Ya Skeered?
Buster was at tha house one evenin an ole Harvey Earp cum on by. Harvey was right good sized ya know an he was kin ta Wyatt, ceptin he didn't carry no guns. Anyhow, Harvey worked over at tha Wilson's Funeral Parlor an wanted ta know ifn Buster wanted ta make a few dollars helpin him fer a bit. T'weren't no heavy work, jes ridin with him up ta tha hills ta bury a feller. With dollars bein short an all, Buster said why not. Well, Buster did cleanup right nice an he put on hisn Sunday go ta meetin suit an jumped in that shiny new Cadillac Harvey was a drivin. They done drove fer bout 3 hours an cum ta a little church in tha backwoods an tha folks there had been a gatherin fer a spell, I reckon, cause they was a millin all over tha place an Harvey said thay was early at that. Buster helped Harvey lift that casket an git it on in tha church house along with tha help of a few of tha men standing round bout a smokin PA (Prince Albert). We done got in thar an singin commenced along with shoutin an praisin tha Lawd. Wimmin was a squallin an Buster got a little teary hisself. Bout that time tha preacher cum on up an started his sermon an tellin a little story or two bout tha life of tha dead feller. Then that preacher done reached in a box an took out a 6 ft. rattler. Well that wasn't even tha half of it! He done wrapped it round bout his neack an arm an started ta prancein an hollerin. Danged if a bunch of other fellers an wimmin folk didn't cum up an grab all sorts of pizen critters out of that box. Thay'd never seed tha like! They say some of them folks even drank lye but Buster didn't see that so he couldn't swear ta it but he shore nuff seed them jumpin round with them snakes. Copperheads an rattlers were in thar but Buster didn't see no cottonmouths, Ya no, they is plum frightful an gressive like so I reckon they had some sense not ta fool with em. Well, after all that carryin on, thay got tha heck out of thar! Boy howdy, t'weren't fast nuf fer Buster, I tell ya. Never seed tha likes of that, with bein snake handlers an all. Heck they even wanted Buster ta join up in tha church! Run like a scalded dog, he did. Harvey drove Buster back on toward town an said he had a stop ta make. He drove ta a little funeral parlor on tha way ta Little Rock, little place called Booger Holler outside of St. Joe, an picked up some dead feller he had ta take on back ta England, pronounced with a an A. After a bit thay loaded up tha dead feller an stopped fer a snort in Little Rock at tha 609. Ya talk bout a sight fer sore eyes, that Early Times an coke did look good after all Buster been thru an seen that day. When ole Harvey pulled up ta tha curb an parked, thay was ready ta git on out but then sumthin plum frightful dun happened. That body of tha dead feller twitched an sat straight up! Well that was nuf fer Buster! He lit a shuck outta that car an run past tha feller at tha door an tole tha bartender ta give him a drink an be quick bout it an leave tha bottle! Well, Harvey cum on in an sat down with Buster an tole him it t'weren't nuthin ta worry bout cause bodies dun that some time; kinda like fryin up frog laigs in tha skillet; jumpin round an all. Harvey finally convinced Buster ta get on back in tha car an go on back ta Angland. Well, he done that an tha ride back was only bout 30 minutes an was uneventful with no more shenanigans from tha dead feller.
After they dun got back ta tha funeral parlor, Buster met up with an ole school buddy, Ronny Wood. He was tha undertaker an took real bad ta drink. Reckon I would too ifn I had ta work with smelly dead folks every day. Well Ronny tole Buster ta cum on in an sit fer a spell till he was dun; then thay would go out on tha town; Ferda that is; ta Glen's place fer a home brew; sit round tha pot belly stove an eat some peanuts an thow tha shells on tha floor. It was kinda fun stompin them shell an hearin em crunch. Buster went on in an Ronny said ta hold tight thar fer a minit till he got all tha lights turned on.
It was kinda creepy in thar with all them caskets an sich. Thar was sum kinda curtains a hangin down kinda wispy, gauzy an willowy like an real dim lights. Well Buster eased on in tha room thar an sidled up close ta a wall an hollered out ta Ronny. T'weren't nary hide nor hair of Ronny an then tha place went pitch dark! Sumthin dun jumped out from them thar curtains an grabbed a holt of Buster an started ta drag him inta a coffin! Buster was fit ta be tied, I tell ya. He came all unglued! Hisn eyes bugged out an fer a second thar couldn't even move a muscle! Well, then tha juices started runnin an with that spook starin him in tha face; Buster took off like a bat outa hell! He run over an thru everythin in his path. Knocked over tha coffins an tore plum thru an outa them curtains; he didn't stop thar; went right on thru tha screen door, takin it plum offen tha hinges! He didn't stop til he was under tha Bank of Angland clock at tha corner by tha Po-leece station. Made it in record time too. Cum ta find out ole Ronny was a funnin with Buster but he didn't take it too kindly. Ronny went on round back ta a freight elevator an cum back down tha back stairs. He snuck up on Buster an eased on behind them curtains an cabbaged on ta Buster's laig an began ta pullin him thru tha curtins inta a coffin. Well ya no that was too much fer Buster ta take. Wadn't no haint gonna git him I tell ya. He cum a loose an when Ronny showed up later; he wadn't laughing nun. Buster done got Ronny all tangled up in them curtains an pulled him plum thru them coffins, cross tha floor an thru that screen door. Ole Ronny was skunt from haid ta toe; hide an hair hangin off everywhere. Boy couldn't work fer a week he was so stove up. Jim, tha manager, cum in tha next morning fore tha flower shop opened up next door an spied tha biggest mess he ever saw. Took em most part of 2 days ta clean up an fix tha door an send coffins back ta tha factory ta git repaired, not ta mention buying new curtins. Don't reckon Ronny or Harvey ever had a call ta do that agin as it cost them dearly in more ways than one. They dun found out Buster was like a bull turned loose in a china shop when he was spooked. Didn't ever figure he was that stout. Jes made Buster a bit more of a reputation is all.
Buster can tell a lots a stories that he knows fer shore bout them spooks, but he don't like em. Good Lord dun tole him ta stay plum away from that kinda stuff like in tha picture shows an sich. He has truck with folks that do too. Don't allow nuthin of tha likes of tha devil in his house or anywhere round him. Well, Buster has chores an thar is a pretty gal down at tha hotel he wants ta see an spark an spoon fer a while. Her name is Bonnie Waheela Emmadine Sullins Morgan. Injun gal; 6 ft. tall, wants ta be kissed! No time fer foolishness now! Seen that Shelton boy cross tha bayou cum ridin up ta talk ta her. That paint of hisn ain't no match fer that gray Buster got offa Kelvin an Mikey Ollinger. Walter Duane dun had his gray an with Walter Duane bein his fren an all he jes had ta have one too. Took him 2 summers of balin hay ta pay fer him. Raised him from a colt an he shore could run an wouldn't cum ta nobody but Buster. Buster whistled an ole Smokey cum a runnin. Would even untie his own reins ta git ta Buster. Buster hightailed it over ta tha hotel an beat that Prairie County boy ta tha door whar that gal was a grinnin like a possum eatin green persimmons. Buster hollered "better luck next time" an grabbed that gal up an took off with her. Probably picked up a picnic lunch an rode on out ta tha lake an rowed her round a bit an sang her a little tune. Guess I'll see Buster next Saturday at tha picture show. I'll have a quarter since it was my birthday an I'll spring fer a coke with Buster an a nickle's worth of french fries ta boot.
Danged if it ain't Saturday already! Buster finished all his chores by dinner time. had ta butt all tha levees in that back 90 fore he could leave out, hisn Grandpa said. They had a lil "take it ta tha couch" meetin Friday evenin with Grandma an him. Seems like they were in fer a hard Spring an things had ta be done ta keep body an soul together.
He tole Buster they was gonna have ta work out fer extra cash an toe tha line ta get by till next year. No problem fer Buster; whatever it took he tole his Grandpa an Grandma. Put a lil damper on his Saturday an sparkin but he could make do with his dime fer tha week. Miss Inez would still let him in tha picture show ifn he took up tha tickets.
Well, Buster got inta town bout 2 o'clock in tha afternoon an went on over ta Soup's pool hall. Sum of tha boys were a drinkin a lil white lightinin an started shooting sum craps. Buster wadn't much inta gamblin but if he bet a nickle he still had a nickle plus Jessie was gonna buy tha coke an fries an he had a nickle fer tha picture show later that evenin. Buster throwed down that nickle an danged if he didn't win! Well, now he dun had hisself a dime. He took a nickle an shot a hard 8 at 8 ta 1 odds. Won that un too. Now he had his dime plus 40 cents. Made a side bet with a feller down from Seton Dump at 10 ta 1 on Boxcars. Hit that too; now had $4.00. Buster decided that was nuff fer him an quit that crap game with his $4 winnings an went on inside of Soup's. Never been lucky in his life when it cum ta gamblin but today shore was his day! Now Buster dearly loved ta play cards; any kinda cards was OK with him an he was good at it too. Sum of tha boys were playin dominoes in tha back so Buster sifoddled on back thar ta jes watch fer a spell. Purty soon one of tha fellers got up ta leave an they asked Buster if he wanted ta play; he said shore nuf. They was a playing fer two bits a point an Buster made a deal with a buddy of hisn daddy, Red King. Red would spot him if he lost more than tha $4 he had on him an Buster could work off his debt either roofing or cutting trees in Red's bizness. Well thangs got ta moving long right nicely. He an Red were partners an won $127.00 apiece that afternoon. Buster was in hog heaven I tell ya. Never seed tha likes of that kinda of hard cash in his life. Bout that time sum of tha boys off of tha plantation at Plum Bayou cum in an said thar was a poker game at Gene Hudson's place on Old River an wanted Buster ta cum. Buster went with them boys but follered on his gray, Smokey, while they drove their Model A flatbed. Tha game got right lively an thar were some fellers from back East in tha game. Buster was doing right well an all tha other players left but 4. Buster was a noticin sumthin kinda fishy goin on when tha others left an then he went ta losin. Fact is, he lost all he had; his $127 an his dime. Well Buster mounted up an went on back ta town. He went by tha pawn shop that Marvin Itzkowitz owned an borrowed sum money. Buster wadn't no Jew but ole Marvin liked Buster considerable an asked him ifn he could take those Yankees. Buster tole Marvin he reckoned he could but had ta have a little help with their cheatin an all. Buster had ta put up tha gray ta git tha money an he did. He was shore he could beat em. Buster went on by Skip Cates's house an knocked up on his door. He tole Skip them Yankees was cheatin at Gene's place an needed his help ta beat them at thar own game. He dun figured out what they was a doing after cypherin on it fer a spell. Well, Skip jumped in his pickup an tole Buster ta git on in. Marvin let Buster keep his gray even though he had his marker fer him. Skip an Buster got back ta Gene's place an tha game was still goin on. Bully Henry an Reggie Capps were thar too an Reggie was drunker than a skunk an soused ta tha gills. Bully done caught up a water moccasin an had him by tha haid an sticking that durn snake in Reggie's face an anybody else that was near bouts. Didn't do it ta Buster though cause he knew thar would be a thrashin real quick. Finally Bully an Reggie left out an that left Buster an Skip an tha 2 Yankees. Skip caught on real quick ta their cheatin ways an thay began ta winnin. It was probably jes fore daylight that tha last hand was played fer all tha marbles. All in fer all 4 players, but really it was 2 against 2. Them Yankees jes couldn't figure out how Buster an Skip got onto em an thay had meant ta clean out tha whole bunch of tha boys.
When it cum ta showin tha hands one of tha Yankees had a full boat, but that didn't beat Skip's 4 aces. Buster an Skip raked in all tha money an started out tha door. Skip hollered ta Buster; look out! Buster turned an one of tha Yankees was bout ta stab Buster with a knife. One quick upper cut took him outa tha play an Skip hollered agin ta git on in tha truck. Bout that time tha other Yankee feller cum out on tha front porch an was a brandishin a pistol. Jes bout tha time he was gonna fire; he fell thru tha floorboards of that old porch. Tha boards were old an rotten with all tha moisture from tha river an tha boys were just plum lucky that crooked Yankee fell thru. Tha gun went off in tha air an Skip an Buster lit otta there with wheels a spinnin. Tha Good Lord put a Guardian Angel ta look after them that nite.
Buster never did make it ta tha picture show that nite ta meetup with Jessie but went on by his house Sunday afternoon. He tole Jessie tha whole story an tha's why I can tell it now. He picked up his gray an paid off Marvin his $1000. Skip an Buster split tha winins with $35,000 apiece. Buster was rich!. He took that money ta his Grandpa an Grandma an that took care all of their debts an let Buster buy a '50 model Oldsmobile that would run like greased lightinin. Even took her ta tha drag strip once. Put up tha rest in a savings ta be used when thay had ta fer emergency an left Buster with enough pocket money fer a year. He picked up Jessie an tha Milner gal he was sparkin an got that purty Injun gal at tha hotel an went ta tha drivein in Little Rock in his new car. Most of tha time Buster rode his gray an that bit of money didn't change him none. Skip was married up an used his money ta start a bizness in automobile repair. Tha two of them never gambled together again an everbody's life went on as usual. Course Buster an his friends all benefitted from Buster's good fortune but that gift horse was never looked at in tha mouth agin. No more gamblin! grandma said. She didn't say much but when she did; ya dun what she said an no backtalk. Jes wouldn't think ta do that no how. Life was back ta normal, but ya can bet yore bottom dollar Buster was tha talk of tha town! Sheriff went after them Yankees an chased em all tha way back East. I'm goin by Buster's house ta play sum Cribbage an eat supper with his folks. My folks are gonna drop by fer coffee an pie an listen ta tha radio with Buster's Grandpa an Grandma. Walter Duane will be on over Friday afternoon with all his brothers an them 2 purty sisters of hisn, Karen Jeanene an Pamela Kay ta butcher a hog an render sum fat. Us boys, an especially Buster, probably would have sparked them sisters of Duane's but we all knowed we'd be in a tussel fer shore. Fact is, we all ben in many a scrap over them gals at tha schoolhouse. Them hairy legged ne'er do wells was a botherin em all tha time an we run em off every chance we got. Ole Duane would scrap a circle saw too an would git on up in yore face like a coon. Jes ballup on yore haid an couldn't git him off. Better not mess with hisn sisters!
Comin on dark an mama is callin fer supper. Gotta go.
Buster was at tha house one evenin an ole Harvey Earp cum on by. Harvey was right good sized ya know an he was kin ta Wyatt, ceptin he didn't carry no guns. Anyhow, Harvey worked over at tha Wilson's Funeral Parlor an wanted ta know ifn Buster wanted ta make a few dollars helpin him fer a bit. T'weren't no heavy work, jes ridin with him up ta tha hills ta bury a feller. With dollars bein short an all, Buster said why not. Well, Buster did cleanup right nice an he put on hisn Sunday go ta meetin suit an jumped in that shiny new Cadillac Harvey was a drivin. They done drove fer bout 3 hours an cum ta a little church in tha backwoods an tha folks there had been a gatherin fer a spell, I reckon, cause they was a millin all over tha place an Harvey said thay was early at that. Buster helped Harvey lift that casket an git it on in tha church house along with tha help of a few of tha men standing round bout a smokin PA (Prince Albert). We done got in thar an singin commenced along with shoutin an praisin tha Lawd. Wimmin was a squallin an Buster got a little teary hisself. Bout that time tha preacher cum on up an started his sermon an tellin a little story or two bout tha life of tha dead feller. Then that preacher done reached in a box an took out a 6 ft. rattler. Well that wasn't even tha half of it! He done wrapped it round bout his neack an arm an started ta prancein an hollerin. Danged if a bunch of other fellers an wimmin folk didn't cum up an grab all sorts of pizen critters out of that box. Thay'd never seed tha like! They say some of them folks even drank lye but Buster didn't see that so he couldn't swear ta it but he shore nuff seed them jumpin round with them snakes. Copperheads an rattlers were in thar but Buster didn't see no cottonmouths, Ya no, they is plum frightful an gressive like so I reckon they had some sense not ta fool with em. Well, after all that carryin on, thay got tha heck out of thar! Boy howdy, t'weren't fast nuf fer Buster, I tell ya. Never seed tha likes of that, with bein snake handlers an all. Heck they even wanted Buster ta join up in tha church! Run like a scalded dog, he did. Harvey drove Buster back on toward town an said he had a stop ta make. He drove ta a little funeral parlor on tha way ta Little Rock, little place called Booger Holler outside of St. Joe, an picked up some dead feller he had ta take on back ta England, pronounced with a an A. After a bit thay loaded up tha dead feller an stopped fer a snort in Little Rock at tha 609. Ya talk bout a sight fer sore eyes, that Early Times an coke did look good after all Buster been thru an seen that day. When ole Harvey pulled up ta tha curb an parked, thay was ready ta git on out but then sumthin plum frightful dun happened. That body of tha dead feller twitched an sat straight up! Well that was nuf fer Buster! He lit a shuck outta that car an run past tha feller at tha door an tole tha bartender ta give him a drink an be quick bout it an leave tha bottle! Well, Harvey cum on in an sat down with Buster an tole him it t'weren't nuthin ta worry bout cause bodies dun that some time; kinda like fryin up frog laigs in tha skillet; jumpin round an all. Harvey finally convinced Buster ta get on back in tha car an go on back ta Angland. Well, he done that an tha ride back was only bout 30 minutes an was uneventful with no more shenanigans from tha dead feller.
After they dun got back ta tha funeral parlor, Buster met up with an ole school buddy, Ronny Wood. He was tha undertaker an took real bad ta drink. Reckon I would too ifn I had ta work with smelly dead folks every day. Well Ronny tole Buster ta cum on in an sit fer a spell till he was dun; then thay would go out on tha town; Ferda that is; ta Glen's place fer a home brew; sit round tha pot belly stove an eat some peanuts an thow tha shells on tha floor. It was kinda fun stompin them shell an hearin em crunch. Buster went on in an Ronny said ta hold tight thar fer a minit till he got all tha lights turned on.
It was kinda creepy in thar with all them caskets an sich. Thar was sum kinda curtains a hangin down kinda wispy, gauzy an willowy like an real dim lights. Well Buster eased on in tha room thar an sidled up close ta a wall an hollered out ta Ronny. T'weren't nary hide nor hair of Ronny an then tha place went pitch dark! Sumthin dun jumped out from them thar curtains an grabbed a holt of Buster an started ta drag him inta a coffin! Buster was fit ta be tied, I tell ya. He came all unglued! Hisn eyes bugged out an fer a second thar couldn't even move a muscle! Well, then tha juices started runnin an with that spook starin him in tha face; Buster took off like a bat outa hell! He run over an thru everythin in his path. Knocked over tha coffins an tore plum thru an outa them curtains; he didn't stop thar; went right on thru tha screen door, takin it plum offen tha hinges! He didn't stop til he was under tha Bank of Angland clock at tha corner by tha Po-leece station. Made it in record time too. Cum ta find out ole Ronny was a funnin with Buster but he didn't take it too kindly. Ronny went on round back ta a freight elevator an cum back down tha back stairs. He snuck up on Buster an eased on behind them curtains an cabbaged on ta Buster's laig an began ta pullin him thru tha curtins inta a coffin. Well ya no that was too much fer Buster ta take. Wadn't no haint gonna git him I tell ya. He cum a loose an when Ronny showed up later; he wadn't laughing nun. Buster done got Ronny all tangled up in them curtains an pulled him plum thru them coffins, cross tha floor an thru that screen door. Ole Ronny was skunt from haid ta toe; hide an hair hangin off everywhere. Boy couldn't work fer a week he was so stove up. Jim, tha manager, cum in tha next morning fore tha flower shop opened up next door an spied tha biggest mess he ever saw. Took em most part of 2 days ta clean up an fix tha door an send coffins back ta tha factory ta git repaired, not ta mention buying new curtins. Don't reckon Ronny or Harvey ever had a call ta do that agin as it cost them dearly in more ways than one. They dun found out Buster was like a bull turned loose in a china shop when he was spooked. Didn't ever figure he was that stout. Jes made Buster a bit more of a reputation is all.
Buster can tell a lots a stories that he knows fer shore bout them spooks, but he don't like em. Good Lord dun tole him ta stay plum away from that kinda stuff like in tha picture shows an sich. He has truck with folks that do too. Don't allow nuthin of tha likes of tha devil in his house or anywhere round him. Well, Buster has chores an thar is a pretty gal down at tha hotel he wants ta see an spark an spoon fer a while. Her name is Bonnie Waheela Emmadine Sullins Morgan. Injun gal; 6 ft. tall, wants ta be kissed! No time fer foolishness now! Seen that Shelton boy cross tha bayou cum ridin up ta talk ta her. That paint of hisn ain't no match fer that gray Buster got offa Kelvin an Mikey Ollinger. Walter Duane dun had his gray an with Walter Duane bein his fren an all he jes had ta have one too. Took him 2 summers of balin hay ta pay fer him. Raised him from a colt an he shore could run an wouldn't cum ta nobody but Buster. Buster whistled an ole Smokey cum a runnin. Would even untie his own reins ta git ta Buster. Buster hightailed it over ta tha hotel an beat that Prairie County boy ta tha door whar that gal was a grinnin like a possum eatin green persimmons. Buster hollered "better luck next time" an grabbed that gal up an took off with her. Probably picked up a picnic lunch an rode on out ta tha lake an rowed her round a bit an sang her a little tune. Guess I'll see Buster next Saturday at tha picture show. I'll have a quarter since it was my birthday an I'll spring fer a coke with Buster an a nickle's worth of french fries ta boot.
Danged if it ain't Saturday already! Buster finished all his chores by dinner time. had ta butt all tha levees in that back 90 fore he could leave out, hisn Grandpa said. They had a lil "take it ta tha couch" meetin Friday evenin with Grandma an him. Seems like they were in fer a hard Spring an things had ta be done ta keep body an soul together.
He tole Buster they was gonna have ta work out fer extra cash an toe tha line ta get by till next year. No problem fer Buster; whatever it took he tole his Grandpa an Grandma. Put a lil damper on his Saturday an sparkin but he could make do with his dime fer tha week. Miss Inez would still let him in tha picture show ifn he took up tha tickets.
Well, Buster got inta town bout 2 o'clock in tha afternoon an went on over ta Soup's pool hall. Sum of tha boys were a drinkin a lil white lightinin an started shooting sum craps. Buster wadn't much inta gamblin but if he bet a nickle he still had a nickle plus Jessie was gonna buy tha coke an fries an he had a nickle fer tha picture show later that evenin. Buster throwed down that nickle an danged if he didn't win! Well, now he dun had hisself a dime. He took a nickle an shot a hard 8 at 8 ta 1 odds. Won that un too. Now he had his dime plus 40 cents. Made a side bet with a feller down from Seton Dump at 10 ta 1 on Boxcars. Hit that too; now had $4.00. Buster decided that was nuff fer him an quit that crap game with his $4 winnings an went on inside of Soup's. Never been lucky in his life when it cum ta gamblin but today shore was his day! Now Buster dearly loved ta play cards; any kinda cards was OK with him an he was good at it too. Sum of tha boys were playin dominoes in tha back so Buster sifoddled on back thar ta jes watch fer a spell. Purty soon one of tha fellers got up ta leave an they asked Buster if he wanted ta play; he said shore nuf. They was a playing fer two bits a point an Buster made a deal with a buddy of hisn daddy, Red King. Red would spot him if he lost more than tha $4 he had on him an Buster could work off his debt either roofing or cutting trees in Red's bizness. Well thangs got ta moving long right nicely. He an Red were partners an won $127.00 apiece that afternoon. Buster was in hog heaven I tell ya. Never seed tha likes of that kinda of hard cash in his life. Bout that time sum of tha boys off of tha plantation at Plum Bayou cum in an said thar was a poker game at Gene Hudson's place on Old River an wanted Buster ta cum. Buster went with them boys but follered on his gray, Smokey, while they drove their Model A flatbed. Tha game got right lively an thar were some fellers from back East in tha game. Buster was doing right well an all tha other players left but 4. Buster was a noticin sumthin kinda fishy goin on when tha others left an then he went ta losin. Fact is, he lost all he had; his $127 an his dime. Well Buster mounted up an went on back ta town. He went by tha pawn shop that Marvin Itzkowitz owned an borrowed sum money. Buster wadn't no Jew but ole Marvin liked Buster considerable an asked him ifn he could take those Yankees. Buster tole Marvin he reckoned he could but had ta have a little help with their cheatin an all. Buster had ta put up tha gray ta git tha money an he did. He was shore he could beat em. Buster went on by Skip Cates's house an knocked up on his door. He tole Skip them Yankees was cheatin at Gene's place an needed his help ta beat them at thar own game. He dun figured out what they was a doing after cypherin on it fer a spell. Well, Skip jumped in his pickup an tole Buster ta git on in. Marvin let Buster keep his gray even though he had his marker fer him. Skip an Buster got back ta Gene's place an tha game was still goin on. Bully Henry an Reggie Capps were thar too an Reggie was drunker than a skunk an soused ta tha gills. Bully done caught up a water moccasin an had him by tha haid an sticking that durn snake in Reggie's face an anybody else that was near bouts. Didn't do it ta Buster though cause he knew thar would be a thrashin real quick. Finally Bully an Reggie left out an that left Buster an Skip an tha 2 Yankees. Skip caught on real quick ta their cheatin ways an thay began ta winnin. It was probably jes fore daylight that tha last hand was played fer all tha marbles. All in fer all 4 players, but really it was 2 against 2. Them Yankees jes couldn't figure out how Buster an Skip got onto em an thay had meant ta clean out tha whole bunch of tha boys.
When it cum ta showin tha hands one of tha Yankees had a full boat, but that didn't beat Skip's 4 aces. Buster an Skip raked in all tha money an started out tha door. Skip hollered ta Buster; look out! Buster turned an one of tha Yankees was bout ta stab Buster with a knife. One quick upper cut took him outa tha play an Skip hollered agin ta git on in tha truck. Bout that time tha other Yankee feller cum out on tha front porch an was a brandishin a pistol. Jes bout tha time he was gonna fire; he fell thru tha floorboards of that old porch. Tha boards were old an rotten with all tha moisture from tha river an tha boys were just plum lucky that crooked Yankee fell thru. Tha gun went off in tha air an Skip an Buster lit otta there with wheels a spinnin. Tha Good Lord put a Guardian Angel ta look after them that nite.
Buster never did make it ta tha picture show that nite ta meetup with Jessie but went on by his house Sunday afternoon. He tole Jessie tha whole story an tha's why I can tell it now. He picked up his gray an paid off Marvin his $1000. Skip an Buster split tha winins with $35,000 apiece. Buster was rich!. He took that money ta his Grandpa an Grandma an that took care all of their debts an let Buster buy a '50 model Oldsmobile that would run like greased lightinin. Even took her ta tha drag strip once. Put up tha rest in a savings ta be used when thay had ta fer emergency an left Buster with enough pocket money fer a year. He picked up Jessie an tha Milner gal he was sparkin an got that purty Injun gal at tha hotel an went ta tha drivein in Little Rock in his new car. Most of tha time Buster rode his gray an that bit of money didn't change him none. Skip was married up an used his money ta start a bizness in automobile repair. Tha two of them never gambled together again an everbody's life went on as usual. Course Buster an his friends all benefitted from Buster's good fortune but that gift horse was never looked at in tha mouth agin. No more gamblin! grandma said. She didn't say much but when she did; ya dun what she said an no backtalk. Jes wouldn't think ta do that no how. Life was back ta normal, but ya can bet yore bottom dollar Buster was tha talk of tha town! Sheriff went after them Yankees an chased em all tha way back East. I'm goin by Buster's house ta play sum Cribbage an eat supper with his folks. My folks are gonna drop by fer coffee an pie an listen ta tha radio with Buster's Grandpa an Grandma. Walter Duane will be on over Friday afternoon with all his brothers an them 2 purty sisters of hisn, Karen Jeanene an Pamela Kay ta butcher a hog an render sum fat. Us boys, an especially Buster, probably would have sparked them sisters of Duane's but we all knowed we'd be in a tussel fer shore. Fact is, we all ben in many a scrap over them gals at tha schoolhouse. Them hairy legged ne'er do wells was a botherin em all tha time an we run em off every chance we got. Ole Duane would scrap a circle saw too an would git on up in yore face like a coon. Jes ballup on yore haid an couldn't git him off. Better not mess with hisn sisters!
Comin on dark an mama is callin fer supper. Gotta go.
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