More of Buster
He dun dun it! Buster hitchhiked plum ta Crossville, TN ta see his real daddy. Went on up ta Uncle Roscoe’s house an Aunt Mamie met him at tha door. Russell was no whar ta be found but reckon he would be round directly. Heck fire, Buster didn’t have no money but jus struck out ta see wharbouts he cum from an his people he never seed. Had enough of hearin bout em so he caught a ride in an 18 wheeler all tha way ta Nashville an that ole boy took him right on inta town ta tha bus station an took out a red light ta boot. Caught tha bus on in. Early of a morning when he knocked on Uncle Roscoe’s door, he said ta git on in thar an had Mamie fix up a whale of a breakfast. Boy was he hungry. Saw all of tha younguns too; his first cousins. Thay turned out ta be a pickle too an him an Cecil are so much alike it is plum pitiful even though he is 13 years younger than him.
After finally meetin his daddy; he lit out ta Kentuck whar his great aunts Mae an Gertrude lived. Aunt Mae was in Beattyville an Aunt Gertrude an her husband Melvin was in Paris. He stayed thar fer a spell an his grandpa an grandma Orlicek cum up too. Thay stayed tha night an went on a visitin after that.
But tha story, an a no truer one ever told, happened that night. Well thay all got ready fer bed an Uncle Melvin put Buster upstairs in tha spare room an gave his grandpa Gus an grandma tha bedroom downstairs. When thay went upstairs ta get Buster settled in; he noticed tha light was a bare bulb a hanging from that old timey wire. No cover or nothing, just a switch. Tha door was open an when thay was a leavin, thay couldn’t shut tha door. Tha floorboards was so warped that tha door couldn’t open nor close cause tha boards bowed up inta a vee bout 2 inches or so high. Didn’t make no never mind ta him though; he really didn’t want tha door closed no how. Heat rises you know an it was a trifle warm up thar. Well along up inta tha early morning; he’d say round 3 o’clock; Buster got woke up with a heck of a racket. That dang light was a flashin on an off an that durn cotton pickin door was a swingin back an forth ta beat tha band. On top of that tha shutters was a flappin an then it really kicked up ruckus. Tha old fireplace was bricked up an not used no more, so, thar weren’t nary a openin in that fireplace atall. Some kinda spook cum a rushin down that chimney an out that fireplace an shutters a bangin, an wind a blowin, an light a flashin, an door a swingin, an boy howdy, did Buster ever lite a shuck. He went down them stairs quicker than you could shake a stick, I tell ya, an jumped square in tha bed with his grandpa Gus an grandma. Thay went ta hollerin an Uncle Melvin an Aunt Gertrude cum alive an a runnin. Well, he tole em what was happenin up thar an Uncle Melvin got a flashlight an Grandpa Gus an Buster went up upstairs with him. Thay didn’t see a thang! But thay knowed that dadburn door wouldn’t close an thar she stood; on tha other side of tha warped boards. Then tha wind roared an started them shutters a bangin. Buster tole em he ain’t stayin up thar an took off downstairs. Aunt Gertrude had ta make him a pallet on tha floor by grandma an grandpa Gus cause he wadn’t gonna be by hisself, that’s fer sure! Cum ta find out that old house was built over a graveyard an ole Dan’l Boone used ta stay thar. Buster's cousin Dovie wouldn't stay thar neither an I mean not ta this day! It was always talked about ta why tha house wadn't built down by tha road. Well it was! It was on tha old stagecoach road an Buster used ta find old silver coins a layin round out back. Uncle Melvin raised terbacky an thay went on in ta Lexington an sold his crop at tha auction house. Buster never seen no terbacky raised nor sold an got plum in tha spirit of callin with tha auctioneer.
Figured he could do as good as that feller could. It was fun fer a while till he got tha auctioneer all bumfuzzled; Buster was selling tha fool out of that terbacky crop! Went on back ta tha farm an popped a few gophers out in tha pasture with Uncle Melvin’s .223.
Had fresh cream so thick ya had ta dip it with a spoon an put it in his hot chocolate Aunt Gertrude fixed fer him. She made a mighty fine breakfast. Buster had a right nice time visitin his people but he had a hankerin ta head on out again. Eased on by aunt Mae’s up in Estill county on his motorsicle, got him a little Blue Moon ta sip on an helped round tha place fer Aunt Mae. Thar was a First Christian Church on tha property an Horn Cemetery too whar all thar people was buried at. Aunt Mae had him go ta services with her just across tha road an it was a real nice sermon too by that circuit ridin preacher. He rode a good mule too. Buster's grandpa Lawrence was stayin round thar an it was tha first time he ever laid eyes on him he ever remembered. But he used ta take care of him down in Arkansas when he was a toddler. Bear of a man. Strong as a ox. His brothers, Uncle Jake an Uncle Bill, cum up on tha next Sunday an said thay was a gonna baptize grandpa Lawrence. He was feeling poorly an had tha diabetes you know, an wanted ta be right with tha Lord fore he left this earth. Jake was a Church of Christ preacher an Bill was a Penecostal preacher, an so’s not ta have a conniption fit of who was gonna dunk grandpa Lawrence; thay both decided ta do it right smack dab in tha middle of Big Sinking Creek. Thay got grandpa Lawrence inta tha water but couldn’t get him down. He wore a size 60 overall an was a handful ta say tha least. Thay hollered, “Buster, git on in here an help git Lawrence under an up” So he kicked off his shoes an marched right on in that creek an grabbed a holt of hisn grandpa Lawrence an put him under. Buster was right stout hisself an took after his daddy’s side fer that. Got him up an out an dried off an then had Sunday dinner on tha ground. What a feast! Got fuller than a tick, I tell ya. Some of tha best eatin he ever had an he could eat back then. All tha wimmen folk had been cryin an was so happy grandpa Lawrence was saved an goin ta Heaven. Glad he could be a part of that. Thar is right smart of a tale ta tell yet but he reckoned he had better ease on back whar he cum from in Arkansas. Buster's mama was there an his grandpa Gus an grandma, an he had graduation ta make, chores ta do, an ta meet ole Chicken Jeans in tha mornin. Always had a snort with him as he was comin in an he was a goin out. Ole Chicken used ta say you could eat everything bout a chicken but his beak! He was a mess that Chicken. Reason he was a comin in was Buster had been out a cattin round. Grandpa Gus used ta say tha worst thang that ever happened ta him was a car; all he wanted was fast cars an faster wimmen. Jus lookin fer love is all; found it too; sometimes. Well, he had ta git on with it so he joined up with tha Air Corps. Buster’s my name an travelin is my game; so Buster an his Buddies are off ta git in some kind of mischief. All good boys but thay could shore nuf find sumthin ta git inta. Tell ya all about that nother time. Night now; gotta git on up an cum alive as Uncle Roscoe used ta say. He’ll crank tha wall phone at tha neighbor’s ifn no one is on tha party line an tell y'all when he's comin ta town on Saturday; levees ta butt first. See ya then. Buster
After finally meetin his daddy; he lit out ta Kentuck whar his great aunts Mae an Gertrude lived. Aunt Mae was in Beattyville an Aunt Gertrude an her husband Melvin was in Paris. He stayed thar fer a spell an his grandpa an grandma Orlicek cum up too. Thay stayed tha night an went on a visitin after that.
But tha story, an a no truer one ever told, happened that night. Well thay all got ready fer bed an Uncle Melvin put Buster upstairs in tha spare room an gave his grandpa Gus an grandma tha bedroom downstairs. When thay went upstairs ta get Buster settled in; he noticed tha light was a bare bulb a hanging from that old timey wire. No cover or nothing, just a switch. Tha door was open an when thay was a leavin, thay couldn’t shut tha door. Tha floorboards was so warped that tha door couldn’t open nor close cause tha boards bowed up inta a vee bout 2 inches or so high. Didn’t make no never mind ta him though; he really didn’t want tha door closed no how. Heat rises you know an it was a trifle warm up thar. Well along up inta tha early morning; he’d say round 3 o’clock; Buster got woke up with a heck of a racket. That dang light was a flashin on an off an that durn cotton pickin door was a swingin back an forth ta beat tha band. On top of that tha shutters was a flappin an then it really kicked up ruckus. Tha old fireplace was bricked up an not used no more, so, thar weren’t nary a openin in that fireplace atall. Some kinda spook cum a rushin down that chimney an out that fireplace an shutters a bangin, an wind a blowin, an light a flashin, an door a swingin, an boy howdy, did Buster ever lite a shuck. He went down them stairs quicker than you could shake a stick, I tell ya, an jumped square in tha bed with his grandpa Gus an grandma. Thay went ta hollerin an Uncle Melvin an Aunt Gertrude cum alive an a runnin. Well, he tole em what was happenin up thar an Uncle Melvin got a flashlight an Grandpa Gus an Buster went up upstairs with him. Thay didn’t see a thang! But thay knowed that dadburn door wouldn’t close an thar she stood; on tha other side of tha warped boards. Then tha wind roared an started them shutters a bangin. Buster tole em he ain’t stayin up thar an took off downstairs. Aunt Gertrude had ta make him a pallet on tha floor by grandma an grandpa Gus cause he wadn’t gonna be by hisself, that’s fer sure! Cum ta find out that old house was built over a graveyard an ole Dan’l Boone used ta stay thar. Buster's cousin Dovie wouldn't stay thar neither an I mean not ta this day! It was always talked about ta why tha house wadn't built down by tha road. Well it was! It was on tha old stagecoach road an Buster used ta find old silver coins a layin round out back. Uncle Melvin raised terbacky an thay went on in ta Lexington an sold his crop at tha auction house. Buster never seen no terbacky raised nor sold an got plum in tha spirit of callin with tha auctioneer.
Figured he could do as good as that feller could. It was fun fer a while till he got tha auctioneer all bumfuzzled; Buster was selling tha fool out of that terbacky crop! Went on back ta tha farm an popped a few gophers out in tha pasture with Uncle Melvin’s .223.
Had fresh cream so thick ya had ta dip it with a spoon an put it in his hot chocolate Aunt Gertrude fixed fer him. She made a mighty fine breakfast. Buster had a right nice time visitin his people but he had a hankerin ta head on out again. Eased on by aunt Mae’s up in Estill county on his motorsicle, got him a little Blue Moon ta sip on an helped round tha place fer Aunt Mae. Thar was a First Christian Church on tha property an Horn Cemetery too whar all thar people was buried at. Aunt Mae had him go ta services with her just across tha road an it was a real nice sermon too by that circuit ridin preacher. He rode a good mule too. Buster's grandpa Lawrence was stayin round thar an it was tha first time he ever laid eyes on him he ever remembered. But he used ta take care of him down in Arkansas when he was a toddler. Bear of a man. Strong as a ox. His brothers, Uncle Jake an Uncle Bill, cum up on tha next Sunday an said thay was a gonna baptize grandpa Lawrence. He was feeling poorly an had tha diabetes you know, an wanted ta be right with tha Lord fore he left this earth. Jake was a Church of Christ preacher an Bill was a Penecostal preacher, an so’s not ta have a conniption fit of who was gonna dunk grandpa Lawrence; thay both decided ta do it right smack dab in tha middle of Big Sinking Creek. Thay got grandpa Lawrence inta tha water but couldn’t get him down. He wore a size 60 overall an was a handful ta say tha least. Thay hollered, “Buster, git on in here an help git Lawrence under an up” So he kicked off his shoes an marched right on in that creek an grabbed a holt of hisn grandpa Lawrence an put him under. Buster was right stout hisself an took after his daddy’s side fer that. Got him up an out an dried off an then had Sunday dinner on tha ground. What a feast! Got fuller than a tick, I tell ya. Some of tha best eatin he ever had an he could eat back then. All tha wimmen folk had been cryin an was so happy grandpa Lawrence was saved an goin ta Heaven. Glad he could be a part of that. Thar is right smart of a tale ta tell yet but he reckoned he had better ease on back whar he cum from in Arkansas. Buster's mama was there an his grandpa Gus an grandma, an he had graduation ta make, chores ta do, an ta meet ole Chicken Jeans in tha mornin. Always had a snort with him as he was comin in an he was a goin out. Ole Chicken used ta say you could eat everything bout a chicken but his beak! He was a mess that Chicken. Reason he was a comin in was Buster had been out a cattin round. Grandpa Gus used ta say tha worst thang that ever happened ta him was a car; all he wanted was fast cars an faster wimmen. Jus lookin fer love is all; found it too; sometimes. Well, he had ta git on with it so he joined up with tha Air Corps. Buster’s my name an travelin is my game; so Buster an his Buddies are off ta git in some kind of mischief. All good boys but thay could shore nuf find sumthin ta git inta. Tell ya all about that nother time. Night now; gotta git on up an cum alive as Uncle Roscoe used ta say. He’ll crank tha wall phone at tha neighbor’s ifn no one is on tha party line an tell y'all when he's comin ta town on Saturday; levees ta butt first. See ya then. Buster
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