Knock, knock. The door was answered by? Ring, ring, ring. The phone was answered by?
The one that really cares. The one that loves them. The one that accepts them as a part of their family. This is the owner of a pet. They are always there if their pet is lost or hungry or sick. They anxiously await word if they do not return as expected. They miss them when they are away. Their heart is captured by the unconditional love of their pet and requite that love in like fashion. Pets play an integral part in the lives of most people sometime in their lifetime. It is a life lesson.
Buster and the boys all had pets; several in some cases.
Buster had Spike, his Benji lookalike stray, and Perry the parakeet and Bob the black kitten with no tail.
Jessie had Dundee, the family’s black Scottish Terrier, Sparky and then Annabelle; overweight Chihuahuas that demanded constant attention.
Walter had Smoky, his gray horse that was as loyal a friend as any of the boys and Ike, his bloodhound, and Chico, the Chihuahua .
Howard had, well an assortment of critters that stretched from infancy to old age. Brownie, his German Sheppard, was special though.
Let’s start by telling bout Buster’s dog, Spike. When he was found by a friend of Buster’s, he was covered with ticks, fleas and cockleburs. Took a lot of doin to get that rascal cleaned up fer shor. Buster went ta visit Jim Chudy that farmed tha family homeplace an Jim tole Buster he had jes tha dog fer him. Spike jumped inta Buster’s Ford an off thay went back ta Grandpa Gus an Grandma’s house. Spike settled right in an listened ta Buster real good an minded well. He was as smart as a whip, that dog. Buster only let Spike in tha house one time an that was after his bath. Buster tole Spike ta lay on down beside his chair an stay thar or he’d put him out. Ole Spike jes looked up at Buster with them soulful eyes of hisn an twitched hisn ears ta acknowledge what Buster tole him. Now, Spike had it real nice at tha house. He jes couldn’t wander round tha house proper but had what Buster called tha convertible room. Had heat an air conditionin an was carpeted an a real nice bed. Dang dog would knock on tha door ever mornin to wake up Buster. After Spike got up an had a lil bite, he’d make his rounds of the neighborhood an tha town. He’d go an greet all the dogs on his route an visit with folks that took to him an shook his paw. Then Spike would cum on back ta tha house fer his breakfast an be ready fer tha day with Buster. He went ever whar with Buster. When Buster went inta town ta a store, Spike would sit an wait outside till he cum out. Everbody that passed by spoke ta Spike an knowed that Spike was Buster’s dog. He got all manner of treats an attention from tha whole town. When Buster would mow tha grass with his ridin mower, Spike would sit up on tha hood an ride till he was a dun cutting. Spike would ride in tha back of Buster’s pickup truck an bark a howdy ta everbody that passed by. That dog larned real quick like.
Once when he was a ridin in tha back of tha truck, he jumped out too soon an got his leash caught an was a bein dragged along. Buster wadn’t goin very fast an Spike was jes low nuf so’s his lil laigs was peddlin as fast as he could. He didn’t git hurt nun but never dun that agin.
One day Buster was drivin round a block tryin ta git Spike back in tha truck. But, Spike had hisself another notion. He was a playin a game of chase with Buster. Sammy Joe, a fren of Buster’s, was a roofin a house on that block an seed it all. Ever time Buster went one way; Spike would go tha other. He would bark, jes a grinning from ear ta ear an them big ole ears of hisn would jes be a floppin. Spike was quite tha dog ya know. One time Larry Hearn, a Cherokee Injun fren of Buster’s brung in a Alligator Snapper fer Buster ta see; weighed in at bout 58 pounds he said. Well, Spike wouldn’t have nun of it. Figured he was a protectin Buster. Barkin an raisin cane when Buster got close ta that turtle. Spike was that way with younguns too; protectin em an all. Everbody loved that dog bout as much as Buster, I tell ya. When Sammy Joe dropped off Bob; he took ta carin fer him too. Him bein jes a kitten an all. Danged rat dun bit off Bob’s tail when he was still nursing. That’s how cum Buster cum ta call him Bob. Now Buster wadn’t nun to partial ta cats so he called Bob a hound an darn if that cat didn’t foller Buster round an mind jes like Spike.When Buster fed Bob an tole him ta git on in his bed; he’d hop on in. Bob had a hole in a old weepin willer tree out back of tha house an liked it a powerful lot. But, he would cum on in an stay with Spike in tha convertible room too. Both of em would huddle up tagether. Wadn’t long though till another un showed up. It was Bob’s litter mate and he was as wild as a March hare. Sammy Joe dun caught him up an dropped him off too at Buster’s. That un would never git close ceptin at feedin time sumtimes an only ifn Bob was thar.
Buster had a gal that left him with a durn bird too; a parakeet it was. Buster tole that bird he didn’t like him or want him round but that durn bird jes took ta Buster. Buster called him Perry tha Parakeet. One evenin Buster was eatin sum of them thar atomic bomb fireballs. Thay was sweet an hotter than blazes. Well, Perry flew on over ta Buster an give him a kiss; a lil peck on tha lips tryin ta git on Buster’s good side. Well now that dang bird got hisself a whale of a surprise an tha’s fer shor. See, them birds ain’t got no saliva glands an he had ta hit water real quick since he got inta sumthin that hot. But the dangest thang happened; that darn bird cum back fer more. Reckon tha sweetness got ta him. With Perry likin them fireballs so much, Buster taught him a trick. Folks would look at Buster and nuthin but Perry’s laigs would be stickin out of his mouth. Heck, thay thought Buster dun ate that bird hide, hair an all, an alive at that. Weren’t so an Perry jes loved that trick. That bird could mimic any kinda sound. One night Buster woke up ta tha TV havin channels changed. Weren’t so; jes Perry soundin like it was. When Buster went ta bed, Perry would jump up on him an wouldn’t let nobody or nuthin cum even close ta Buster. Ya could look in on Buster a sleepin and thar would be Perry with one eye cocked open. Ifn ya cum too close he would go ta peckin ya an screechin ta high Heaven. When Buster went outside, Perry would stay lit on Buster’s shoulder or on tha top of hisn haid. Wouldn’t ever fly off unlessen Buster tole him too an then he would fly right on back ta Buster.
Tha Razorbacks was a playin a game one Saturday an “Perry dun heared em callin tha hogs an figured he could do that too. Buster cum in ta see tha game an heared em callin tha hogs but it wadn’t tha fans, it was Perry. He’d holler, Whoo Pig Sooie, Razorbacks, Go Hogs Go.
Well that evenin tha newsman says he has sumthin fer shor that was real unusual. Thar was a parrot that could say Go Hogs GO over in tha next town. Well, Perry was a watchin that an tole Buster ta call that newsman cause ain’t no parrot could out do him on talking. Buster up an calls that newsman an tole him ta git on over ta tha house cause he shor nuf had a bird that could talk. When that newsman got thar, Perry put on a show. Not only did he call tha Hogs but he talked as long as thay did. That newsman jes couldn’t believe his ears an asked Buster ifn he wasn’t sum kinda ventriloquist or usin sum other kinda trick. Buster says ta him that he’d seed fer hisself an Perry took that kinda personal like. Perry talked fer near two solid hours with that newsman jes a gawkin with his mouth wide open whar he’d catch flies. Now that was a story fer shor that tha TV could show. Ole Perry was famous! He didn’t want no pay; jes sum more of them atomic fireballs from Sam’s.
It’s sad ta say that all of Buster’s pets passed on cause thay was family. Tha details ain’t pleasant ta talk bout but Buster knows tha Lord has a place fer em an he reckons he’ll see em agin. Owl got Bob an his brother, A mean spirited woman let Perry out an he froze ta death. Sum durn yayhoos hit Spike in tha haid with thar car bumper whilst he was playin with his ball next ta grandma’s car. Thay got so close it was a wonder thay didn’t hit grandma’s car too. If ya didn’t think Buster didn’t go on a rampage, you got another think cummin. Buster put up a 4’x 8’ sign in his yard telling everbody what he was gonna do ta em when he found out who dun kilt Spike. He thought more of that dog than he did them. Thay didn’t even have tha gumption ta cum tell Buster thay hit him an jes left him lay. Buster was madder than a wet hen, I tell ya. It took more’n a year till Buster took down that sign. Like I say, sad times.
Howard has had more pets than any one of tha boys an most folks ta boot. But, he had Brownie. That German Sheppard would foller along with Howard when he rode his bicycle an then when Howard took up motorsicle ridin, Brownie would run long side him then too. Tuffest dog ya ever did see. Even bring in tha paper in tha mornins. Howard dearly loved that dog. Nuf said.
Walter has his gray an he is a fine un. But ole Ike took tha cake. That bloodhound could track thru hell an high water. Ain’t no telling what that dog would drag up neither. Now, Chico was another matter. When ole Larry Brown cum a courting Karen Jeanene, Chico would run ta tha door jes a barkin. Don’t think he liked Larry cummin round after Karen Jeanene cause he had him a habit of bitin tha toes of a feller’s boots. Walter didn’t like anybody sparkin his sister neither. Now, Larry always had on a pair of new boots or ones that was spit shined ta a T. Walter would open that door an sic Chico on Larry ever time he cum round. Ya know what a trickster Walter is. Said he right enjoyed it. Chico would head fer tha toe of them boots ever time. Set ole Larry ta sail many a time lite’n a shuck offen that porch. Course all tha boys would hoop an holler sumthin fierce since thay didn’t cotton ta no feller courting Karen Jeanene. Speakin of fellers a courting a sister of thars, Jerry Ashford was out on tha town with Walter’s brother, Mike one time when Mike got hisself inta a scuffle. Here Mike was fightin like a banty rooster an Jerry jes watchin tha fight. Back then, Jerry was stout as a bull. Whilst he was a watchin Mike fight an all; he had a feller in a headlock like it weren’t nuthin at all. Feller wadn’t even twitchin or squirmin Jerry had him locked down so tight. He was so danged stout he jes couldn’t git a loose. Mike went on up ta Amarillo ta a bar one nite fer a lil fun an entertainment an dancin. All them Ollingers was dancin fools, I tell ya. Walter dun went too ta keep him company.
Whilst thay sit thar a gal from a bank was overheard talkin bout Mike. Said he dun bought a ring an how much it cost an was a gonna ask Dianne ta marry up with him. Well now, Mike was fit ta be tied over that. Heck fire, he jes bought tha thang an ain’t even asked Dianne ta marry him yet! Here thay was at tha bar an people knowin more bout his bizness than he did. Mike wadn’t nun too happy bout them gossipin bout him, I tell ya. Them Ollingers got more stories, an all true, than Carter has lil liver pills.
Jessie. Now this story would make a feller cry. Jes dang near hate ta tell it but this is what life is bout. Jessie had a hound or two in his time but one in perticular cums ta mind. But first off ya jes gotta know fer sum reason them Chihuahuas was real poplar then. Jessie’s folks had Sparky till he seed his better days an ta this day, growed up an all, has Annabelle. He dun inherited that handful from his daughter. Jessie had 3 younguns when he growed up. That dog jes don’t know when or where ta pee an Jessie steps in it from time ta time so he has ta be careful like getting up in tha nite. That dang dog wants Jessie ta hold an pet her ever minit he’s in tha house.
Dundee was a Scottish Terrier an the family pet. Jessie’s ma took ta that dog like it was her own child. When Jessie went off ta lawyerin school he dun met up with a gal that made him leave one standin in tha aisle. Now Jessie was a mess in them days an most folks wouldn’t ever knowed that bout Jessie; him bein so quite an all. Jes didn’t say much. Jessie would report fer tha radio station an even went down on tha river ta interview young folk attendin a concert; sumthin like a Woodstock . It bein summer an all; them young folks was swimmin in tha river an sunbathin an havin a high ole time. Tha radio station put Jessie on a boat an thay’d drive up an he would start askin em questions. Well, thay cum up on a bunch of gals an danged ifn thay weren’t all naked! Jes a laughin an carryin on. Jessie seed tha sights that day fer shor. Heck, Jessie even dun sum modelin fer sum clothes outfit once. Anyhow, when Jessie brought that high falutin gal ta meet his folks; Dundee run right out ta meet her an then guess what? He dun keeled over daid. Quite the tha day that’s fer shor. Jessie says ta this day he shoulda took that as a sign that that thar woman weren’t meant fer him. But, what ken he say; Love is blind! Jes didn’t work out. Now the wailin and weepin an gnashin of teeth was sumthim right pitiful as Jessie’s ma dearly loved that dog. She tole Jessie an his pa that Dundee mighta jes had a faintin spell. Jessie an his pa found a special place ta bury Dundee that his ma desired fer his final restin place. She got so discumfobulated that Jessie an his pa had ta go back an dig up Dundee ta make shor he was dead. Then thay had ta rebury him. Don’t think Jessie’s ma ever got over that dog an her bein Christian an all knowed jes like Buster that tha Lord had a special place fer them critters. What I am a sayin here is tha rite of passage fer Jessie. When his pa was standin out on tha back porch holdin Sparky; he fell off an hit his haid cause he had an aneurism. Jessie had ta be tha one ta decide ta take his pa offa life support; him bein tha only son an all. But fer months before that, he drove bout 2 hours ta tha hospital ever day ta tend to his pa. Jessie made his peace with his pa an then tole tha doctors ta let him go. Jessie and his ma knowed he was a goin ta better place. Jessie’s pa was a fine man. Worked fer tha gas company an so did his uncles. Uncle Cecil ta this day is trifled that Jessie didn’t stay with em as a lawyer but Jessie had his own life ta live. He has lived it well. But as a youngun an one of tha boys; life was good. All tha boys had many adventure to go on an exploring tha world before thay started thar own families. Those will be stories in themselves.
The one that really cares. The one that loves them. The one that accepts them as a part of their family. This is the owner of a pet. They are always there if their pet is lost or hungry or sick. They anxiously await word if they do not return as expected. They miss them when they are away. Their heart is captured by the unconditional love of their pet and requite that love in like fashion. Pets play an integral part in the lives of most people sometime in their lifetime. It is a life lesson.
Buster and the boys all had pets; several in some cases.
Buster had Spike, his Benji lookalike stray, and Perry the parakeet and Bob the black kitten with no tail.
Jessie had Dundee, the family’s black Scottish Terrier, Sparky and then Annabelle; overweight Chihuahuas that demanded constant attention.
Walter had Smoky, his gray horse that was as loyal a friend as any of the boys and Ike, his bloodhound, and Chico, the Chihuahua .
Howard had, well an assortment of critters that stretched from infancy to old age. Brownie, his German Sheppard, was special though.
Let’s start by telling bout Buster’s dog, Spike. When he was found by a friend of Buster’s, he was covered with ticks, fleas and cockleburs. Took a lot of doin to get that rascal cleaned up fer shor. Buster went ta visit Jim Chudy that farmed tha family homeplace an Jim tole Buster he had jes tha dog fer him. Spike jumped inta Buster’s Ford an off thay went back ta Grandpa Gus an Grandma’s house. Spike settled right in an listened ta Buster real good an minded well. He was as smart as a whip, that dog. Buster only let Spike in tha house one time an that was after his bath. Buster tole Spike ta lay on down beside his chair an stay thar or he’d put him out. Ole Spike jes looked up at Buster with them soulful eyes of hisn an twitched hisn ears ta acknowledge what Buster tole him. Now, Spike had it real nice at tha house. He jes couldn’t wander round tha house proper but had what Buster called tha convertible room. Had heat an air conditionin an was carpeted an a real nice bed. Dang dog would knock on tha door ever mornin to wake up Buster. After Spike got up an had a lil bite, he’d make his rounds of the neighborhood an tha town. He’d go an greet all the dogs on his route an visit with folks that took to him an shook his paw. Then Spike would cum on back ta tha house fer his breakfast an be ready fer tha day with Buster. He went ever whar with Buster. When Buster went inta town ta a store, Spike would sit an wait outside till he cum out. Everbody that passed by spoke ta Spike an knowed that Spike was Buster’s dog. He got all manner of treats an attention from tha whole town. When Buster would mow tha grass with his ridin mower, Spike would sit up on tha hood an ride till he was a dun cutting. Spike would ride in tha back of Buster’s pickup truck an bark a howdy ta everbody that passed by. That dog larned real quick like.
Once when he was a ridin in tha back of tha truck, he jumped out too soon an got his leash caught an was a bein dragged along. Buster wadn’t goin very fast an Spike was jes low nuf so’s his lil laigs was peddlin as fast as he could. He didn’t git hurt nun but never dun that agin.
One day Buster was drivin round a block tryin ta git Spike back in tha truck. But, Spike had hisself another notion. He was a playin a game of chase with Buster. Sammy Joe, a fren of Buster’s, was a roofin a house on that block an seed it all. Ever time Buster went one way; Spike would go tha other. He would bark, jes a grinning from ear ta ear an them big ole ears of hisn would jes be a floppin. Spike was quite tha dog ya know. One time Larry Hearn, a Cherokee Injun fren of Buster’s brung in a Alligator Snapper fer Buster ta see; weighed in at bout 58 pounds he said. Well, Spike wouldn’t have nun of it. Figured he was a protectin Buster. Barkin an raisin cane when Buster got close ta that turtle. Spike was that way with younguns too; protectin em an all. Everbody loved that dog bout as much as Buster, I tell ya. When Sammy Joe dropped off Bob; he took ta carin fer him too. Him bein jes a kitten an all. Danged rat dun bit off Bob’s tail when he was still nursing. That’s how cum Buster cum ta call him Bob. Now Buster wadn’t nun to partial ta cats so he called Bob a hound an darn if that cat didn’t foller Buster round an mind jes like Spike.When Buster fed Bob an tole him ta git on in his bed; he’d hop on in. Bob had a hole in a old weepin willer tree out back of tha house an liked it a powerful lot. But, he would cum on in an stay with Spike in tha convertible room too. Both of em would huddle up tagether. Wadn’t long though till another un showed up. It was Bob’s litter mate and he was as wild as a March hare. Sammy Joe dun caught him up an dropped him off too at Buster’s. That un would never git close ceptin at feedin time sumtimes an only ifn Bob was thar.
Buster had a gal that left him with a durn bird too; a parakeet it was. Buster tole that bird he didn’t like him or want him round but that durn bird jes took ta Buster. Buster called him Perry tha Parakeet. One evenin Buster was eatin sum of them thar atomic bomb fireballs. Thay was sweet an hotter than blazes. Well, Perry flew on over ta Buster an give him a kiss; a lil peck on tha lips tryin ta git on Buster’s good side. Well now that dang bird got hisself a whale of a surprise an tha’s fer shor. See, them birds ain’t got no saliva glands an he had ta hit water real quick since he got inta sumthin that hot. But the dangest thang happened; that darn bird cum back fer more. Reckon tha sweetness got ta him. With Perry likin them fireballs so much, Buster taught him a trick. Folks would look at Buster and nuthin but Perry’s laigs would be stickin out of his mouth. Heck, thay thought Buster dun ate that bird hide, hair an all, an alive at that. Weren’t so an Perry jes loved that trick. That bird could mimic any kinda sound. One night Buster woke up ta tha TV havin channels changed. Weren’t so; jes Perry soundin like it was. When Buster went ta bed, Perry would jump up on him an wouldn’t let nobody or nuthin cum even close ta Buster. Ya could look in on Buster a sleepin and thar would be Perry with one eye cocked open. Ifn ya cum too close he would go ta peckin ya an screechin ta high Heaven. When Buster went outside, Perry would stay lit on Buster’s shoulder or on tha top of hisn haid. Wouldn’t ever fly off unlessen Buster tole him too an then he would fly right on back ta Buster.
Tha Razorbacks was a playin a game one Saturday an “Perry dun heared em callin tha hogs an figured he could do that too. Buster cum in ta see tha game an heared em callin tha hogs but it wadn’t tha fans, it was Perry. He’d holler, Whoo Pig Sooie, Razorbacks, Go Hogs Go.
Well that evenin tha newsman says he has sumthin fer shor that was real unusual. Thar was a parrot that could say Go Hogs GO over in tha next town. Well, Perry was a watchin that an tole Buster ta call that newsman cause ain’t no parrot could out do him on talking. Buster up an calls that newsman an tole him ta git on over ta tha house cause he shor nuf had a bird that could talk. When that newsman got thar, Perry put on a show. Not only did he call tha Hogs but he talked as long as thay did. That newsman jes couldn’t believe his ears an asked Buster ifn he wasn’t sum kinda ventriloquist or usin sum other kinda trick. Buster says ta him that he’d seed fer hisself an Perry took that kinda personal like. Perry talked fer near two solid hours with that newsman jes a gawkin with his mouth wide open whar he’d catch flies. Now that was a story fer shor that tha TV could show. Ole Perry was famous! He didn’t want no pay; jes sum more of them atomic fireballs from Sam’s.
It’s sad ta say that all of Buster’s pets passed on cause thay was family. Tha details ain’t pleasant ta talk bout but Buster knows tha Lord has a place fer em an he reckons he’ll see em agin. Owl got Bob an his brother, A mean spirited woman let Perry out an he froze ta death. Sum durn yayhoos hit Spike in tha haid with thar car bumper whilst he was playin with his ball next ta grandma’s car. Thay got so close it was a wonder thay didn’t hit grandma’s car too. If ya didn’t think Buster didn’t go on a rampage, you got another think cummin. Buster put up a 4’x 8’ sign in his yard telling everbody what he was gonna do ta em when he found out who dun kilt Spike. He thought more of that dog than he did them. Thay didn’t even have tha gumption ta cum tell Buster thay hit him an jes left him lay. Buster was madder than a wet hen, I tell ya. It took more’n a year till Buster took down that sign. Like I say, sad times.
Howard has had more pets than any one of tha boys an most folks ta boot. But, he had Brownie. That German Sheppard would foller along with Howard when he rode his bicycle an then when Howard took up motorsicle ridin, Brownie would run long side him then too. Tuffest dog ya ever did see. Even bring in tha paper in tha mornins. Howard dearly loved that dog. Nuf said.
Walter has his gray an he is a fine un. But ole Ike took tha cake. That bloodhound could track thru hell an high water. Ain’t no telling what that dog would drag up neither. Now, Chico was another matter. When ole Larry Brown cum a courting Karen Jeanene, Chico would run ta tha door jes a barkin. Don’t think he liked Larry cummin round after Karen Jeanene cause he had him a habit of bitin tha toes of a feller’s boots. Walter didn’t like anybody sparkin his sister neither. Now, Larry always had on a pair of new boots or ones that was spit shined ta a T. Walter would open that door an sic Chico on Larry ever time he cum round. Ya know what a trickster Walter is. Said he right enjoyed it. Chico would head fer tha toe of them boots ever time. Set ole Larry ta sail many a time lite’n a shuck offen that porch. Course all tha boys would hoop an holler sumthin fierce since thay didn’t cotton ta no feller courting Karen Jeanene. Speakin of fellers a courting a sister of thars, Jerry Ashford was out on tha town with Walter’s brother, Mike one time when Mike got hisself inta a scuffle. Here Mike was fightin like a banty rooster an Jerry jes watchin tha fight. Back then, Jerry was stout as a bull. Whilst he was a watchin Mike fight an all; he had a feller in a headlock like it weren’t nuthin at all. Feller wadn’t even twitchin or squirmin Jerry had him locked down so tight. He was so danged stout he jes couldn’t git a loose. Mike went on up ta Amarillo ta a bar one nite fer a lil fun an entertainment an dancin. All them Ollingers was dancin fools, I tell ya. Walter dun went too ta keep him company.
Whilst thay sit thar a gal from a bank was overheard talkin bout Mike. Said he dun bought a ring an how much it cost an was a gonna ask Dianne ta marry up with him. Well now, Mike was fit ta be tied over that. Heck fire, he jes bought tha thang an ain’t even asked Dianne ta marry him yet! Here thay was at tha bar an people knowin more bout his bizness than he did. Mike wadn’t nun too happy bout them gossipin bout him, I tell ya. Them Ollingers got more stories, an all true, than Carter has lil liver pills.
Jessie. Now this story would make a feller cry. Jes dang near hate ta tell it but this is what life is bout. Jessie had a hound or two in his time but one in perticular cums ta mind. But first off ya jes gotta know fer sum reason them Chihuahuas was real poplar then. Jessie’s folks had Sparky till he seed his better days an ta this day, growed up an all, has Annabelle. He dun inherited that handful from his daughter. Jessie had 3 younguns when he growed up. That dog jes don’t know when or where ta pee an Jessie steps in it from time ta time so he has ta be careful like getting up in tha nite. That dang dog wants Jessie ta hold an pet her ever minit he’s in tha house.
Dundee was a Scottish Terrier an the family pet. Jessie’s ma took ta that dog like it was her own child. When Jessie went off ta lawyerin school he dun met up with a gal that made him leave one standin in tha aisle. Now Jessie was a mess in them days an most folks wouldn’t ever knowed that bout Jessie; him bein so quite an all. Jes didn’t say much. Jessie would report fer tha radio station an even went down on tha river ta interview young folk attendin a concert; sumthin like a Woodstock . It bein summer an all; them young folks was swimmin in tha river an sunbathin an havin a high ole time. Tha radio station put Jessie on a boat an thay’d drive up an he would start askin em questions. Well, thay cum up on a bunch of gals an danged ifn thay weren’t all naked! Jes a laughin an carryin on. Jessie seed tha sights that day fer shor. Heck, Jessie even dun sum modelin fer sum clothes outfit once. Anyhow, when Jessie brought that high falutin gal ta meet his folks; Dundee run right out ta meet her an then guess what? He dun keeled over daid. Quite the tha day that’s fer shor. Jessie says ta this day he shoulda took that as a sign that that thar woman weren’t meant fer him. But, what ken he say; Love is blind! Jes didn’t work out. Now the wailin and weepin an gnashin of teeth was sumthim right pitiful as Jessie’s ma dearly loved that dog. She tole Jessie an his pa that Dundee mighta jes had a faintin spell. Jessie an his pa found a special place ta bury Dundee that his ma desired fer his final restin place. She got so discumfobulated that Jessie an his pa had ta go back an dig up Dundee ta make shor he was dead. Then thay had ta rebury him. Don’t think Jessie’s ma ever got over that dog an her bein Christian an all knowed jes like Buster that tha Lord had a special place fer them critters. What I am a sayin here is tha rite of passage fer Jessie. When his pa was standin out on tha back porch holdin Sparky; he fell off an hit his haid cause he had an aneurism. Jessie had ta be tha one ta decide ta take his pa offa life support; him bein tha only son an all. But fer months before that, he drove bout 2 hours ta tha hospital ever day ta tend to his pa. Jessie made his peace with his pa an then tole tha doctors ta let him go. Jessie and his ma knowed he was a goin ta better place. Jessie’s pa was a fine man. Worked fer tha gas company an so did his uncles. Uncle Cecil ta this day is trifled that Jessie didn’t stay with em as a lawyer but Jessie had his own life ta live. He has lived it well. But as a youngun an one of tha boys; life was good. All tha boys had many adventure to go on an exploring tha world before thay started thar own families. Those will be stories in themselves.
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