Buster! What in tha dickens are ya a goin ta do with that thang, asked grandpa Gus? Jessie, Walter and Howard was a jes a grinnin hunkered down over thar under a sweet gum tree whilst Buster was a pullin that 2 seater Champ with hisn lil Case tractor he always disked with. Buster an tha boys had dun gone over ta tha Capps place whar ole Reggie was layed up drunker that Cooter Brown hisself. Reggie dun had one snort too many over at Memphis at tha Thunderbird Lounge and reckoned he would buzz the town in hisn airplane. Well, when he got back towards Toltec and landed in tha grass strip at thar place, tha police was a waitin fer him. That was tha end of hisn flyin days fer shor an that weekend Buster made a deal fer that plane with a quart of Old McBrayer and a five hundurt dollars. Reggie was a wantin a drink awful bad an hisn pa an brother dun took all tha drivin stock an keys away from him an he didn't have no way ta git nun. When Buster an tha boys cum by ole Reggie was seein snakes an all sorts a critters that was a tryin to crawl up on him. He made a deal right then an thar fer that airplane with Buster. Walter drove Buster on over ta his grandpa Gus's place an got hisn lil Case an pulled it back ta tha barn. Tha Capps Place was on tha North end of old county road an only bout 2 miles from tha barn as tha crow flies. Buster pulled tha plane crosst the road an on tha back side of tha Richey place on ta Central road an onto thar place by tha back way. The ground was sandy and smooth and it weren't no trouble atall. Grandpa Gus had jes cum in from tha field next ta old man Eason's place checkin on a relift an seen em a cummin. Buster tole hisn grandpa Gus he was a gonna fly that plane cum hell or high water; jes like he dun in World War I at Kelly Field thar in San Antone, Texas. That was fore thay put grandpa Gus in tha infantry an sent him ta France.
Now Howard was also bound an determined to fly that plane too an Jessie an Walter had tha bright idee ta be wing walkers. Thay dun seed that at tha air show at tha old airbase over at Stuttgart. That was whar Buster's mama worked durin tha war (WWII). Howard an Buster got er all un hitched an checked er out real good an fueled er up. Buster dun asked Howard ifn he knowed whar ta start an he said ta take a look an see ifn thar was a instruction book with tha plane. Well, shor nuf thar was but thay couldn't make heads nor tails of it. Greek ta em, so thay jes decided ta take out fer a lil test run. Tha road by tha bayou on tha southwest side was purty durn smooth that time of year an was sandy loam an well packed. Buster hollered ta em all ta stand back an cranked er up with Howard sittin rite thar beside him. Both of em tried out all tha levers and pedals fore thay give er tha gas an was thinkin thay was gittin tha hang of it. Thay had all seed Reggie fly er an remembered some of what he was a doin. Buster eased up tha throttle an tha plane begin ta movin. She got up on two wheels with tha tail wheel barely off tha ground when Buster cum ta a lil bend in tha road. Buster went ta stompin tha brakes an Howard pulled back tha throttle. Thay jes eased over tha side but didn't tear up nuthin but had ta pull tha plane back up ta level ground. Walter an Jessie was jes a howlin laughin when thay seed Buster an Howard walkin back ta tha Case. Grandpa Gus jes shook hisn haid tole em not ta kill tharselfs an thay shor nuf needed ta practice rite smart fore thay went ta flyin.
Well, thay all chipped in an got tha Champ back on level ground an checked er out. She weren't hurt nun an tha boys figured thay would ease on over ta Bill Kelly's at tha Keo airport. He was a local cropduster an ort ta be able ta tell em how ta fly tha Champ. Now Randy Price took ta flyin fer a livin an thay went ta school with him so thay figured ifn he could do it so could thay. Last time thay cut hogs on tha Price place Randy swore he wadn't be no farmer an shor nuf he quit farmin with hisn pa. Bill was a sittin drinkin a coke with peanuts in it an eatin sum cheese an peanut butter crackers an readin tha sports page when thay all cum in. Bill asked tha boys what was up an ifn thay wanted sumthin ta drink. Thay all said shor an tole him bout buyin Reggie's Champ. Bill said it was tha easiest plane thar was ta fly; purt near flew itself. Bill took em out ta one of tha Pawnees he flew an give em tha gist of what thay had ta do. He said ifn thay would help him move sum seed inta tha hanger he would take em up an show em a thang or two bout flyin. Walter an Jessie tole Buster an Howard to go on up first. Now, Walter being tha trickster that he was knowed what Bill was a gonna do. First thang rite off when he got out sight of tha boys was ta show Buster what all was ta be dun flyin an all tha controls an what thay was. After Buster said he bout got tha hang of it, Bill let him fly tha plane fer a spell. After Bill got tha controls back, he went inta sum shor nuf tricks. He rolled an spiraled an flew on his back an dun all manner of tricks. He had Buster green as a gourd an bout ta be a two fer a penny commode huggin yellow dog Democrat callin Ralph. Bill was jes a grinnin an let Buster settle down fore thay went on back. Buster shor was proud ta have hisn two feet on tha ground I tell ya. Bill then asked Howard ifn he wanted ta go up. Howard said he shor nuf did. Boy, thay was gone fer quite a spell when tha boys seen em a cummin in fer tha landin. Howard jumped outa that plane like a Mexican jumpin bean jes grinnin an a jabberin how he was gonna be a jet pilot. Bill said hard as he tried, Howard stuck like glue an hollered fer him ta do more tricks. Bill said he dun all he knowed an still couldn't git Howard ditherated nun. Dangest thang he ever seed. He reckoned Howard mite make one heck of a pilot. Buster said he would fly tha dang thang but he wadn't in fer nun of them tricks an Howard said it was so much fun he could do it all day long. Walter an Jessie tole him he dun found hisn callin. After that Howard was a flyin gyro copters an them parachutes with motors and hang glidin an anythin else he could git in tha air. Buster jes stuck ta plain ole flyin but I'm a gittin ahead of myself in tha story. Tha boys went on back ta tha house an Bill said ta cum back when he wadn't busy an he would teach sum more bout flyin. Buster an Howard tole him thay preciated tha lessons an would cum back when he had tha time an in tha meantime would keep a practicein out at tha farm. Well it wadn't long fore Buster an Howard got tha Champ ta lift offa tha ground an flew er fer a bit an then set er down. Thay dun that a whole bunch of times till thay could take off an land purty good. Both of em was bout as good as tha other till one day thay decided ta fly over ta Bill's airport. Walter an Jessie said thay would drive on over in Buster's Ford an meet em thar. Buster dun tha honors an him an Howard took off an got over ta tha airport an landed. First time thay tried tha landin thay overshot tha runway an ended up in tha cotton field next ta tha airport. Again, thay didn't hurt nuthin but had ta git er pulled back on tha grass strip. Bill cum out an tole tha boys thay needed more practicein but thay was doin good.
Bill said ta cum back tha next day an ta jes leave tha plane thar an he would check it out hisself ta make shor it was OK. Tomorry mornin he said an fore tha dew burns off an we'll do sum flyin. After lessons with Bill an practicin out at tha farm, Howard an Buster got rite good at flyin tha Champ. Thay both flew with Walter an Jessie an all tha boys got ta know tha lil Champ inside an out. One Saturday Walter an Jessie made up ta try wing walkin. Jessie dun read up on wing walkin an visted with them air show fellers over ta tha airport at Stuttgart an got rite familiar with what ta do an how ta rig up fer a wing walker. Walter jes wadn't a feared of no heights but he shor nuf was of close places. Heck, ifn he got in a tite place he was a gonna cum out an ain't nuthin nor nobody better be in hisn way neither. Tha boy didn't care one whit ifn he'd blister or bleed but he was a cummin out that's fer shor. Anyhow, Walter an Jessie dun rigged up tha wing walkin gear an had Buster an Howard ta take em up jes over tha treetops ta git tha hang of doin it. Course Buster an Howard took it real easy an kept tha Champ steady an level. Tha Champ wadn't no fast plane an it was easy ta control an tha boys practiced all day. Everbody was in town on a Saturday but Sunday was gonna be a town picnic in tha park an tha boys decided to put on a lil show tharselfs. Walter an Jessie dun got em sum goggles an leather helmets an leather gloves an aviator boots ta match thar leather jackets. Jessie an Walter wadn't very big back then an didn't weigh much. Tha Champ would carry all three of em an Howard was lighter than Buster by bout 60 pounds. Tha town was only six miles from tha farm an closer than that as tha crow flies, so thay would have plenty of fuel with only a half tank an that would cut down on weight too. All tha boys had made up tha plan an had it all figured out by tha time tha picnic got inta full swing.
Nigh on ta one o'clock, Buster took off towards town an tha picnic in tha park with Walter an Jessie tied up in tha rigs on each wing. Everythin went off without a hitch an when Buster buzzed tha picnic everbody went ta hoopin an hollerin an a pointin at tha boys. Bout tha time thay got rite over tha doins Jessie unfurled a banner that read "Lil Dubs Wonder Crème" an Walter let one fly that said "Mother Nature's Gift of Youth". Tha boys still made rite smart of royalty money on them products an figured thay would give a lil free advertisin whilst thay was a flyin. Buster flew tha boys on back ta tha farm an Howard took over an flew em back fer another round. After Howard brought Walter an Jessie back, he said he was a gonna go up fer a bit by hisself. Tha boys said OK an Buster was a listenin ta Walter an Jessie tellin how much fun thay was a havin wing walkin. Thay said thay could see folks thay knowed an was a wavin an even sum of tha gals thay was a tryin court was yellin up at em ta cum down fer cake an ice cream. Bout 30 or 40 minutes later, Howard cum back an thay put up tha plane an headed on inta town ta tha picnic. When thay got thar everbody started ta clappin an slappin em on tha back an sayin how wonderful tha show was an how in tha world did thay know how ta fly an wing walk. But tha dangest thang thay said was how much thay liked tha tricks Howard dun in tha Champ. Why that rascal dun larnt how ta do sum of them tricks that Bill dun. Fact is, Bill dun taught him several of em an jes what tha Champ could do. Howard said tha next time thay went ta flyin he would show them tha tricks an Buster said he would watch Howard from tha ground.
Thay all was laughin bout that fer shor. Buster didn't want ta git green round tha gills agin an he knowed Howrd would do it ta him fer meanness. Ya see, he was as bad as Walter when it cum ta trickin an funnin.
Tha boys all met up at Leake's Drugstore Wednesday evenin after church fer a malt an moon pie an Mr. Leake an sum of tha other bizness men in town asked tha boys ta sit an talk a spell with em. Thay said thay wanted ta hire em fer advertisin thar stores over ta tha county fair cummin up an sum special events on tha 4th of July. Heck fire, now thay was a gonna make sum good money fer sumthin thay all loved doin. Bout that time sum of tha gals at school cum over an invited em ta a party on Saturday nite an tha prom queen took up with Jessie an tole him she wanted him ta be her date an escort her ta her comin out dance in Little Rock. Jessie's pheromones was a poppin out all over them gals cause fore he got outa tha drugstore three more was askin him fer study dates, supper an a hayride an weenie roast by tha lake. Walter had lil Lynette and Howard had tha Snow gal but Buster had a passel of em too after him an thay was a wantin a ride in tha Champ. Jessie said ta them gals that he wadn't a gonna go lessen Buster cum too an since all them gals knowed each other thay said that was jes fine. Thay went off a gigglin when ALL tha boys' folks cum inta tha drugstore an said thay wanta talk ta all of em. Lord a mercy, tha boys was a wonderin how much trouble thay was in now. Well, seems like Bill Kelly dun talked ta all tha folks an tole em how good thay was a flyin an he would sign fer em ta git thar licenses. What tha folks said was that on Friday thay was a goin with em ta git thar license in Little Rock an thay couldn't fly no more till thay did. Thar pas jes grinned at tha boys an said thay shor put on a show but Howard's ma was a bit trifled over hisn tricks. He was a gonna take sum real lessons fore he dun that agin. Howard looked over at tha boys an jes rolled hisn eyes an his folks didn't see that or he would been behind tha woodshed. Jessie's grandpa Esker an grandma Mammy was inta town fer tha picnic, which he didn't know, an was rite excited ta see Jessie out on that wing walkin. Jessie had ta tell em all how it was dun an how he larned all bout it. Walter's folks was rite interested in that too an wadn't nun too keen on Walter standin out on that wing but hisn brothers and sisters was, I tell ya. Walter had one up on ole Kelvin that’s fer shor. Well, thangs settled down after a while and tha boys was a havin a high ole time with that airplane. Thay made mite near a year's wages on that July 4th an was in high demand in thar neack of the woods. Buster an Howard got thar licenses an Walter an Jessie performed in tha air show with em tha followin year. Ya know, the funny thang was that Jessie was always a skeered of heights an why in tha world he wanted ta be a wing walker was a mystery ta tha boys an Jessie's folks. Buster asked Jessie how cum he dun it an Jessie tole Buster it was cause he had ta git over it sum how an he jes liked tha notion of tha wind in hisn face. It jes seemed like it would be fun. I'm a tellin ya rite now that that mite be true but he was still skittish bout them heights. He was a white knuckler ifn ya know what I mean. Walter, on tha other hand, was jes a crazy as a loon a grinnin an laughin an havin hisself a big ole time when he was a flyin. That boy always was a mess. Still is ta this day.
Tha boys was inta sumthin all tha time an always doin thangs. Buster dearly loved ta go over ta Jessie's fer dinner, fer supper, heck anytime cause Mrs. McBrayer always had sumthin good ta eat an Jessie didn't eat much. Buster always got Jessie's corn on tha cob an all tha sappy stuff too. Whilst Buster was over thar with Howard an Walter one Saturday tha wall telephone begin ta ringin an Jessie's pa answered it an an spoke ta Mrs. Swaim bout Jessie goin down ta Montgomery, Alabama fer a parade an a dance with her gal Denise an ifn that Jessie could escort her. Sum kinda hoedown thay was havin with thar family all involved in it an thar gal Denise dearly wanted Jessie ta go with her. She also wanted to know ifn tha boys could fly thar airplane an do that wing walkin over tha parade an over tha town too. She didn't ritely know ifn it was OK fer em ta go that far or not. Mr. McBrayer said he would ask Jessie and tha boys an thar folks but ifn tha boys wanted ta do it thar wouldn't be no problem with them; thay dun it so many times now that it was like second nature ta em. She also said tha town was gonna pay fer tha show an thay had em a banner made fer em ta pull behind too. Now Jessie shor nuf fancied Denise an ifn it hadn't a ben fer wing walkin he mite a never sported that gal. Thay had ben ta tha picture show an dated with tha boys an thar gals too. Denise was a purty thang an ever boy in tha school wanted ta go out with her. She was rite popular ya mite say. Jessie was kinda shy bout thangs like that but once ya got him a goin he was hell bent fer leather. Tha boys said thay wanted ta do tha show an thar folks all agreed ta let tha boys go. All of em was a gonna go ta tha dance too an lil Lynette and tha Snow gal was gonna cum down in Buster's Ford. Denise said she had her girlfren to go with Buster an he reckoned that would be allrite cause he seed her with Denise an she was tall nuf ta dance with an purty as a speckled pup. Her name was Ginger Adams an her people hailed from down by Cotton Plant but moved up ta England last year. Her pa was tha manager of tha gin fer tha Hendersons. Well, Jessie jes didn't know what all he was lettin hisself in fer that’s fer shor. When tha boys got thar Denise dun tole Jessie he was ta ride on a float down tha main street. All tha escorts was ta be on tha float an tha gals was on another un fer sum version of a sum dang French holiday thay celebrated down thar. Ain't nun of tha boys ever heared of sich but decided since thay was thar thay would go long with it. Talk bout funny! Thay dun had Jessie put on a dadburn clown outfit that had britches way too big fer Jessie. He had on these tights that them ballet dancers wore underneath so it weren't too bad but it was that hat that made a feller split hisn sides. Dangest thang ya ever saw! Sumthin rite outa tha movies. Well Jessie didn't git ta do much wing walkin cause of him a ridin on that float but he did make a pass or two fore he had to put on that git up. When Jessie got up on tha float, thar was sum fellers thar a celebratin an had sum punch fer em ta drink. Whilst thay was a ridin an wavin ta tha folks Jessie an them other fellers was a throwin beads an moon pies out ta tha crowd. Bein as it was hot an all, that punch was tastin purty good an fore long Jessie was plum snockered. That punch had a kick ta it ya know, it was shor nuf spiked with sum awful fine white lightnin an Jessie was as looped as one of Howard's tricks in tha Champ. Them britches he was a wearin that was too big fer him dun fell offa him an he didn't even know it. Danged ifn he didn't ride tha whole way down Main Street of Montgomery, Alabama with hisn britches down ta his knees.
Tha boys met Jessie when he got ta tha end of tha parade route an seed the pitcher of punch dun went dry. Jessie looked down an declared ta tha boys he was "exposed"! Well, he shor nuf was an thay reckoned Jessie give em a show fer shor a ridin up thar on that float. Thay had ta take Jessie an git him a nap fore he could make it ta tha dance that evenin cause he jes wadn't in no shape fer dancin nor escortin. Cum ta find out tha fellers on tha float with Jessie dun sneaked tha likker in tha punch ta loosen thangs up a bit durin all thar celebratin. When Jessie cum round later that evenin he tole tha boys he knowed it had a lil kick ta it but that punch was rite tasty an hot as it was it was rite refreshin. Well, seein how Jessie got hisn nap an tha festivities was in full swang, all em of headed out fer a high ole time with tha gals. Jessie was fresh scrubbed and had on hisn Sunday go ta meetin suit an Denise was gussied up too. Thay made quite tha pair an Jessie was a dancin up a storm. Ya know his ma had him ta take dancin lessons but nobody knowed that but tha boys an thay was swore ta tha secret.
Tha trip down ta Montgomery was jes as much fun gittin thar as it was bein in tha parade an at tha dance. Buster an Howard flew tha Champ an Jessie and Walter drove Buster's Ford with tha gals. Thay was flyin bout 382 air miles as tha crow flies but by land it was bout 464 miles. Thay stopped fer fuel in Memphis, Tupelo an again in Birmingham fore thay got ta Montgomery. On tha way back thay stopped fer barbeque an ribs at Neely's an rested up a bit before startin tha last laig home. In Tupelo all of em went to see whar Elvis was borned at an went by Billy Cain Bailey's old stomping grounds whar he was raised as a youngun. Hisn brother Carl still lived thar but was layed off from work at tha Lazy Boy plant an had to go to work at tha WalMart as a greeter to try ta make ends meet. Then thay was back on tha road an in tha air. Buster an Howard swapped out flyin an each of em took a lil nap on tha way. Rite peaceful it was an as close ta heaven as a feller could git without a dyin. Whilst thay was a flying, Buster up an asks Howard ifn he thought thay ort ta name tha Champ. Howard said he reckoned it wouldn't hurt nun an he would git ta havin it painted on the plane as soon as thay landed. Howard asked Buster ifn he had thought up sumthin fer a name and Buster said he wanted ta call her "Belle", tha "Belle of the South". Howard thought that was awful purty an voted fer it. When Walter an Jessie stopped fer a rest and ta gas up, Howard landed an Buster run on up ta em an asked em ifn thay thought "Belle" was a proper name fer tha Champ. All of em agreed an Buster said thay was gonna go on ahead an have it painted on tha sides of tha plane before tha show tha next day. Well, all that went off without a hitch an tha "Belle of the South" was painted red, white an blue jes like tha flag. It was dun up rite by a feller thar in Montgomery that Denise's pa knowed an shor nuf was spectacular lookin. Belle always kicked up a stir when she was in town fer a show with tha flyin tricks of Howard an tha wing walkin of Walter an Jessie. Why Jessie even took ta flyin upside down, inverted standin on his haid! Thay was a hit ever time thay flew on Belle an thar act was booked ever year till thay was growed an married up with younguns of thar own. Belle never was sold an still sits in Buster's Grandpa Gus's barn covered with a tarp so's tha pigeons wouldn't make a mess on er. Buster had a mechanic from Little Rock cum by ever month ta maintenance Belle an ta this day she is ready to fly now as she was then.
It was quite tha trip but home was lookin good too. Tha boys all hashed over tha events an did a lil speculatin on what was to cum next. Thay had a check in tha mail from them computers Jessie put money in fer em, IBM it was, an thay decided ta go on over ta Amarillo on Saturday. Well, only Walter could make it an he went with hisn brother Kelvin an sum of tha Brittain boys. Ya know, thar was bout 20 of em, all cousins an brothers. Greg an Stanley was always in sum kinda mischief with Walter an this time wadn't no exception. Thar was a feller from down round Muleshoe in town at tha bar whar Walter and Kelvin an tha boys was havin a cool one. Feller was rite nice an was a football player knowed to be good an a goin ta Tech thar in Lubbock. Well, Walter an that feller got ta a jawin an he says ta Walter that he jes couldn't be took down. He was likable Walter said an wadn't nuthin meant by what he was a sayin took ta be harsh an disrespectful but tha boys jes couldn't let that go by without havin him ta be taught a lesson. 'Tween Walter, Kelvin and tha Brittain boys, thay dun took off that fellers pants an throwed em up onta tha flat roof of that bar. Thay jes left on out a laughin with no harm dun ceptin that feller didn't have no pants on. Tha next day Walter an Kelvin was sittin at tha table eatin with thar pa when he said what was this world cummin to. Thar was a feller in Amarillo arrested climbin on tha top of tha roof of a bar with no pants on. Walter an Kelvin never even batted an eye nor let on that thay knowed anythin bout that feller with no pants on. Thay shor nuf had a hoot over that one though I tell ya. Mischief, jes purdee mischief.
Whilst Walter went ta Amarillo fer tha weekend, Howard went ta visit kin with hisn folks in Ft. Smith. It was a purty good drive fer them days but tha days was rite enjoyable an his ma packed a mitey fine picnic lunch fer em fer tha trip. The lemonade was on ice an sweetened jes rite with fresh peach pie fer dessert. When thay got ta Howard's cousin's place, he tole Howard thar was a motosicle show out at tha fairgrounds an asked him ifn he would like to go see it. Howard tole him heck yeah an off thay went. Thar was this feller name of Evil Knevil that was gonna jump over a crate of rattlers an other pizen snakes with hisn motorsicle. That, Howard had ta see! Well, it cum time fer tha show an this feller Evil Knevil took on off up ta tha ramp ta jump over that crate of snakes when hisn motor sputtered an he lost power. Evil Knevil landed in amongst them snakes with em a slitherin ever which a place an he was shor lucky he wadn't bit nun. Howard didn't waste no time. He grabbed up a toe sack an begin ta catchin them snakes with hisn hands an puttin em in tha toe sack. He musta gathered up two dozen of em an all different kinds too. Evil Knevil was bunged up a bit but nuthin serious. Howard had tied a knot in tha toe sack an give em all back to tha feller sponsorin the event. Then, Howard goes up ta Evil Knevil an asks him ifn he minded ifn he took a look at his motorsicle. Evil Knevil said ta go fer it an watched him set tha motorsicle uprite an cranked er up. Howard did a bit of adjustin on tha carburetor and got her a purrin like a kitten. Howard straddled that motorsicle an turned er round an took off. He hit that ramp an sailed ta tha other side an landed as purty as ya please and rode on back ta Evil Knevil an tole him it was a workin jes fine now. Well ole Evil Knevil was fit ta be tied an hisn jaw dropped plum ta tha gorund when he seed all that, I tell ya. He tole Howard he shor nuf had a future in tha daredevil bizness with him doin tricks like that an mechanicin ta boot.
Howard said no thanks, it weren't fer him but he did ride a bit. Evil Knevil tole him he could ride with him anytime an ifn he wanted a job thar was always one a waitin fer him. That was a good day fer Howard ta be preciated like that. Howard's cousin was jes plum google eyed over it all an when thay got ta tha house he jes couldn't wait ta spill tha beans with tha story. Howard's folks didn't put nuthin past thar boy Howard when it cum ta critters or drivin, floatin or flyin. He was good at all of em.
Tha boys met up after tha basketball game tha next Friday nite an had a laugh or two bout thar trips. Buster an Jessie had ta stay on back ta tend ta chores an look after thar places as thar folks had ta go ta Mississippi. Jessie's pa had people thar that was awful sick an needed help with nursin an tendin ta thar crops fer em. Buster's grandpa Gus an grandma went long too ta help. Rice was grandpa Gus's bizness an he shor knowed what ta do ta make everthin rite. Buster an Jessie tole Walter an Howard thay shor was sorry thay couldn't make it but thay would do sumthin real soon tagather.
Tha picture show was gonna be good on Saturday. HUD was playin with Paul Newman an tha Zorro serial was endin an tha boys all knowed thay wadn't gonna miss that. Tha cartoon was Foghorn J. Leghorn an tha boys liked him a lot; couldn't miss that neither ya know. A hayride was planned fer tha evenin bout sundown out at tha Simms place an a barn dance was gonna be startin bout 9 o'clock that nite too, so be ready fer sum fun boys said Buster. Jessie's pheromones was a perculatin an tha gals was gonna be round him like flies ta honey. It was gonna be a hot time in tha old town that nite that's fer shor!!!
Now Howard was also bound an determined to fly that plane too an Jessie an Walter had tha bright idee ta be wing walkers. Thay dun seed that at tha air show at tha old airbase over at Stuttgart. That was whar Buster's mama worked durin tha war (WWII). Howard an Buster got er all un hitched an checked er out real good an fueled er up. Buster dun asked Howard ifn he knowed whar ta start an he said ta take a look an see ifn thar was a instruction book with tha plane. Well, shor nuf thar was but thay couldn't make heads nor tails of it. Greek ta em, so thay jes decided ta take out fer a lil test run. Tha road by tha bayou on tha southwest side was purty durn smooth that time of year an was sandy loam an well packed. Buster hollered ta em all ta stand back an cranked er up with Howard sittin rite thar beside him. Both of em tried out all tha levers and pedals fore thay give er tha gas an was thinkin thay was gittin tha hang of it. Thay had all seed Reggie fly er an remembered some of what he was a doin. Buster eased up tha throttle an tha plane begin ta movin. She got up on two wheels with tha tail wheel barely off tha ground when Buster cum ta a lil bend in tha road. Buster went ta stompin tha brakes an Howard pulled back tha throttle. Thay jes eased over tha side but didn't tear up nuthin but had ta pull tha plane back up ta level ground. Walter an Jessie was jes a howlin laughin when thay seed Buster an Howard walkin back ta tha Case. Grandpa Gus jes shook hisn haid tole em not ta kill tharselfs an thay shor nuf needed ta practice rite smart fore thay went ta flyin.
Well, thay all chipped in an got tha Champ back on level ground an checked er out. She weren't hurt nun an tha boys figured thay would ease on over ta Bill Kelly's at tha Keo airport. He was a local cropduster an ort ta be able ta tell em how ta fly tha Champ. Now Randy Price took ta flyin fer a livin an thay went ta school with him so thay figured ifn he could do it so could thay. Last time thay cut hogs on tha Price place Randy swore he wadn't be no farmer an shor nuf he quit farmin with hisn pa. Bill was a sittin drinkin a coke with peanuts in it an eatin sum cheese an peanut butter crackers an readin tha sports page when thay all cum in. Bill asked tha boys what was up an ifn thay wanted sumthin ta drink. Thay all said shor an tole him bout buyin Reggie's Champ. Bill said it was tha easiest plane thar was ta fly; purt near flew itself. Bill took em out ta one of tha Pawnees he flew an give em tha gist of what thay had ta do. He said ifn thay would help him move sum seed inta tha hanger he would take em up an show em a thang or two bout flyin. Walter an Jessie tole Buster an Howard to go on up first. Now, Walter being tha trickster that he was knowed what Bill was a gonna do. First thang rite off when he got out sight of tha boys was ta show Buster what all was ta be dun flyin an all tha controls an what thay was. After Buster said he bout got tha hang of it, Bill let him fly tha plane fer a spell. After Bill got tha controls back, he went inta sum shor nuf tricks. He rolled an spiraled an flew on his back an dun all manner of tricks. He had Buster green as a gourd an bout ta be a two fer a penny commode huggin yellow dog Democrat callin Ralph. Bill was jes a grinnin an let Buster settle down fore thay went on back. Buster shor was proud ta have hisn two feet on tha ground I tell ya. Bill then asked Howard ifn he wanted ta go up. Howard said he shor nuf did. Boy, thay was gone fer quite a spell when tha boys seen em a cummin in fer tha landin. Howard jumped outa that plane like a Mexican jumpin bean jes grinnin an a jabberin how he was gonna be a jet pilot. Bill said hard as he tried, Howard stuck like glue an hollered fer him ta do more tricks. Bill said he dun all he knowed an still couldn't git Howard ditherated nun. Dangest thang he ever seed. He reckoned Howard mite make one heck of a pilot. Buster said he would fly tha dang thang but he wadn't in fer nun of them tricks an Howard said it was so much fun he could do it all day long. Walter an Jessie tole him he dun found hisn callin. After that Howard was a flyin gyro copters an them parachutes with motors and hang glidin an anythin else he could git in tha air. Buster jes stuck ta plain ole flyin but I'm a gittin ahead of myself in tha story. Tha boys went on back ta tha house an Bill said ta cum back when he wadn't busy an he would teach sum more bout flyin. Buster an Howard tole him thay preciated tha lessons an would cum back when he had tha time an in tha meantime would keep a practicein out at tha farm. Well it wadn't long fore Buster an Howard got tha Champ ta lift offa tha ground an flew er fer a bit an then set er down. Thay dun that a whole bunch of times till thay could take off an land purty good. Both of em was bout as good as tha other till one day thay decided ta fly over ta Bill's airport. Walter an Jessie said thay would drive on over in Buster's Ford an meet em thar. Buster dun tha honors an him an Howard took off an got over ta tha airport an landed. First time thay tried tha landin thay overshot tha runway an ended up in tha cotton field next ta tha airport. Again, thay didn't hurt nuthin but had ta git er pulled back on tha grass strip. Bill cum out an tole tha boys thay needed more practicein but thay was doin good.
Bill said ta cum back tha next day an ta jes leave tha plane thar an he would check it out hisself ta make shor it was OK. Tomorry mornin he said an fore tha dew burns off an we'll do sum flyin. After lessons with Bill an practicin out at tha farm, Howard an Buster got rite good at flyin tha Champ. Thay both flew with Walter an Jessie an all tha boys got ta know tha lil Champ inside an out. One Saturday Walter an Jessie made up ta try wing walkin. Jessie dun read up on wing walkin an visted with them air show fellers over ta tha airport at Stuttgart an got rite familiar with what ta do an how ta rig up fer a wing walker. Walter jes wadn't a feared of no heights but he shor nuf was of close places. Heck, ifn he got in a tite place he was a gonna cum out an ain't nuthin nor nobody better be in hisn way neither. Tha boy didn't care one whit ifn he'd blister or bleed but he was a cummin out that's fer shor. Anyhow, Walter an Jessie dun rigged up tha wing walkin gear an had Buster an Howard ta take em up jes over tha treetops ta git tha hang of doin it. Course Buster an Howard took it real easy an kept tha Champ steady an level. Tha Champ wadn't no fast plane an it was easy ta control an tha boys practiced all day. Everbody was in town on a Saturday but Sunday was gonna be a town picnic in tha park an tha boys decided to put on a lil show tharselfs. Walter an Jessie dun got em sum goggles an leather helmets an leather gloves an aviator boots ta match thar leather jackets. Jessie an Walter wadn't very big back then an didn't weigh much. Tha Champ would carry all three of em an Howard was lighter than Buster by bout 60 pounds. Tha town was only six miles from tha farm an closer than that as tha crow flies, so thay would have plenty of fuel with only a half tank an that would cut down on weight too. All tha boys had made up tha plan an had it all figured out by tha time tha picnic got inta full swing.
Nigh on ta one o'clock, Buster took off towards town an tha picnic in tha park with Walter an Jessie tied up in tha rigs on each wing. Everythin went off without a hitch an when Buster buzzed tha picnic everbody went ta hoopin an hollerin an a pointin at tha boys. Bout tha time thay got rite over tha doins Jessie unfurled a banner that read "Lil Dubs Wonder Crème" an Walter let one fly that said "Mother Nature's Gift of Youth". Tha boys still made rite smart of royalty money on them products an figured thay would give a lil free advertisin whilst thay was a flyin. Buster flew tha boys on back ta tha farm an Howard took over an flew em back fer another round. After Howard brought Walter an Jessie back, he said he was a gonna go up fer a bit by hisself. Tha boys said OK an Buster was a listenin ta Walter an Jessie tellin how much fun thay was a havin wing walkin. Thay said thay could see folks thay knowed an was a wavin an even sum of tha gals thay was a tryin court was yellin up at em ta cum down fer cake an ice cream. Bout 30 or 40 minutes later, Howard cum back an thay put up tha plane an headed on inta town ta tha picnic. When thay got thar everbody started ta clappin an slappin em on tha back an sayin how wonderful tha show was an how in tha world did thay know how ta fly an wing walk. But tha dangest thang thay said was how much thay liked tha tricks Howard dun in tha Champ. Why that rascal dun larnt how ta do sum of them tricks that Bill dun. Fact is, Bill dun taught him several of em an jes what tha Champ could do. Howard said tha next time thay went ta flyin he would show them tha tricks an Buster said he would watch Howard from tha ground.
Thay all was laughin bout that fer shor. Buster didn't want ta git green round tha gills agin an he knowed Howrd would do it ta him fer meanness. Ya see, he was as bad as Walter when it cum ta trickin an funnin.
Tha boys all met up at Leake's Drugstore Wednesday evenin after church fer a malt an moon pie an Mr. Leake an sum of tha other bizness men in town asked tha boys ta sit an talk a spell with em. Thay said thay wanted ta hire em fer advertisin thar stores over ta tha county fair cummin up an sum special events on tha 4th of July. Heck fire, now thay was a gonna make sum good money fer sumthin thay all loved doin. Bout that time sum of tha gals at school cum over an invited em ta a party on Saturday nite an tha prom queen took up with Jessie an tole him she wanted him ta be her date an escort her ta her comin out dance in Little Rock. Jessie's pheromones was a poppin out all over them gals cause fore he got outa tha drugstore three more was askin him fer study dates, supper an a hayride an weenie roast by tha lake. Walter had lil Lynette and Howard had tha Snow gal but Buster had a passel of em too after him an thay was a wantin a ride in tha Champ. Jessie said ta them gals that he wadn't a gonna go lessen Buster cum too an since all them gals knowed each other thay said that was jes fine. Thay went off a gigglin when ALL tha boys' folks cum inta tha drugstore an said thay wanta talk ta all of em. Lord a mercy, tha boys was a wonderin how much trouble thay was in now. Well, seems like Bill Kelly dun talked ta all tha folks an tole em how good thay was a flyin an he would sign fer em ta git thar licenses. What tha folks said was that on Friday thay was a goin with em ta git thar license in Little Rock an thay couldn't fly no more till thay did. Thar pas jes grinned at tha boys an said thay shor put on a show but Howard's ma was a bit trifled over hisn tricks. He was a gonna take sum real lessons fore he dun that agin. Howard looked over at tha boys an jes rolled hisn eyes an his folks didn't see that or he would been behind tha woodshed. Jessie's grandpa Esker an grandma Mammy was inta town fer tha picnic, which he didn't know, an was rite excited ta see Jessie out on that wing walkin. Jessie had ta tell em all how it was dun an how he larned all bout it. Walter's folks was rite interested in that too an wadn't nun too keen on Walter standin out on that wing but hisn brothers and sisters was, I tell ya. Walter had one up on ole Kelvin that’s fer shor. Well, thangs settled down after a while and tha boys was a havin a high ole time with that airplane. Thay made mite near a year's wages on that July 4th an was in high demand in thar neack of the woods. Buster an Howard got thar licenses an Walter an Jessie performed in tha air show with em tha followin year. Ya know, the funny thang was that Jessie was always a skeered of heights an why in tha world he wanted ta be a wing walker was a mystery ta tha boys an Jessie's folks. Buster asked Jessie how cum he dun it an Jessie tole Buster it was cause he had ta git over it sum how an he jes liked tha notion of tha wind in hisn face. It jes seemed like it would be fun. I'm a tellin ya rite now that that mite be true but he was still skittish bout them heights. He was a white knuckler ifn ya know what I mean. Walter, on tha other hand, was jes a crazy as a loon a grinnin an laughin an havin hisself a big ole time when he was a flyin. That boy always was a mess. Still is ta this day.
Tha boys was inta sumthin all tha time an always doin thangs. Buster dearly loved ta go over ta Jessie's fer dinner, fer supper, heck anytime cause Mrs. McBrayer always had sumthin good ta eat an Jessie didn't eat much. Buster always got Jessie's corn on tha cob an all tha sappy stuff too. Whilst Buster was over thar with Howard an Walter one Saturday tha wall telephone begin ta ringin an Jessie's pa answered it an an spoke ta Mrs. Swaim bout Jessie goin down ta Montgomery, Alabama fer a parade an a dance with her gal Denise an ifn that Jessie could escort her. Sum kinda hoedown thay was havin with thar family all involved in it an thar gal Denise dearly wanted Jessie ta go with her. She also wanted to know ifn tha boys could fly thar airplane an do that wing walkin over tha parade an over tha town too. She didn't ritely know ifn it was OK fer em ta go that far or not. Mr. McBrayer said he would ask Jessie and tha boys an thar folks but ifn tha boys wanted ta do it thar wouldn't be no problem with them; thay dun it so many times now that it was like second nature ta em. She also said tha town was gonna pay fer tha show an thay had em a banner made fer em ta pull behind too. Now Jessie shor nuf fancied Denise an ifn it hadn't a ben fer wing walkin he mite a never sported that gal. Thay had ben ta tha picture show an dated with tha boys an thar gals too. Denise was a purty thang an ever boy in tha school wanted ta go out with her. She was rite popular ya mite say. Jessie was kinda shy bout thangs like that but once ya got him a goin he was hell bent fer leather. Tha boys said thay wanted ta do tha show an thar folks all agreed ta let tha boys go. All of em was a gonna go ta tha dance too an lil Lynette and tha Snow gal was gonna cum down in Buster's Ford. Denise said she had her girlfren to go with Buster an he reckoned that would be allrite cause he seed her with Denise an she was tall nuf ta dance with an purty as a speckled pup. Her name was Ginger Adams an her people hailed from down by Cotton Plant but moved up ta England last year. Her pa was tha manager of tha gin fer tha Hendersons. Well, Jessie jes didn't know what all he was lettin hisself in fer that’s fer shor. When tha boys got thar Denise dun tole Jessie he was ta ride on a float down tha main street. All tha escorts was ta be on tha float an tha gals was on another un fer sum version of a sum dang French holiday thay celebrated down thar. Ain't nun of tha boys ever heared of sich but decided since thay was thar thay would go long with it. Talk bout funny! Thay dun had Jessie put on a dadburn clown outfit that had britches way too big fer Jessie. He had on these tights that them ballet dancers wore underneath so it weren't too bad but it was that hat that made a feller split hisn sides. Dangest thang ya ever saw! Sumthin rite outa tha movies. Well Jessie didn't git ta do much wing walkin cause of him a ridin on that float but he did make a pass or two fore he had to put on that git up. When Jessie got up on tha float, thar was sum fellers thar a celebratin an had sum punch fer em ta drink. Whilst thay was a ridin an wavin ta tha folks Jessie an them other fellers was a throwin beads an moon pies out ta tha crowd. Bein as it was hot an all, that punch was tastin purty good an fore long Jessie was plum snockered. That punch had a kick ta it ya know, it was shor nuf spiked with sum awful fine white lightnin an Jessie was as looped as one of Howard's tricks in tha Champ. Them britches he was a wearin that was too big fer him dun fell offa him an he didn't even know it. Danged ifn he didn't ride tha whole way down Main Street of Montgomery, Alabama with hisn britches down ta his knees.
Tha boys met Jessie when he got ta tha end of tha parade route an seed the pitcher of punch dun went dry. Jessie looked down an declared ta tha boys he was "exposed"! Well, he shor nuf was an thay reckoned Jessie give em a show fer shor a ridin up thar on that float. Thay had ta take Jessie an git him a nap fore he could make it ta tha dance that evenin cause he jes wadn't in no shape fer dancin nor escortin. Cum ta find out tha fellers on tha float with Jessie dun sneaked tha likker in tha punch ta loosen thangs up a bit durin all thar celebratin. When Jessie cum round later that evenin he tole tha boys he knowed it had a lil kick ta it but that punch was rite tasty an hot as it was it was rite refreshin. Well, seein how Jessie got hisn nap an tha festivities was in full swang, all em of headed out fer a high ole time with tha gals. Jessie was fresh scrubbed and had on hisn Sunday go ta meetin suit an Denise was gussied up too. Thay made quite tha pair an Jessie was a dancin up a storm. Ya know his ma had him ta take dancin lessons but nobody knowed that but tha boys an thay was swore ta tha secret.
Tha trip down ta Montgomery was jes as much fun gittin thar as it was bein in tha parade an at tha dance. Buster an Howard flew tha Champ an Jessie and Walter drove Buster's Ford with tha gals. Thay was flyin bout 382 air miles as tha crow flies but by land it was bout 464 miles. Thay stopped fer fuel in Memphis, Tupelo an again in Birmingham fore thay got ta Montgomery. On tha way back thay stopped fer barbeque an ribs at Neely's an rested up a bit before startin tha last laig home. In Tupelo all of em went to see whar Elvis was borned at an went by Billy Cain Bailey's old stomping grounds whar he was raised as a youngun. Hisn brother Carl still lived thar but was layed off from work at tha Lazy Boy plant an had to go to work at tha WalMart as a greeter to try ta make ends meet. Then thay was back on tha road an in tha air. Buster an Howard swapped out flyin an each of em took a lil nap on tha way. Rite peaceful it was an as close ta heaven as a feller could git without a dyin. Whilst thay was a flying, Buster up an asks Howard ifn he thought thay ort ta name tha Champ. Howard said he reckoned it wouldn't hurt nun an he would git ta havin it painted on the plane as soon as thay landed. Howard asked Buster ifn he had thought up sumthin fer a name and Buster said he wanted ta call her "Belle", tha "Belle of the South". Howard thought that was awful purty an voted fer it. When Walter an Jessie stopped fer a rest and ta gas up, Howard landed an Buster run on up ta em an asked em ifn thay thought "Belle" was a proper name fer tha Champ. All of em agreed an Buster said thay was gonna go on ahead an have it painted on tha sides of tha plane before tha show tha next day. Well, all that went off without a hitch an tha "Belle of the South" was painted red, white an blue jes like tha flag. It was dun up rite by a feller thar in Montgomery that Denise's pa knowed an shor nuf was spectacular lookin. Belle always kicked up a stir when she was in town fer a show with tha flyin tricks of Howard an tha wing walkin of Walter an Jessie. Why Jessie even took ta flyin upside down, inverted standin on his haid! Thay was a hit ever time thay flew on Belle an thar act was booked ever year till thay was growed an married up with younguns of thar own. Belle never was sold an still sits in Buster's Grandpa Gus's barn covered with a tarp so's tha pigeons wouldn't make a mess on er. Buster had a mechanic from Little Rock cum by ever month ta maintenance Belle an ta this day she is ready to fly now as she was then.
It was quite tha trip but home was lookin good too. Tha boys all hashed over tha events an did a lil speculatin on what was to cum next. Thay had a check in tha mail from them computers Jessie put money in fer em, IBM it was, an thay decided ta go on over ta Amarillo on Saturday. Well, only Walter could make it an he went with hisn brother Kelvin an sum of tha Brittain boys. Ya know, thar was bout 20 of em, all cousins an brothers. Greg an Stanley was always in sum kinda mischief with Walter an this time wadn't no exception. Thar was a feller from down round Muleshoe in town at tha bar whar Walter and Kelvin an tha boys was havin a cool one. Feller was rite nice an was a football player knowed to be good an a goin ta Tech thar in Lubbock. Well, Walter an that feller got ta a jawin an he says ta Walter that he jes couldn't be took down. He was likable Walter said an wadn't nuthin meant by what he was a sayin took ta be harsh an disrespectful but tha boys jes couldn't let that go by without havin him ta be taught a lesson. 'Tween Walter, Kelvin and tha Brittain boys, thay dun took off that fellers pants an throwed em up onta tha flat roof of that bar. Thay jes left on out a laughin with no harm dun ceptin that feller didn't have no pants on. Tha next day Walter an Kelvin was sittin at tha table eatin with thar pa when he said what was this world cummin to. Thar was a feller in Amarillo arrested climbin on tha top of tha roof of a bar with no pants on. Walter an Kelvin never even batted an eye nor let on that thay knowed anythin bout that feller with no pants on. Thay shor nuf had a hoot over that one though I tell ya. Mischief, jes purdee mischief.
Whilst Walter went ta Amarillo fer tha weekend, Howard went ta visit kin with hisn folks in Ft. Smith. It was a purty good drive fer them days but tha days was rite enjoyable an his ma packed a mitey fine picnic lunch fer em fer tha trip. The lemonade was on ice an sweetened jes rite with fresh peach pie fer dessert. When thay got ta Howard's cousin's place, he tole Howard thar was a motosicle show out at tha fairgrounds an asked him ifn he would like to go see it. Howard tole him heck yeah an off thay went. Thar was this feller name of Evil Knevil that was gonna jump over a crate of rattlers an other pizen snakes with hisn motorsicle. That, Howard had ta see! Well, it cum time fer tha show an this feller Evil Knevil took on off up ta tha ramp ta jump over that crate of snakes when hisn motor sputtered an he lost power. Evil Knevil landed in amongst them snakes with em a slitherin ever which a place an he was shor lucky he wadn't bit nun. Howard didn't waste no time. He grabbed up a toe sack an begin ta catchin them snakes with hisn hands an puttin em in tha toe sack. He musta gathered up two dozen of em an all different kinds too. Evil Knevil was bunged up a bit but nuthin serious. Howard had tied a knot in tha toe sack an give em all back to tha feller sponsorin the event. Then, Howard goes up ta Evil Knevil an asks him ifn he minded ifn he took a look at his motorsicle. Evil Knevil said ta go fer it an watched him set tha motorsicle uprite an cranked er up. Howard did a bit of adjustin on tha carburetor and got her a purrin like a kitten. Howard straddled that motorsicle an turned er round an took off. He hit that ramp an sailed ta tha other side an landed as purty as ya please and rode on back ta Evil Knevil an tole him it was a workin jes fine now. Well ole Evil Knevil was fit ta be tied an hisn jaw dropped plum ta tha gorund when he seed all that, I tell ya. He tole Howard he shor nuf had a future in tha daredevil bizness with him doin tricks like that an mechanicin ta boot.
Howard said no thanks, it weren't fer him but he did ride a bit. Evil Knevil tole him he could ride with him anytime an ifn he wanted a job thar was always one a waitin fer him. That was a good day fer Howard ta be preciated like that. Howard's cousin was jes plum google eyed over it all an when thay got ta tha house he jes couldn't wait ta spill tha beans with tha story. Howard's folks didn't put nuthin past thar boy Howard when it cum ta critters or drivin, floatin or flyin. He was good at all of em.
Tha boys met up after tha basketball game tha next Friday nite an had a laugh or two bout thar trips. Buster an Jessie had ta stay on back ta tend ta chores an look after thar places as thar folks had ta go ta Mississippi. Jessie's pa had people thar that was awful sick an needed help with nursin an tendin ta thar crops fer em. Buster's grandpa Gus an grandma went long too ta help. Rice was grandpa Gus's bizness an he shor knowed what ta do ta make everthin rite. Buster an Jessie tole Walter an Howard thay shor was sorry thay couldn't make it but thay would do sumthin real soon tagather.
Tha picture show was gonna be good on Saturday. HUD was playin with Paul Newman an tha Zorro serial was endin an tha boys all knowed thay wadn't gonna miss that. Tha cartoon was Foghorn J. Leghorn an tha boys liked him a lot; couldn't miss that neither ya know. A hayride was planned fer tha evenin bout sundown out at tha Simms place an a barn dance was gonna be startin bout 9 o'clock that nite too, so be ready fer sum fun boys said Buster. Jessie's pheromones was a perculatin an tha gals was gonna be round him like flies ta honey. It was gonna be a hot time in tha old town that nite that's fer shor!!!
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