakin fall. Uncle Jeff was called an he brought tha papers an document long with tha chest back ta tha house. Thay discussed what all was ta be dun bout tha document an Mr. Holmes give his advice ta put up everthin fer safekeepin till sum of this carryin on was settled. He said that he wanted ta inform tha Tipton an McBrayer clans of tha provisions of protectin tha cuntry an tha Constitution an thay all had ta vote on who that would be if need be. Mr. Holmes did say he would be rite proud ta inform tha President that he had ta seat a Supreme Court Justice from one of tha families when tha time cum. It would shor curl hisn toenails ifn he was still in office. All of em took on off tha next mornin but not without takin a bottle of Old McBrayer with each of em. Aunt Judith said she would send sum of the new batch when it was ready an fer them ta compare it an be sure let her know how it was. Bibi an Jessie Derrell went off ta tharselfs fer a spell ta say thar goodbyes. Uncle Jeff met up with Walter, Dubs an Mrs. Ollinger fore he left out too an Dalton an Devane visited with all of em fore thay left with Mr. Holmes.
After all of tha doins was over, thangs settled down an everbody got back down ta tha bizness of makin whiskey. Jessie Derrell made a deal with tha top bourbon suppliers ta ship tha limited supply ta them fer a record price. Sum of tha Old McBrayer was ta be give ta tha McBrayer an Tipton familes fer free an it was suggested by Aunt Judith fer tha Tiptons an McBrayers ta have a reunion ever year after this un. Of course tha Holmes an Ollinger families an tha men an wimmen was also invited that helped em thru all thar adventures.
Elizabeth Jane said she was gonna go back ta Europe ta see her feller an perhaps look inta finishin up her schoolin thar too. She would let em all know. Tha Ollinger gals, Pamela Kay an Karen Jeanene would stay till tha McGregors got back an tha boys would stay till tha distillery an tha place was operatin smoothly an good help was found ta fill in. Tha folks was gonna leave at tha end of tha week ta go on back home so all of em wanted ta visit as much as thay could an continue on findin out bout thar family ties. Aunt Judith tole Jim an Shirley Holmes an Dubs an Evelyn Ollinger thay was as much family as her own an don't be strangers. Thay tole her thay ain't never seed so much excitement in thar lives till all these here boys got hooked up. Said thay was like thar own too an tha boys was more like brothers. Also said thay was proud ta meet her an she ort ta visit them back home when she could.
In tha weeks an years ta follow, Old McBrayer whiskey cum ta be tha finest whiskey knowed ta be made an it was in sich huge deman tha distillery couldn't keep up. Orders was took as first cum, first served but Jessie an Buster an Elizabeth Jane agreed not ta expan. Thay wanted ta keep it small an a quality bourbon ta be envied. Them 72 barrels soon had twins ta em on tha other side of tha limestone cave fer only tha family. One day when tha agein was complete a good tastin ta compare tha two would be made in a lil ceremony honorin tha tradition of tha McBrayers. This shor nuf was gonna be dun fore she kicked tha bucket said Aunt Judith. All tha boys an tha families said thay would be rite thar whenever she made tha call.
At Christmas time Elizabeth Jane wrote an said she was shor nuf in love an her beau asked her ta marry him. Tha weddin was ta be at McBrayer Springs next June. She said his name was Collins Amschel Freeman!
All tha boys an thar folks an Walter's sisters cum up ta Kentucky ta see ta Aunt Judith an crank up tha distillery. When thay got thar after all tha boys graduated from thar high school, thay had tha dangest party ya ever did see. Aunt Judith an Elizabeth Jane invited sum folks thay knowed over ta meet tha family an enjoy tha festivities. Thay had em a shindig in tha ballroom of tha mansion an with all manner of vittles too. Tha ban was sum fellers over from Nashville that knowed of tha Tipton an McBrayer clans an volunteered ta play fer tha evenin an bring thar families long as well. It was a nite ta remember. Thay all danced an ate an drank till near dawn an tha Old McBrayer was a flowin purty free like. Tha ole feller tha boys met up with when thay first hit town was thar too. He was shor nuf feelin his oats fer a spell but than took ta nappin later on in tha evenin. Tha Ollinger gals an Elizabeth Jane made up a bed fer him an tha boys toted him on up ta tha room an settled him in. He was out till late mornin. Said he ain't had sich fun fer nigh on ta 20 years. Sum of tha folks stayed tha nite an sum went on back home but tha next day thay had a late breakfast fer all of em an visited till time fer chores.
That evenin all tha folks an tha boys gathered in tha parlor an Aunt Judith got out tha family Bible an begin ta tellin how all em was kin in tha McBrayer an Tipton families. Aunt Judith never was married up. She had a sweetheart that was in tha Service with Alvin York. Thay was ta be married when he cum back home but he was kilt with tha mustard gas in tha trenches. Alvin cum by an oale Aunt Judith he was with him when he passed an give her his last words an a letter he was writin at tha time jes fore he died. Alvin said Tom dearly loved her an said he was sorry thay didn't have a life on this here earth but he would be a waitin on tha othar side fer her. Alvin said Tom would do ta ride tha river with an a fine a fren a feller could ever have. Tom was a right brave feller an saved Alvin's life when a German snuck in at nite an was a gonna pig stick him in tha back with a bayonet.
Aunt Judith's sister, Julie, married up ta William Stokes an thay had a daughter, Mary Virginia who married up ta Jackson Barrett who bore Elizabeth Jane. Julie an William Stokes died rite fore thair Mary Virginia from tha grippe an dysentery. Aunt Judith's folks was Lucinda Jane Tipton an Samuel McBrayer. Her granparents was Major Jonathan Tipton an Alice Mae Daniels on her mama's side an John Edward McBrayer an Patricia Stamper on her pa's side. John had a brother, Archie McBrayer that married up ta Claudette Rouseau of New Orleans an thay had 3 younguns, Jessie, James an Sarah Lorene. Jessie married Sara Lukes an thay had Jessie Derrell an Sarah Lorene married up Russell Tipton an had Buster.
What happened was Jessie was 13 years older than Sarah Lorene an was gone from home when she was 3. In tha years Jessie was gone, hisn folks an Sara an her husban died an Buster went ta live with his granparents on Russell's ma's side, tha Orliceks. So everbody lost touch an jes didn't know who belonged ta who nor ifn Buster was even borned. That's why Buster an Jessie didn't know thay was first cousins. Well everthin got straight an everbody was plum excited over everthin. Aunt Judith rehashed ta Jessie, Jessie Derrell an Buster tha arrangements she dun made fer them 2 boys an Elizabeth Jane. Of course all of em would be took care of but she wanted tha younguns ta keep tha Tipton an McBrayer names a goin an let tha younguns take up whar tha McBrayer Distillery left off. Everbody agreed with Aunt Judith an said thay would help keep thangs on tha rite track since thay was parents an kin an had tha experience of livin as long as thay have an in bizness as well.
Tha next mornin everbody headed ta tha barn whar tha distillery was. Inventory an stock was took ta see what all was thar an what was needed ta git thangs a rollin. Howard showed em all tha secret escape tunnel ta tha crick an Aunt Judith opened up tha panel ta tha limestone cave whar she had them Old McBrayer whiskey barrels stored. Thar was 72 barrels of old McBrayer jes a agein in tha racks; it shorly was tha finest whiskey in America an would stan with any other un in tha world.
Aunt Judith got out tha original recipe an her an grandpa Gus begin ta discussin what all was needed an tha measurements. 88.4% of corn, 5.8% of rye an 5.8% of malt what was called fer an granpa Gus said it weren't no new fangled seed neither. Had ta be raised natural, organic thay called it, usin only manure ta make this whiskey. Yeast an pure water was very critical fer tha process. Tha crick was fed by a spring cummin from tha limestaoe in tha mountain an passed rite thru tha distillery. Tha mix made far less than tha new way of makin whiskey but it shor was tha best sippin whiskey a body could drink.
W. H. McBrayer had hisself a distillery over in Anerson County but here in McBrayer Springs tha Old McBrayer distillery made better whiskey than anywhar. Tha distillery was moved ta Montgomery County in 1899 but McBrayers was a makin whiskey long fore that an went ta usin tha original recipe. This here is how thay dun it.
1. First off thay ground tha mixture of corn an rye ta a rough grind about tha texture of course san. A grain seed consists mostly of starch. Small quantities of proteins, fats an trace elements are also found in tha grain seed. Starch is chemically seen as a polysaccharide. Many sugar molecules are connected inta long chains. Only tha barley has tha ability ta convert starch inta sugar with tha help of an enzyme during tha germination process. Then tha special extra soft spring water was added an combined it ta make a slurry. Fresh spring water is needed fer tha whiskey production in order ta cook tha starch in tha grain an extract tha developin sugar. When tha distillery was established particular attention was give ta a source of good water with sufficient an good output.
Kentucky is on a thick layer of limestone, which filters tha water gooder than snuff. In this here valley, where tha limestone layer broke through, tha spring that fed tha crick had tha best pure, clear an well suited water fer tha whiskey production.
2. Then tha grain an water slurry was cooked fer about a half an hour until it become a hot mixture called a mash. Thay found out that when tha grain was warmed up to strong tha taste suffered from it. Tha grain is crushed, in order ta open tha grain skin an tha grindin process makes a very fine flour. It's allowed ta cool down so it won't kill tha yeast cells. Tha yeast was added inta tha mash after it had cooled down ta approximately 25 ta 30°C, in a fermenter in which a beer with bout 9-10% ABV would develop. Tha bubblin, alcoholic fermentation of tha yeast converts tha sugar ta alcohol an CO2 an at tha same time heat is produced. Tha fermentation usually lasts three days an a alcohol strength of approximately 9 ta 10% is reached.
Corn (Maize)
longest cooking time (with over pressure)
medium cooking time
shortest cooking time (sensitive)
Instead of bein cooked, barley is malted. First step in maltin barley is soaking it in water until it is good an wet. Then ya spread it out an sprinkle it with water fer bout three weeks till it begins ta sprout. Durin tha germination tha enzyme amylase is produced. Amylase converts the starch in the barley inta sugars. The sproutin is halted by dryin tha barley an heatin it with hot air from a kiln.
Tha selection of tha yeast is a simple matter. Containers with a nutrient solution are placed under an apple or pear tree. Ya wait till natural yeasts on tha fruits accept tha nutrient solution. Then small samples of tha nutrient solution are put on carriers an tha individually upshowin yeasts are bred in ovens an kept at moderate temperatures (35 ta 40°C). From one single yeast cell ya can breed tha entire yeast fer tha alcoholic fermentation. From a test tube tha yeast amount, as much as a pencil tip, is took out. This yeast is mixed in a glass bulb with a nutrient solution (Malt extract). Important fer tha reproduction of tha yeast is tha correct pH value of tha solution. Depending upon tha yeast it varies between 5.4 an 5.8. All materials in which tha yeasts are bred, must be sterilized in a autoclave, so vinegar bacteria or different yeasts don't replace tha desired yeast tribe. After bout half a litre of pure yeast has been produced in this glass bulb, tha yeast is added inta a larger container called tha 'Dona Tub' (Donna Tub). A large yeast batch is produced in tha Dona Tub so that a large container can be filled later that can serve as a storage tank fer tha entire fermenters. Each distillery usually produces different Bourbons with different yeasts. Tharfore each whiskey has its own yeast tank. Tha reproduction of tha yeasts over tha Dona Tub takes place occasionally, if tha yeast stacks were spoiled by vinegar bacteria or alien yeasts.
Fermenters are made of cypress wood with a wood or copper Beer Well in tha back.
Tha size of tha fermenters depend on tha distillery; from 'large' ta 'enormous'. Since tha continuously workin column stills can process large quantities of beer, a constant supply must be provided so that tha column stills don't run empty. Fer this reason tha American distilleries have a 'Beer Well', inta which those fermented contents (beer) are emptied. Tha size of tha fermenters determine tha size of tha Beer Well. Usually tha Beer Well is a third bigger than tha largest fermenter, so that tha column stills can continue ta produce even when tha pumpin of beer starts late. During tha alcoholic fermentation tha yeast converts tha sugar ta alcohol an CO2. At tha same time heat is produced. Tha fermentation usually lasts three days. An alcohol strength of approximately 9 ta 10% is reached. Few distilleries ferment much longer; however thay also don’t get higher values than 10 ta 11%. Tha developed product is called Beer or Distiller's Beer.
Tha larger a fermenting container is, tha larger tha heat production will be. This is because of tha fact that tha relationship between tha surface an tha volume decreases with rising fermenter size which results in tha fermenting container bein unable ta exhaust tha heat over tha surface any longer. If tha temperature in tha fermenting container exceeds 35 ta 40°C, tha yeast dies gradually until tha fermentation stops. Many fermentin containers can be cooled with cold water.
Tha smell of tha beer tells a bunch bout tha later whiskey. Tha brewer pays a heap of attention ta an aromatic beer, which can smell strongly of apple. If tha flavour of tha beer begins ta decrease, it shows contamination of tha yeast an a new yeast tribe has ta be used fer tha next batch.
After tha fermentation tha beer is distilled inta raw whiskey.
3. Distillin tha brew usein a column distiller is dun next. Tha column distiller gits a alcohol content of bout 120 American Proof (60 Vol. % alcohol). If tha columns was raised higher, tha alcohol content could be raised. Tha distillation works tha same way fer all American whiskey distilleries using a Column Still. Tha pillar like form permits a continuous distillation process which was invented in 1826 by Robert Stein (Haig Co.) in Schottlan (Scotlan). Tha fundamental operation principle is simple: Ya set up a upright pipe, which has a height of 5 ta 20 meters an diameter from 70 ta 150cm. Inta this pipe ya insert floors with holes so that thar is a connection from tha bottom ta tha top. Tha edges of tha holes are somewhat bent upward, so that any liquid cain't flow directly downward. Small tubes are inserted in sich a way that tha liquid collectin on tha floors can flow off ta tha next lower floor. If tha column is filled with beer at tha bottom an tha column is heated from tha lower end, two opposite flows are created. Tha condensin liquids flow thru tha tubes downward, while tha fume components flow upward thru tha holes. Tha temperature of tha column is regulated in sich a way that tha alcohol is completely gaseous at tha top (78-85°C) an tha beer is cookin at tha bottom (95-100°C). This process runs fer an unlimited time; as long as it is supplied with enuf beer. While tha alcohol is removed at tha top, tha water with tha fibres an remnants of tha grain cums out on tha bottom. This product is called 'Stillage' an is converted ta animal food an Sour Mash which ken be added ta tha fermentation process. After tha distillation tha fumes are run through a doubler, which is a simple copper pot. In it a catalytic conversion takes place, which improves tha taste of tha raw whisky. Tha liquefied alcohol fumes in tha condenser are put through an alcohol safe inta vats, whar tha barrels are filled.
Tha White Dog (raw whiskey) is regularly tasted immediately after tha production fer which it is diluted ta approximately 20% ABV. In this condition tha aromatic substances can be judged best.
Tha amount produced per bushel of grain (35.24 litres) is bout 5 US gallons of 100 Proof Spirit (9.5 litres pure alcohol).
Bourbon Barrels:
In Kentucky an Missouri companies specialize in tha production of barrels from American white oak. Fer Straight Bourbon Whiskey tha barrels may only be used once. Thay have volumes of approximately 53 American gallons (200.34 litres). In America tha term barrel is most offen used instead of cask. Fer a barrel thar are different definitions. Tha most famous barrel is tha petroleum barrel with 158.97 litres of volume. Tha normal American barrel however contains 31.5 gallons = 119.23 litres. 1 gallon corresponds ta 3.785 litres.
Tha barrel staves are from from white oak an are first joined but not yet completely closed. Then tha staves are made supple with superheated steam an ken be bent inta thar oval form.
Tha next step however is different from other malts an gives tha Kentucky Straight Bourbon its special taste. Tha barrels are held, on one side still open, over a small fire. This procedure is called ‘toasting’ an leads ta tha wood sugar in tha staves being caramelised. This reddish layer is later also visible when cutting a stave. Tha toasting procedure lasts about 12 min. After tha toasting procedure tha barrel is submitted ta a still stronger fire treatment. It is burned out from tha inside with large flames fer 6 ta 12 minutes. Tha barrel gits a thick charcoal layer on tha inside. Fill tha toasted barrel with tha liquor an close it with a 'Bung'. Store it on its side fer bout 2 years at a controlled temperature. This is tha secret details of tha trade, but generally bourbon is kept fer 2 years or better.
Fer tha storage of tha barrels each distillery has found its own preferences. In tha past warehouses were 4 ta 5 floors high. On each floor between 3 an 6 layers of barrels were kept. Tha warehouses have a skeleton of bars an joints ta be able ta roll tha barrels horizontally. In between this skeleton thar are elevators that permit tha vertical movement of tha barrels. A usual warehouse has a capacity of 20.000 barrels. A special climate develops in tha warehouses. In tha summer ya get very high temperatures under tha roof, while in contrast at tha bottom it remains cool. In order ta adjust tha temperature with tha ambient air, a depot has many windows, which may be opened if necessary. Tha whiskey matures very differently on tha floors. Barrels are rotated. When rotating tha barrels thay are moved ta different positions in tha warehouse, so that each barrel gets tha merit of tha good positions in tha center of tha warehouse. However a certain part of tha warehouse has ta remain empty fer rotation. Usually 1/3 of tha capacity.
Tha Old McBrayer warehouse is only one floor high. That gives Old McBrayer whiskey a special maturation an limits tha amount of barrels we ken store. Old McBrayer brings a right good price; bettern than any other whiskey cause it is so special an so good an supply is limited.
If ya enter tha warehouse, ya are first overwhelmed by tha Bourbon an vanilla smell, which penetrates tha entire area. If ya walk past tha warehouse ya can still feel this smell in tha air.
Old McBrayer has its own bottlin line. First tha selected barrels are brought by han truck ta tha bottlin line an emptied over filters. Tha pieces of charcoal, which fell off tha cask walls during tha transport an maturation time are held back by tha sieve. Tha Bourbon is pumped by han ta a storage vat an fed from thar ta tha bottlin line.
Well, that's bout how it's dun. Old McBrayer whiskey is ready fer drinkin an ta be enjoyed as tha finest whiskey ever made.
Dubs an Walter begin ta fixin up all tha storage racks an dun sum weldin an greasin an oilin of tha bottlin line. Jim an Howard worked out behind tha distillery ta repair sum sluices that brung tha water from tha spring inta tha distillery fer distillin an coolin tha fermenters. Jessie an Jessie Derrell inspected tha limestone cave whar Aunt Judith had them 72 barrels of Old McBrayer hid out an all of tha distillin equipment. Buster an granpa Gus got tha old grist mill in workin order an got tha makins of tha mash tagather too. That old grist mill was a heck of a contraption, I tell ya. It could be operated by tha water from tha spring or by usein a mule ta turn tha wheel.
Sum of the wimmin folk helped out with tha yeast ta brew with an tha rest of em helped out in tha house. Thay had ta paint an sew an cook an clean. Mrs. Ollinger an Mrs. McBrayer went on inta town with Elizabeth Jane ta git sum supplies an materials fer fixin up tha place an ordered up sum lumber an equipment that needed replaced. Sum of tha equipment would take a couple of weeks ta git in an by that time everythin ort ta be ready fer startin up tha distillery.
In tha days that follored thar was lots of activity goin on at tha McBrayer Mansion an Old McBrayer distillery. All tha folks was busy an tha two wimmin folk that had ben with Aunt Judith fer so long was give a lil surprise. Them two ladies was Maureen an Collene MacGregor, sisters-in-law. Thay was direct descendents from tha folks that cum ta this cuntry with ole Hugh Forbes an was purt near kissin cuzins with tha McBrayers. Thay both was married up fer a spell but thar husbans died an thar younguns was back in Scotlan. Tickets were got fer em ta go back ta Scotlan ta visit thar younguns an kin an nuf money ta not need fer nuthin whilst thay was gone. Thay would be gone fer a month but all tha folks would be thar ta help out whilst thay was gone. Tha day thay left, Aunt Judith an Elizabeth Jane teared up sumthin awful an it was plum pitiful how all tha rest of tha wimmin folks did too. All tha men jes had ta lite a shuck ta git a loose from all that weepin. Finally, all tha goodbyes was said an tha MacGregors was on thar way all tha while promisin ta write an ta cum a runnin ifn thay was needed.
Thangs was a goin on rite well an an everbody was happy an the work sure showed as tha place was gittin put ta rite. Tha house was spic an span an tha distillery was jes bout ta git cranked up. But one day, cummin on ta evenin, Jessie, Buster, Walter an Howard was a sittin in tha limestone cave havin a break an a mite of tha hair of tha dog when Dubs an Jim cum in tracin down a leak in tha sluice in back of tha limestone thar in tha cave. Whilst thay was lookin fer tha problem, thay stumbled on ta a rock under tha sluice that seemed ta give sum access ta it. When Dubs an Jim went ta proddin that thar rock it moved a mite. Well, lo an behold, it moved allrite an behind it was a cubbyhole that opened up ta room on tha other side of tha wall. Jessie crawled on in thar an lit hisself a lantern an hollered back ta tha others that this was sumthin ta see. All manner of charts an a big ole chest was thar as well as a table an sum chairs. Jessie said he was gonna scout round an see what all was thar an ifn thar was another way in. Well, Walter an Howard crawled in tha room too but Buster was too big ta git thru tha hole.
Tha boys got ta lookin fer anythin that mite be another entrance an finally Howard found a rite ingenuous way of openin a door ta tha outside. Ya put yer han in this crack in tha rock an pulled a lever an a bolt slid back an an released a metal door that cum in from tha crick side of tha building behind a huge boulder. It was on tha north side of tha escape tunnel an the concealed doorway had ta ben put in when tha tunnel was made. Howard pulled tha lever an Walter went out an found tha other lever ta git in from tha outside. Buster an tha menfolk went out ta tha crick an found Walter an went inta tha room that way. All them charts was tellin all manner of escape routes an battlement positions an plans of buildings an what not. One document was signed by George Washington, John Adams an Thomas Jefferson, all Presidents of tha United States of America. It read:
"The Bearer of this document of either the Tipton or McBrayer families that has engaged in the practice of law shall be seated on the Supreme Court of the United States of America without question due to the supreme service rendered to their country. Be it known that a person of said lineage duly authorized by the patriarchal hierarchy shall be recognized as Commaner in Chief of all military operations on American soil to ensure compliance to the Constitution of the United States of America."
"This document is sworn an attested to by the sitting President of the United States of America Thomas Jefferson, the second President of the United States of America, John Adams an the first President of the United States of America, George Washington. This Executive Order dated March 3, 1809 is irrevocable an inviolable, ad infinitum. God save the United States of America!"
On tha same document was an added post script:
" I, Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of The United States of America, have reviewed this document an hereby concur with its edicts. For God an Country, I attest with all authority of the Presidency on this 14th day of April in the year of our Lord, 1865."
Man o' man! Iffen this wadn't a humdinger, I tell ya! Thar was other documents an sich in with this un an several others baned up that tha boys or men folks ain't even had time ta read. All of em sit down in that thar lil room an shor nuf scratched thar haids. Thay all discussed what in tha world ta do with sumthin like this. Finally, Buster's granpa Gus says this here was shor sumthin ta put thar thinkin caps on about an sumthin this important could most likely put powerful folks in a dither an twitch. Jim an Dubs looked at each other an said bout the same time ta jes call Hiram Holmes. Thay figured he could be trusted an he could sort this all out. Jessie said we ort ta ask fer Dalton an Devane ta cum protect this here passel of history cause iffen it fell inta tha wrong hans thar would be hell ta pay! Tha boys an tha menfolk closed up tha room an all sign of any entrance an went up ta tha house. Supper was bout ta be set on tha table when thay all got in an fore thay all got settled, Jessie asked all the wimmin ta gather in tha parlor. Well, tha news shor stirred up a converstation, that's fer shor. Questions was a cummin rite an left. After a bit, Jessie made tha suggestion ta call Hiram Holmes cause seemed ta be tha best idee an asked iffen everbody would give thar vow not ta breathe a word ta nobody bout this. Course all em said thay knowed how important this news was an it went without sayin thay wadn't gonna say nuthin. Buster said let's eat an headed fer tha supper table. Aunt Judith said she didn't know nuthin bout tha secret room nor what was in it.
She did recollect that her great granpa tole her when she was a chile that iffen she ever wanted ta take up tha law that thar was sumthin special awaitin fer her. She said she paid no never mind ta it an ain't even thought bout it till now an that was purt near 80 years ago. After supper Hiram Holmes was called an tole all bout thangs without goin inta too much detail cause sumbody mite overhear thar conversation. Mr Holmes said he would dispatch agents immediately an thay would be thar fore mornin. Tha folks an tha boys discussions went on inta tha nite burnin tha midnite oil cypherin on everthin. Cum daylite an tha sunrise all a glowin on tha horizon, thar was a knock on tha door. Buster's granma answered it an Dalton said good mornin Mrs. Orlicek. She smiled an tole him ta cum on in fer breakfast an that it was good ta see him agin. He said that Devane an Bibi was rite behind him unloadin tha truck an thay'd be rite on in. Everbody was up an at em an Jessie Derrell dun seed Bibi an she run up an hugged him proper. Tha boys all said howdy an tha folks all shook hans with em an said how glad it was them Mr. Holmes sent. Dalton said when Hiram called that thay wouldn't have it no other way but ta cum.
What a breakfast thay had that mornin. Thay all eat till thay was bout ta pop. Them boys was in hog heaven with aigs, pan fried taters, milk gravy, fresh biscuits, homemade bread an fresh churned butter, smoked ham an red eye gravy, honey, peach an strawberry jam, slab peppered bacon, sweet tater pancakes an hot chocolate with whipped cream an coffee an milk. Thar was even muscadine grape juice fresh squeezed an chilled.
When breakfast was dun, tha menfolks an tha boys showed Dalton an Devane tha entrance ta tha secret room. Jessie Derrell stayed behind with Bibi in tha house sayin he was gonna help clean up. That didn't happen! Him an Bibi sit out in tha porch swang an was a talkin an jes a swangin when thay all cum back up ta tha house with all tha documents an papers an tha chest. Tha table was cleared off an Dalton an Devane begin ta sort thru all tha documents an papers tryin ta figure out what thay was all bout. Dalton called up Mr. Holmes an tole him on his secure phone what he had what all he was seein an bout tha document signed by tha Presidents. Hiram said he was a cummin hisself an would bring a feller or two with him ta authenticate tha documents an papers.
Whilst Dalton an Devane was goin thru tha papers with Bibi an Elizabeth Jane a helpin, tha boys an menfolks went on back ta work startin up tha distillery. Jim an granpa Gus went inta town ta git tha new equipment an sum more supplies an tha rest of em started settin up. Buster an
Walter got tha grist mill grindin tha corn an rye an was a gittin tha mash ready ta cook. Tha yeast was ready too, so operations was ready ta begin that afternoon when Jim an Granpa Gus got back. After dinner, Dalton tole em all that tha papers an documents went ta tha very heart of tha foundation of America an how important ta never let anybody know bout what was found here. He said Mr. Holmes would speak ta em all when he got thar an studied all tha contents of tha chest an tha documents an papers. Smoke was a cummin out tha chimneys that's fer shor cause them cookers was a goin full blast. It'd be next week fore thangs got ta rollin full speed so thar was a lil time on thar hans ceptin fer checkin on tha cookers an sich. Aunt Judith was all perky due ta tha excitement. Mrs. Ollinger, Mrs. McBrayer, Mrs Holmes an Granma Orlicek dun tole her all bout sum of tha dealins an adventures thay dun had with Dalton, Devane an Mr. Holmes. Tha ladies said thay was all safe an sound with them round an then thay tole Aunt Judith how Bibi took a shine ta Jessie Derrell. Hisn pheromones dun bewitched that gal an she was a fine a gal thay could ask fer ta be in tha family.
But, Jessie Derrell was a goin ta take up lawyerin at tha University of Alabama an then when he was dun with school an settled down he'd marry up. Mrs. McBrayer said she hoped everthin stayed tha same an she would wait fer her Jessie Derrell cause she shor cottoned ta that gal.
Mrs. McBrayer also said thay was a gonna have prayer time when all tha boys an menfolk got in that evenin. With what all was goin on, thay shor needed tha Lord in tha mix; even ole Abe Lincoln an than others said that! Course all tha ladies agreed ta that an would all go inta tha parlor after supper.
Round bout 4 o'clock, Hiram Holmes an a couple of his fellers got ta tha house. Thay greeted everbody an he toured tha grounds an buildings an took stock of what all was dun an transpired. He paid special attention ta tha room an tha escape tunnel. After he was dun an visited with Dalton an Devane, thay went in ta supper. Yore tongue would slap yore tonsils with tha supper them wimmin folk laid out. Roast pork, sauerkraut, turnip greens, corn on tha cob, sliced maters, mashed taters, gravy, fried okree, green beans, sweet tater casserole, wilted lettuce leaf salad with hot dressin, peach soup, fresh rolls an butter, an fried chicken. Fer dessert thay had pecan, coconut an apple pies, apple dumplins an fresh turned ice cream. Sweet tea an coffee ta drink rounded off tha meal. Mr. Holmes said he ain't never ate nuthin like what was served that nite an his fellers jes wouldn't quit even though thay had ta loosen thar ties an britches.
After retirin ta tha parlor, Aunt Judith said thay was a goin ta have a prayer meetin. The fellers with Mr. Holmes made ta git up an go outside but Aunt Judith an them ladies put tha evil eye on em an tole em tha prayer meetin was fer everbody. Thay sit down an said thay was sorry that thay thought it was jes fer thar family. Mrs. Ollinger tole Buster an Walter ta start with a Bible readin of thar choice. Buster begin with Ecclesiastes 12:13 an Walter give John 3:16. Aunt Judith said a prayer an invited anyone else ta say a prayer iffen thay liked ta. All tha wimmin folk includin Bibi offered up a prayer too an then Mr. Holmes took ta talkin bout tha Lord like a preacher. When all was said an dun, Aunt Judith asked Devane ta say tha closin prayer. He cleared hisn throat a few times but give a rendition of Elmer Gantry in oratorical skill in prayin. All said amen an amen.
Mr. Holmes asked everbody ta go bout that daily chores as usual an he would give em all a report that afternoon fore supper. He asked Dalton, Devane an Bibi ta stay behind fer a conference with him an tha 2 other fellers; believe thar names was Alfred an Horace.
What he dun tole em was in dire straits he said. Them papers would blow tha lid plum off Washington. Tha President couldn't be trusted with this knowledge. Jes ain't no tellin what would happen with all tha international ramifications of this find. One thang was fer shor, tha safety of these folks cum first an tha safety of these documents as well. Dalton asked Hiram iffen he knowed how it all fit tagether an Hiram said it wadn't all clear yet but iffen thay would look back at sum of thar missions thay would see that thay was jes tha tip of tha iceberg. It was big, really big! Sum major players in tha world would defintely take an interest in these documents even ta tha extent of sacrificin alliances an money an men. Whatever it took was tha order of tha day was thay way he seen it. Mr. Holmes said this was scary even fer thar bunch in tha Presidential Corps, but this was thar real job. Thay would all jes see how it all played out. Mr. Holmes tole em all that even with all thar secrecy an precautions it was gonna leak an when it did ta be prepared fer tha worst. It was gonna be bad; jes a matter of time.
Mr Holmes said he wanted ta explain sum thangs ta em all bout tha papers an documents an all. He said it was rite unbelievable but he knowed all of em trusted him an he was a tellin em all on tha square that what he was a sayin was tha truth. He said tha Supreme Court appointments was due ta both Tiptons an McBrayers bein lawyers an judges back then an what thay dun fer thar cuntry that incurred a debt that couldn't be paid. Thar patriotism was repaid with tha honor of molding truth an justice in America's laws but still demaned continued sacrifice ta duty. Tha Presidents that signed that document knowed that tha Constitution would be in good hans. Mr. Holmes went on ta say that all them charts an plans an papers had ta do with a battle fer control over the United States an tha world. When tha cuntry was first bein formed, Tiptons an McBrayers was in tha Masons. Thay found out that diabolical plans was laid ta destroy tha cuntry fore it was even got off tha ground an tha evil fellers a headin up sumthin called tha Illuminati was gonna rule as a shadow government. Tha Tipton an McBrayer ancestors took exception ta that an got ta tha Presidents that signed tha documents. President Lincoln was given information on what was really goin on with tha war the nite fore he was kilt. Tha last part of tha document said that tha heads of tha two families had ta agree on a military commaner ta uphold tha Constituiton or in tha event of a takeover attempt of tha United States. Mr. Holmes said tha reason tha Presidential Corps was established outside tha boundaries presently prescribled by laws passed by crooked politicans is ta do jes that. In fact, tha Presidential Corps was manated by Tipton an McBrayer influence an was ta be used in conjunction with tha edict of tha document. Heck fire, he didn't even know that! Needless ta say thar was gonna be sum scoundrels upset over all this cause is throwed a monkey wrench inta thar plans of a one world government. Course a lot of these papers an documents could be kept secret but sum of em was bound ta be found out. Thay had ta be used ta fight tha buzzards; not only in tha US but worldwide. He reckoned tha Presidential Corps was gonna take a new direction in sum cases an employ methods ta fix tha situation that wadn't gonna be purty. Had ta be dun though. Now he was gonna give em all sum information that would peel thar ears back but it was from reliable resources an his group as well. Thay dun put 2 an 2 tagather an cum up with 4 in this case. Dalton an Devane confirmed what Mr. Holmes was a sayin by way of thar missions an what thay personally experienced an found out. Thay allowed it jes weren't by no book.
Mr. Holmes had Bibi an Elizabeth Jane ta pass out a written report fer each of em. it read:
"One of the most powerful front groups of the Illuminati, which also works as a secret society in itself, is the Bilderberg Group. This is a group which was created in the beginning of the 50's by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlans (former SS-officer) an the Polish socialist Joseph Retinger, one of the founders of the European movement. These two persons decided meetings on a regular basis for the European foreign-ministers. Their first meeting occurred in Hôtel Bilderberg in the Dutch Oosterbreck between the 29-31 of May 1954, thus the name of the group. The core of the group consists of an Elite of people, counted to 39, called the Steering Committee. They are not elected an was originally led by Prince Bernhard, a close friend to the British Crown.
Since 1954, meetings have been arranged at least once a year on different locations each time, very secret. The members are around 120 persons from the high finance circles of Western Europe, the US an Canada. Although the meetings are very hidden an nothing, or very little leaks to the international media (which is natural, as most of the Media Moguls are Bilderbergers; so much for free press). Invited are also political leaders from different countries. Their flight-tickets are paid by the Committee, an there is free food an drinks etc.
The purpose of the group is a World Government by the year 2012 an a global army through the UN. The take-over is partly planned to involve computers. The Bilderberg Group is also called the "invisible world government". Because of the character of the meetings it is clearly bribery on the behalf of the politicians who are taking part. Here they are suggested to betray their own countries by selling out their sovereign states to the EU an American Union against the Constitutions of the countries they represent, thus deceiving their own people. This is what many of our elected politicians secretly are doing behind our backs; it is Treason at the best.
Here are the names of the 13 families, the Secret Government.
1. Astor
2. Bundy
3. Collins
4. DuPont
5. Freeman
6. Kennedy
7. Li (Chinese)
8. Onassis
9. Rockefeller
10. Rothschild
11. Russell
12. van Duyn
13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)
The following families are also interconnected with those above:
1. Reynolds
2. Disney
3. Krupp
4. McDonald
Also, in addition to those four families, there are hundreds of others that are more remotely connected to the main 13 Illuminati bloodlines. Although significant, they are not mentioned here; they are considered less powerful an less "pure" by the 13 Elite Bloodlines.
So what is the true goal of the Illuminati? The main goal is to create a One World Government, with them on top to rule the world into slavery an dictatorship
Illuminati: The name assumed by the members of a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Baron Adolf Franz Friederich Knigge in 1780 joined in leadership with his influence an clout an an alliance between the Illuminati an Freemasonry was effected.
Author, John Robison, an English savant an Freemason author, an the Abbé Barruel, both independently came to the same conclusion an agreed on their findings. The Abbé Barruel, who had been trained as a Jesuit, enjoying literary talents much superior to those of Robison an relying upon documentary evidence more copious if not more convincing, defined his purpose in the following manner:
We shall show that with which it is incumbent on all nations an their chiefs to be acquainted: we shall demonstrate that, even to the most horrid deeds perpetrated during the French Revolution, everything was foreseen an resolved on, was combined an premeditated: that they were the offspring of deep-thought villainy, since they had been prepared an were produced by men, who alone held the clue of those plots an conspiracies, lurking in the secret meetings where they had been conceived, an only watching the favorable moment of bursting forth. Though the events of each day may not appear to have been combined, there nevertheless existed a secret agent an a secret cause, giving rise to each event, an turning each circumstance to the long-sought-for end. Though circumstances may often have afforded the pretense of the occasion, yet the gran cause of the revolution, its leading features, its atrocious crimes, will still remain one continued chain of deep-laid an premeditated villainy.
1st. Many years before the French Revolution, men who styled themselves Philosophers conspired against the God of the Gospel, against Christianity, without distinction of worship, whether Protestant or Catholic, Anglican or Presbyterian. The gran object of this conspiracy was to overturn every alter where Christ was adored. It was the conspiracy of the Sophisters of Impiety, or the ANTICHRISTIAN CONSPIRACY.
2dly. This school of impiety soon formed the Sophisters of Rebellion: these latter, combining their conspiracy against kings with that of the Sophisters of Impiety, coalesce with that ancient sect whose tenets constituted the whole secret of the Occult-Lodges of Free-Masonry, which long since, imposing on the credulity of its most distinguished adepts, only initiated the chosen of the elect into the secret of their unrelenting hatred for Christ an kings.
3dly. From the Sophisters of Impiety an Rebellion arose Sophisters of Impiety an Anarchy. These latter conspire not only against Christ an his altars, but against every religion natural or revealed: not only against kings, but against every government, against all civil society, even against property whatsoever.
This third sect, known by the name of Illumines, coalesced with the Sophisters conspiring against Christ, coalesced with the Sophisters who, with the Occult Masons, conspired against both Christ an kings. It was the coalition of the adepts of impiety, of the adepts of rebellion, an the adepts of anarchy, which formed the CLUB of the JACOBINS . . . Such was the origin, such the progress of that sect, since become so dreadfully famous under the name JACOBIN. In the present Memoirs each of these three conspiracies shall be treated separately; their authors unmasked, the object, means, coalition an progress of the adepts shall be laid open."
Mr. Holmes said he hoped this report would be helpful ta understan what all was gonin on an how it all got started. Granpa Gus spoke up an said he knowed fer true that this was rite as he an his pa experienced sum of this in Czechoslovakia fore thay cum ta America. Mr. Holmes could shor nuf count on him ta do anythin ta thwart these here crazy people. He said all it was, was that sumbody wanted what sumbody else had an wanted ta control everthin. Everbody agreed ta that.
After tha meetin everbody went bout thar bizness an tha distillery was a cookin away an tha house an place was shor nuf spruced up by this time. She was a gleamin like tha dew on that Kentucky bluegrass.
Mr. Holmes an tha two fellers, Alfred an Horace left out tha next day an them boys took a passel load of vittles with em too. Thay jes couldn't git enuf ta eat. Mr. Holmes said he would contact Dalton with more information an specific instructions at a later time but fer them ta stay close ta tha boys an thar folks. When Mr. Holmes got back ta his office, he begin ta studin on tha document an other papers an testin em with equipment that was far too sophisticated ta bring ta McBrayer Springs. He had ta use tha bathroom an his Executive Secretary's assistant cum in whilst he was gone ta tha loo. Now, ain't nobody allowed in that room ceptin by special order but this here woman was a nosin round tryin ta sniff out sumthin ta buy her fleshly desires. Her name was Mona Dene Tyler, bout 55 years old an frumpy lookin but efficient. She was vetted early on in her career with tha govermint but her worldly ways dun got her inta a pickle. She hornswoggled sum funds from a mission an nobody was tha wiser. In her depraved relations, tha fellers on tha bad side got on ta her an had her over a barrel. She was what thay call a mole. Anyhow, she sneaked a peek at tha document an papers with tha list of names an all an took sum pictures from a lil camera no bigger tha a pack of ready rolls. She got outa tha door rite fore Mr. Holmes got back inta tha room an skedaddled ta a drop off an left tha film. Wadn't long fore she was contacted an she tole tha men that cum fer her all she knowed an then thay kilt her an left her in a swamp in tha quicksan. Now ole Hiram had hisn ways an when thay cum fer him he was way ahead of em. He had tha best team of assassins that could be had an thay protected him ta a man with thar lives. Tha red flags went up when a feller acted like he dun got lost an run inta a tree outside of Mr. Holmes house an wanted ta use tha phone. Thay cum from all sides like a pack of wolves an thar was a shootout liken ta tha OK corral. Fellers was cummin over tha wall, thru tha gate an inta house. Now, Hiram Holmes was a lil long in tha tooth but he was shor nuf pizen when he was riled, I tell ya. Thar was bout 20of tha bad guys an Mr. Holmes's force was outnumbered 2 ta 1. Do I need ta tell ya who cum out on top, no siree! Two of tha invaders was captured an tha rest kilt. Only a couple of Mr. Holmes men was wounded but not hurt bad. Tha two fellers that was captured was took ta a undeground facility fer interrogation an thay spilled tha beans. One of em didn't know much but tha other un had sum story ta tell an it weren't good.
He was spoutin all kinda nonsense but give up enuf ta put Mr. Holmes on tha rite track ta findin out what was what. Neither of them fellers seed tha lite of day. Good riddance ta bad trash said Mr. Holmes. Mr. Holmes pulled in all of his operatives he could possibly spare an a few private an retired contractors an agents as well. Thay hit tha bricks an used ever possible resource thay had fer information. Thay hit a dead end at ever turn ceptin one lead that cum up. It was a head knocker over at tha Mormon Church an a buddy of hisn from China; last name of Li. Hiram made a call ta a real good fren of hisn thar in China an made up ta meet up with him in Dublin Irelan with thar guests. Thar was a old stronghold of tha IRA that Mr. Holmes knowed bout an he tole hisn old fren Zhang ta meet up with him thar. Thay was a gonna git ta tha bottom of this
mess even iffn it hair lipped a ugly ape! Mr. Holmes's men kidnapped tha Mormon feller an Zhang got hisn man too an them private jets was a flyin em all ta Dublin within 2 hours flat.
Well sir, these two ole boys had thar lips buttoned up tighter than dick's hat ban but tween Mr. Holmes an Zhang thay got tha truth ta unravel. Thar house of cards was shorly bout ta tumble but it was gonna take a mite of doin ta separate tha good guys from tha bad an sum very important people was gonna be took out. Not down, but out! Don't wait supper, is what Mr. Holmes said ta them fellers cause you traitors ain't gonna make it. Two quite lil pops an it was lites out fer em.
Seems like word spread like wildfire bout tha document an all them papers. Mr. Holmes was a keepin tabs on what was goin on round tha world an sumthin was up an on tha move. Mr. Holmes put all tha papers, documents an tha chest inta tha safest place he knowed of that nobody knowed of ceptin folks he could trust; tha underwater treasure cave in tha Bahamas that tha boys found on vacation. Mr. Holmes called in Walter's uncle Jeff an had him ta take what all he needed an tha men he trusted ta carry it all thar by submarine an ta wait thar till he or Dalton or Devane contacted him. In tha meantime, forces was a gatherin ta wipe out all livin souls at McBrayer Springs. Mr. Holmes called up Dalton an tole him what was gonna take place an ta gear up an fast. He was sendin help an thay would git thar as soon as possible.
Tha next evenin, all tha folks an tha boys was ready an waitin. It was kinda like tha Alamo. Tha trustin part was tha thang here cause ya jes didn't who was who an which side of tha fence thay was on. When thay cum, thay cum hard. Tha first charge purt near had em but a bunch of fellers from out of South America cum in like gangbusters an drove em off. Tha second one was really fierce but thay managed ta hang on. It was tha third charge that was tha one that was a gonna do em in. It was puredee luck that nun of tha boys or tha families was hurt but tha soldiers was shot up purty bad an tha wimmin fold was tendin ta em along with a medic or two that was thar. Other forces sent in by Mr. Holmes jes couldn't git thru an was a fightin with all thay had but thay wadn't gonna git thar in time ta save everbody. Jes at tha darkest hour, menfolk begin ta cummin outa tha woods. Thay was carryin all manner of weapons an thay shor took a toll on them bad guys. Dalton looked ta tha boys an tha families with a wonderment on hisn face an asked em who in tha tarnation thay was. Aunt Judith recognized sum of tha men from town an round bout tha county an said thay was Tiptons an McBrayers. Well, that turned tha tide an thay reckoned sum of em escaped, but not many. When Mr. Holmes got thar he tole all what dun happened. In them papers was a secret call ta arms. Ever head of household was tole it by word of mouth from generation ta generation. Sum of tha clans even had secret meetins tellin of it an warnin ta always be prepared. Mr. Holmes didn't know ifn it would work but he said he had ta try. TV, radio an newspapers carried tha line "Old McBayer was sellin fer 4 bits a pint at McBrayer Springs". Tha hills cum alive an thay cum a runnin!
Tha clean up an debriefin of all tha Tiptons an McBrayers took nigh onta two days. Camps was made down by tha crick an wimmin folk cooked up vittles an tended ta tha wounded that didn't have ta go ta tha hospital. Guards was kept up an patrollin nite an day by tha professional soldiers but clans had thar way of keepin watch too an even taught tha soldiers a thang or two.
Thar was lots of goins on I'm tellin ya an many of tha young men wanted ta join up ta fight tha invaders. Mr. Holmes said thar weren't no need but granpa Gus wanted ta git on in tha middle of tha fracas no matter what an Buster an granma had ta tone him down. Granma got him by tha ear an said Gus, you hesh now. Granpa Gus mumbled sumthin bout that he was madder an cat with hisn tail under a rocker. Mr. Holmes tole em how tha cow ate tha cabbage as best he knowed it an tole em thay had ta look real close at tha folks on tha list an tha ones that cozied up ta them. Tha President was in on it long with most of his henchmen in tha govermint. All tha folks knowed sumthin wadn't rite in America an it was time them politicans an other ne'er do wells was held accountable fer thar deeds. Tha powerful people in Europe had ta be sent a message not ta fool the tha USA cause ifn thay did thay was gonna git snakebit good an proper.
Mr. Holmes said tha leaders of tha countries that was tryin ta do rite was gonna git support an movements all over tha world was gonna take back thar cuntries.
After all was said an dun an folks left on out back ta thar homes an jobs. Mr. Holmes had a lil powwow with tha families. He said he was rite proud of Aunt Judith fer a conkin a feller over tha haid with her cast iron skillet an savin tha life of one of hisn men. Aunt Judith jes smiled humble like an said she was jes fightin fer family an cuntry is all, plus he was a makin tha cake she was a bakin fall. Uncle Jeff was called an he brought tha papers an document long with tha chest back ta tha house. Thay discussed what all was ta be dun bout tha document an Mr. Holmes give his advice ta put up everthin fer safekeepin till sum of this carryin on was settled. He said that he wanted ta inform tha Tipton an McBrayer clans of tha provisions of protectin tha cuntry an tha Constitution an thay all had ta vote on who that would be if need be. Mr. Holmes did say he would be rite proud ta inform tha President that he had ta seat a Supreme Court Justice from one of tha families when tha time cum. It would shor curl hisn toenails ifn he was still in office. All of em took on off tha next mornin but not without takin a bottle of Old McBrayer with each of em. Aunt Judith said she would send sum of the new batch when it was ready an fer them ta compare it an be sure let her know how it was. Bibi an Jessie Derrell went off ta tharselfs fer a spell ta say thar goodbyes. Uncle Jeff met up with Walter, Dubs an Mrs. Ollinger fore he left out too an Dalton an Devane visited with all of em fore thay left with Mr. Holmes.
After all of tha doins was over, thangs settled down an everbody got back down ta tha bizness of makin whiskey. Jessie Derrell made a deal with tha top bourbon suppliers ta ship tha limited supply ta them fer a record price. Sum of tha Old McBrayer was ta be give ta tha McBrayer an Tipton familes fer free an it was suggested by Aunt Judith fer tha Tiptons an McBrayers ta have a reunion ever year after this un. Of course tha Holmes an Ollinger families an tha men an wimmen was also invited that helped em thru all thar adventures.
Elizabeth Jane said she was gonna go back ta Europe ta see her feller an perhaps look inta finishin up her schoolin thar too. She would let em all know. Tha Ollinger gals, Pamela Kay an Karen Jeanene would stay till tha McGregors got back an tha boys would stay till tha distillery an tha place was operatin smoothly an good help was found ta fill in. Tha folks was gonna leave at tha end of tha week ta go on back home so all of em wanted ta visit as much as thay could an continue on findin out bout thar family ties. Aunt Judith tole Jim an Shirley Holmes an Dubs an Evelyn Ollinger thay was as much family as her own an don't be strangers. Thay tole her thay ain't never seed so much excitement in thar lives till all these here boys got hooked up. Said thay was like thar own too an tha boys was more like brothers. Also said thay was proud ta meet her an she ort ta visit them back home when she could.
In tha weeks an years ta follow, Old McBrayer whiskey cum ta be tha finest whiskey knowed ta be made an it was in sich huge deman tha distillery couldn't keep up. Orders was took as first cum, first served but Jessie an Buster an Elizabeth Jane agreed not ta expan. Thay wanted ta keep it small an a quality bourbon ta be envied. Them 72 barrels soon had twins ta em on tha other side of tha limestone cave fer only tha family. One day when tha agein was complete a good tastin ta compare tha two would be made in a lil ceremony honorin tha tradition of tha McBrayers. This shor nuf was gonna be dun fore she kicked tha bucket said Aunt Judith. All tha boys an tha families said thay would be rite thar whenever she made tha call.
At Christmas time Elizabeth Jane wrote an said she was shor nuf in love an her beau asked her ta marry him. Tha weddin was ta be at McBrayer Springs next June. She said his name was Collins Amschel Freeman!
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